A note about the index: The pages referenced in this index refer to the page numbers in the print edition. Clicking on a page number will take you to the ebook location that corresponds to the beginning of that page in the print edition. For a comprehensive list of locations of any word or phrase, use your reading system’s search function.
- ABC, 47, 396, 401
- Abrams, Stacey, 164, 374
- Abutaleb, Yasmeen, 125
- ACE2 receptors, 83
- adenovirus-based coronavirus vaccines, 83
- Affordable Care Act (ACA)/Obamacare, 3, 42, 76–78, 187, 319, 368
- Afghanistan
- Arlington National Cemetery, Biden’s visit to, 388, Plate k
- Biden’s review of situation and draw-down plan, 334–40, 376–91
- as drone base and CIA listening post, 382, 390
- Obama presidency and, 334–36, 338–39, 380–82, 385, 387
- “Poignant Vision” (war game), 381
- reactions to Biden draw-down, 389–91
- shifting mission in, 337–38
- Trump’s plans for withdrawing U.S. troops from, 100, 103, 148, 156–58, 160, 335, 389, 390
- African Americans. See race/racism
- Air Force One, 174, 263, 288, 290, 400, 404, 406
- Air Force Two, 224, 225, 298
- Aitken, Margaret, 139–40
- Akhromeyev, Sergei, 128
- Al Qaeda, 337, 338, 378, 381, 385, 389
- Alaska, in economic stimulus bill, 333
- Alexander, Lamar, 77
- Alito, Samuel, 178, 201
- Almost Heaven (Manchin houseboat), 318, 351, 362
- Alpha Kappa Alpha (Harris’s sorority), 116, 294
- alternate slate/dual slate claims, 209–11, 226, 227
- Amazon, 356
- “America First,” 25, 256, 396
- “American Carnage” inaugural address of Trump, 16, 86
- American Federation of Teachers, 323
- Amherst College, 64–65
- Andrews Air Force Base (Joint Base Andrews), 97, 225, 290, 297, 407
- Antifa, 86, 87
- anti-Semitism, 2, 4, 262, 263, 273, 275
- anti-social personality disorder, 6
- Anzalone, John, 18, 47
- AOC. See Ocasio-Cortez, Alexandria
- The Apprentice (TV show), 183
- Arizona
- audits of voting in, 374
- claims of fraudulent voting in, 219–21
- lawsuit to decertify election results in, 200
- objection to certification of votes in, 232, 255, 256–57
- Arizona v. Inter Tribal Council, 220
- Arlington National Cemetery, 108, 130, 388, Plate k
- Armed Services Committee, 24
- assault on Capitol (Jan. 6, 2021). See Capitol assault
- Associated Press, 132, 137, 169
- The Atlantic, 4
- Austin, Lloyd, 168, 336, 339, 376–78, 385–86, 387, Plate j
- automobile industry, Obama’s rescue of, 190
- Avenue in the Rain (Hassam), 292
- Axios, 158
- Ayers, Nick, 281–82
- Babbitt, Ashli, 241, 248
- Balsamo, Mike, 169
- Banks, Jim, 346
- Bannon, Steve, 7, 207–8, 233, 234, 273–74, 289
- Barr, Christine, 70, 71
- Barr, William (Bill)
- appointment as attorney general, 26–28
- on birthright citizenship, 78–79
- commitment to stay on as attorney general, 173–74
- efforts to talk Trump into accepting loss, 165–67, 170–73, 247
- on fraudulent voting/stolen election claims, 165–67, 169–74, 180
- Joe and Hunter Biden, refusal to investigate, 57, 197
- Lafayette Square, at clearing of, 94, 96, Plate d
- McConnell and, 126
- Mueller report and, 26, 27–29
- on Obamacare, 76–78
- on Patel as FBI director, 155–56
- photos of, Plate c, Plate d
- on political use of justice system, 80
- on Sidney Powell special counsel proposal, 196–97
