Subject Index

NOTE : Entries in the subject index that consist of citations of Scripture refer to places where those verses are discussed. Quotations of all or part or a particular Scripture are cited in the Scripture index.


Abel, 93 , 94 , 95 , 233 n1

abode of Yahweh. See divine abode and throne room

Abraham (Abram)

believers as offspring of, 156

divine encounters of, 128–129 , 131–132 , 135–136 , 235–236

genealogy of, 127–128

in Haran, 127

Isaac as monogenes of, 37

Jesus as incarnate Word and, 129–130

meeting with Melchizedek, 111 n4

as new Adam, 156

offspring of, 37 , 160 , 167

stars as offspring of, 159

testing by Yahweh, 37 , 136

Abrahamic covenant, 29 , 111 n4 , 115 , 120 , 127 , 130 , 137 , 168 , 172 , 179 , 196 , 280 n7

abyss, 177 , 365 n12 , 366 n14

Acts 2 , 296–302

Adam, 60 , 62–63 , 77–78 , 88–90 , 244

adonai , 132 n7

aether , 378

aggelos / angelos , 164 n3 , 323–324 . See also angels

Ahab, 53

Amorites, 196–198 , 204–205 , 209

Anakim, 192–193 , 195 , 203 , 204 , 206 n10 , 208–211

angel of God, 138 , 147–148 . See also angel of Yahweh

angel of the Lord, 151 , 270 . See also angel of Yahweh

angel of Yahweh. See also divine encounters

in burning bush, 130 n6 , 141–143 , 146 , 147

as deliverer of Israel, 143–144

departure of, 146

as destroyer, 151–152

elohim as, 30

as intermediary, 166 n10

Jesus as, 270

presence of God and, 143–145

saṭan and, 57

speaking to Israelites, 146

with sword drawn, 145–146

two Yahweh figures and, 120 n8

as visible form of Yahweh, 134–135

angelos (angels), 164 n3 , 323–324


corporeal approach to, 187

elohim as, 30

hierarchy of, 23–24 , 120 n8 , 351

Jesus and, 314–318

as messengers, 24 , 158 , 164 n3 , 323–324 , 332

sexual intercourse and, 185–186

sinning, 97–98

sons of God and, 23–24

supernattural approach to, 187–188

term usage, 323–324

animals, divine manifestation in, 73–74

antichrist, 358 , 365–367 , 370 , 371 , 373 , 374 , 376

apkallus , 102–103 , 104–105 , 107 , 108 , 111 n1 , 115 , 183 n2 , 200 n16

Apsu, 103

archangels, 120 n8 , 331 , 354

archē (principalities), 121 , 329

archontōn (rulers), 120–121 , 329–330

ark of the covenant, 117 , 168 , 173 n5 , 174 n8 , 175 , 222–225 , 262–263 , 380

Armageddon ( harmagedon ), 368–376

assembly of gods. See divine council

Assyria, 111 , 231 , 359

astral religion, 24 n3

authorities ( exousia ), 121–122 , 329–330

Azazel, 176–178 , 277 , 328 n18


Baal, 33 n8 , 46 , 76 n4 , 153–154 , 227 , 251–252 , 360–361 , 364 , 372–373

Babel, 34 n11 , 111 n4 , 112–115 , 120 , 157 , 198–199 , 199 n13 , 298–299 , 340 n9 . See also Deuteronomy 32 worldview ; disinheritance of nations ; Genesis 11

Babylon, 35 , 104 , 107–108 , 111

Babylonian invasion, 359–360

baptism, 335–339 , 342

baptism of Jesus, 243 , 269 , 271 , 273–274 , 353

Bashan, 198 , 200–201 , 283 , 288–294 , 295 , 360 , 364–366

be fruitful and multiply, 39 , 43 , 50 , 115 , 179 . See also procreation

beasts of Daniel 7 , 250 , 255–257 , 351

begotten, 315

believers. See also children of God

on divine council, 375

divinization of, 48 , 96 , 159 , 308 n2 , 311 , 319–321 , 378 n4

in family of God, 308–312

glorificaton of, 158–159

Jesus and, 160 , 315

as new council on earth, 158 , 160

as offspring of Abraham, 156 , 158 , 160

ruling with God, 158 , 310 , 314–316

as sacred space, 332–333

as siblings of Jesus, 318–319

as sons of God, 43 , 156 , 308

beloved son, 243 , 273 , 274 , 285

beney elohim , 24 , 33 n8 , 86 , 298 n8 , 324 n4 . See also elohim

Benjamin, 228 , 359

Bethel, 223

biblical theology of unseen world, 16–20 . See also supernatural worldview

biblical writers, 16–17 , 386–387 . See also supernatural worldview

brought forth, 315

bulls of Bashan, 288–291 , 292

burning bush, 130 n6 , 141–143 , 146 , 147 . See also fire


Caesarea Philippi, 281–284 , 286

Cain, 92 , 93 , 94–95 , 184 , 233 n1

Canaanites, 128 , 196 n4 , 197 , 204–205

celestial immortality, 378–379

cherub, 78 , 79 , 82 , 183 n2

cherubim, 222 n4 , 225–228 , 354

children of God, 43 , 48 , 92–93 , 158 , 308–312 , 314 , 374 . See also believers

