Note: Page numbers followed by f, t, and m indicate figures, tables and maps respectively.
Absáalooke, 87
Adultery cases, 111
Aerial sepulture, 116
Age-area hypothesis, 248
Age-graded associations, 77
intensive, animals and, 12
lack of as culture trait, 14
river corridors and, 8
sustainability of, 13
Aleuts, 25
Alexie, Sherman, 357
Algonquian language family, 33, 35m
Alibates Ruin, 31
Altithermal episode, 29
American Fur Company, 294
American Horse, 322f
American Indian Dance Theater, 182
American Indian Movement (AIM), 250, 328–329, 329f
American Indian origins, 24–26
coastal migration hypothesis of, 25
direct historical approach and, 25–26
empty Plains theory and, 25
epicanthic fold and, 24
land bridge scenario of, 24–25
Mongoloid spot and, 24
sinodonty evidence, 24
American Indian Religious Freedom Act of 1978, 351
American Museum of Natural History, 15, 248
Ammunition, 146
Anheuser-Busch Corporation, 349
Animal spirits as spiritual beings, 212–214
Antelope Creek Ruins, 31
Antelope Hills, 10
Anthropological historians, 32–33
Anthropophagy, 288
Anticipatory levirate, 110
Apaches, 25, 41 (See also Jicarilla Apaches, Lipan Apaches, Kiowa Apaches, Mescalero Apaches, Plains Apaches)
dance types, 171
menstruating women and, 104
Appalachian Mountains, 2
Aquifer system, High Plains, 8, 10
Arapahos, 39
beadwork patterns of, 157
berdache status and, 127t
Christian denominations among, 269t
dance types of, 171
Ghost dancers and, 253f
graded men’s societies of, 77
music styles of, 171
sign language signs of, 298t
virginity of women and, 125
Plains archaeological sites, 28m
ceremonies/rituals of, 27
inventions of, 26
Plains hunters of, 26
tools of, 27f
weather patterns of, 29
Arctic, 14
berdache status and, 127t
Christian denominations among, 269t
fairy tales of, 185
sign language signs of, 298t
Army Corps of Chaplains, 269
Arrowheads, 143–144 (See also Projectile points)
Arroyos, 4
Arthur, King, 255
Artifacts, defined, 19
Asah, Spencer, 168
Ashamamaléaxia (Crow for clan), 87
Assiniboines, 37
berdache status and, 127t
blood quantum of, 358
Horse Dance of, 87
kin term system of, 94
lacrosse and, 114
ungraded associations of, 77–78
Assistance programs and Indians, 338–339
Associations, sub-tribal level, 74–81
age-graded, 77
fellowship and, 77
names for, 78
reason for forming, 74
religious societies and, 80–81
songs of, 75
Sun Dance gatherings and, 76
Athapaskans, 25
language family of, 33–34, 35m
Atlanta Braves, 354
Auchiah, James, 168
Avonlea points, 29
Babb, John, 290
Badlands National Monument, 10
of Cheyennes, 72
of Kiowas, 72f
and tribal organization, 68–69
Bates, Charles Ash, 322f
Battle of Summit Springs, 309
Beaver Ceremony, 259
Beecher Island Fight, 310
Belle sauvage (beautiful savage), 119
Benedict, Ruth, 228
Bent, Charles, 294
Bent, George, 295
definition of, 127
Finds-Them-and- Kills-Them 127
marriage and, 128
Osh-Tisch as, 127
sexual life of, 128
tribe gender roles and, 129
tribes with, 127t
war parties and, 127
Bergmann, E. H., 282
Beringia, 24
Berlandier, Jean Louis, 141
Big Back, 106f
Big Laughing Woman, 112
Bilateral descent, 69
Bird quills, 15
Birds, 12
Birth, infancy, and childhood, 98–102
Birth control, 99
child delivery, 100
disciplinarians, 101
ear piercing, 100
favorite child custom, 101–102
games, 102
naming of child, 100
nursing and care, 101
survival rates, 99
unwanted children, 99
Bison (buffalo), 11, 13, 43–51
antiquus, 43
bonasus, 44
butchering of, 48
commercial tanning processes and, 49–50
horse and, 49
importance of, 45
Indian stories/ceremonies about, 44–45
kill sites of, 28m
Late Prehistoric period and, 29
latifrons, 43
types of, 43
Black Elk (Lakota), 271
Black Elk Speaks (Neihardt), 271
Blackfoots, 36
beadwork of, 157
berdache status and, 127t
Christian denominations among, 269t
music styles of, 171
sign language signs of, 298t
Sun Dance and, 244
Black handkerchief legerdemain, 231–232
Black Kettle (Cheyenne), 309, 310
Blake, Michael, 356
Blood quantum, concept of, 358–360
Blue grama grass, 2
forced recruitment in, 317–318
Indian singing/dancing in, 318–319
list of, 317t
Native names and, 318
Office of Indian Affairs and, 317
outing programs of, 318
Bodmer, Karl, 57f
Body/face painting, 152
Body of Christ Independent Church, 269