- on presidential campaign of 2020, 70–75
- on racial unrest after Floyd murder, 88, 90–92
- resignation of, 180–81
- Bartholomew, Joseph M., and Bartholomew Golf Course, 19, 22
- Basu, Zachary, 158
- Bauer, Bob, 31
- Beautiful Things (Hunter Biden memoir), 13, 37
- Bedingfield, Kate, 59
- Bedminster, New Jersey, Trump’s golf club at, 1, 113, 279, 397
- Beethoven, 331
- Belichick, Bill, 279
- Bernstein, Sonya, 300, 353
- Bessler, John, 64
- Bhutto, Benazir, 379
- Biden, Ashley (daughter of Joe Biden), 16, 139
- Biden, Beau (Joseph R. Biden, III)
- Afghanistan, in Biden’s remarks about, 339, 388
- Lloyd Austin, on staff of, 336
- brain cancer, death from, 12–14, 19, 118, 289, 408
- brother Hunter dating widow of, 16–17, 34
- Buttigieg and, 50, 64
- Democratic primary of 2020 and, 17, 40–42, 50
- funeral of, 36, 118
- Harris and, 50, 117–18
- Major Joseph R. “Beau” Biden III National Guard Reserve Center, 289
- photo of, Plate k
- Promise Me, Dad (Joe Biden memoir) and, 16, 17
- Biden, Finnegan (daughter of Hunter), 37
- Biden, Hallie (widow of Beau), 16–17, 408
- Biden, Hunter
- Beautiful Things (memoir), 13, 37
- Joe Biden and 2016 presidential election, 12–13
- divorce from Kathleen and involvement with Hallie, 16–17, 34
- Graham on, 142
- investigations of, proposed and actual, 57, 139, 197
- personal problems of, 12, 17–19, 34, 37–38
- Ukraine, Trump encouraging investigation of Bidens by, 57
- at Wilmington victory address (Nov. 7, 2020), 139
- Biden, Jill, 15–17, 36, 37, 43, 63, 64, 119, 120, 139, 370, 407, Plate h
- Biden, Joe
- Charlottesville “Unite the Right” rally, response to, 1–4
- congressional elections of 2018, campaigning in, 17–19, 21–22
- first two runs for presidency (1988, 2008), 11–12, 33, 34, 35
- as former vice-president, 2–3, 15–16
- gaffes, proneness to, 43, 81, 404–6
- Graham and, 142–43, 258
- marriage to Jill, 15–16
- McConnell and, 125–26, 137–38, 182–83, 285–86, 308, 324–25
- personal problems of Hunter Biden and, 12, 17–19, 34, 36–38
- personal tragedies of, 11, 13–14, 140, 408
- photos of, Plate e, Plate h, Plate k, Plate m, Plate p
- presidential election of 2016 and, 12–16, 33
- progressives and, 42, 44, 173, 285, 405
- Promise Me, Dad (memoir), 16, 17, 18
- Promises to Keep (autobiography), 11
- sexual misconduct allegations against, 36, 43
- Trump, opinion of, 33, 44, 417
- Trump on Russia investigation and, 73, 79–80
- Ukraine, Trump encouraging investigation of Bidens by, 57
- vice presidential desk drawer, signing of, 267
- Biden, Joe, in 2020 Democratic primary, 55–70. See also specific states
- announcement of candidacy, 23, 35, 40, 44–47
- Clyburn and, 48–49, 52, 60–63
- debates, 50, 61, 64, 119
- Democratic primary candidates running against, 44, 50–54
- endorsed by other primary candidates, 62–64, 66
- lack of visibility on campaign trail, concerns about, 81
- primary candidates in, 44, 50–54
- on racial unrest after Floyd murder, 99
- rumor that Democrats would replace Biden at convention, 69
- school busing, Harris on Biden’s opposition to, 50, 118–19
- segregationist senators, on working with, 48–50
- Super Tuesday, 58, 63, 66
- Biden, Joe, in 2020 presidential campaign
- age and mental competency, insinuations regarding, 45–47, 112, 329
