Numbers like un, deux, trois, etc., are called cardinal numbers:
0 | zéro | |
1 | un | un (masculine) is used in contexts like the following: il porte le numéro 'un', 'He is wearing the number "one"'; à la page un, 'on page one'; la partie un, 'part one'. It is also used as a masculine pronoun: As-tu un stylo? Pierre en a un 'Have you got a pen? Pierre has one'. une (feminine) is used as a feminine pronoun: Il ne m'en reste qu'une (carte postale), 'I've only got one left (postcard)'. NB: à la une 'on the front page'. |
2 | deux | |
3 | trois | |
4 | quatre | quatre is invariable and never takes a plural -s: les quatre chats 'the four cats'. |
5 | cinq | The final q of cinq is always pronounced [k], except when it precedes cent, where it is not pronounced: cinq cents. |
6 | six | six is pronounced with a fi nal [s] when it is at the end of a phrase: j'en ai vu six 'I saw six'; it is pronounced with a final [z] when it precedes a noun beginning with a vowel: six hommes 'six men'. When it precedes a noun beginning with a consonant the x is not pronounced: six joueurs 'six players'. |
7 | sept | |
8 | huit | huit is pronounced with a fi nal [t] when it is at the end of a phrase: j'en ai vu huit 'I saw eight', and when it precedes a noun beginning with a vowel: huit entreprises ont fermé 'eight firms have closed'. When it precedes a noun beginning with a consonant the t is not pronounced: huit semaines plus tard 'eight weeks later'. |
9 | neuf | The final f of neuf is always pronounced [f], except in neuf ans 'nine years' and neuf heures 'nine hours, nine o'clock' where it is pronounced [v]. |
10 | dix | The pronunciation of dix is the same as for six. |
11 | onze | Forms of le and de do not shorten before onze: le onze janvier 'the eleventh of January', (NOT *l'onze janvier), le train de onze heures 'the eleven o'clock train'. In plural expressions like les onze membres d'une équipe de football 'the eleven members of a football team', the final s of les or des is not pronounced. |
12 | douze | douze is invariable, and never takes a plural -s: douze hommes 'twelve men'. |
13 | treize | |
14 | quatorze | |
15 | quinze | |
16 | seize | |
17 | dix-sept | |
18 | dix-huit | The pronunciation of dix-huit is the same as for huit. |
19 | dix-neuf | The pronunciation of dix-neuf is the same as for neuf. |
20 | vingt | vingt is pronounced like vin, with the following exceptions: it is pronounced with a final [t] when it precedes a noun beginning with a vowel: vingt exercices 'twenty exercises', and also in the numbers 21-29 inclusive. |
21 | vingt et un | vingt et un(e), trente et un(e), quarante et un(e), etc. are used in similar ways to un(e); un(e) agrees with the gender of a following noun: vingt et un joueurs 'twenty-one players', vingt et une voitures 'twenty-one cars'. |
22 | vingt-deux | |
23 | vingt-trois | |
. . . | ||
29 | vingt-neuf | |
30 | trente | |
31 | trente et un | |
32 | trente-deux | |
. . . | ||
39 | trente-neuf | |
40 | quarante | |
41 | quarante et un | |
42 | quarante-deux | |
. . . | ||
49 | quarante-neuf | |
50 | cinquante | |
51 | cinquante et un | |
52 | cinquante-deux | |
. . . | ||
59 | cinquante-neuf | |
60 | soixante | |
61 | soixante et un | |
62 | soixante-deux | |
. . . | ||
69 | soixante-neuf | |
70 | soixante-dix | In Belgian and Swiss French the word septante is used instead of soixante-dix: septante et un, septantedeux, etc. |
71 | soixante et onze | |
72 | soixante-douze | |
73 | soixante-treize | |
. . . | ||
79 | soixante-dix-neuf | |
80 | quatre-vingts | |
81 | quatre-vingt-un | The [t] of vingt is NOT pronounced. |
82 | quatre-vingt-deux | |
. . . | ||
89 | quatre-vingt-neuf | |
90 | quatre-vingt-dix | In Belgian and Swiss French the word nonante is used instead of quatre-vingt-dix: nonante-un, nonante-deux, etc. |
