- > (greater than), 74
> (greater than or equal to), 74
- < (less than), 74
< (less than or equal to), 74
- absolute value, 42
- acute angle, 91
- adding
- decimals, 53
- fractions, 49–50
- in GEMDAS acronym, 57
- integers, 42
- undoing, 69–70
- adjectives, 195–196, 208
- admission ticket, 17
- adverbs, 195–197
- affect/effect, 212
- afterthought clause, 207
- algebra. See also Mathematics subtest
- about, 63
- answers and explanations, 84–85
- equations, 68–74
- factoring in, 77–79
- inequalities, 74–77
- practice questions, 83
- reasoning, 81–82
- relational patterns, 81
- variables, 63–68
- word problems, 79–81
- Algebra section (Mathematics subtest), 9
- alike shapes, 97–99
- alternate exterior angles, 92
- alternate interior angles, 92
- analyzing data, 125–130
- anecdotes, adding to essays, 183
- angle measure, degrees of, 90–91
- angle relationships, 91–92
- angles
- about, 89–90
- acute, 91
- alternate exterior, 92
- alternate interior, 92
- complementary, 91, 411
- consecutive, 92
- corresponding, 92
- interior, 93
- naming, 90–91
- obtuse, 91
- same-side interior, 92
- straight, 91
- supplementary, 91, 411
- answer keys
- Practice Exam 1, 322–323
- Practice Exam 2, 405–406
- answer sheets
- Practice Exam 1, 235
- Practice Exam 2, 327
- answers and explanations
- avoiding wrong answers, 141–142
- changing answers, 414
- eliminating choices for answers, 139–140, 174, 226
- narrowing down answers, 139–142
- overanswering, 418
- patterns in answers, 413–414
- Practice Exam 1
- argumentative essay, 299–300
- Mathematics subtest, 302–321
- Reading subtest, 273–289
- source-based essay, 301–302
- Writing subtest, 289–299
- Practice Exam 2
- argumentative essay, 390
- Mathematics subtest, 392–404
- Reading subtest, 363–379
- source-based essay, 391
- Writing subtest, 380–389
- practice questions
- algebra, 84–85
- geometry, 114
- grammar, 217–220
- numbers, 62
- probability and statistics, 134
- quantity, 62
- reading subtest, 165–168
- Pre-assessment
- about, 28
- Mathematics subtest, 33–35
- Reading subtest, 28–31
- Writing subtest, 31–33
- antecedent, 198
- apostrophes, 209, 211–212
- appositives, 207
- approximation, 137
- area, 101–102, 410
- argumentation/support, 154
- argumentative essays
- about, 181, 227
- answers and explanations
- Practice Exam 1, 299–300
- Practice Exam 2, 390
- prompts
- about, 185
- Practice Exam 1, 260
- Practice Exam 2, 350
- author's tone/intent, 151–152
- average, 126
- bar graphs, 117–118
- books, 17
- box-and-whisker plots, 121–122
- budgeting
- study time, 14–15
- time for taking test, 15–16
- cake method, 43
- calculating, in your head, 137–138
- calculators, 137
- capitalization, 213
- cell phone, 17
- center, of circles, 96
- central tendency, 125
- charts, 159, 173
- circles
- circumference, 100–101, 410
- citing sources, 181, 182
- clauses
- about, 203
- dependent, 204
- independent, 203–204, 206
- interrupting, 207–208
- introductory, 206–207
- modifying, 209
- which, 208
- clothing, 17
- coefficient, 64
- combining
- like terms, 64–65
- shapes, 103–105
- comma splices, 205
- commas, 206–208
- common denominators, 49, 411
- comparison, 125
- complementary angles, 91, 411
- compliment/complement, 130–131, 212
- computer testing, 17
- conclusion, in essays, 181
- conditional statements, 81–82
- congruence, 90
- congruent shapes, 97–98
- conjunctions, 201
- consecutive angles, 92
- constructed-response questions (Mathematical subtest), 142–144
- converting
- between decimals and percents, 52–53
- between fractions and mixed numbers, 48–49
- units of measurement, 59–60
- convex polygons, 93
- coordinate pairs, naming, 105–106
- coordinate plane, xy
- about, 105
- distance formula, 107
- identifying linear equations, 106–107
- intersecting graphs, 107–108
- midpoint formula, 107
- naming coordinate pairs, 105–106
- transforming figures, 108–110