- Capitol assault designed to overthrow election victory of, xviii–xix
- coronavirus and, 55–56, 67, 68, 81–82, 84–85
- debates, 123, 124
- decision to run for president, 18–19, 21–23, 31–37
- declaration as winner, 137
- Delaware congressional delegation and, 40–42
- election night/results, 131–33
- family-related attacks on Biden in, 34, 36
- as fundraiser, 23, 45, 59
- Harris chosen as running mate, 116–20
- mail-in ballots, Trump versus Biden on, 131–32, 133
- McConnell on, 125–26
- “soul,” concept of, in, 4, 39, 44, 47, 120, 138–39, 293
- Trump’s nicknames for Biden in, 46, 67
- Trump’s reaction to, 45–47, 81, 112, 329
- woman as running mate, plans for, 42, 116
- Biden, Joe, in post-election period
- Black appointees under, 168
- Capitol assault, reaction to, 251–52, 268
- coronavirus vaccine distribution planning, 185–90
- economic stimulus plan, 185, 190, 268–72, 294–85
- Major Joseph R. “Beau” Biden III National Guard Reserve Center, speaking at, 289
- Manlove phone call and letter, 139–41, 442
- McCarthy on, 191, 192
- McConnell and, 137–38
- Pompeo on transition period, 152
- pre-inauguration speech (Jan. 14, 2021), 271, 284–87
- transition team, Trump administration’s lack of cooperation with, 187
- Wilmington address (Nov. 7, 2020), 138–39
- Biden, Joe, presidency of. See also economic stimulus plan, under Biden; inauguration of Biden; White House staff, under Biden
- Afghanistan review and draw-down decision, 334–40, 376–91
- Carter, compared by McLaughlin to, 398
- coronavirus response plan under, 299–302, 326, 352–53, 408
- Democrats’ relief at, 328–31
- first days in office, 299–302
- on immigration, 410
- impeachment articles filed by Marjorie Taylor Greene against, 305
- infrastructure bill, 405
- Manchin and, 358–59, 364–65
- paradigm change from Trump White House, 370
- Putin and Russia, 401–4, 406, Plate p
- stumble on Air Force One steps, 406
- Trump’s letter to Biden, 287–88, 299
- Trump’s shadow on, 207–8, 417–18
- White House, Biden’s discomfort in, 407
- Biden, Joe senior (Biden’s father), 11, 64–65
- Biden, Joseph R. “Beau,” III. See Biden, Beau
- Biden, Kathleen (wife of Hunter), 12–13, 16, 34
- Biden, Maisy (daughter of Hunter), 37
- Biden, Naomi (daughter of Hunter), 37
- Biden, Naomi (daughter of Joe and Neilia), 11, 13, 140, 408
- Biden, Neilia (Joe Biden’s first wife), 11, 13, 140, 408
- Biden, Robert “Hunter,” II (son of Beau), 36
- Biden, Valerie, 67
- Biden Cancer Initiative, 15
- Biden Foundation, 15
- Biden Institute, University of Delaware, 15
- BioNTech, 114, 184
- bipartisanship
- Biden and Democrats on, 329–30
- economic stimulus plan, negotiations on, 306–17, 320–21
- in inauguration speech of Biden, 296
- infrastructure bill, 405
- McConnell on Biden and, 285–86, 308
- segregationist senators, Biden on working with, 48–50
- birthright citizenship, Trump’s desire to challenge, 78–79
- Bishop, Vaughn, 156
- Black community. See race/racism
- Black Lives Matter (organization), 2, 87, 91
- Black Lives Matter Plaza, Washington, D.C., 89
- Blasey Ford, Christine, 20–21
- Blinken, Tony, 55, 335, 376–77, 383–86, 391, Plate j
- Bloomberg, Michael, 51–52, 53, 58
- Blue Room, White House, 175
- Blumenthal, Richard, 356, 366