children of the devil, 92

Christ. See Jesus

Church, 16 , 157 n4 , 284–285 , 295 , 308–310 , 333 , 342–343

cloud rider, 250–252

Communion, 339

corrupt elohim , 27–28 , 58 , 114 , 290 , 322 . See also elohim

cosmic-geographical worldview, 118–122 , 152–154 , 228–230 , 349 , 358 . See also supernatural worldview

cows of Bashan, 290

creation, 38–40 , 51

creation language, 38–40 , 41 , 43 , 51 , 153–154

crucifixion of Jesus, 243 , 253 , 288–289 , 290 , 322 , 336 , 338 , 353 . See also Jesus

curse of nachash , 88 n3 , 89 , 90–91 . See also nachash

curses. See judgment


Dagon, 223

daimōn/daimonion , 34 , 164 n3 , 324–326 , 328

Daniel 7 , 249–260

Daniel 10 , 118–120 , 330

daughters of humankind, 93–95


ark of the convenant and, 223–224

crimes against humanity of, 170

descendants of, 231

divine encounter of, 63–64

Edenic vision and, 96

empire of, 302 n11

Goliath and, 117 , 228–229 , 231

Jesus as descendant of, 156 , 252–253 , 313

judgment of sin of, 151

as king of Israel, 231

King Saul and, 64 , 117 , 262

in messianic mosaic, 246–247 , 252

as son of God, 246–247

Davidic covenant, 246

Davidic dynasty, 231 , 240 , 249

Day of Atonement, 176–178

day of the Lord, 97 , 98 , 151–152 , 157–159 , 191 n17 , 258–261 , 342 , 365 n12 , 368

demons. See also daimōn/daimonion ; shedim

apkallus as, 102–103 , 104–105 , 107 , 108 , 111 n1 , 115 , 183 n2 , 200 n16

Armageddon and, 368

Azazel, 176–178 , 277 , 328 n18

Bashan and, 290–292

divine beings as, 107

elohim as, 33–34

evil spiritual beings and, 324 n3

Gog as, 365 n12

idolatry and, 36 , 340–341

Jesus and, 243 n8 , 279–281 , 285 , 338

Nephilim and, 201 , 325

origin of, 325

pagan gods as, 340–341

Paul and, 33 n8 , 34

sacrifices to, 36

Satan and, 326

terminolgy related to, 30 , 99 n16 , 325–326 , 328

Watcher spirits as, 99 n16

destroyer ( mashkhit ), 151–152

Deuteronomy 32 worldview, 113–122 , 149 , 159 n7 , 176 , 203 , 279 , 280 n8 , 295–296 , 328–332 . See also Genesis 11 ; supernatural worldview ; Tower of Babel

devil, 57 , 92 , 183 , 187 , 277–278 , 318 , 326–327 . See also Satan ; serpent

diamerizo (divided), 298–299

disinheritance of nations, 34 n11 , 112–116 , 156–157 . See also Tower of Babel

divine abode and throne room

of divine council, 46–47 , 76 , 80 n7 , 158 , 161–162 , 169 , 222 , 234 , 257 , 297

Eden as, 44 , 56 , 75

Isaiah at, 237

Jerusalem as, 80 n7

at Sinai, 161–162 , 169

tabernacle as, 46–47 , 145 , 168–169 , 173–176 , 222–228 , 240 , 257 , 332–333

divine abodes

of Baal, 76 n4

stones of fire as, 80 n7

of Ugarit, 222

ziggurats as, 114 , 198

divine assembly. See divine council

divine beings

angels. See angels

apkallus , 102–103 , 104–105 , 107 , 108 , 111 n1 , 115 , 183 n2 , 200 n16

demons. See demons

elohim . See elohim

human form of, 32

luminescence of, 79

messengers, 33 n8 , 164 n3 , 323–324 , 332

New Testament language for, 164 n6

princes as, 119 , 120 , 330

producing human spawn, 184

sons of God as, 23–25 , 29 , 95–97

divine council. See also elohim ; sons of God

Ahab and, 53

corruption in, 27–28 , 58 , 114 , 290 , 322

creation and, 38–40

decision making of, 52 , 53

dissenter among, 56

divine abode and throne room of, 46 , 76 n4 , 80 n7 , 158 , 161–162 , 169 , 222 , 234 , 237 , 257 , 297

elders on, 157–158 , 161 , 353–356

God administering judgment in, 26–27

hierarchy in, 32 , 33 n8 , 46 , 114 , 323 , 332

meetings of, 249–253 , 271–272

need of God for, 32

plan of God and, 316–319 , 349–350 , 355 n18

seat of the gods and, 48 , 75 , 76 , 83 , 85 , 160

Sinai and, 162

spiritual beings and, 33 n8

divine council worldview, 27 n5 , 56 , 254–261 , 276 , 289 , 298 n7 , 314–321 , 323 , 335–339 . See also supernatural worldview