- coordinates, 54
- correlation, 124
- corresponding angles, 92
- Craft, structure, and language skills section (Reading subtest), 8
- creating
- essays, 180–182
- schedules, 14–15
- cross-out method, 126
cube, 103
- dangling participles, 209
- data. See also probability and statistics
- analyzing, 126–128
- defined, 115–116
- Data interpretation, statistics, and probability section (Mathematics subtest), 9
- decimal number. See decimals
- decimal point. See decimals
- decimals
- about, 52
- adding, 53
- common errors with, 410
- converting between percents and, 52–53
- dividing, 53–54
- multiplying, 53
- subtracting, 53
- degrees of angle measure, 90–91
- denominator, 47
- dependent clause, 204
- diameter, of circles, 97, 100
- dictionaries, 17
- different, compared with wrong, 415
- dimensional analysis, 59
- direct variation, 81
- distance, 58–59
- distance formula, 81, 107
- dividing
- decimals, 53–54
- expressions, 67
- fractions, 50–51
- in GEMDAS acronym, 57
- undoing, 70
- divisibility rules, 44
- divisors, 43
- double negatives, 210–211
- effect/affect, 212
- electronic devices, 17
- eliminating answer choices, 139–140, 174, 226
- elimination, process of, 16
- elimination method, 72–73
- English system, 58–59
- equations
- about, 68
- linear, 106–107
- multistep, 70–71
- proportions, 71–72
- quadratic, 78–79
- solving
- about, 136–137
- for variables in terms of other variables, 74
- for x, 68–69
- systems of, 72–73
- undoing
- addition/subtraction, 69–70
- multiplication/division, 70
- equilateral triangle, 112
- errors, avoiding, 143–144
- essays. See also Writing subtest
- about, 179
- adding anecdotes, 183
- argumentative, 181, 185, 227
- creating, 180–182
- evaluating, 188–189
- factual, 180
- improving, 183–184
- informative/explanatory, 185–186, 227
- mastering, 227–229
- outlines for, 181, 228
- painting pictures with words, 183–184
- persuasive, 180
- practice prompts, 185–186
- practicing, 229
- prompts, 179–180
- sample, 187–188
- scoring, 184–185
- sections of, 181
- tips for, 416
- estimation, 137
- evaluating
- essays, 188–189
- expressions, 67–68
- results from practicing, 35–37
- events. See probability and statistics
- Exam 1 (Practice)
- about, 233, 273
- answer key, 322–323
- answer sheet, 235
- argumentative essays
- answers and explanations, 299–300
- prompt, 260
- Mathematics subtest
- answers and explanations, 302–321
- questions, 263–272
- Reading subtest
- answers and explanations, 273–289
- questions, 237–252
- source-based essays
- answers and explanations, 301–302
- prompt, 261–262
- Writing subtest
- answers and explanations, 289–299
- questions, 253–259
- Exam 2 (Practice)
- about, 325, 363
- answer key, 405–406
- answer sheet, 327
- argumentative essays
- answers and explanations, 390
- prompt, 350
- Mathematics subtest
- answers and explanations, 392–404
- questions, 352–362
- Reading subtest
- answers and explanations, 363–379
- questions, 329–342
- source-based essays
- answer and explanation, 391
- prompt, 351
- Writing subtest
- answers and explanations, 380–389
- questions, 343–349
- Example icon, 2
- example questions
- adding fractions, 50
- angle relationships, 92
- area, 104
- box-and-whisker plots, 122
- circles, 100–101
- constructed-response, 143
- converting units of measurement, 59–60
- data analysis, 126–128
- decimals, 52–53
- evaluating expressions, 68
- exponents, 46
- factoring terms, 77–78
- factors, 44
- finding numbers in sequence, 56
- fractions, 48
- grammar, 194, 205
- graphs, 161
- integers, 42–43
- line plots, 125
- long-passage, 156–158
- misplaced modifiers, 210
- mixed numbers, 51
- multiples of integers, 45
- multiplying expressions, 66
- numeration, 54
- orders of magnitude, 55
- percents, 52–53
- place values, 54
- polygons, 96
- probability and statistics, 116, 117, 119–121, 122–123, 125–128, 131
- pronouns, 199–200