91 | quatre-vingt-onze | The [t] of vingt is NOT pronounced. |
92 | quatre-vingt-douze | |
93 | quatre-vingt-treize | |
. . . | ||
99 | quatre-vingt-dix-neuf | |
100 | cent | 'one hundred, a hundred' is simply cent: 'a hundred times' cent fois |
101 | cent un | cent une réponses 'a hundred and one answers'. The [t] of cent is NOT pronounced. |
102 | cent deux | |
. . . | ||
111 | cent onze | The [t] of cent is NOT pronounced in cent un, cent huit, cent onze, but it is pronounced when followed by a non-numeral noun beginning with a vowel: cent ans 'a hundred years'. |
200 | deux cents | |
201 | deux cent un | |
202 | deux cent deux | |
. . . | ||
1 000 | mille | 'one thousand, a thousand' is simply mille: 'a thousand times' mille fois |
1 001 | mille un | You will hear the idiom (j'ai) mille et une choses à faire '(I've) a thousand and one things to do'. This is not meant as a precise figure. |
. . . | ||
1 100 | onze cents or mille cent | There are two ways of describing numbers between 1 100 and 1 999: onze cents or mille cent (1 100); dixhuit cent soixante or mille huit cent soixante (1 860); dix-neuf cent quatre-vingt-dix-neuf or mille neuf cent quatre-vingt-dix-neuf (1 999), etc. |
1 101 | onze cent un or mille cent un | |
. . . | ||
1 200 | douze cents or mille deux cents | |
1 201 | douze cent un or mille deux cent un | |
. . . | ||
1 500 | quinze cents or mille cinq cents | |
. . . | ||
2 000 | deux mille | |
2 001 | deux mille un | |
2 101 | deux mille cent un | |
1 000 000 | un million | |
1 201 101 | un million deux un cent mille cent un | |
1 000 000 000 | un milliard |
et is used for cardinal numbers ending in -1 between 21 and 71 inclusive (note the absence of hyphens):
21 | vingt et un |
31 | trente et un |
41 | quarante et un |
51 | cinquante et un |
61 | soixante et un |
71 | soixante et onze |
et is NOT used in numbers ending in -1 between 81 and 101 inclusive (note the use of hyphens in the case of 81 and 91), nor in 1 001, 1 000 001 and 1 000 000 001:
81 | quatre-vingt-un |
91 | quatre-vingt-onze |
101 | cent un |
1 001 | mille un |
1 000 001 | un million un |
1 000 000 001 | un milliard un |
Compound cardinal numbers less than 100 are linked by hyphen (other than those ending in - 1 between 21 and 71 inclusive):
17 | dix-sept |
18 | dix-huit |
19 | dix-neuf |
22 | vingt-deux |
23 | vingt-trois |
. . . | |
32 | trente-deux |
33 | trente-trois |
72 | soixante-douze |
80 | quatre-vingts |
. . . | |
81 | quatre-vingt-un |
But cardinal numbers of 100 and above are not linked to other numbers by hyphen, in compound numbers:
101 | cent un |
102 | cent deux |
. . . | |
192 | cent quatre-vingt-douze |
. . . | |
520 | cinq cent vingt |
. . . | |
522 | cinq cent vingt-deux |
. . . | |
10 340 | dix mille trois cent quarante |
. . . |
The numbers quatre-vingts and deux cents, trois cents, quatre cents, etc., take a plural -s in the written language when they are used in isolation or phrase- final position:
J'en ai vu quatre-vingts | I saw eighty |
La capacité de la salle est de huit cents | The room can hold eight hundred |
and when they precede non- numeral nouns:
trois cents visiteurs | three hundred visitors |
quatre-vingts candidats | eighty applicants |
However, when these numbers precede other numerals, there is generally no plural -s:
unless those numerals are millions or milliards:
deux cents millions d'habitants | two hundred million inhabitants |
cinq cents milliards de francs | five hundred billion francs |
mille never takes a plural -s:
mille personnes | a thousand people |
dix mille gagnants | ten thousand winners |
deux mille vingt lecteurs | two thousand and twenty readers |
When quatre-vingt or cent are used in phrases such as à la page quatre-vingt ‘on page 80’, à la page trois cent ‘on page 300’ they are generally written without a final -s .