divine encounters. See also angel of Yahweh

of Abraham (Abram), 128–129 , 131–132 , 135–136 , 235–236

of David, 63–64

of Ezekiel, 237–238

of Gideon, 146–148

of Isaac, 137 , 236

of Isaiah, 237–238

of Israel (Jacob), 137–140 , 236

of Jeremiah, 238–239

of Joseph, 139–140

of Joshua, 145–146 , 236

of Moses, 47 , 130 n6 , 141–143 , 151 , 156–157 , 236

of Noah, 235

of Samuel, 130–131 , 223

validating, 239

divine image bearing, 40–43

divine judgment. See judgment

divine rebellion, 74 , 78–79 , 81 n13 , 82 n15 , 83 n1 , 84 , 93–94 , 109 , 327

divine sonship, 96–97 , 109 , 307 , 329 n22 , 381

diviner ( nochesh ), 87

divinization of believers, 48 , 96 , 159 , 308 n2 , 311 , 319–321 , 378 n4

doksas (glorious ones), 331–332

dominion mandate, 43 , 58–59

dominions/lords ( kyrios ), 121 , 329–331

dynamis (powers), 121 , 329



ancient context of, 44–45

as divine abode, 44 , 56 , 75 , 160–161

earth and, 49–50 , 58–59 , 123

expulsion from, 88 , 90

final Eden, 383

as gardens and mountains, 44–45 , 47 , 75 , 160–161

as heart of the seas, 160

human presence in, 47–48

life in, 89–90

location of, 49–51

as seat of the gods, 48 , 75 , 83 , 160

Sinai and, 160–162

tabernacle and, 174–176

Ugarit and, 45–46

watery habitat of, 47 , 49 , 75

Edenic vision of Yahweh. See also plan of God ; Yahweh

David and, 96

establishing new Eden, 383

failure of Israel in, 315

human participation and, 240–244 , 254 , 262–263 , 267

Jesus and, 267

Moses and, 246

for new Edenic Earth, 43 , 51

New Testament and, 261

opposition to, 215–216 , 253

procreation and, 115 , 186 , 188 n10 , 315 , 350

for reclaiming nations, 157 , 260–261 , 278–279 , 296–302 , 306–308 , 322 , 382

steadfastness of, 171

ʿedūt , 168–169


Baal and, 361

as chief deity of Ugarit, 46 , 76 , 227

lesser deities and, 83

as Most High, 76

as separate deity from Yahweh, 30 n2

sons of, 81 n10 , 114 n7 , 280 n8

worhsip of, 156

elders, 157–158 , 161 , 353–356

el-elyon (God Most High), 76

elohim . See also sons of God

as angels, 30

corrupt, 27–28 , 58 , 114 , 290 , 322

demons and, 30 , 33–34

denial statements and, 34–35

divinity of, 29 , 31–32

as family of God, 43

hierarchy among, 33 n8 , 34–35

human interaction with, 32

human view of, 28–29

incomparability with Yahweh, 34–35

under judgment, 158 , 322

lesser, 114

as opponent of Jacob, 138–139

place of residence and, 29

polytheism and, 29–32

realness of, 32–35

shedim as, 280 n7

as spiritual beings, 33 n8

supernatural worldview and, 35

term usage, 26–27 , 30–32 , 323

Trinitarian view of, 28

worshipping, 34 n11 , 116

elyon (Most High), 27 , 54 , 76–77 , 85–86 , 91 , 116 , 123 , 247 , 259–260 , 372–373