Bointy, Sallie Hokeah, 1
Bonnin, Gertrude Simmons, 265, 320
types of wood used in, 143
Bowstrings, making, 143
Braroe, Niels, 348
Brave, as stereotype, 119
Breaks, 6
Breechclout, 150
Brideprice, 107
Bride service, 107
Bride wealth, 107
Brosius, S. M., 265
Brown, Joseph Epes, 270
Brush arbors/shades, 138
Buffalo Calf Pipe, 243
Buffalo Ceremony, 105
Buffalo Commons concept, 13
Buffalo Hump (Penateka Comanche leader), 45, 60
Buffalo runners, 59
Bureau of Indian Affairs (BIA), 265, 314, 334
Bureau of Indian Education (BIE), 334
aerial sepulture practice of, 116
arrangements, 116
corpse positioning and, 118
cremation as, 118
funeral tipi for, 118
funerary giveaway after, 118–119
secondary, 117
Buried City, 31
Caches, 64
dance types, 171
grass houses of, 137
horses and, 278
people, 31
trade language of, 296
Caesar, Julius, 154
Calendar History of the Kiowa Indians (Mooney), 184
Calgary Stampede, 335
California, 14
Calumet ceremony, 295–296, 304
Calumets (peace pipes), 158, 242
Campbell, Ben Nighthorse, 354
Canadian Sioux, Sun Dance and, 245
Cannon, T. C., 168
Canyon (recording company), 174
Carbon-14 (14C) dating, 20
Carlisle Indian Industrial School, 317
morning schedule for, 319t
Carretas, 293
Carrion, Adolphur, 269
Carrion, Marion C., 269
Casinos, 338, 343, 343t-345t, 345
Catches, Peter S., Sr., 201
Catlin, George, 45, 54–55, 59, 158, 225f, 238, 238fs, 289, 297
Cedar trees, 64
Central Lowland, 2
Central Plains, 9m
defined, 2
subtradition, 30
Character motifs, narrative, 191–197
Chardon, François (Francis A.), 294, 295
Chastity belts, 125
Chaves, Francisco Xavier, 295–296
Cherokee Commission, 315
Cheyenne Bowstring Society, 76
Cheyenne Council of Forty-Four, 84–85
Cheyenne Frontier Days, 335
Cheyennes, 39
band names for, 72
beadwork of, 157
berdache status and, 127t
Christian denominations among, 269t
dance types of, 171
divorce and, 111
foreign-born women of, 303t
hair styles of, 152
kinship terminology of, 96f
Massaum (animal festival) and, 178, 236–237
music styles of, 171
quillwork and, 155
rape cases and, 86
Sacred Arrow renewal ceremony of, 242
shield of, 145f
sign language signs of, 298t
Sun Dance and, 244
transcendent spirits and, 215
Cheyenne Warriors Society Auxiliary, 79f
Chiefs as society leaders, 81–84
Child delivery, 100
Childhood games, 102
Child naming, 100
Chilocco Indian Agricultural School, 317t
Chinook, 6
Chivington, John M., 310
Chiwere speakers, 34
Chokecherries, 64
Christianity, Indian, 268–270, 269t
Ciboleros (Hispanic hide hunters), 49–50
Circle as sacred symbol, 220
as tribal organization, 70
Cleveland Indians, 354
Clinton, William, 351
breechclout, 150
moccasins, 151
star quilts, 150
Coalescent tradition, 30
Cobell, Elouise, 339f
Cody, Iron Eyes, 327
Cody, William F. “Buffalo Bill,” 205f, 335
Coffey, Wallace, 340
College education in Indian Country, 339–340
Columbian Exhibition, 15
Comanches, 41
beadwork of, 157
dance types of, 171
divisions of, 88
hair styles of, 152
life cycle grading by, 98
medicine women and, 121
menstruating women and, 103
military associations of, 89
prediction methods of, 230
sign language signs of, 298t
storytelling and, 185, 186–187
tattooing and, 152
tribal organization and, 88–89
Tuu Wii (Crow Society dance) of, 178
vision quest and, 224
words of Spanish origin of, 297t
Compound bow making, 143
Dominion of Canada and, 312–313
Contemporary issues, Plains Indian, 341–360
gaming, 342–343, 343t-345t, 345
graves protection/repatriation, 352–354
land claims and natural resources, 350–351
media imagery/cultural florescence, 355–357
religious freedom, 351
Contemporary Plains Indian life, 332–360
Indian Country and, 332–340, 341t
Contrary warriors, 75
Cooper, James Fenimore, 119
Cornaline d’Aleppo bead, 156
Corps of Discovery, 305
Big Dipper and, 218
earth and, 216
meteorites/comets and, 217
moon and, 217
North Star and, 218
sun and, 216
Costner, Kevin, 356
Cottonwood trees, 64
Council House Fight, 307
Councils and tribal leadership, 84–85
Coup, defined, 285
Courting flute, 106
Cradleboard, 140
Crazy Horse (Sioux leader), 310, 312
Creator as character type, 193–194
Crees, 36
beadwork and, 157
berdache status and, 127t
Christian denominations among, 269t
scalps and, 287
tattooing and, 152
transcendent spirits and, 215