Numbers are usually written in words, except in the following cases:
Where English uses a comma to separate hundreds from thousands, and thousands from millions, French normally uses spaces; and where English uses a full stop to separate whole numbers from decimals, French normally uses a comma:
English | French |
1,200 | 1 200 |
63,321 | 63 321 |
412,633,221 | 412 633 221 |
4.25 | 4,25 |
0.25 | 0,25 |
£4.50 4,50 | EUR/4,50€ |
In speech, the English ‘four point five’ is quatre virgule cinq.
(For money, see 6.8.)
nombre refers to a number as a concept:
Pensez à un nombre | Think of a number |
nombres entiers | whole numbers |
un nombre cardinal | a cardinal number |
chiffre refers to the figures or digits which make up a number; it can also be used to mean ‘statistics’:
numéro refers to a numbered entity:
un numéro de téléphone | a telephone number |
le numéro d'une maison | a house number |
Il porte le numéro un | He's wearing the number one |
un numéro d'immatriculation | a car number plate |
The pronoun en must be inserted before the verb when a number on its own (or followed by an adjective, e.g. deux grands) is a direct object:
This is not the case, however, when a number alone (or followed by an adjec tive) is a subject:
Deux (grands) ont disparu | Two (big ones) have disappeared |
Une douzaine me suffira | A dozen will be enough for me |
en must be similarly inserted before the verb when quantifiers like quelques-uns, plusieurs and certains stand alone as direct objects:
J'en ai encore quelques-uns | I still have a few |
J'en ai encore plusieurs | I still have several |
J'en ai encore certains | I still have some |
(For quantifiers, see 6.9.)
Although past participles normally agree with preceding direct objects (see Chapter 9.3.1), including direct objects involving numerals:
with the verbs coûter ‘cost’, peser ‘weigh’, mesurer ‘measure’, and other measure verbs, numerals are normally adverbs rather than direct objects, so there is no agreement when the numeral precedes the past participle:
(See Chapter 9.3.5.)
trois et quatre font sept | 3 + 4 = 7 |
(trois plus quatre égale sept) | |
trois moins un égale deux | 3 - 1 = 2 |
(trois ôtez un reste deux) | |
deux fois cinq font dix | 2 × 5 = 10 |
(cinq multiplié par deux égale dix) | |
dix divisé par deux égale cinq | 10 ÷ 2 = 5 |
NB: As in English, the verbs can vary between singular and plural: trois et quatre fait/font sept ‘three plus four makes/make seven’.