Emim, 193 , 195

end of days, 157–159 , 191 n17 , 365 n12 . See also day of the Lord

Enoch, 234 , 337–338

ʾerets , 80–81 , 84 , 86 , 91 , 279 , 327 , 361 n8

Esau, 137–138

Etemenanki, 198–199

Eve, 60 , 62–63 , 73 , 87–90 , 242

evil, 60–66 , 92–93

exodus, 63 , 141–142 , 150 , 152–154 , 273–274 , 276 . See also promised land

exousia (authorities), 121–122 , 329–330

Ezekiel (prophet), 237–238

Ezekiel 28 , 47 , 75–86 , 90–91


fall of humanity, 63–66 , 73–75

fallen ones, 105–107

false teachers, 108–109

filtering the text, 14–16

fire, 154 , 161 , 296–297 , 304 , 379 n5 . See also burning bush

flaming tongues, 296 , 297


apkallus and, 102 n5 , 108

giants postflood, 93 , 94 n2 , 102 n5 , 189–191 , 200 n13 , 210 n11 , 325

giants preflood, 93 , 185–189

as judgment, 96

Mesopotamian story of, 102–103

Pleiades and, 365 n12

precursor to, 93–94 , 97–98

preflood knowledge, 108 , 198 , 199 n11

prophecy of Noah, 215

spirits and, 337

survivors of, 109 n20 , 199 n13

foe from the north, 358–367

foreknowledge, 60 , 63–66

fourth beast, 250 , 256–257 , 351

free will, 54–55 , 58–62 , 65–66 , 155 , 240 , 358 , 383

function, 324 n2


Gabriel, 331

gates of hell, 200 , 281–285 , 289–291 , 292

Genesis 3

context for, 73–75

divine judgment in, 87–91

Ezekiel 28 and, 75–82

Isaiah 14 and, 83–86

nachash of, 87–88

serpent of, 73–75 , 77–82

Genesis 6:1–4 , 93–103 , 105 , 107–109 , 111 , 115 , 183–191

Genesis 11 , 112–113 , 120 , 127–128 , 184 , 200 n13 , 298–300 , 340 n9 , 350 , 351 n7 . See also Deuteronomy 32 worldview ; Tower of Babel

Gentiles, 308–310

geographical domain rulership, 121


Anakim, 192–193 , 195 , 203 , 204 , 206 n10 , 208–211

descended from nephilim, 184

divine heritage and, 108

divine origin of, 211

encountered by Moses and Joshua, 111 n4

height of, 211–212

lack of physical evidence about, 213

nephilim as, 105–107

as offspring of apkallus , 102–103 , 104–105 , 107 , 108 , 111 n1 , 115 , 183 n2 , 200 n16

as offspring of sons of God, 17 , 107 , 191

as offspring of Watchers (sons of God), 99 n16 , 104 , 105 nn16–17 , 109 n20 , 191 n17

postflood, 93 , 94 n2 , 102 n5 , 189–191 , 200 n13 , 210 n11

preflood, 93 , 185–189

supernatural worldview and, 185–189 , 192–193 , 202 n1 , 213

Tower of Babel and, 198–199 , 199 n13

of the Transjordan, 193–195

gibborim , 110–111

Gideon, 146–148

Gilgamesh, 103 , 104

glorification of believers, 48 , 96 , 159 , 308 n2 , 311 , 319–321 , 378 n4

glorious ones ( doksas ), 331–332

goats, 176–178

God. See also Edenic vision of Yahweh ; plan of God ; Yahweh

becoming man, 315

failure of Israel and, 315

family of, 23–25 , 308–310 . See also sons of God

foreknowledge and, 60 , 63–66

human participation and, 314–316

human sin and suffering and, 60

imagers and, 51–55

of Israel, 33 , 33 n9 , 34 n11

one God only, 34–35

as only perfect being, 56–60

presence of, 143–145

vision for humanity, 240–241 , 243–248 , 253

God Most High ( el-elyon ), 76

god of this age, 326

Godhead, 39 n1 , 46 n2 , 120 n8 , 132–133 , 135 , 186

Gog, 364–366

Goliath, 117 , 228–229 , 231

good and evil, 60 , 62–63

great day, 97 , 98 , 368 . See also day of the Lord


heart of the seas, 76 n4 , 160

heavenly assembly. See divine council

heavenly host, 23 , 25 , 33 n8 , 49 , 74 n1 , 120 n8 , 161 , 165

heavenly realm, 26

Hebrews 1–2 , 314–319 , 355

helel ben-shachar , 85–86 , 90

Hermon, 201 , 290 n3 . See also Mount Hermon

holy ones of the Most High, 255–258 , 351

holy ones ( qedoshim ), 257–258 , 311

Holy Spirit, 38 , 39 n1 , 93 , 277 , 294 , 296 , 297 n5 , 304 , 306 . See also Spirit

Hormah, 204 n6

host of heaven, 34 n11 , 53 , 157 , 249 , 284 , 340 n9 , 356


divine beings and, 28–32

in divine realm, 32

elevation of, 317

lesser than elohim , 317

mortality of, 91

as sons of God, 25 , 28–29


idolatry, 35–36 , 43 , 163 n2 , 170 , 231 , 290 , 340–341

image of God, 40–43


definition of, 42–43

free will of, 54–55 , 58–60 , 65–66 , 155 , 240 , 358 , 383

God working through, 51–55

incarnation, 120 , 129 , 186–187 , 243 , 269 , 270 n9 , 286 , 315 , 376

Isaac, 37 , 136–137 , 179 , 236

Isaiah (prophet), 237

Isaiah 14:12–15 , 24 n3 , 80 , 83–86 , 90–91 , 159 , 371–372 , 373 n4

Ishmael, 37

Israel (Jacob)

commanded to go to Egypt, 149

covenant of God with, 179

deathbed recounting of, 139–140

divine encounters of, 137–140 , 236

divine sonship and, 109

Esau and, 137 , 138

God renaming Jacob as Israel, 138

Jacob’s Ladder and, 137

sons of, 159

Israel (nation)

after kingship of Solomon, 231

confrontation with Pharoah, 151

covenant of God with, 113 , 115 , 146 , 164 , 179–180

creed of ancient, 33 n8 , 33 n9 , 42 n2 , 339–340

disinherited nations vs., 115

failure of, 146 , 214

God of, 33 , 33 n9 , 34 n11

governing of, 156–157

as inheritance of Yahweh, 116 , 117

king of, 156

Moses as leader of, 157

new Adam, 156

as portion of Yahweh, 29 , 34 n11 , 113 , 156 , 176

as son of God, 156

united monarchy of, 230–231

wars with giants, 214

Israelites, 34 n11 , 62–63 , 149 , 152–153 , 362–364


Jacob. See Israel (Jacob)

