Gratitude to the maple tree outside my window, which anchors me in the season; to the noisy seagulls that alert me to the passing of a workday; and to the brash magpie and the delicate songbird whose daily visits lift me out of myself.
Gratitude to the people in publishing who believed that I could write a book and made it better. To David Breuer for a bright idea; to Monica Perdoni for shaping it; to Stephanie Evans for finessing it; and to all the other talented individuals at Quarto.
Gratitude to everyone who instilled within me a love for the forces and the creatures that make food grow. To my Dad and departed Mom, who made harvest festivals highlights of our year. To my Auntie Lynn and departed Auntie Sig, for teaching me that the courage of my convictions was my most attractive feature.
The Mindful Kitchen will continue to grow to help people adopt a nature-relatedness practice for personal and planetary well-being. Gratitude to all those who have supported the vision, including: Torben and Mette Hedelund Thomasen, Kathy Oldridge, Sarah Snoxall, Anna Lippert, Maja Trolle, Pablo Flack, the indefatigable David Field, and the irrepressible Marian Reed.
Gratitude to the humans who make vulnerability feel safe; Jenny Jen, Jason, Neto, the Schu, Sus, and Ms. Zimmer. My German family for accepting me, warts and all. And to Tim Hohm. Such a small name, for such a person. Every day you teach me a little more about the grace of patience, humility, and quiet. It is a privilege to love you all.
The publisher wishes to thank Summerly Devito, Markus Kustermann, Sally Domingo-Jones, Stephanie Evans, and their families, for kindly allowing access to their homes during the photoshoots, and Stefan Barnes, Elise Gaignet, Lawrence Goozee, Niamh Jones, Tam, Elodie and Xavi Kustermann, George Miles, Chloe Murphy, Monica Perdoni, and Florence Trace for appearing in the photographs.
All photography by Xavier D. Buendia except for the images on the following pages from Shutterstock, Inc.:
© Shutterstock/Annaev 32; /kenary820 42; /zeeking 55; /foodonwhite 57; /Tim UR 72; /CWIS 78; /NewFabrika 79; George3973 87; /Jiri Hera 94; /Jiang Hongyan 106; /domnitsky 117; /Maks Narodenko 118, 150; /Valentina Proskurina 142; /Valentina Razumova 154; /lovelyday12 170; /garsya 164; and /Erickson Stock 176