Numbers like premier, deuxième, troisième, etc., are called ordinal numbers:
English | French | |
1st | 1er/1ère | premier, première |
2nd | 2e | deuxième or second, seconde. (deuxième and second are interchangeable except in en seconde 'in second class'; 'in the fifth form'/Year 11' (UK)) |
3rd | 3e | troisième |
4th | 4e | quatrième |
5th | 5e | cinquième |
6th | 6e | sixième |
7th | 7e | septième |
8th | 8e | huitième |
9th | 9e | neuvième |
10th | 10e | dixième |
11th | 11e | onzième |
12th | 12e | douzième |
13th | 13e | treizième |
14th | 14e | quatorzième |
15th | 15e | quinzième |
16th | 16e | seizième |
17th | 17e | dix-septième |
18th | 18e | dix-huitième |
19th | 19e | dix-neuvième |
20th | 20e | vingtième |
21st | 21e | vingt et unième |
22nd | 22e | vingt-deuxième |
. . . | ||
40th | 40e | quarantième |
41st | 41e | quarante et unième |
. . . | ||
70th | 70e | soixante-dixième |
71st | 71e | soixante et onzième |
. . . | ||
80th | 80e | quatre-vingtième |
81st | 81e | quatre-vingt-unième |
. . . | ||
90th | 90e | quatre-vingt-dixième |
91th | 91e | quatre-vingt-onzième |
. . . | ||
100th | 100e | centième |
. . . | ||
1000th | 1000e | millième |
The majority of fractions can be constructed from the ordinal numbers, and are masculine in gender. They are usually introduced by the definite article (as opposed to the indefinite article or absence of article in English):
Another way of expressing these figures is: Un sur cinq des élèves a échoué ‘One in five pupils has failed’; Sept sur dix personnes de la population du monde sont pauvres ‘Seven out of ten people in the world are poor’.
‘Half’, ‘third’, ‘quarter’ have their own names. ‘Half’ is translated by la moitié (de) when it is a noun (i.e. is followed by de or stands alone):
However, ‘half’ is translated by demi when it is part of a hyphenated compound noun (and is invariable):
un demi-verre de cognac | a half-glass of brandy |
une demi-heure | a half an hour |
la demi-finale | the semi-final |
It is also translated by demi in compounds involving et, but here it agrees with the preceding noun in gender:
deux heures et demie | two and a half hours |
un litre et demi | one and a half litres |
deux kilos et demi | two and a half kilos |
Some compounds are constructed with invariable mi-:
la mi-trimestre | half-term |
à mi-chemin | half-way |
mi-clos | half-closed |
‘Third’ is translated by tiers:
NB: le tiers monde ‘the Third World’.
‘Quarter’ is translated by quart:
NB: | Il est deux heures et quart | or | Il est deux heures un quart |
Its quarter past two | |||
Il est deux heures moins le quart | |||
Its quarter to two | |||
cinq kilos et quart | or | cinq kilos un quart | |
five and a quarter kilos |
(See 6.7 for time.)
Verbs are usually plural when fractions are subjects and refer to plural entities:
Verbs are singular when fractions are subjects and refer to singular entities:
While English uses ordinal numbers in dates French uses cardinal numbers, with the exception of ‘first’, which is premier:
le premier janvier | the first of January |
le deux février | the second of February |
le trois mars | the third of March |
In letter headings the normal way of writing dates is:
le lundi 1er janvier 2015 | or | lundi, le 1er janvier 2015 |
le vendredi 2 février 2015 | or | vendredi, le 2 février 2015 |
NB: Months and days are written with a lower case initial letter in French, but with a capital letter in English.
As with dates, where English uses ordinal numbers, French uses cardinal numbers, with the exception of ‘first’ premier:
François I | François premier | Francis the First |
Elizabeth I | Elizabeth première | Elizabeth the First |
Henri II | Henri deux | Henry the Second |
Louis XIV | Louis quatorze | Louis the Fourteenth |
Jean XXIII | Jean vingt-trois | (Pope) John the Twenty-third |
The abbreviated forms of premier, première are:
1er, 1ére | 1st |
whereer andère are superscripts. The abbreviation for all other ordinal numbers is an e which can either be a superscript or a simple lower case letter:
2e | 2e | 2nd |
3e | 3e | 3rd |
4e | 4e | 4th etc. |
In English, cardinal numbers follow adjectives:
In French they precede adjectives:
(See also Chapter 4.1.5.)
As in English, French page numbers, bus numbers and so on are cardinal num bers which follow the noun; un is invariable in this usage. Quatre-vingt and cent are written without an -s. A definite article always accompanies the noun in French:
à la page un | on page one |
Prenez le trente-deux | Catch the number 32 |
Suivez le quatre-vingt | Follow the number 80 |
Le train part du quai vingt | The train leaves from platform twenty |
Like English, address numbers are cardinal numbers in French. But the French for ‘a’, ‘b’, ‘c’ is bis, ter, quater:
NB: In addresses, rue, avenue, boulevard, etc., usually begin with lower case letters.
