Theorizing the Body in the Human Sciences
The Body in Feminist and Gender Studies
The Body as a Psychophysical Continuum
Transmigratory History of the Body
The Person, the Self, and the Body
1 The Limitless Forms of Kṛṣṇa: Fashioning Divine Bodies
The Absolute Body and Its Endless Manifestations:
The Gauḍīya Discourse of Divine Embodiment
Bhagavān’s Absolute Body and Self-Referral Play
The Gauḍīya Challenge to Advaita Vedānta and Pātañjala Yoga
Ananta-Rūpa: The Limitless Forms of the Absolute Body
The Gauḍīyas and the Śrīvaiṣṇavas: Contending Theologies
2 The Embodied Aesthetics of Bhakti: Fashioning Devotional Bodies
Erotic-Ecstatic Devotion:
The Embodied Bhakti of the Bhāgavata Purāṇa
Bodies of Devotion, Bodies of Bliss:
The Embodied Aesthetics of Bhakti in the Gauḍīya Tradition
Aesthetics Reimagined as Bhakti-Rasa
Sādhana-Bhakti: Re-figuring Bodily Identities
The Gauḍīya Challenge to Advaita Vedānta and Pātañjala Yoga Revisited
3 Bhāgavata Purāṇa as Text-Avatāra: From Purāṇa-Veda to Embodiment of Bhagavān
Śruti and Smṛti:
The Brahmanical Canon of Śāstras
From Purāṇa-Veda to Kārṣṇa-Veda:
Purāṇic Constructions of Canonical Authority
Transcendent Authority of the Veda
Bhāgavata Purāṇa as the Culmination of Śruti and Smṛti
Bhāgavata Puāṇa as the Embodiment of Bhagavān
Sovereign of All Śāstras and Embodiment of Bhagavān:
Gauḍīya Perspectives on the Bhāgavata Purāṇa
Transcendent Authority of the Veda
Transcendent Authority of the Bhāgavata Purāṇa
Fashioning Devotional Bodies through Engaging the Bhāgavata
4 Nāman as Sound-Avatāra:
From Transcendent Vibration to Reverberating Name
Cognition of the Vedic Mantras
Vedic Mantras in the Discourse of Sacrifice
Root Mantras in the Discourse of Knowledge
Embodying the Divine Presence in Sound:
Mantra and Nāman in the Bhāgavata Purāṇa
From Nāma-Avatāra to Nāma-Saṃkīrtana:
Gauḍīya Perspectives on the Name
Transformative Power of the Name
Fashioning Devotional Bodies and Social Bodies with the Name
5 Vraja-Dhāman as Place-Avatāra:
From Geographic Place to Transcendent Space
Mythic Space, Pilgrimage Place, and Meditation Maṇḍala:
Purāṇic Constructions of Vraja
Geographic Place as Transcendent Space:
Vraja-Dhāman in the Gauḍīya Tradition
The Gauḍīya Reclamation of Vraja
Vraja as Pilgrimage Place and Beyond
Ontology of the Dhaāmans: Geographic Place as Transcendent Space
Goloka-Vṛndāvana: Vraja-Dhāman as the Supreme Dhāman
Fashioning Devotional Bodies through Engaging Vraja-Dhāman
6 Meditation as Devotional Practice:
Experiencing Kṛṣṇa in His Transcendent Dhāman
Mantra Meditation and Maṇḍala Visualization:
Purāṇic Perspectives on Meditation
Beyond Yoga and Tantra:
The Gauḍīya Approach to Meditation
Realizing Vraja-Dhāman: The Gauḍīya Re-visioning of Pāñcarātra
Bhakti and Embodiment
The Absolute Body and Its Partial Manifestations
Divine Bodies and Cosmos Bodies
Challenging the Discourses of Jñāna and Yoga
Reimagining Theories of the Body