- proportions, 71–72
- Pythagorean theorem, 111
- redundancy, 211
- research skills, 223–224
- revision-in-context, 225–226
- scientific notation, 131
- sentence corrections, 224–225
- short-passage, 150, 151–152
- solution steps, 76–77
- solving equations, 136
- square roots, 46–47
- subtracting fractions, 50
- test-taking strategies, 139, 140, 141–142
- triangles, 94
- usage, 223
- using order of operations within itself, 57
- Venn diagrams, 123
- vocabulary, 152
- word problems, 60
- experiment, 130
- explanations and answers
- avoiding wrong answers, 141–142
- changing answers, 414
- eliminating choices for answers, 139–140, 174, 226
- narrowing down answers, 139–142
- overanswering, 418
- patterns in answers, 413–414
- Practice Exam 1
- argumentative essay, 299–300
- Mathematics subtest, 302–321
- Reading subtest, 273–289
- source-based essay, 301–302
- Writing subtest, 289–299
- Practice Exam 2
- argumentative essay, 390
- Mathematics subtest, 392–404
- Reading subtest, 363–379
- source-based essay, 391
- Writing subtest, 380–389
- practice questions
- algebra, 84–85
- geometry, 114
- grammar, 217–220
- numbers, 62
- probability and statistics, 134
- quantity, 62
- reading subtest, 165–168
- Pre-assessment
- about, 28
- Mathematics subtest, 33–35
- Reading subtest, 28–31
- Writing subtest, 31–33
- exponents, 46–47, 57
- expressions
- algebraic, 64
- dividing, 67
- multiplying, 65–66
- quadratic, 78–79
- face, of rectangles, 102
- factor pair, 43
- factor tree, 43–44
- factors/factoring
- defined, 43
- example questions, 44
- finding of whole numbers, 43–44
- reverse FOIL, 78–79
- terms out of bigger terms, 77–78
- factual essay, 180
- farther/further, 212
- final score, 10
- finding. See also solving
- factors of whole numbers, 43–44
- greatest common factor, 45–46
- least common multiple, 45–46
- multiples of integers, 45
- numbers in sequence, 56
- orders of magnitude, 55
- perimeter, 99–100
- volume, 102–103
- first person, 198
- FOIL, 66, 78–79
- formulas
- area, 101–102
- circumference, 100
- common errors with, 412
- diameter, of circles, 100
- distance, 81, 107
- geometric, 99–103
- midpoint, 107
- fractions
- about, 47
- adding, 49–50
- common errors with, 411–412
- converting between mixed numbers and, 48–49
- dividing, 50–51
- improper, 51
- multiplying, 50
- simplifying, 47–48
- subtracting, 49–50
- further/farther, 212
- future perfect tense, 193
- future progressive tense, 193
- future tense, 193
- GEMDAS (grouping, exponents, multiplication and division, addition and subtraction), 57
- geometric sequence, 56
- geometry. See also Mathematics subtest
- about, 87
- alike shapes, 97–99
- angle measures, 90–91
- angle relationships, 91–92
- answers and explanations, 114
- building blocks of, 87–90
- combining shapes, 93–105
- formulas, 99–103
- practice questions, 113
- properties of shapes, 93–97
- right triangles, 110–112
- xy coordinate plane, 105–110
- Geometry section (Mathematics subtest), 9
- gerund verbals, 194
- gerunds, 194–195
- grammar. See also Reading subtest; Writing subtest
- about, 191
- adjectives, 195–196
- adverbs, 195–197
- answers and explanations, 217–220
- capitalization, 213
- conjunctions, 201
- double negatives, 210–211
- gerunds, 194–195
- homophones, 211–212
- misplaced modifiers, 209–210
- nouns, 192
- parts of speech, 191–202
- prepositions, 201–202
- pronouns, 192, 197–201
- punctuation, 205–209
- questions
- example, 205
- practice, 214–216
- redundancy, 210–211
- sentence structure, 203–205
- verbs, 192–195
- graphing inequalities, 76
- graphs
- about, 159–161
- bar, 117–118
- box-and-whisker plots, 121–122
- intersecting, 107–108
- line, 117–118
- line plots, 124–125
- pie charts, 118–119
- questions about, 173
- scatter plots, 124
- stem-and-leaf plots, 119–121
- greater than (>), 74
- greater than or equal to (>), 74