Jedidiah (Solomon), 173 , 224 n7 , 226 n10 , 231 , 262 , 263 , 274

Jeremiah, 132 , 238–239

Jerusalem, 47 , 370 , 373


as angel of Yahweh, 270

angels and, 314–316

baptism of, 243 , 269 , 271 , 273–274 , 353

believers and, 315 , 318–319

as beloved son, 243 , 273 , 274 , 285

building his church, 281–285

casting out demons, 279–280

confession of Peter and, 284–286

conquest by, 292–293

crucifixion of, 243 , 253 , 288–289 , 290 , 322 , 336 , 338 , 353

demons and, 243 n8 , 279–281 , 285 , 338

as descendant of David, 156 , 252–253 , 313

descent of, 293–294

Edenic vision of Yahweh and, 267

Ephesians 4:8 and, 292–294

gathering his disciples, 280–281

identified with Yahweh, 292

as incarnate Word, 129–130

messianic mosaic and, 242 , 268–270 , 286 , 343

ministry of, 279–281

as the Name, 268–270 , 286 , 343

new covenant of, 315 , 364

as only begotten son of God, 36–37

plan of God and, 315

resurrection of, 241–247 , 279 n5 , 294 , 315 , 336 , 338 , 377–379

as son of man, 252–253

Spirit and, 294–295 , 299

supernatural worldview and, 267 , 273–275

temptation by Satan, 276–278

transfiguration of, 285–286

as the Word, 129

Jethro, 142 , 150 , 156

Jewish literature, 98–100

Job, 58

John the Baptist, 271–273 , 297 n5 , 353

Joseph, 139–140 , 149–150 , 159 , 179 , 235 n4 , 363

Joshua, 111 n4 , 145–146 , 203–210 , 236–237 , 253

Judah, 111 n4 , 228 , 231 , 357

Jude 5–7 , 97–100 , 188 n11

Judea, 107 , 277 , 296 , 301 , 302 n11


on Adam, 88–90

at Babel, 34 n11 , 111 n4 , 112–115 , 120 , 157 , 198–199 , 199 n13 , 298–299 , 340 n9

day of, 97

elohim under, 158 , 322

on Eve, 88–90

on fallen sons of God, 28 , 158 , 234

flood as, 96

on nachash , 88 n3 , 89 , 90–91 . See also nachash

on Philistines, 183 n3

reversal of curses, 381–382

second death as, 380

for sin of David, 151

of Sodom and Gomorrah, 98

judgment day, 97 , 98 , 151–152 , 157–159 , 191 n17 , 258–261 , 342 , 365 n12 , 368


kherem , 202–203 , 211 nn13–14

kherem of Joshua, 203–211

khormah , 204 n6

king of Babylon, 83–85

king of Israel, 156

kingdom everlasting, 255–259

kingdom of God, 38 , 51 , 60 n2 , 257–258 , 273–274 , 280–281 , 285–287 , 311–312 , 344

kingship, 96–97 , 249 , 252

knowing good and evil, 60 , 62–63

kosmokratōr (world rulers), 329 , 330

kyrios (dominions/lords), 121 , 329–331


law of God, 163–173 , 317 , 350

lemmas, 81 n12

Leviathan, 153–154

list of nations, 111 , 113 , 190 , 299–302 , 305

lords ( kyrios ), 121

Lord’s Prayer, 38

Lord’s Supper, 339


magedon , 369–371 , 373 n4

Magog, 364–366

malʾakim , 24 , 33 n8 , 46 , 140 , 323–324 . See also angels

manna, 380 , 381 n10

mashal , 83

mashiach (messiah), 156 , 241–243 , 246 , 249 , 291 n4

mashkhit (destroyer), 151–152

mats-tsarey (watchers), 105

Megiddo, 368 , 369–371

Melchizedek, 111 n4

menorah, 175

Mesopotamian literature, 101–103 , 107

messengers, 24 , 33 n8 , 158 , 164 n3 , 323–324 , 332 . See also angels

messiah ( mashiach ), 156 , 241–243 , 246 , 249 , 291 n4

messianic language, 312–313

messianic mosaic

Adam in, 244

antichrist and, 366–367

David in, 246–247 , 252

Israel in, 245

Jesus and, 242 , 268–270 , 286 , 343

kingship and, 249

message of Yahweh in, 253

messianic portrait from, 248

Moses in, 245–246

Michael, 119 , 120

mishkan (tabernacle), 173 , 226 n11 . See also tabernacle

Molech, 230

monogenes , 36–37

morning stars, 23–24 , 35 , 85–86 , 159 , 312–313 . See also sons of God

mosaic of biblical theology, 15–16 , 19–20 , 386


asking who is like Yahweh, 152–154

delivering Israelites from Egypt, 114 , 350

divine encounters of, 47 , 130 n6 , 141–143 , 151 , 156–157 , 236

Edenic vision of Yahweh and, 246

giants and, 111 n4

as leader of kingdom of Yahweh, 157

in messianic mosaic, 245–246

tabernacle and, 222

in the Transjordan, 195–196 , 203–204

Most High ( elyon ), 27 , 54 , 76–77 , 85–86 , 91 , 116 , 123 , 247 , 259–260 , 372–373