virginity of women and, 125
Cremation, 118
Crops (See also Plant Foods), 12, 20, 26–29, 120
Cross cousins, 94
Crow bead, 156
Crowfoot Ranch, 21
Crows, 37
absconding and, 110
adult females and, 113
beadwork of, 157
berdache status and, 127t
Christian denominations among, 269t
courtship and go-betweens of, 107
derogatory clan naming by, 73
ear piercing and, 152
headman/chief and, 88
kin terms of, 91, 92, 95–96, 97f
menstruating women and, 103, 104
military associations of, 87
music styles of, 171
prediction methods of, 230
sign language signs of, 298t
stars/constellations and, 219t
Sun Dance and, 244
tattooing and, 152
Tobacco Society of, 81
transcendent spirits and, 214–215
tribal organization and, 87–88
vision quest and, 224
Crow stitch, 157
Culture area, Great Plains, 13–17
Arctic as, 14
California as, 14
definition of, 13
Northwest Coast as, 14
Plains as, 13
Southwest as, 14
Subarctic as, 14
Woodlands as, 13
Culture hero as character type, 193–194
Currie, Cecil, Sr., 335
Curtis, Edward S., 53f, 55f, 95f, 142, 153f, 229f
Custer, George Armstrong, 32, 254, 281, 288, 309, 311
Custer Died for Your Sins: An Indian Manifesto (Deloria), 330
Dakota Rendezvous trade center, 291, 292f
Dakota system of kin terms, 94
Dalles Rendezvous, 292
contest dancing as, 174, 180–181
Hethushka Society dance and, 178
intertribal sharing of, 178
Jingle Dress Dance as, 180
women’s War Dance as, 180
Dances with Wolves (movie), 356
Datura weed, 258
Dävéko (Apache ritualist), 232
Dawes Severalty Act, 315
De Anza, Juan Bautista, 49
Death, 116
quillwork and beadwork, 155–158
wood and stone carving, 158–159
De Coronado, Francisco Vázquez, 32
De La Vérendrye, Pierre Gaultier de Varennes, 294
Delawares beadwork, 157
Del Hierro, Camisa, 296
Deloria, Vine, Jr., 26, 330, 340, 357
Deloria, Vine, Sr., 269
Department of Housing and Urban Development, 328
Deserted Children as story type, 189–191
De Vaca, Cabeza, 44
Devil’s Lake, 208
Dhegiha speakers, 34
Dice, 114
definition of, 247
Direct historical approach of Archaeology, 25–26
Disciplinarian roles for children, 101
Documentary evidence studies, 32–33
Dodge, Richard I., 44, 57, 144, 280, 282
Dog Soldiers, 76
Dorsey, George A., 248
Double Woman (painting), 196f
Double Woman Dreamers, 130
Draws, 4
Drums and Plains music, 176–177
Dryness, 10
as weather characteristic, 7
wildfires and, 7
Dual religious participation, 270–272
Dull Knife (Cheyenne), 310
Durkheim, Emile, 202
Dwarfs as spiritual beings, 209
brush arbors/shades, 138
grass lodge, 137
modern day, 139
sweat lodge, 138
Early reservation life, 313–321
Canadian government departments overseeing, 315ts
Office of Indian Affairs, 314–315
population decline among tribes, 314t
Ear piercing, infant, 100, 152–153
Earth-Diver as story type, 189
construction plans/techniques for, 136
Pawnee example of, 136f
Echo-Hawk, Roger C., 183
Ecofacts, 20
Economic picture for Indian Country, 337–340
Emhoolah, Tina, 359
Empty Plains theory, 25
Environment, Plains Indian culture and, 1
Eskimos, 25
Ethnic identity and religion, 272–273
Ethnographic analogy, 33
Ethnographic present, 33
Ethnography, defined, 33
Ethnology, 33
Ethnonyms, 71
Exploits of Sun Boy (pictographic biography), 164–165, 164f-166f, 166–167, 167fs
External relations for Plains Indians, 275–304
Eye-Juggler as story type, 189
Face painting, 152
Face work, Plains Indian, 336
Facial hair, 152
Faithfulness after marriage and, 125
Fancy Shawl Dance, 180
Fancy War Dance, 171
Farming, abandoning as solution to depopulation, 13
Farnell, Brenda, 299
Farrer, Claire, 217
Favorite child custom, 101–102
Fetterman Massacre, 310
Firearms, 146
Flandreau Indian School, 317t
Flathead tribe, 350
Flores, Dan, 50
Florida State University, 354
Flute and Plains music, 177
Folktale, narrative form of, 184
Fools Crow, Frank, 256
Footwear, 151
Foraging, 43
Forbs, 2
Fort Laramie Treaty (first), 308
Fort Laramie Treaty (second), 310, 311f, 351
Fort Sill Indian School, 317ts
Fossil, defined, 19
Fossil fuel production, 323, 326–327
Frantz, Klaus, 337
Freud, Sigmund, 127
Frey, Rodney, 232
Frijolillos, 258
Funeral tipi burial, 118
Gall (Sioux leader), 310
Gallatin, Albert, 15
Garden tools, 139
Gardner, Alexander, 302f
Garnett, Billy, 322f
Generational kin relations, 94