- Blunt, Roy, 255, 291, 344
- Blunt Rochester, Lisa, 40–42
- Bobb, Christina, 219
- Boebert, Lauren, 346
- Bondi, Pam, 345
- Boogaloo Boys, 277
- Booker, Cory, 22
- Boozman, John, 344
- border wall, 8, 9, 207, 299
- Bossie, David, 145–47
- Botsford, Jabin, 287
- Bourla, Albert, 123–24
- Bowser, Muriel, 235
- Boxer, Barbara, 118
- Bradley, Omar, xvii
- Branch Davidians, 88
- Breitbart and Breitbart News, 7, 151
- Breyer, Stephen, 57
- Bro, Susan, 45
- broadband programs in rural areas, 348–49, 354
- Brooks, David, 405
- Brooks, Mo, 202
- “brotherhood,” 126
- Brown, George, xxiv–xxv
- Brown, Sherrod, 255
- Brown Shirts, 273
- Burisma, 57
- Burks, Jonathan, 6, 7, 9
- Burwell, Sylvia, 300
- Bush, George H. W., 26, 71–72, 79, 106, 199, 267, 314
- Bush, George W., 177, 199, 237, 281, 286, 295, 312, 335, 337, 391
- Buttigieg, Pete, 35, 50, 51, 53, 58–59, 63, 64, 370
- Byrne, Patrick, 193, 196
- Cabinet Room, White House, 196
- Canada, 7
- Capito, Shelley Moore, 313–14
- Capitol assault (Jan. 6, 2021), 237–58
- assault on/rioter entry into Capitol, 241–56, Plate f
- Ashli Babbitt, shooting death of, 241, 248
- Biden’s reaction to, 251–52, 268
- Cabinet members briefed on rally, 238
- criminal charges in, 414
- electoral vote count and, 243, 255–59
- evacuation of Pelosi, Clyburn, and McConnell, 241–43
- evening prior to (Jan. 5), 228–36
- foreign concerns about, xiii–xviii, xxviii
- gathering of supporters at Freedom Plaza, 228, 230–31
- Giuliani’s rally address, 239
- hanging of Pence, calls for, 241, 341
- as intelligence failure, 415
- “lovefest,” viewed by Trump as, 228, 254, 256, 413
- march on Capitol, 240–41
- Kevin McCarthy on Trump;s responsibility for, 303
- McConnell in, 243, 244, 252, 255
- McConnell’s speech on, 342, 343, 350, 393
- Milley and, xviii–xxviii, 243, 250–51, 273–74, 415–16
- Pence and, 241, 243, 244, 245, 249, 251, 253, 256, 266, 278–82, 341
- pipe bombs, 241
- planning for rally at Freedom Plaza, 206–8
- pre-rally concerns about violence, 234–36
- riot, declaration of, 240–41
- Russian Revolution compared, 415–16
- second impeachment of Trump and, 280–81, 282, 304–5, 341–42
- Adam Smith on overheard talk of participants, 237–58
- Trump legacy and, 410, 413–14
- Trump response to, 239–40, 245–46, 248–51, 254, 256, 279–83
- White House staff’s lack of response to, xxi–xxii, xxvii, 246, 248–49, 253–54, 282
- Capitol, Biden inauguration at. See inauguration of Biden
- Capitol Police, 240, 241, 243, 246, 247, 251, 253, 254, 276, 294, 413, Plate f
- Carlson, Tucker, 163
- Carper, Tom, 40, 355, 360, 363, 364, 365, 368, 371
- Carter, Jimmy, 31, 361, 398
- Case, Steve, 33
- Cassidy, Bill, 307
- Castor, Bruce, 341
- Catholicism
- of Biden, 1, 3, 11, 296, 382
- of Collins, 323
- of Donilon, 1
- CBS This Morning, 43
- Center for Biologics Evaluation and Research, FDA, 123
- Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), 55, 56, 123, 408
- Central Intelligence Agency. See CIA
- certification of election/refusal to certify
- Arizona, lawsuit to decertify election results in, 200
- Capitol assault and, 243, 255–59
- completion of certification, 256–58
- congressional commission to investigate election, proposal for, 232
- Cruz on, 201–2, 206, 232, 255, 256