Mot, 177

Mount Hermon, 104 , 201 , 209 , 282–284 , 286 , 288 , 290 , 360–361

Mount Zion, 47 , 227 , 259 , 372–373 . See also Zion


nachash . See also Satan ; serpent

about the term, 87–88 , 183

casting down to ʾerets , 80 , 91 , 279 , 327

claim over humanity, 91 , 123

curse of, 88 n3 , 89 , 90–91

Edenic vision and, 267

human threat to, 89

as lead opponent of Yahweh, 278–279

as lord of the dead, 200

offspring from, 90 , 92–93 , 183–184 , 242–243

saṭan and, 281 n9

tempting Eve, 62–63

Name, 142–145 , 222 , 268–270 , 286 , 334 , 343 , 351 , 374 , 381


alloting gods to, 113–114

division and disinheritance of, 34 n11 , 112–116 , 156–157 . See also Tower of Babel

list of, 111 , 113 , 190 , 299–302 , 305

portion of Yahweh, 29 , 34 n11 , 113 , 156 , 176

reclaiming, 157 , 260–261 , 278–279 , 296–302 , 306–308 , 322 , 382

Nebuchadnezzar, 53–54 , 250 , 254 , 360

nephesh (soul), 42

Nephilim. See also giants

bloodlines of, 202–205 , 210–211 , 213 , 228

demon spirits of, 325

demons and, 201

descendants of, 184 , 189 , 195 , 197 , 202 n1 , 203 , 204 , 205 , 211

height of, 185 n7

origin of, 185–186 , 188–189

postflood, 93 , 94 n2 , 189–191 , 325

preflood, 93 , 185–189

as warriors and men of renown, 110–111

nephilim , 105–107 , 111 n1 , 192 n1

nephiylim , 107

New Testament writers, 98–100 , 323 n1

Nimrod, 110–111

Nineveh, 35

Noah, 109 , 127 , 179 , 203 , 229 n13 , 235 , 244

nochesh (diviner), 87

north, 359–367


Oak of Moreh, 128 , 235

Oaks of Mamre, 131 , 235

Og, 198–202 , 204 , 211 n16 , 228 , 365 n12

only begotten, 36–37

ontology, 324 n2


panim (presence) of God, 144–145

patriarchs, 235–236


as apostle to the Gentiles, 302–306

demons and, 33 n8 , 34

and Deuteronomy 2 worldview, 328–331

Roman imprisonment of, 302–303

theology of unseen world and, 119–120

vocabulary usage of, 121 , 164 n3 , 326–331

Pentecost, 295–299 , 301–302 , 304–306 . See also Tower of Babel

Peter (disciple), 281–286

1 Peter 3:14–22 , 335–339

2 Peter 2:1–10 , 97–100

Pharaoh, 150–151

pharaohs, 25

Philistines, 63–64 , 183 n3 , 195 n2 , 210 n12 , 221 , 223 , 229

place of the serpent, 200 , 283 , 289 . See also Bashan

plagues, 150–152

plan of God. See also Edenic vision of Yahweh ; God

for all earth to be Eden, 123

believers in, 308–312

divine council and, 316–319 , 349–350 , 355 n18

elevating humanity to be included in his family, 317

establishing new Eden, 383

for a global Eden, 90 , 383

human participation in, 308–310 , 314–316

for humanity, 240–241 , 243–248 , 253

Jesus and, 121–122 , 267 , 315

messiah in, 241–243

opposition to, 184 , 197

for redeeming humanity, 243–248

for salvation, 119 , 279 n5 , 287 , 340 n9

steadfastness of, 89–91

theosis and, 319–321

Pleiades, 365 n12

plurality language, 11–13 , 26–31 , 38–41 , 43 , 54 , 62 , 112 , 272

polytheism, 27 , 29–32 , 116 n1 , 134 , 324 n4 , 351 n8

portion of Yahweh, 29 , 34 n11 , 113 , 156 , 176 . See also Israel (nation)