Genoa Indian Industrial School, 317t
Geometric painting, 163
German silver, 154
origins of religion and, 255–256
as religious movement, 255
tribes participating in, 253–254
U.S. Army and, 253
Wounded Knee massacre and, 254
Ghosts as spiritual beings, 209–212
Giants as spiritual beings, 208–209
Gill, Sam D., 216
Ginsberg, Allen, 266
Gladstone, Fred, 335
Glyphs, 20
Goddard, Pliny Earl, 15
Goffman, Erving, 336
Goldstein, Marcus, 290
Goodnight, Charles, 145
Grant, Ulysses S., 315
Grass lodge, 137
Great Bend, 31
Great Plains
defined, 2
Great Plains, The (Webb), 2
Great Raft, 8
Grinnell, George Bird, 248
Gros Ventres, 37
Christian denominations among, 269t
kin term systems of, 94
sign language signs of, 298ts
Sun Dance trait counts of, 249
dual religious participation in, 270–272
Indian Christianity and, 268–270, 269t
medicine bundle renewals and, 239–243
Gulches, 4
Hair pipe, 154
Hale, William K., 323
Hamilton, Wilma Blackowl, 101
Hampton Normal and Agricultural Institute, 317
Handbook of North American Indians (Sturtevant), 16
Hand game, 114
Handsome Lake, 255
Hanson, Jeffrey, 240
Hard-soled moccasin, 151
Harrell points, 29
Harris, Fred R., 330
Harris, LaDonna, 330
Haskell Indian Nations University, 317t
Headdress. See War bonnet
Headman as chief, 82
Health care, Plains Indian and, 345–350
health problems of, 346
substance abuse and, 347, 349–350
Hebrew Messiah, 255
Heider, Dave and Valerie, 51
Hensley, Sonny, 355f
Hethushka Society dance, 178
Heyoka contrary warriors, 75
Heyoka Kaga (Clown Making), 206
Christian denominations among, 269t
female gender roles of, 120
male gender roles of, 120
tattooing and, 152
transcendent spirits and, 215
High Plains aquifer system, 8, 10
Historical particularism, 248
Historic Period, 32–42. See also Tribes of Historic Period
definition of, 32
documentary evidence and, 32–33
epidemics during, 32
ethnography and, 33
French/English fur trade and, 32
language families of, 33–34, 35m
Hobbes, Thomas, 119
Hoebel, E. Adamson Ad, 60, 111
Hokeah, Jack, 168
Homestake Mine, 4
Homo sapiens, 21
Honor beats, 171
Hoodoos (eroded sandstone), 160
Hopewellian people, 29
Horizontal kin relations, 94
Horn bows, 143
bison (buffalo) and, 49
Indian capture techniques of, 58–59
Indian horsemanship and, 57–59
Horse Capture, George, 328
Horse Indians, 19
Horticulture, 43
House Made of Dawn (Momaday), 330
Hudson, Charles, 101
Hueco Tanks, 160
Hultkrantz, Åke, 202
Humid line, 2
firearms, 146
knives in scabbards, 146
Huxley, Aldous, 266
Hypodescent, 358
Incest, 126
Indian Arts and Crafts Board, 324
Indian boarding schools, 317t
Indian Christianity, 268–270, 269t
Indian Civil Rights Act of 1968, 327
Indian Claims Commission, 325, 328
Indian games, 114
Indian House (recording company), 174
Indian Reorganization Act (IRA), 323–324
Indian-run colleges on Plains, 341t
Indian Sounds (recording company), 174
Indigenization, 270
Infanticide, 99
Insufficient rainfall, as plains environment characteristic, 2
Intertribal Bison Cooperative, 51
beadwork, 157
berdache status and, 127t
blood quantum and, 359
termination and, 326
Iron Cloud, Paul, 351
alfalfa growth and, 12
High Plains aquifer system and, 8, 10
Jackson, William Henry, 292f
Jicarilla Apaches, 34
Jim, Post Oak, 217
Jimson weed, 258
Jingle Dress Dance, 180
Joan of Arc, 255
Johnson, Britt, 355
Johnson, Lyndon B., 327
Johnson-O’Malley Act of 1934, 324, 334
Jones, David E., 212
Jumper (dress style), 148
Kael, Pauline, 356
Kansas (tribe), 40
berdache status and, 127t
bullboat and, 141
Christian denominations among, 269t
as patrilineal clan society, 70
wigwam and, 137
Kardiner, Abram, 127
Kennedy, John F., 327
Keyser, James, 160, 161t-162t, 162
Kinnikinick, 64
horizontal vs. vertical, 94
Kiowa Apaches, 34, 78, 124 (See also Plain Apaches)
Kiowa Flag Song, 175
Kiowa Gomda Dawgyah, 1
Kiowas, 41
association songs of, 75
bands of, 72f
beadwork and, 157
dance types of, 171
hair styles of, 152
Kiowa Flag Song, 175
sign language signs of, 298t
Sun Dance and, 244
tattooing and, 152
Kiowa Skunkberry Society, 180–181
Kiowa-Tanoan language family, 34, 35m
Kitsais, 41
Klassen, Michael, 160, 161t-162t, 162
Knives, 146
Kroeber, Alfred, 15, 25, 157, 173, 248
Lacrosse, 114
LaFlesche, Francis, 205, 265, 318, 353