- greatest common factor, 45–46
- group studying, 15
- grouping, exponents, multiplication and division, addition and subtraction (GEMDAS), 57
- Grouping Symbols, in GEMDAS acronym, 57
- guessing, 138, 227
- historical eras, 213
- homophones
- icons, explained, 2
- identifying categories that need more work, 36
- if-then statements, 81–82
- improper fraction, 51
- independent clauses, 203–204, 206
- inequalities
- about, 74–75
- graphing, 76
- solution steps, 76–77
- solving, 74–77
- infinitive verbals, 193
- informative/explanatory essays, 185–186, 227
- integers
- about, 41–42
- adding, 42
- basic operations with, 42–43
- example questions, 42–43
- finding multiples of, 45
- subtracting, 42
- Integration of knowledge and ideas section (Reading subtest), 9
- intensive pronoun, 200–201
- interior angles, 93
- Internet resources
- Kirkland Group, 15
- online practice tests, 3
- Praxis Core, 13
- Technical Support (Wiley), 3
- interrogative pronoun, 200
- interrupting clause/phrase, 207–208
- intersecting graphs, 107–108
- intransitive forms, of verbs, 193
- introductory clause/phrase, 206–207
- inverse variation, 81
- irrational number, 137
- isosceles triangle, 112
- jargon, 184
- joining independent clauses, 206
- Key ideas and details section (Reading subtest), 8
- Kirkland Group (website), 15
- knowledge, outside, 417–418
- Language and research skills section (Writing subtest), 9
- laptop, 17
- least common multiple, 45–46
- less than (<), 74
- less than or equal to (<), 74
- like terms
- combining, 64–65
- common errors with, 410
- likelihood, 130
- line graphs, 117–118
- line plots, 124–125
- line segment, 88
- linear equations, 106–107
- linear function/models, 129–130
- linear pair, 91
- lines, 88, 106
- lists, separating items in, 208
- long-passage questions
- about, 153
- argumentation/support, 154
- example, 156–158
- “if” questions, 154–155
- paraphrase, 153–154
- purpose, 153–154
- strategies for, 171–172
- lower quartile, 121–122
- magnitude, orders of, 55
- main idea, 149–150
- main subject, identifying, 204
- mastering essays, 227–229
- Mathematics subtest
- about, 8
- answers and explanations
- about, 33–35
- Practice Exam 1, 302–321
- Practice Exam 2, 392–404
- components of, 9
- errors to avoid in, 409–412
- questions
- constructed-response, 142–144
- number of in, 8
- practice, 25–27
- Practice Exam 1, 263–272
- Practice Exam 2, 352–362
- types of in, 10
- shortcuts for, 135–139
- test-taking strategies for, 135–144
- time limit for, 8
- mean, 126
- measure of central tendency, 125
- measurement, systems of, 58–59
- median, 121–122, 126, 411
- metric system, 58
- middle quartile, 121–122
- midpoint formula, 107
- minimum score, 11
- minus sign (-), 41–42
- misplaced modifiers, 209–210
- mixed numbers
- about, 47
- converting between fractions and, 48–49
- working with, 51
- mode, 126
- modifiers, misplaced, 209–210
- modifying clause, 209
- MP3 player, 17
- multiplying
- decimals, 53
- expressions, 65–66
- fractions, 50
- in GEMDAS acronym, 57
- undoing, 70
- multistep equations, 70–71
- naming
- angles, 90–91
- coordinate pairs, 105–106
- negative numbers, 41–42, 409
- nouns, 192
- Number and quantity section (Mathematics subtest), 9
- number line
- about, 54
- finding numbers in sequence, 56
- finding order of magnitude, 55
- numeration, 54–55
- order, 55
- place values, 54–55
- numbers
- answers and explanations, 62
- divisibility rules, 44
- practice questions, 61
- numeration, 54–55
- numerator, 47
- objective pronoun, 198–200
- obtuse angle, 91
- online practice tests, 3
- order
- of magnitude, 55
- on number line, 55
- of operations
- about, 56
- GEMDAS, 57
- using within itself, 57
- outcome, 130
- outlines, for essays, 181, 228
- outside knowledge, 417–418
- overanswering, 418
- overcorrection, 415
- Oxford comma, 208
- paired passages, 172–173
- parallel phrasing, 193–194