- discussion of Quayle and Pence on, 198–201
- dual slate/alternate slate claims, 209–11, 226, 227
- Eastman memo on, 203, 209–11
- Gohmert and, 267
- Graham on, 182, 257–58
- House, contested elections decided by, 198–200, 211–12, 228
- Mike Lee on, 201–3, 206, 209–12
- McConnell and, 201–2, 214, 255
- Meadows and, 202, 210, 212, 240
- Pence and, 197, 198–201, 205–7, 211, 212, 214–15, 224–30, 232–34, 237–40, 256, 258
- Republican congressional members on, 231–32
- Senate parliamentarian on, 214–15
- senatorial objection to certification, 202, 205–6
- Marc Short and, 205, 214–15, 224–25, 230, 232, 234, 237, 238, 258
- state legislatures not supporting, 227
- Trump urging rejection of certification, 181–82, 198–203, 205–7, 225–30, 233–34, 237–40
- 12th Amendment and, 198–99, 210–12
- Chamberlain, Neville, 112
- Chao, Elaine, 260
- Charlottesville, VA
- Biden’s announcement of candidacy in, 44
- “Unite the Right” rally in (2017), 1–4, 5, 7–8, 39, 45, 120, Plate a
- Chauvin, Derek, 86
- Chavez, Cesar, 292
- Chávez, Hugo, 178
- Cheney, Dick, 281
- Cheney, Liz, 281, 344, 393
- child tax credit, expansion of, 271–72, 284, 313
- China
- Afghanistan and, 377
- Capitol assault, concerns about, xiii–xviii, xxviii
- coronavirus outbreak and, 55, 56, 129
- military capabilities of, xv–xvi
- Milley’s knowledge of, 25
- Sidney Powell on communist election conspiracy, 163
- secret U.S. plot to attack (Oct. 30, 2020), fears of, xiii–xiv, 128–30
- South China Sea, control of, xvi–xvii, 128
- Taiwan and, xvi, xvi–xvii
- Churchill, Winston, 242, 416
- CIA, xviii, 32, 151, 152, 156, 159, 250, 296, 377, 382, 389
- Cipollone, Pat, 77–79, 108, 165, 169, 194, 240, 247, 290
- Civil War, U.S., 87
- Clark, Justin, 180
- Clinton, Bill, 112, 199, 286, 292, 293, 295, 312
- Clinton, Hillary
- Afghanistan and, 335, 380–81, 386
- at Biden inauguration, 295
- in presidential election of 2016, 12, 14–16, 23, 31–33, 51, 57, 66, 81, 133, 175, 193, 399
- as secretary of state, 12, 335, 380, 386
- Clyburn, Angela, 62
- Clyburn, Emily, 49, 62
- Clyburn, James, 48–49, 52, 60–63, 116–17, 119, 131–32, 167–68, 241–42, 295, 372–75, Plate m
- Clyburn, Jennifer, 62
- CNN, xxviii, 24, 63, 176, 355, 404
- Coalition of the Willing (Blinken dad-rock band), 55, 376
- COIN, 337
- Collins, Kaitlan, 404
- Collins, Susan, 306–10, 313, 314, 317, 322–25, 328, 331–32, 341
- Comey, James, 73, 172
- communist election conspiracy, 163
- community health/vaccination centers, 189, 352, 353
- Confederate flags/monuments/military base names, 107–9
- Congress. See also Capitol assault; certification of election/refusal to certify; House; impeachment; Senate
- Delaware congressional delegation and Biden, 40–42
- elections of 1994, 396
- elections of 2018, 17–19, 21–22, 31–32
- elections of 2020, 134, 144, 183, 191–92
- elections of 2022, 31, 286, 304, 344, 345, 350, 375, 391, 393, 396, 400, 410–11
- Congressional Baseball Game, 18
- Congressional Black Caucus, 17, 22, 60
- congressional commission to investigate election, proposal for, 232
- Conmy Hall, 275, 299
- Constitution
- 12th Amendment, 198–99, 210–12, 257
- 14th Amendment, 78
- 25th Amendment, xix, xxiv, 259–60, 280
- Milley on oath to, 97, 98, 154