peyote ritual and, 263f
transcendent spirits and, 215
vision quest and, 224
winktes and, 130
woman and virginity, 125
Lamar, Mirabeau, 307
Landscape, Great Plains, 1–13, 9m
boundaries of, 2
characteristics of, 2
grasses of, 2
High Plains aquifer system and, 8, 10
low mountains of, 10
mesas of, 10
rivers of, 8
temperatures of, 7
winds and, 6
Landscape of Indian Country, 332–334
Last of the Mohicans, The (Cooper), 119
The Last Race (painting), 238f
Late Prehistoric period, 21, 29–32
bow and arrow crafting during, 29
burial sites of, 29
Caddoans and, 31
Plains cultural life during, 29–30
Plains Village Period of, 30
Plains Woodland segment of, 30
pottery and, 29
Law and order for Plains tribes, 85–87
interpersonal relations and, 85–86
rape cases and, 86
theft and, 85
Leadership, tribal organization and, 81–85
Leary, Timothy, 266
Leatherwork, as male activity role, 120–121
Legends, narrative form of, 184
LeMay, Alan, 355
Leupp, Francis, 318
Level surface, as plains environment characteristic, 2
Levi-Strauss, Claude, 189
absconding and divorce, 110–112
birth, infancy, and childhood, 98–102
Comanche grading of, 98
courtship and marriage, 106–110
Lincoln, Abraham, 310
Lineages as tribal organization, 69–70
Lineal descendency, 358
Lindenmeier site, 23
Linguistics, 33
berdache status and, 127t
cannibalism and, 289
peyote ritual and, 259
Little Big Horn, Battle of, 254, 311, 312f
Little Big Man (western), 131, 356
Little Wolf (Cheyenne), 310
Little Wound, 229
Llano Estacado, 11
Lomawaima, K. Tsianina, 319
Lone Man, 206
Lone Ranger, 119
Looking Elk, Sheryl, 104
Lowie, Robert, 81, 93, 202, 227, 248, 275
Mackenzie, Ranald, 309
Major League Baseball, 354
Man Called Horse, A (movie), 356
Mandan Bull Society, 178
berdache status and, 127t
Christian denominations among, 269t
sign language signs of, 298t
Manly hearted women, 129
Mano, 29
Marcy, Randolph B., 57
Marrett, Robert, 202
age and, 109
elopement cases of, 107
gifts, 108
wife sharing and, 110
Martin, Paul S., 23
Mason, Otis T., 15
origin/meaning of, 236
thematic activities of, 236, 237t
women and, 236
personel adornment as, 151–154
Matrilocal residence, 107
May, Karl, 356
McJunkin, George, 21
Medicine Bluffs, 352
Medicine bundle, defined, 239
Medicine bundle renewals, 239–243
sacred arrows/pipes ceremonies for, 242–243
Skidi Pawnee morning star ritual of, 240–242
Medicine Lodge Treaty, 308–309
black handkerchief legerdemain and, 231–232
curing ability and, 231
forecasting the future and, 230
Little Wound description of, 229
payment for, 233
as priests, 230
sucking cure and, 232
supernatural powers of, 231
witchcraft/sorcery and, 232–233
Medicine Mounds, 352
Medicine women, 121. See also Medicine men/women
Memorate (narrative type), 184
Menard, Nellie Zelda Star Boy, 103–104, 105
age-graded, 77
fellowship and, 77
names for, 78
songs of, 75
Sun Dance gatherings and, 76
Mescal beans, 258
Messianic movement, ghost dance as, 255
Metalwork and jewelry making, 154
Metate, 29
Michelson, Truman, 265
Middens, 19
Middle Missouri subtradition, 30
Millenarian movement, ghost dance as, 255
Missourias, 40
beadwork and, 157
as patrilineal clan society, 70
wigwams and, 137
Moccasins, 151
Moieties as tribal organization, 71
Momaday, N. Scott, 330, 330f, 357
Mooney, James, 72f, 184, 253f, 255, 265, 288, 290, 296
Moore, John, 303
Mopope, Stephen, 168
Morgan, Lewis Henry, 25
Motif-Index of Folk-Literature (Thompson), 189
Mount Rushmore, 352
Murdock, George Peter, 15
commercial tapes of, 174
drum contests and, 180
English lyrics in, 176
flutes used in, 177
incomplete repetition pattern of, 172
Indian singers and, 174
instruments used for, 176
motivations for participation in, 173–174
Northern plains style of, 170–171
rattles/rasps used in, 177
song origination and ownership of, 173
Southern Plains style of, 171
style characteristics of, 170
sub-styles of, 171
tonal and rhythmic subtleties of, 172
vocables and, 175
women’s singing roles and, 172–173, 174–175
Mystic Lake Casino, 346f
Myth, folklorists’ definition of, 184
Na-Dene, 25
Naipi (female teenager), 102
Naraya (Ghost Dance), 175–176, 251
Narcotics, Native North American, 258–259
performance of, as communicative act, 188
techniques of, 188
types of, 184–185, 189 National Collegiate Athletic Association (NCAA), 354