- parallelograms, 95, 101–102
- paraphrase, 153–154
- participle verbals, 194
- parts of speech, 191–202
- past perfect tense, 193
- past progressive tense, 193
- past tense, 193
- patterns, in answers, 413–414
pencilling in practice tests, 14–15
- percent decrease, 52
- percent increase, 52
- percents, 52–53
- perimeter
- common errors with, 410
- finding, 99–100
- personal items, 17
- personal pronoun, 197
- persuasive essay, 180
- phrases
- about, 203
- interrupting, 207–208
- introductory, 206–207
- pi (π), 100
- picture ID, 17
- pie charts, 118–119
- place values, 54–55
- planes, moving along in space, 88–89
- plural pronoun, 198
- plus sign (+), 41–42
- points, 88
- polygons
- about, 93
- example questions, 96
- three-sided, 93–94
- positive numbers, 41–42
- Practice Exam 1
- about, 233, 273
- answer key, 322–323
- answer sheet, 235
- argumentative essays
- answers and explanations, 299–300
- prompt, 260
- Mathematics subtest
- answers and explanations, 302–321
- questions, 263–272
- Reading subtest
- answers and explanations, 273–289
- questions, 237–252
- source-based essays
- answers and explanations, 301–302
- prompt, 261–262
- Writing subtest
- answers and explanations, 289–299
- questions, 253–259
- Practice Exam 2
- about, 325, 363
- answer key, 405–406
- answer sheet, 327
- argumentative essays
- answers and explanations, 390
- prompt, 350
- Mathematics subtest
- answers and explanations, 392–404
- questions, 352–362
- Reading subtest
- answers and explanations, 363–379
- questions, 329–342
- source-based essays
- answer and explanation, 391
- prompt, 351
- Writing subtest
- answers and explanations, 380–389
- questions, 343–349
- practice questions
- algebra, 83
- bar graphs, 117
- essay prompts, 185–186
- geometry, 113
- grammar, 214–216
- numbers, 61
- pie charts, 119
- probability and statistics, 132–133
- quantity, 61
- reading subtest, 162–164
- stem-and-leaf plots, 120–121
- tables, 116
- practice tests, pencilling in, 14–15
- practicing
- about, 19
- assessing results from, 35–37
- essays, 229
- Pre-assessment answers, 28–35
- Pre-assessment questions, 19–27
- time for on test day, 17
- Praxis Core. See also specific topics
- components of, 8–10
- reasons for taking, 7
- scoring, 10–11
- topics covered in, 8–9
- types of questions in, 9–10
- website, 13
- Praxis I PreProfessional Skills Test. See Praxis Core
- Pre-assessment answers
- about, 28
- Mathematics answers and explanations, 33–35
- Reading answers and explanations, 28–31
- Writing answers and explanations, 31–33
- Pre-assessment questions
- about, 19–20
- Mathematics practice questions, 25–27
- Reading practice questions, 20–22
- Writing practice questions, 23–24
prefix, metric, 58
- prep course, 15
- prepositions, 201–202
- present perfect tense, 193
- present progressive tense, 193
- present tense, 193
- prime factorization, 43
- prime number, 43
- probability and statistics
- about, 115–116
- analyzing data, 125–130
- answers and explanations, 134
- bar graphs, 117–118
- box-and-whisker plots, 121–122
- calculating probability, 130–131
- example questions, 116, 117, 119–121, 122–123, 125–128, 131
- line graphs, 117–118
- line plots, 124–125
- pie charts, 118–119
- practice questions, 132–133
- scatter plots, 124
- scientific notation, 131
- stem-and-leaf plots, 119–121
- symbol for, 130
- tables, 116
- Venn diagrams, 123–124
- process of elimination, 16
- Prometric testing site, 13, 17
- prompts
- for argumentative essays, 185
- for informative/explanatory essays, 185–186
- types of, 179–180
- pronouns
- about, 192, 197–201
- intensive, 200–201
- interrogative, 200
- objective, 198–200
- reflexive, 200–201
- relative, 200
- singular vs. plural, 198
- subjective, 198–200
- who/whom, 200
- properties, of shapes, 93–97
- proportions, 71–72
- punctuation
- about, 206
- apostrophes, 209
