Summary: What to study for the Physics B exam and for the Physics C exam, plus 3 schedules to help you plan.
Key Ideas
Focus your attention and study time on those topics that are most likely to increase your score.
Study the topics that you’re afraid will appear, and relax about those that you’re best at.
Don’t study so widely that you don’t get good at some specific type of problem.
The AP Physics exam is held on a Monday afternoon in mid-May. You may think that you just started your exam preparation today, when you opened this book . . . but, in reality, you have been getting ready for the AP test all year. The AP exam is an authentic test of the your physics knowledge and skills. Your AP Physics class presumably is set up to teach those skills. So, don’t give your class short shrift. Diligent attention to your class lectures, demonstrations, and assignments can only save you preparation time in the long run.
Of course, you may not be satisfied with the quantity or quality of your in-class instruction. And even if your class is the best in the country, you will still need a reminder of what you covered way back at the beginning of the year. That’s where this book, and extracurricular AP exam preparation, are useful.
You will hear plenty of poorly-thought-out advice about how to deal with the vast amounts of material on the B exam. Fact is, in the month or two before the exam, you do not have enough time to re-teach yourself the entire course. So, you ask a presumed expert, “What should I study?”
Bad Answer Number 1: “Everything.”
This logic says, every topic listed in the AP course description is guaranteed to show up somewhere on the exam, whether in the free-response or the multiple-choice sections. So, you must study everything. That’s ridiculous, I say to my students. You’ve been studying “everything” all year. You need to focus your last-month study on those topics that are most likely to increase your score.
Bad Answer Number 2: ”Let me use my crystal ball to tell you exactly what types of problems will show up on this year’s free-response exam. Study these.”
I know teachers who think they’re oracles . . . “A PV diagram was on last year’s test, so it won’t be on this year’s. And, we haven’t seen point charges for two straight years, so we’ll definitely see one this year.”2 Suffice it to say that a teacher who is not on the test development committee has no possible way of divining which specific types of problems will appear on the exam, any more than a college basketball “expert” can say with confidence which teams will make the final four. And, even if you did know which topics would be covered on the free-response section, all of the other topics must appear on the multiple-choice section! So don’t choose your study strategy based on an oracle’s word.
Good Answer: Do a Cost-Benefit Analysis
You know how much time you have left. Use that limited time to study the topics that are most likely to increase your score. The trick is identifying those topics. Start with honest, hyperbole-free answers to two questions, in the following manner.
Imagine that the AP Physics Genie3 has granted you two boons. You may choose one type of problem that will be tested on the free-response exam; and you may choose one type of problem that will not appear on the free response. Now, answer:
1. What topic or problem type do you ask the genie to put on the exam?
2. What topic or problem type do you forbid the genie to put on the exam?
If you are extremely comfortable, say, solving kinematics and projectile problems, why would you spend any time on those? It won’t hurt to give yourself a quick reminder of fundamental concepts, but in-depth study of what you know well is a waste of valuable time. On the other hand, if you’re uncomfortable with, say, buoyant forces, then spend a couple of evenings learning how to deal with them. Study the topics you’re afraid will appear; relax about those you’re best at.4
This is an important point—don’t study so broadly that you don’t get good at some specific type of problem. Use Chapter 8’s drill exercises, or the end-of-chapter examples in this book, or some similar handout from your teacher, or a subset of your textbook’s end-of-chapter problems, to keep practicing until you actually are hoping to see certain types of problems on your test. That’s far more useful than just skimming around.
Physics B is a very broad course. But, there is no calculus; there’s no need even to look at a problem that involves a derivative or an integral, even if your teacher or your textbook used some calculus. In fact, you shouldn’t have to do any math more difficult than solving two simultaneous equations, or recognizing the definitions of the basic trig functions. Have an idea of the general level of math expected on AP problems. Then, if you’re starting to do more complicated math than ever before, you know you’re probably taking an incorrect approach—you’re missing something simpler.
Have a Plan for the Exam
When it comes to the last few days before the exam, think about your mental approach. You can do very well on the exam even if you have difficulty with a few of the topics. But, know ahead of time which topics you are weak on. If you have trouble, say, with electric fields, plan on skipping electric fields multiple-choice questions so as to concentrate on those that you’ll have more success on. Don’t fret about this decision—just make it ahead of time, and follow your plan. On the free-response test, though, be sure to approach every problem. Sure, it’s okay to decide that you will not waste time on electric fields. But if you read the entire problem, you might find that parts (d) and (e) are simple mechanics questions, or ask about some aspect of electricity that you understand just fine.
Exam tip from an AP Physics veteran: |
I knew going into my exam that I couldn’t handle double slit problems. Sure enough, problem 4 was about sound coming through two speakers and interfering—I knew this was like a double slit problem, so I was going to skip it. However, I looked at part (a) . . . it just asked for a wavelength using v = λf! Well, I could do that just fine . . . and I could make an educated guess at the last three parts. I got a good bit of partial credit that probably helped me toward the 5 that I earned. |
—Mark, college junior |
I’ve taught Physics C with great success for many years. But, not just anyone can sign up for my Physics C class. I only take students who have completed Physics B, and for good reason. The C course is very deep. It requires that you have not just an idea about, but a true mastery of, Physics B-level material.