National Congress of American Indians, 330
National Football League, 354
National Museum of the American Indian, 328
Native American Church, 267
Native American Graves Protection and Repatriation Act (NAGPRA), 353
Native naming
Crows and derogatory, 73
tribal organization and, 71–74
Native Peoples (magazine), 357
Nativistic movement, ghost dance as, 255
Nauni, Haddon, 337
Navajos, 25
metalwork and, 154
peyotism and, 260
witchcraft and, 233
Neighbors, Robert S., 118
Neihardt, John Jacob, 271
Nixon, Richard M., 328
Nocona, Peta, 289
Non-kin association, 68. See also Associations, sub-tribal level
North, Frank, 281
North American Indian Days, 171f
North American tribes, classification of, 15
Northeastern State (Oklahoma) University, 354
Northers, 6
Northwest Coast, 14
Northwest Rebellion, 313
Numbers as sacred symbols, 220–222
Numina (our people), 88
Ochre, 27
girl’s puberty rite of, 105–106
oral culture of, 185
Sun Dance and, 245
tree burial of, 117f
women and menstruation, 103
Ohunkanan (story telling genre), 185
Catlin, George account of, 238–239, 238f
cutting scene of, 239
Olsen-Chubbuck bison kill site, 46, 25m
Omahas, 39
adult females and, 113
beadwork and, 157
berdache status and, 127t
Elk clan names of, 73t
gender roles of, 121
Tobacco Society of, 81
Omaha Sacred Pole, 353
O’Nell, Theresa, 350
Oneota subtradition, 30
Comanche storytelling and, 186–187
common beliefs of, 188
cultural significance of stories and, 187–188
female characters in, 195
genre schemes of, 185
interlinear translation of, 185–186
narrative types of, 184–185, 189
prayer as, 198
Osage Mission, 317t
Osage Reign of Terror, 323
Osages, 40
beadwork and, 157
berdache status and, 127t
Christian denominations among, 269t
sign language signs of, 298t
Otoes, 40
beadwork and, 157
berdache status and, 127t
Ottipoby, James, 269
Owl Woman, 295
geometric painting, 163
robe art, 163
rock art, 159–160, 161t–162t, 162
scapula drawings, 162
big game hunting and, 23
Folsom discovery and, 21–22, 22f
origins of early Americans and, 24–26
Pleistocene Overkill Hypothesis and, 23–24
Paleontology, 19
Paleo points, 23
Pan-Indianism concept, 181, 326
Parallel cousins, 94
Parker, Quanah, 112, 259, 260, 289
Parkman, Frances, 275
Paruasemena (Ten Bears), 300–301, 302f
Pastoralism, 43
Pastoralists, defined, 60
berdache status and, 127t
Christian denominations among, 269t
dance types of, 171
hair styles of, 152
medicine bundle practices of, 240
sign language signs of, 298t
Skidi Morning Star Ceremony and, 240–242
Peabody Museum, 15
Peace pipes, 158
Pebble Society, 81
Pecans, 64
body/face painting as, 152
hair pipe as, 154
jewelry making and, 154
tattoos as, 152
Petroglyph, 159
jewelry, 154
Native American Church and, 267
peyote ritual for, 260–264, 263f
symbolism of, 265
Philbrook Museum, 169
Phratries as tribal organization, 70–71
Pictograph, 159
Pierre Indian School, 317t
Pipestone National Monument, 158–159
Piskun, 47
archaeological sites, 28m
defined, 13
Indian lands, 307m
Plains Apaches, 32, 34, 160, 268, 360 (See also Kiowa Apaches)
archaeological record of, 19–21
Late Prehistoric period of, 29–32
origins and antiquity of, 24–26
Plains Village Period, 30
Plains Woodland, 30
berries as, 64
caches and, 64
family plots of, 63
roots and tubers as, 65
squash as, 61
Playas, 11
Pleistocene Overkill Hypothesis, 23–24
Plenty Coups (Crow chief), 226, 227, 228, 286
Plenty Wolf, George, 233–234, 256
Pocahontas, 119
Poncas, 39
beadwork and, 157
berdache status and, 127t
Christian denominations among, 269t
Sun Dance and, 245
Pontiac, 255
Pony beads, 156
Poor Boy as story type, 189
Popé, 255
Popper, Deborah, 13
Popper, Frank, 13
Porcupine quills, 155
Post Oak Jim (Comanche elder), 60
medicine as meaning of, 203
as religious fundamental, 203–205
Powers, William K., 130, 171, 204, 221, 222, 233, 270–271
Prairie, 2
Pratt, Richard Henry, 317
Pregoneros, 84
Prehistoric periods, 21
Presbyterian Mission, 317t
Projectile points (See also Arrowheads)
Avonlea, 29
Clovis, 22
Eden, 23
Folsom, 23
Frio, 27
Harrell, 29
Paleo, 23
Perdiz, 29
Plainview, 102
Scallorn, 29
Scottsbluff, 23
Protohistoric Period, 32
Pueblo-Plains exchange, 31
Pukutsi contrary warriors, 75
Quaker Policy, 315
Quapaws, 40
berdache status and, 127t