The numeral nouns centaine, millier, million, milliard are always followed by de when they are followed by other nouns:
des centaines de personnes | hundreds of people |
des milliers de personnes | thousands of people |
un million de dollars | a million dollars |
des millions de personnes | millions of people |
cinq milliards de dollars | five billion dollars |
des milliards de personnes | billions of people |
des centaines de milliers de personnes | hundreds of thousands of people |
des centaines de millions de personnes | hundreds of millions of people |
These numbers are often confused by English speakers:
Whereas English has the forms ‘once’, ‘twice’, then a regular pattern from ‘three’ onwards: ‘three times’, ‘four times’ etc., French has a fully regular pat tern from ‘one’ on:
une fois | once |
deux fois | twice |
trois fois | three times |
quatre fois | four times |
. . . |
French has alternative forms for ‘both’, ‘all three’, ‘all four’, one with a definite article and one without (found only in formal written French); but from ‘all five’ onwards the definite article must be used:
tous/toutes les deux | tous/toutes deux | both |
tous/toutes les | trois tous/toutes trois | all three |
tous/toutes les quatre | tous/toutes quatre | all four |
tous/toutes les cinq | NOT *tous/toutes cinq | all five |
tous/toutes les six | NOT *tous/toutes six | all six |
. . . | ||
Tous les deux sont arrivés | Both have arrived | |
Je les ai invitées toutes les six | I invited all six |
NB: These expressions cannot precede a noun directly. To translate phrases like ‘both players’, ‘all six singers’, either use the definite article and a numeral alone: les deux joueurs, les six chanteuses:
or, when the phrase is in subject position, move the tous/toutes (les) X to a position after the verb marked for tense:
(See also 6.9.5.)
With the verb être, numbers specifying length, height, depth, width, distance, thickness and so on, are preceded by de:
For long, haut, large there is another way of expressing the same idea using the verbs faire and avoir; in this case de precedes long, haut, large, which remain invariable in form:
However, this structure can NOT be used with profond or épais.
With faire and avoir it is also possible to say La piscine fait (or a) 50 mètres de longueur, Cette tour fait (or a) 20 mètres de hauteur, Le fleuve fait (or a) 2 kilomètres de largeur, although the construction with the adjectives long, haut, large is probably more natural.
Profondeur and épaisseur are also possible in this construction: La piscine fait (or a) 2 mètres de profondeur, Le mur fait (or a) 89 centimètres d’épaisseur.
In talking about how tall people are, the verbs mesurer, faire are usually used:
Je mesure 1,97 mètres | I am 1.97 metres tall |
Elle fait 1,80 mètres | She is 1.80 metres tall |
The verbs mesurer, faire are the equivalent of English ‘is’ in describing dimensions:
When numbers figure in comparisons with the verb être, they are often preceded by de:
In some of these cases alternative expressions with avoir are possible:
Translating ‘more than’ and ‘less than’ into French often causes English speak ers some difficulty, because there are two possibilities:
plus de | plus que |
moins de | moins que |
plus de, moins de imply that there is a specific benchmark against which something is measured as being ‘more than’ or ‘less than’, and this is often a number:
plus que, moins que imply a comparison between one person or thing and another, without a specific benchmark being mentioned:
The difference between the two can be illustrated in the following pair of sentences:
NB: The following expressions compare one measurement with another:
quatre mètres sur trois | four metres by three |
un Français sur sept | one French person in seven |
une chose à la fois | one thing at a time |
20% par an | 20% a year |
deux heures par jour | two hours a day |
‘miles per gallon’ is measured in French by the number of litres consumed per hundred kilometres: dix litres aux cent (kilomètres) (roughly 30 miles per gallon).