- commas, 206–208
- semicolons, 208–209
- purpose, 153–154
- Pythagorean theorem, 111
- quadratic equations, 78–79
- quadratic expressions, 78–79
- quadrilaterals, 95–96
- quantitative-information questions
- quantity
- answers and explanations, 62
- practice questions, 61
- systems of measurement, 58–59
- quartiles, 121–122
- questions
- charts, 173
- example
- adding fractions, 50
- angle relationships, 92
- area, 104
- box-and-whisker plots, 122
- circles, 100–101
- constructed-response, 143
- converting units of measurement, 59–60
- data analysis, 126–128
- decimals, 52–53
- evaluating expressions, 68
- exponents, 46
- factoring terms, 77–78
- factors, 44
- finding numbers in sequence, 56
- fractions, 48
- grammar, 194, 205
- graphs, 161
- integers, 42–43
- line plots, 125
- long-passage, 156–158
- misplaced modifiers, 210
- mixed numbers, 51
- multiples of integers, 45
- multiplying expressions, 66
- numeration, 54
- orders of magnitude, 55
- percents, 52–53
- place values, 54
- polygons, 96
- probability and statistics, 116, 117, 119–121, 122–123, 125–128, 131
- pronouns, 199–200
- proportions, 71–72
- Pythagorean theorem, 111
- redundancy, 211
- research skills, 223–224
- revision-in-context, 225–226
- scientific notation, 131
- sentence corrections, 224–225
- short-passage, 150, 151–152
- solution steps, 76–77
- solving equations, 136
- square roots, 46–47
- subtracting fractions, 50
- test-taking strategies, 139, 140, 141–142
- triangles, 94
- usage, 223
- using order of operations within itself, 57
- Venn diagrams, 123
- vocabulary, 152
- word problems, 60
- graphs, 173
- long-passage
- about, 153
- argumentation/support, 154
- example, 156–158
- “if” questions, 154–155
- paraphrase, 153–154
- purpose, 153–154
- strategies for, 171–172
- Mathematics subtest
- constructed-response, 142–144
- number of in, 8
- practice, 25–27
- Practice Exam 1, 263–272
- Practice Exam 2, 352–362
- types of in, 10
- number of in each subtest, 8
- practice
- algebra, 83
- bar graphs, 117
- essay prompts, 185–186
- geometry, 113
- grammar, 214–216
- numbers, 61
- pie charts, 119
- probability and statistics, 132–133
- quantity, 61
- reading subtest, 162–164
- stem-and-leaf plots, 120–121
- tables, 116
- Pre-assessment
- about, 19–20
- Mathematics subtest, 25–27
- Reading subtest, 20–22
- Writing subtest, 23–24
- Reading subtest
- long-passage, 153–158, 171–172
- number of in, 8
- practice, 20–22, 162–164
- Practice Exam 1, 237–252
- Practice Exam 2, 329–342
- quantitative-information, 158–161
- short-passage, 149–153, 171–172
- types of in, 9–10
- visual-information, 158–161
- selected-response writing
- about, 221–226
- identifying and correcting errors in, 226–227
- short-passage
- about, 149
- author's tone/intent, 151–152
- main idea, 149–150
- strategies for, 171–172
- vocabulary, 152–153
- types of, 9–10
- visual-information
- Writing subtest
- number of in, 8
- practice, 23–24
- Practice Exam 1, 253–259
- Practice Exam 2, 343–349
- types of in, 10
- radius, of circles, 97, 100
- random sample, 129
- range, of data, 125–126
- raw score, 10
- ray, 88
- readers, slow, 174–175
- reading materials, 17
- Reading subtest
- about, 8, 147
- answers and explanations
- about, 28–31
- Practice Exam 1, 273–289
- Practice Exam 2, 363–379
- practice questions, 165–168
- common mistakes on, 413–418
- components of, 8–9, 148
- paired passages, 172–173
- previewing, 147–149
- questions
- long-passage, 153–158, 171–172
- number of in, 8
- practice, 20–22, 162–164
- Practice Exam 1, 237–252
- Practice Exam 2, 329–342
- quantitative-information, 158–161
- short-passage, 149–153, 171–172
- types of in, 9–10
- visual-information, 158–161
- test-taking strategies for, 169–175
- time limit for, 8, 148
- reasoning, algebraic, 81–82
- reciprocal, 50–51
- rectangles
- about, 95
- area of, 102
- perimeter of, 100