Christian denominations among, 269t
Quicksand, 8
Quillwork, 155
Quirts, 158
Quivers (arrow), 144
Radiocarbon dating, 20
Ranching, 12
Rapid City Indian School, 317t
Rattles/rasps and Plains music, 177
Red Cloud, 310
Red Cloud Indian School, 317t
Red Cloud’s War, 310
Red Earth (exposition), 182
Red Power movement, 328
Red River War, 309
Reed, Roland, 133f
Reins, 58
Reeves, Tom, 335
citizenship and, 321
fossil fuel production and, 323
Great Depression and, 323
Indian Reorganization Act (IRA) and, 323–324
U.S. military participation and, 321
Release of the Wild Animals as story type, 189
Relief archaeology, 21
Religious Freedom Restoration Act, 1993, 266
Religious fundamentals, 201–234
medicine men/women and, 228–234
Remington, Frederic, 246f
Rendezvous on the Green River (painting), 292t
Revitalization movement, ghost dance as, 255
Rides at the Door, Darrel, 349
Riney, Scott, 321
River Basin Surveys, 30
Riverside Indian School, 317t
Roach (headpiece), 148
Robe art, 163
Robe Quillers, 80
Rock, 2
outcrops, 12
paintings, 20
volcanic, 10
classification of, 160
Rocky Mountains, 2
Rollers, 6
Roman Nose (Northern Cheyenne), 310
Roosevelt, Franklin Delano, 323
Roosevelt, Theodore, 351
Roots and tubers, 65
Rose-Bear, Robert, 159
Round Dance songs, 175
Rousseau, Jean Jacques, 119
Royal Commission on Aboriginal Peoples (RCAP), 342
Ruiz, José Francisco, 115, 290
Running Eagle, 130
Sacajawea, 119
Sacred arrows/pipes ceremonies, 242–243
Sacred Pipe, The (Brown), 271
circle as, 220
Sage, Sherman, 114
Salvage archaeology, 21
Sanapia (Comanche medicine woman), 229, 231, 233
Sand Creek (Colorado) Massacre, 310
Sand plums, 64
Santees, 38
allotment and, 316
Christian denominations among, 269t
kin term systems of, 94
Lacrosse and, 114
scalping and, 287
Sarcee Indian Rodeo, 335
Sarcees, 36
Saskatchewan-Qu’Appelle-Assiniboine system, 8
Saupitty, Carney, Sr., 252
Scalped Man (ghost character), 210
Scalp shirts, 150
Scapula drawings, 162
Searchers, The (movie), 355–356
Secondary burial, 117
Self-bow, 143
Self-determination, period of, 327–330
American Indian Movement (AIM) and, 328–329, 329f
environmentalist movement and, 327
Red Power movement of, 328
social change and, 327
War on Poverty funding and, 328
Seton, Ernest Thompson, 44
faithfulness after marriage and, 125
incest and, 126
shyness and, 123
Shafer, Murray, 206
Shaman and medicine men/women, 229–230
Shangreaux, Lily, 340
Shawls, 150
Sheridan, Phil, 50
Sherman, William T., 309, 311f, 318
Shinny, 114
Short grass, 2
berdache status and, 127t
Naraya (Ghost Dance song) of, 175–176
Sun Dance of, 252f
Silverhorn, George, 154
painted buckskin by, 207fs
Siouan language family, 34, 35m
Ghost Dance and, 254
music styles of, 171
Sacred Pipe ceremony of, 243
sign language signs of, 298t
Sioux War, 310
Ska-wa-cer–s home, 138f
Skidi Pawnee morning star ritual, 240–242
Sleepcrawling, 123
Smithsonian Institution, 15
Smithsonian Institution Bureau of American Ethnology, 265
Smoke Lodge, 115
Smoke Signals (film), 357
Smoky, Lois, 168
Social life, 91–131. See also individual factors
Social relations in Indian Country, 335–337
Soft-soled moccasin, 151
Soldier Blue (western), 356
Southern Siouans, 34
dance types of, 171
tattooing and, 152
Southwest, 14
cosmovision and, 216–218, 219ts
dwarfs and, 209
water monsters as, 208
Spotted Tail (Sioux leader), 310
wheat, 12
Squash, 61
Squaw, as stereotype, 119, 354, 355
Staked Plain(s), 11
Standing Bear, Luther, 317, 318, 319, 320
Stanley, Henry M., 308
Star Husband as story type, 189
Star quilts, 150
Stedman, Raymond William, 119
Stewart, Omer, 267
Stirrups, 58
Stomp Dance songs, 172
Stone Road Prairie Chief, Mary Lou, 270
Stoneys, 36
Christian denominations among, 269t
Story types, Plains, 189
Straight Dance (war dance type), 171
Subarctic, 14
Subsistence practices, 43
Sucking cure, 232
temperatures, 7
Summerlee Foundation, 352
Sun Dance, 45, 76, 100, 121, 243–251, 252f
body piercing during, 245, 246f, 247
classifications of, 250
dancers in, 245
meanings and teachings of, 247
original tribal names for, 244
self-torture during, 245
Survival rates of children, 99
Sweat lodge, 138
Sweet Medicine, 242
Sword, George, 203–204, 205fs, 214, 215, 222, 247
Symbol, defined, 220