The following numeral nouns describe approximate, rather than specific, numbers:
une dizaine | ten or so |
une quinzaine | fifteen or so |
une vingtaine | twenty or so |
une trentaine | thirty or so |
une quarantaine | forty or so |
une cinquantaine | fifty or so |
une soixantaine | sixty or so |
une centaine | a hundred or so |
une douzaine (une demi- douzaine), however, means ‘a dozen (a half- dozen)’ exactly: une douzaine d’œufs ‘a dozen eggs’.
A variety of other expressions, when used with numbers, also express approx imations:
Il a cinquante ans et quelques | He is over fifty |
Il a autour de cinquante ans | He is around fifty |
Elle va sur ses vingt-six ans | She is going on twenty-six |
Je l'ai rencontrée il y a quelque trente ans | I met her about thirty years ago |
NB: ans is always present when describing a person’s age.
Dates always begin with le (which does not contract to l’ even before numbers beginning with a vowel: le huit mars, le onze septembre):
NB: When writing dates, months always begin with lower case letters. When referring to events in a particular month use either au mois de janvier, février, etc., or en janvier, février, etc. (See also 6.4.1 for dates.)
Significant national dates in the French calendar include:
Le jour de l'an | New Year's Day |
L'Épiphanie | Twelfth Night |
Le vendredi saint | Good Friday |
Pâques | Easter Sunday |
La Toussaint | All Saints Day |
Le onze novembre | Armistice Day |
Noël | Christmas Day |
When days of the week are used without a determiner, they usually refer to a specific day:
Je viendrai vous voir lundi | I'll come and see you on Monday |
(But in dates, days of the week are preceded by le: le lundi 8 août.)
When days of the week are preceded by a definite article they usually describe what habitually happens:
le matin, l’après- midi, le soir, la nuit are used in the same way:
(versus Elle s’est levée tôt lundi matin ‘She got up early on Monday morning’.)
Seasons can be used in a similar way:
faire du ski l'hiver (also en hiver) | to go skiing in winter |
jouer au tennis l'été (also en été) | to play tennis in summer |
But the definite article may be used to stress that an event occurred on a particular day:
Note the following expressions:
dimanche en huit | a week on Sunday |
vendredi en quinze | a fortnight on Friday |
tous les deux jours | every other day |
In referring to years in a date, cent is obligatory (while ‘hundred’ is often omitted in English):
1945 | dix-neuf or mille neuf cent quarante-cinq |
nineteen (hundred and) forty-five | |
le 2 mai 1993 | le deux mai dix-neuf cent quatre-vingt-treize |
the second of May nineteen (hundred and) ninety-three |
‘BC’ is av. J- C (avant Jésus-Christ) and ‘AD’ is ap. J- C (après Jésus- Christ):
50 av. J-C | 50 BC |
500 ap. J-C | 500 AD |
If mille is used in AD dates, it can be written optionally mille or (very rarely) mil:
an is used in l’an 2000 (l’an deux mille) ‘the year 2000’, en l’an 2010 (en l’an deux mille dix) ‘in the year 2010’, etc.; but année is used in les années 60 (les années soixante) ‘the 60s’, les années 30 (les années trente) ‘the 30s’, etc. (See Chapter 1.5 for an/année.)
In telling time, ‘it is’ is always il est, never *c’est:
heures is obligatory:
et links quart and demi to the hour in times past the hour – demi agrees in gender with the noun:
onze heures et quart | a quarter past eleven |
midi et quart | a quarter past midday |
minuit et quart | a quarter past midnight |
onze heures et demie | half past eleven |
midi et demi | half past midday |
minuit et demi | half past midnight |
‘a quarter to’ the hour is moins le quart (or moins un quart):
onze heures moins le quart | a quarter to eleven |
As in English, one can equally say onze heures quinze ‘eleven fifteen’, midi trente ‘thirty minutes past midday’, etc.
In French timetables, times are usually written as 21h35 or 21:35.