- rectangular prism, 102–103
- redundancy, 210–211
- reflexive pronoun, 200–201
- regions, 213
- registering, 13–14
- relational patterns, 81
- relationships, angle, 91–92
- relative pronoun, 200
- Remember icon, 2
- research skills, questions addressing, 221
- resources, Internet
- Kirkland Group, 15
- online practice tests, 3
- Praxis Core, 13
- Technical Support (Wiley), 3
- retakes, 11, 18
- reverse FOIL, 78–79
- revision in context, questions addressing, 222
- right triangles
- about, 110–111
- Pythagorean theorem, 111
- special, 111–112
- rotations, 110
- run-ons, 205
- same-side interior angles, 92
- samples, 129
- scale factor, 98
- scale models, 99
- scatter plots, 124
- schedules, 14–16
- scientific notation, 131
- scoring, 10–11, 184–185
- scratch paper, 17
- seasons, 213
- second person, 198
- segment, 88
- selected-response writing questions, 221–227
- semicolons, 208–209
- sentence correction, questions addressing, 221–222
- sentence structure
- about, 203
- afterthought clause, 207
- comma splices, 205
- dependent clauses, 204
- independent clauses, 203–204, 206
- interrupting clauses/phrase, 207–208
- introductory clauses/phrases, 206–207
- main subject, 204
- run-ons, 205
- verb, 204
- sequence, finding numbers in, 56
- shapes
- alike, 97–99
- circles, 96–97, 100–101, 102, 410
- combining, 103–105
- congruent, 97–98
- cube, 103
- parallelograms, 95, 101–102
- polygons, 93–95
- properties of, 93–97
- quadrilaterals, 95–96
- rectangles, 95, 100, 102
- similar, 98–99
- squares, 95, 102
- three-sided polygons, 93–94
- trapezoids, 96, 102
- triangles, 93–94, 102, 110–112
- shortcuts
- for mathematical subtest, 135–139
- narrowing down answer choices, 139–142
- short-passage questions
- about, 149
- author's tone/intent, 151–152
- main idea, 149–150
- strategies for, 171–172
- vocabulary, 152–153
- similar shapes, 98–99
- simplifying fractions, 47–48
- singular pronoun, 198
slope, of lines, 106
- slow readers, 174–175
- smartwatch, 17
- solving. See also finding
- by elimination, 72–73
- equations, 136–137
- inequalities, 74–77
- by substitution, 72
- for variables in terms of other variables, 74
- for x, 68–69
- source-based essays
- answers and explanations
- Practice Exam 1, 301–302
- Practice Exam 2, 391
- prompts
- Practice Exam 1, 261–262
- Practice Exam 2, 351
- sources, citing, 182
- special right triangles, 111–112
- specific words, 183
- speech, parts of, 191–202
- spelling, homophones and, 212
- spread, of data, 128
- square roots, 46–47
- squares, 95, 102
- standard deviation, 128
- states, minimum scores in different, 11
- statistics and probability
- about, 115–116
- analyzing data, 125–130
- answers and explanations, 134
- bar graphs, 117–118
- box-and-whisker plots, 121–122
- calculating probability, 130–131
- example questions, 116, 117, 119–121, 122–123, 125–128, 131
- line graphs, 117–118
- line plots, 124–125
- pie charts, 118–119
- practice questions, 132–133
- scatter plots, 124
- scientific notation, 131
- stem-and-leaf plots, 119–121
- symbol for, 130
- tables, 116
- Venn diagrams, 123–124
- stem-and-leaf plots, 119–121
- straight angle, 91
- strategies
- for long-passage questions, 171–172
- for reading subtest, 148–149
- for short-passage questions, 171–172
- test-taking
- for Mathematics subtest, 135–144
- for Reading subtest, 148–149, 169–175
- for Writing subtest, 221–229
- studying
- budgeting time for, 14–15
- with others, 15
- subjective pronoun, 198–200
- substitution method, 72
- subtest, Mathematics
- about, 8
- answers and explanations
- about, 33–35
- Practice Exam 1, 302–321
- Practice Exam 2, 392–404
- components of, 9
- errors to avoid in, 409–412
- questions
- constructed-response, 142–144
- number of in, 8
- practice, 25–27
- Practice Exam 1, 263–272
- Practice Exam 2, 352–362
- types of in, 10
- shortcuts for, 135–139
- test-taking strategies for, 135–144