Synopsis of Indian Tribes (Gallatin), 15
Tabepekat (“sun-killing”) ritual, 86
The Talk (photo), 53fs
Tallchief, Maria, 327
Tapa Wankayeyapi (Throwing of the Ball Ceremony), 105
Tattoos, 152
Tecumseh, 255
Teonanacatl (“divine mushroom”), 258
Termination, period of, 324–327
economic growth during, 326–327
government assistance and, 325–326
Indian relocation programs and, 326
association song of, 75
berdache status and, 127t
Christian denominations among, 269t
female virginity and, 124
Three Persons, Tom, 335
Thunder as spiritual being, 206–207
Tinker, Clarence L., 325
Blackfoot tribe painted, 133f
construction of, 134
etiquette and, 135
modern development and, 135
size of, 132
tripod vs. four-pole foundation, 134
Tipi crawling, 123
Tipi rings, 27
Tlataleros, 84
Tobacco, 64
as narcotic, 258
Tobacco Society, 81
Tomahawks, 147
Tonkawas, 42
cannibalism and, 288
dance types of, 171
language family of, 34
Tonto, 119
garden tools, 139
centers for, 292
Comancheros and, 293
fur trade and, 294
intertribal marriage and, 303–304
Trade beads, 156
Transcendent spiritual beings, 214–216
Tribal names, 71
geographic continuity and, 68
language and members of, 67–68
leadership and political unity, 68
Tribes of Historic Period, 36–42
Arapahos, 39
Arikaras, 38
Assiniboines, 37
Blackfoots, 36
Cheyennes, 39
Comanches, 41
Crows, 37
Gros Ventres, 37
Hidatsas, 37
Kansas, 40
Kiowas, 41
Kitsais, 41
Missourias, 40
Omahas, 39
Osages, 40
Otoes, 40
Pawnees, 39
Plains Apaches, 41
Plains Crees, 36
Poncas, 39
Quapaws, 40
Santees, 38
Sarcees, 36
Stoneys, 36
Tonkawas, 42
Wichitas, 41
Yankton-Yanktonais, 38
Trickster as character type, 191–193
Tsatoke, Monroe, 168
Tuibitsi (boy teenager), 102
early reservation life, 313–321
Indian Reorganization Act (IRA), 323–324
period of self-determination, 327–330
period of termination, 324–327
Tylor, Edward, 202
Tyon, Thomas, 213
Unemployment, reservation, 338
Unforested, as plains environment characteristic, 2
Unilineal descent, 69
U.S. Bureau of Indian Affairs Indian Arts and Crafts Board, 169
University of North Dakota, 354
Unwanted children, 99
Upstreaming, 33
Uto-Aztecan language family, 34, 35m
Uxorilocal residence, 107
Van Dorn, Earl, 308
Van Gennep, Arnold, 105
Vegetation, 10
prairie and, 12
preserved areas of, 13
Vertical kin relations, 94
bodily injury and, 227
dreams and, 228
failure of, 227
Plenty-coups, chief, 226
sacred man role in, 227
Teton and, 229f
Vocables and music, 175
Walker, James, 208
Wapiti, 11
clubs and tomahawks, 147
firearms, 146
knives, 146
War chiefs, 82
War clubs, 147
competitions, 180
women’s, 180
scouting and trailing, 279–281
types of Plains, 277
War on Poverty, 327
War paint, 152
Warren Wagon Train fight, 309
War shirts, 150
War whips, 158
War whistle, 177
Washington Redskins, 354
Washita River Phase, 31
Plains riverbed and, 8
table, 10
Water monsters as spiritual beings, 208
Wayne, John, 355
Weather, 6
in Archaic times, 29
dryness and, 7
West, Dick, 168
West Texas High School, 354
Wheat, 12
White Bird (Northern Cheyenne), 312f
White Buffalo Calf Woman, 45, 51
White buffalos, 45
hair styles of, 152
sign language signs of, 298t
tattooing and, 152
Wichita Mountains, 9–10, 17, 35, 216, 244, 307
Wicooyake (story telling genre), 185
Wife sharing, 110
Wilbarger, Josiah, 287
Williamson, Ray, 217
Willow trees, 64
Wilson, Jack, 251
Windy Boy, Jonathan, 174
wheat, 12
Wissler, Clark, 1, 15, 25, 52, 241, 248
Witchcraft/sorcery, medicine men/women and, 232–233
Wolves, 11
Fancy Shawl Dance of, 180
hair styles of, 151
Hidatsa and, 120
Massaum and, 236
menstruating, peyote ritual and, 261
political/legal power of, 122
pottery making and, 121
promiscuity and, 125
as robe quillers, 121
singing roles of, 172–173, 174–175
as spiritual mediators, 122
tanning of white buffalos and, 121
War Dance of, 180
Women’s Medicine Society, 130
Women’s sub-tribal associations, 78–80
Woodlands, 13
Woo-see Indians, 130
Work and play in Indian Country, 334–335
World Bucking Horse Championship, 335
Worldview, explained, 1
Wounded Knee massacre, 254, 312
Wovoka (Cutter), 251, 253, 255
Writing-on-Stone, 160
Yankton-Yanktonais, 38
berdache status and, 127t
Christian denominations among, 269t
peyote song of, 175
Yellow Smoke, 353
Yoke (dress component), 148–149
Young, Gloria, 81