powers ( dynamis ), 121 , 329

powers/authorities ( exousia ), 121 , 329

predestination, 60 , 63–66

presence ( panim ) of God, 144–145

prince of Eden/Tyre, 77–78

prince of Israel, 119 , 120

prince of Persia, 119 , 120

prince of the host, 120 n8

prince of the power of the air, 326–327

prince of Tyre, 75–79 , 84

princes ( sar/sarim ), 119 , 120 , 330

principalities ( archē ), 121 , 329

pro-life position, 41

procreation, 115 , 186 , 188 n10 , 315 , 350 . See also be fruitful and multiply

promised land, 63 , 143 , 149–150 , 154 , 170 , 178 , 184–185 , 223 , 246

prophets, 232–239

Psalm 68 , 164–165 , 291–293

Psalm 82 , 11–15 , 19 , 26–36 , 95–96 , 114 , 157 , 259–260 , 322 , 351–352

punishment of the gods, 258–261


qedoshim (holy ones), 257–258 , 311


Ramoth-Gilead, 52

Re, 151

realm distinction, 171–178

realm of the dead, 77 , 81 , 91 , 229 , 279 , 284 , 337 n3 , 361 , 366 . See also Sheol ; underworld

rebellion, divine, 74 , 78–79 , 81 n13 , 82 n15 , 83 n1 , 84 , 93–94 , 109 , 327

reclaiming nations, 157 , 260–261 , 278–279 , 296–302 , 306–308 , 322 , 382

Red Sea crossing, 152–153

Rephaim, 77 , 84 , 193–195 , 198–201 , 228–230 , 231 , 360

resurrection of dead, 186

resurrection of Jesus, 241–247 , 279 n5 , 294 , 315 , 336 , 338 , 377–379

reversal of curses, 381–382

Rome, 257 , 302 , 305

ruach (spirit), 42 , 297 . See also spirits

rulers ( archontōn ), 120–121 , 329–330


sacred space, 172–173 , 332–333 , 380–381 . See also tabernacle ; temple

salvation, 119 , 169–170 , 279 n5 , 287 , 340 n9

Samuel, 130–131 , 223

sar/sarim (princes), 119 , 120 , 330

Satan. See also devil ; nachash ; serpent

baptimsal renunciation of, 338–339

Church and, 342–343

demons and, 326

expulsion from heaven, 281 n9

fall of, 281

ranking of, 331

serpent as, 243 , 243 n6

tempting Jesus, 278–279 , 280

term usage, 326–327

titles associated with, 361

unrepentant and, 342–343

saṭan , 56–58 , 281 n9

Saul, 64 , 117 , 216 , 262

scapegoat, 176–177

sea imagery, 382–383

sealer, 79 , 81

seat of the gods, 48 , 75 , 76 , 83 , 85 , 160

second death, 380

Septuagint described, 120 n7

serpent. See also nachash ; Satan

as anointed guardian cherub, 81

as divine being, 73–74 , 77 , 82–83 , 87 , 183

as divine rebel, 74

Eve and, 73

of Genesis 3 , 73–75 , 77–82

imagery usage about, 90

judgment language about, 91

as lord of the dead, 200

offspring from, 242–243

as prince, 78

realm of the dead and, 361

as Satan, 243 n6

saṭan and, 57

as sealer, 81

supernatural worldview and, 90

tempting Eve, 62–63

Seth, 94–95 , 233 n1

seventy disciples of Jesus, 280–281

seventy elders, 157 , 161

seventy nations, 114 n7 , 156 , 157 , 280–281 , 329 n22

seventy years of captivity in Babylon, 107 , 272

shedim (demons), 30 , 33–34 , 107 , 280 n7 , 290 , 328 , 340 nn9–10

shem (name), 111–112 , 115 , 222 n4 , 269 n7

Shem (son of Noah), 127 , 299 n9

shema , 33 n8 , 33 n9 , 42 n2 , 339–340

shemayin , 54

Sheol, 77 , 84–86 , 91 , 200 n16 , 279 , 293 , 337 , 365 n12 , 372 . See also realm of the dead ; underworld

Shiloh, 223

Sihon, 195–198

Sinai, 47 , 160–162 , 165 , 169

Sinai law covenant, 166–170 , 172 . See also law of God

snake. See serpent

Sodom and Gomorrah, 98 , 131 , 132 n7 , 188 n11

solar mythology, 24 n3

Solomon (Jedidiah), 173 , 224 n7 , 226 n10 , 231 , 262 , 263 , 274

son of God, 156 , 244–247 , 249 , 268 . See also Jesus

son of man, 162 n12 , 238 , 250–253 , 255 , 257–258 , 317 , 351 , 363 , 374

sons of God. See also elohim

angels and, 23–24

apkallus as, 102–103 , 104–105 , 107 , 108 , 111 n1 , 115 , 183 n2 , 200 n16

believers as, 43 , 156 , 308

beney elohim as, 24 , 33 n8 , 86 , 298 n8 , 324 n4

dispersal of nations to, 113–114

divinity of, 23–25 , 29 , 95–97

elohim as, 27

fallen, 28 , 158 , 234

giants as offspring of, 17 , 107 , 191

human beings as, 28–29

at laying foundation of earth, 23 , 37 , 40 , 377

messiah as, 156

realness of, 34

Sethite interpretation of, 94–95

as stars, 23–24 , 35 , 80 , 159 , 312

supernatural worldview and, 183 n2

Watchers as, 99 n16 , 104 , 105 nn16–17 , 108 , 109 nn20–21 , 191 n17 , 201 n18 , 286 , 337