Now, your first physics course might not have formally been labeled “Advanced Placement.” Any rigorous introductory class is sufficient preparation for Physics C. Nevertheless, before you even begin to discuss a calculus-based approach to problem-solving, you MUST have a solid conceptual understanding of physics at the introductory level.
My advice to my Physics C students has always been to know the basics. An average-difficulty Physics C question is equivalent to an above-average Physics B question. Someone who knows physics cold at the B level could do reasonably well on the Physics C exam.
Therefore, you start your preparation by answering the following with brutal honesty: “Could I solve any Physics B level mechanics and/or E&M problem? Would I recognize the appropriate equations, relationships, and definitions instantly, without wrinkling my forehead for more than a few seconds?”
If the answer is “no”, then the most efficient way to improve your Physics C performance is to learn the fundamentals. Find the chapters in this book that still cause you trouble, and work through them. There’s no substitute for a thorough knowledge of basic physics principles. Don’t worry about calculus concepts, don’t worry about the special Physics C sections of the chapters, just work until you have the material down at the introductory level. Even if this is the only exam preparation you have time for, you will be far better served by shoring up your fundamentals than by grasping at more difficult concepts.
Once you are rock-solid on your Physics B, then it’s time to think about the advanced topics on the C exam. Look at the end of each chapter, where we’ve included material just for Physics C students.
A Word About Calculus
Yes, Physics C is “calculus-based” physics. And yes, you will be asked to evaluate a few integrals and/or derivatives here and there. But it is vitally important that you understand that Physics C is not a math course. The development committee is not trying to find out whether you know how to evaluate sin x · dx. Rather, they are looking to see whether you understand how to apply calculus concepts to physics problems. What do we mean by calculus concepts? Two things.
1. Recognizing when a calculus approach is necessary
In Physics B you learned that the work done by a force is equal to that force times parallel displacement. You will use that relationship in Physics C, too. However, in Physics C, you must recognize the limitations of that relationship: you can only multiply force times parallel displacement when the force is constant. If the force is changing, you must use calculus concepts, knowing that work is the integral of force with respect to distance.
Physics B-style situations, in which calculus is not necessary, will appear on the Physics C exam. Your challenge is to recognize when a quantity is changing in such a way that calculus must be used.
2. Understanding the conceptual and graphical meanings of integrals and derivatives
On a graph, an integral is the area under the graph; a derivative is the slope of a graph at a given point. Consider a problem in which you’re asked to find the work done by a non-constant force. If you’re given a graph of that force vs. position, then all you’ve got to do is find the area under the graph—no integration necessary.
You should have an idea of the meaning of a derivative or integral, even without evaluating it, or without graphing the function in question. This isn’t as hard as it looks! Consider the following multiple-choice problem:
A box is pushed across a frictionless table a distance of 9 m. The horizontal force pushing the box obeys the function |
(A) 2500 J |
(B) 1700 J |
(C) 900 J |
(D) 250 J |
(E) 90 J |
“Whoa,” you say. “This is a nasty calculus problem, especially without a calculator.” Your first instinct is to take the integral . That becomes nasty toot sweet. No chance you can get that done in the minute or so you have on a multiple-choice problem. So, what to do?
You know in your bones that if this force were constant, then all you’d have to do is multiply the force by 9 m. This force is not constant. But, we can approximate an average force from the function, can’t we? Sure . . . the initial force is 50(5 — 0) = 250 N. The force at the end of the push is . So, the average force is somewhere in between 100 N and 250 N.5 Guess that this average force is, say, 200 N . . . then, the work would be (200 N)(9 m) = 1800 J. So the answer is B.
Note that ANY kind of estimate of the average force would still get you close to the correct answer. This is a classic calculus concepts question… it’s not about evaluating the integral, it’s about understanding the meaning of work.
Okay, I’m Confident in My Fundamentals, and I Can Handle the Calculus. What Do I Study?
For the mechanics exam, focus your preparation on Chapter 16, rotational motion. For the E&M exam, understand how to use Gauss’s law, and the time-varying circuits: RC, RL, and LC.
Though there are other subtopics that are unique to Physics C, extra preparation on the listed topics will probably benefit you the most, because they are (a) far enough removed from Physics B material that they truly require extra work, and (b) understandable with a reasonable amount of supplemental study.
Three Different Study Schedules
Plan A: You Have a Full School Year to Prepare
Although its primary purpose is to prepare you for the AP Physics exam you will take in May, this book can enrich your study of physics, your analytical skills, and your problem-solving abilities.
SEPTEMBER-OCTOBER (Check off the activities as you complete them.)
— Determine the study mode (A, B, or C) that applies to you.
— Carefully read Steps 1 and 2 of this book.
— Work through the diagnostic exam.