- subtest, Reading
- about, 8, 147
- answers and explanations
- about, 28–31
- Practice Exam 1, 273–289
- Practice Exam 2, 363–379
- practice questions, 165–168
- common mistakes on, 413–418
- components of, 8–9, 148
- paired passages, 172–173
- previewing, 147–149
- questions
- long-passage, 153–158, 171–172
- number of in, 8
- practice, 20–22, 162–164
- Practice Exam 1, 237–252
- Practice Exam 2, 329–342
- quantitative-information, 158–161
- short-passage, 149–153, 171–172
- types of in, 9–10
- visual-information, 158–161
- test-taking strategies for, 169–175
- time limit for, 8, 148
- subtest, Writing. See also essays
- about, 8
- answers and explanations
- about, 31–33
- Practice Exam 1, 289–299
- Practice Exam 2, 380–389
- common mistakes on, 413–418
- components of, 9
- questions
- number of in, 8
- practice, 23–24
- Practice Exam 1, 253–259
- Practice Exam 2, 343–349
- types of in, 10
- test-taking strategies for, 221–229
- time limit for, 8
- subtracting
- decimals, 53
- fractions, 49–50
- in GEMDAS acronym, 57
- integers, 42
- undoing, 69–70
- supplementary angles, 91, 411
- systems of equations, 72–73
- systems of measurement, 58–59
- tables, 116
- tablet, 17
- Technical Support (Wiley), 3
- tense, 193
- terms
- algebraic, 64
- factoring out of bigger terms, 77–78
- test day
- about, 16
- budgeting time for taking test, 15–16
- computer testing, 17
- practice time given on, 17
- what to bring, 17
- test-taking strategies
- for mathematical subtest, 135–144
- for reading subtest, 169–175
- for writing subtest, 221–229
- Text types, purposes, and production section (Writing subtest), 9
- than/then, 212
- third person, 198
- three-sided polygons, 93–94
- time
- budgeting for taking test, 15–16
- scheduling, 14–16
- time limit
- for each subtest, 8
- for Reading subtest, 148
- using wisely, 14–16
- Tip icon, 2
- titles, capitalization in, 213
- “too obvious” mistake, 417
- topics, covered in Praxis Core, 8–9
- to/too, 212
- transformations, 108–110
- transitive forms, of verbs, 193
- translation, 108
- trapezoids, 96, 102
- trial, 130
- triangles
- about, 93–94
- area of, 102
- right
- about, 110–111
- Pythagorean theorem, 111
- special, 111–112
- undoing
- addition/subtraction, 69–70
- multiplication/division, 70
- units of measurement, 59–60
- upper quartile, 121–122
- usage, questions addressing, 221, 222–223
- vague words, 183
- values, 67–68
- variables
- about, 63–64, 127
- combining like terms, 64–65
- common errors with, 410–411
- dividing expressions, 67
- multiplying expressions, 65–66
- solving for in terms of other variables, 74
- terms and expressions, 64
- values, 67–68
- Venn diagrams, 123–124
verbals, 193–194
- verbs, 192–195, 204
- vertex, 89
- visual-information questions
- vocabulary, 152–153
- volume, 58–59, 102–103
- Warning icon, 2
- websites
- Kirkland Group, 15
- online practice tests, 3
- Praxis Core, 13
- Technical Support (Wiley), 3
- weight, 58–59
- whether/weather, 212
- which clause, 208
- whole numbers
- defined, 41
- finding factors of, 43–44
- who/whom, 200
- word problems
- about, 60
- algebra, 79–81
- common errors with, 411
- word-matching, 417
- Works Cited, in essays, 181
- Writing subtest. See also essays
- about, 8
- answers and explanations
- about, 31–33
- Practice Exam 1, 289–299
- Practice Exam 2, 380–389
- common mistakes on, 413–418
- components of, 9
- questions
- number of in, 8
- practice, 23–24
- Practice Exam 1, 253–259
- Practice Exam 2, 343–349
- types of in, 10
- test-taking strategies for, 221–229
- time limit for, 8
- wrong, compared with different, 415
x, solving for, 68–69
- x-axis, 105
- xy coordinate plane
- about, 105
- distance formula, 107
- identifying linear equations, 106–107
- intersecting graphs, 107–108
- midpoint formula, 107
- naming coordinate pairs, 105–106
- transforming figures, 108–110