sonship, 96–97 , 109 , 307 , 329 n22 , 381

soul ( nephesh ), 42

Spain, 302–303

speech in animals, 73–74

Spirit, 66–67 , 241 , 294–295 , 299 , 300–301 . See also Holy Spirit

spirits, 32–34 , 42 , 99 n16 , 164 n3 , 201 , 297 , 316 , 324 n3 , 336–337

spiritual conflict, 150–151 , 231 , 292 , 323 , 330 n24 , 335–339 , 359–360 , 364 , 368–376

stars, 23–24 , 35 , 80 , 85–86 , 159 , 312–313 , 378 . See also sons of God

stars of God, 31 n5 , 159 . See also morning stars

stoicheia , 327

stones of fire, 78 , 79–80

strange biblical passages, 18–20 , 75

suncheo (confused), 298 . See also Tower of Babel

supernatural worldview. See also cosmic-geographical worldview ; Deuteronomy 32 worldview ; divine council worldview

core components of, 67 , 110–115

elohim and, 35

giants and, 185–189 , 192–193 , 202 n1 , 213

human divine kingship and, 96

human offspring and, 183 n2

Jesus and, 267 , 273–275

Jude and, 97–100

kherem and, 203–204

non-biblical sources and, 372–373

overall impact on biblical writers, 13 , 16–20 , 217 , 262 , 367

Peter and, 97–100 , 338

preflood events and, 198–201

realm distinction and, 171–173

serpent and, 90

sons of God and, 183 n2

stars and, 23–24 , 35 , 80 , 85–86 , 159 , 312–313 , 378

Tower of Babel and, 112–113


tabernacle, 46–47 , 145 , 168–169 , 173–176 , 222–228 , 240 , 257 , 332–333

Tabernacle at Nob, 117

Table of Nations, 111 , 113 , 190 , 299–302 , 305

Tarshish, 302–303

Tartarus, 97 , 98 , 103 n9 , 337

Tehinnah, 87

temple, 224–228 , 230 , 352 n11

Ten Commandments, 168 . See also law of God

tent of meeting, 46 , 173 n8 , 224 n7 , 237

terebinth, 235

theology of unseen world, 16–20 . See also supernatural worldview

theos , 328

theosis , 319–321

throne room. See divine abode and throne room

thrones ( thronos ), 121 , 329

tongues, flaming, 296 , 297

Tophet, 230

torah (law), 168

Tower of Babel, 34 n11 , 111 n4 , 112–115 , 120 , 157 , 198–199 , 199 n13 , 298–299 , 340 n9 . See also Deuteronomy 32 worldview ; disinheritance of nations ; Genesis 11

transfiguration, 246 , 285–286 , 379

Transjordan wars, 193–204

tree of life, 90 , 123 , 175 , 380 , 381–382

two figures of Yahweh, 120 n8 , 146–148 , 250–251

typology, 336–337


Ugarit, 45–46 , 361

underworld, 81–83 , 91 , 103 , 200–201 , 229 , 293 , 337 , 361 , 366 . See also realm of the dead ; Sheol


Valley of Hinnom, 229–230

Valley of the Rephaim, 229 , 230


Watcher spirits, 99 n16

watchers (holy ones), 53–54 , 104 , 105

watchers ( mats-tsarey ), 105

Watchers (sons of God), 99 n16 , 104 , 105 nn16–17 , 108 , 109 nn20–21 , 191 n17 , 201 n18 , 286 , 337

whirlwind, 296 , 297

white stone, 380–381

wilderness, 277

Word of God, 93 , 374

Word of the Lord, 129 n4 , 131 , 228 , 238

Word of Yahweh, 53 , 129–135 , 141 , 223 , 238–239

world rulers ( kosmokratōr ), 329 , 330


Yahweh. See also angel of Yahweh ; Edenic vision of Yahweh ; God

abode of. See divine abode and throne room

administration of, 26 , 27

appearances of. See divine encounters

assault on Bashan, 291–293

biblical writings describing, 31–32

covenant name of, 142

as el-elyon (God Most High), 76

elohim as, 30

family of, 308–310

human form of, 33 n8 , 164 , 166–167 , 233–234

Jesus and, 292 , 294

law of, 163–173 , 317 , 350

Moses asking who is like Yahweh, 152–154

as the Name, 144–145 , 222 , 268–270 , 286 , 334 , 343 , 351 , 374 , 381

as only God, 34–35

otherness of, 171–173

Pharoah questioning of, 150

praises of unmatchable Yahweh, 152–153

revealing his name to Moses, 142

sons of. See sons of God

Spirit and, 294

superiority of, 34–35 , 152–154

taking Israel as his portion, 29 , 34 n11 , 113 , 156 , 176 , 365 n12

two figures of, 120 n8 , 146–148 , 250–251


Zamzummim, 193 , 195

Zerubbabel, 352 n11

ziggurats, 114 , 198–199

Zion, 226–228 , 230 . See also Mount Zion