— Get on the Web and take a look at the AP Web site(s).
— Skim the Comprehensive Review section. (Reviewing the topics covered in this section will be part of your year-long preparation.)
— Buy a few color highlighters.
— Flip through the entire book. Break the book in. Write in it. Highlight it.
— Get a clear picture of what your own school’s AP Physics curriculum is.
— Begin to use this book as a resource to supplement the classroom learning.
NOVEMBER (the first 10 weeks have elapsed.)
— Read and study Chapter 9, A Bit About Vectors.
— Read and study Chapter 10, Free-Body Diagrams and Equilibrium.
— Read and study Chapter 11, Kinematics.
— Read and study Chapter 12, Newton’s Second Law, Fnet = ma.
— Read Chapter 6, Memorizing Equations in the Shower.
— Read and study Chapter 13, Momentum.
— Read and study Chapter 14, Energy Conservation.
— Read and study Chapter 15, Gravitation and Circular Motion.
— Review Chapters 9–12.
JANUARY (20 weeks have elapsed.)
— Read and study Chapter 16, Rotational Motion (for Physics C Students Only).
— Read and study Chapter 17, Simple Harmonic Motion.
— Read and study Chapter 18, Thermodynamics (for Physics B Students Only).
— Review Chapters 9–15.
— Read and study Chapter 19, Fluid Mechanics (for Physics B Students Only).
— Read and study Chapter 20, Electrostatics.
— Read and study Chapter 21, Circuits.
— Review Chapters 9–18.
MARCH (30 weeks have now elapsed.)
— Read and study Chapter 22, Magnetism.
— Read and study Chapter 23, Waves.
— Review Chapters 9–21.
— Read and study Chapter 24, Optics (for Physics B Students Only).
— Read and study Chapter 25, Atomic and Nuclear Physics (for Physics B Students Only).
— Review Chapters 9–23.
MAY (first 2 weeks) (THIS IS IT!)
— Review Chapters 9–25—all the material!!!
— Read Chapters 7–8 carefully!
— Take the Practice Exams, and score yourself.
— Get a good night’s sleep before the exam. Fall asleep knowing that you are well prepared.
Plan B: You Have One Semester to Prepare
Working under the assumption that you’ve completed one semester of your physics course, the following calendar will use those skills you’ve been practicing to prepare you for the May exam.
— Carefully read Steps 1 and 2 of this book.
— Work through the diagnostic exam.
— Read and study Chapter 9, A Bit About Vectors.
— Read and study Chapter 10, Free-Body Diagrams and Equilibrium.
— Read and study Chapter 11, Kinematics.
— Read and study Chapter 12, Newton’s Second Law, Fnet= ma.
— Read and study Chapter 13, Momentum.
— Read and study Chapter 14, Energy Conservation.
— Read and study Chapter 15, Gravitation and Circular Motion.
— Read Chapter 6, Memorizing Equations in the Shower.
MARCH (10 weeks to go)
— Read and study Chapter 16, Rotational Motion (for Physics C Students Only).
— Read and study Chapter 17, Simple Harmonic Motion.
— Review Chapters 9–12.
— Read and study Chapter 18, Thermodynamics (for Physics B Students Only).
— Read and study Chapter 19, Fluid Mechanics (for Physics B Students Only).
— Read and study Chapter 20, Electrostatics.
— Review Chapters 13–15.
— Read and study Chapter 21, Circuits.
— Read and study Chapter 22, Magnetism.
— Review Chapters 9–15.
— Read and study Chapter 23, Waves.
— Read and study Chapter 24, Optics (for Physics B Students Only).
— Read and study Chapter 25, Atomic and Nuclear Physics. (for Physics B Students Only)
— Review Chapters 16–20.
MAY (first 2 weeks) (THIS IS IT!)
— Review Chapters 9–25—all the material!!!
— Read Chapters 7–8 carefully!
— Take the Practice Exams and score yourself.
— Get a good night’s sleep before the exam. Fall asleep knowing that you are well prepared.
Plan C: You Have Six Weeks to Prepare
At this point, we assume that you have been building your physics knowledge base for more than six months (if you’re a Physics C student, you’ve probably been studying physics for more than a year). You will, therefore, use this book primarily as a specific guide to the AP Physics exam. Given the time constraints, now is not the time to try to expand your AP Physics knowledge. Rather, you should focus on and refine what you already do know.
APRIL 1-15
— Skim Steps 1 and 2 of this book.
— Skim Chapters 9–17.
— Skim and highlight the Glossary at the end of the book.
— Read Chapter 6, and work on memorizing equations.
— Skim Chapters 18–23.
— Carefully go over the Rapid Review sections of Chapters 9–17.
— Continue to work on memorizing equations.
MAY (first 2 weeks) (THIS IS IT!)
— Skim Chapters 24–25.
— Carefully go over the Rapid Review sections of Chapters 9–25.
— Read Chapters 7–8.
— Take the Practice Exams and score yourself.
— Get a good night’s sleep before the exam. Fall asleep knowing that you are well prepared.