NB: | à | l'heure | on time | ||||
à temps | in time | ||||||
à deux heures | précises | at two o'clock precisely (official report) | |||||
justes sonnantesa tapantes | exactly two o'clock (looking at watch) bang on two o'clock (for effect) spot on two (for effect, more informal) | ||||||
vers deux heures/vers les deux heures/autour de deux heures/ à deux heures environ/dans les environs de deux heures | about two o'clock | ||||||
Je peux faire mes comptes dans une heure | I can do my accounts in an hour's time | ||||||
Je peux faire mes comptes en une heure | I can do my accounts within an hour |
(See Chapters 13.14.4 and 13.26.3.)
euro is always present in quoting prices, but centime is optional:
Foreign currencies are described in the same way:
Prices can be written in different ways:
Paying for things in French does not involve a preposition equivalent to ‘for’:
Quantifiers, like numbers, determine ‘how much’ there is of something, but are less specific than numbers:
assez de | client(s) | enough | customer(s) |
autant de | as many | ||
beaucoup de | many | ||
bien des | many | ||
certains | particular | ||
chaque | every | ||
chacun des | each one of the | ||
une majorité de | a majority of | ||
une minorité de | a minority of |
moins de | client(s) | fewer | customer(s) |
nombre de | a lot of | ||
une partie des | a portion of | ||
peu de | few | ||
pas mal de (informal French) | quite a lot of | ||
la plupart des | most | ||
plus de | more | ||
plusieurs | several | ||
quantité de | a lot of | ||
quelques | some, a few | ||
le reste des | the rest of the | ||
tous les | all the |
When a quantifier on its own is a direct object, en must be inserted in front of the verb, as in the case of numbers (see 6.1.7):
J'en ai encore certains | I still have some |
Ils n'en consomment qu'une partie | They only consume a portion |
Il en a vendu la plupart | He has sold most of it |
NB: When quelques ‘some, a few’ stands alone, it becomes quelques-un(e)s:
Il y avait quelques clients dans le magasin | There were a few customers in the shop |
Il y en avait quelques-uns dans le magasin | There were a few in the shop |
The indefinite article des and the partitive articles du, de la, des (see Chapter 2.3.1 and 2.4) are omitted when a noun phrase follows one of the quantifiers listed with de in 6.9.1:
assez de | + | des clients | → | assez de clients |
enough | customers | → | enough customers | |
autant de | + | de l'argent | → | autant d'argent |
as much | money | → | as much money | |
peu de | + | du travail | → | peu de travail |
not much | work | → | not much work |
Quantifiers listed in 6.9.1 with des, however, are those which are followed by des, du or de la:
When the quantifiers listed with de in 6.9.1 are followed by a noun with a definite article, this is not omitted. Compare:
See also Chapter 2.3.2 and 2.4.
certains | d'entre | some | of | ||
beaucoup | eux | many | them | ||
peu | elles | few | them | ||
plusieurs | nous | several | us | ||
la plupart | vous | most | you | ||
chacun | each |
The preposition d’entre is used with quantifiers which precede stressed pronouns (for stressed pronouns see Chapter 3.3):
One can also find certains parmi eux ‘some of them’, chacun de nous ‘each of us’.
tous/toutes, like other quantifiers, can appear with the nouns they quantify or on their own:
When tous/toutes quantifies a subject, it can be optionally moved to a position after the verb:
When tous/toutes is used alone as a direct object, it can be optionally moved to a position after the verb marked for tense:
Je les ai tous vus | Je les ai vus tous | I saw them all |
chaque means ‘each, every’:
chaque cannot stand alone: it becomes chacun(e):
(For adverbial use of tout, as in toute blanche, tout blanc, see Chapter 5.6.7.)
With some quantifiers, the verb agrees not with the quantifier but with the noun:
Similar quantifiers are:
With other quantifiers, however, the verb may agree with the noun or with the quantifier:
Similar quantifiers are: une minorité de, le reste de, la moitié de, un tiers de, and numeral nouns such as une dizaine de, une vingtaine, etc. (See Chapter 9.1.5.)