- reconciliation process and, 372
- strict construction of, 201
- “Contract with America,” 396
- Conway, Kellyanne, 45–46, 74, 77, 125, 133, 398–99, Plate n
- Coons, Chris, 40–41, 42, 137–38
- Cornyn, John, 137–38
- coronavirus. See also economic stimulus plan
- antibody cocktails and Regeneron, 125
- Biden presidency and, 299–302, 326, 352–53, 408
- in Biden presidential campaign and briefings, 55–56, 67, 68, 81–82, 84–85
- Biden transition team on, 185–90
- bipartisanship claimed in developing relief framework, 307
- bleach comment, 81
- China and, 55, 56, 129
- community health/vaccination centers, 189, 352, 353
- death of Elizabeth Warren’s brother from, 67
- death rates, 82, 113, 185, 270, 300, 408
- Delta variant, 408
- emergency approval for vaccines, 122–24, 149–50, 184–85
- FEMA and, 188–89
- Giuliani hospitalized with, 175
- lag in distribution of vaccines, under Trump, 185, 187, 188
- Manlove funeral, Biden’s inability to attend, 141
- masks/masking, 125, 175, 263, 293, 299, 302, 309, 408
- Obamacare challenges and, 76
- “Operation Warp Speed,” 114, 181
- Pence and coronavirus task force, 150, 228
- presidential election results and, 133, 134
- race and health inequities, 83–84
- testing infrastructure, 189, 300, 309, 352–53
- Trump’s handling of, 56, 68–69, 74, 81, 82–84, 113–15, 122–25, 129, 185, 187–89
- Trump’s hospitalization for, 124–25
- vaccine creation and distribution, 83, 113–15, 122–24, 149–50, 181, 184–85, 262–63, 300–302, 309, 352, 353, 362, 398, 408
- vaccine hesitancy and opposition, 408
- viral mechanism of, 82–83
- White House staff contracting, 125, 146
- Cortes, Steve, 175–76
- Costa, Robert, 417–18
- COVID-19. See coronavirus
- Crowe, William J. (Admiral), 128
- Cruz, Heidi, 179
- Cruz, Ted, 178–80, 201–2, 206, 232, 255, 256
- C-SPAN, 200
- Cuba and communist election conspiracy, 163
- Cuban Missile Crisis (1962), xv
- Cullen, Richard, 237–38, 260
- Cummings, Elijah, 53
- cyberattacks, xvi, 402, 406
- Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA), Department of Homeland Security, 159
- Daffron, Tom, 306
- Daines, Steve, 256
- Davidson, Philip, xvii
- dead, claims of voting by, 144–45, 213–14, 216–17
- death rates from coronavirus, 82, 113, 185, 270, 300, 408
- debates
- in Democratic primaries, 50, 61, 64, 119
- Pence-Harris, 120
- Trump-Biden, 123, 124, 133
- “deep state,” 113, 114, 155
- Deere, Judd, 231, 269
- Deese, Brian, 190, 271, 313, 314, 332
- Defense, Department of, xxiii, 243, 264, 300
- Defense Production Act, 189
- DeLauro, Rosa, 272
- Delaware
- Biden as president missing homes in, 402
- Biden Institute, University of Delaware, 15
- business-friendliness of, 318
- congressional delegation and Biden’s presidential bid, 40–42
- Major Joseph R. “Beau” Biden III National Guard Reserve Center, 289
- Manlove phone call and letter, 139–41, 442
- Wilmington victory address (Nov. 7, 2020), 138–39
- Delta variant, 408
- Democratic National Committee (DNC), chair of, 168
- Democrats. See also Biden, Joe, in 2020 Democratic primary; progressives
- Biden presidency, relief at, 328–31
- Collins targeted by, 323
- congressional elections of 2018 and, 17–19, 21–22, 31–32
- congressional results in 2020 elections, 144
- economic stimulus plan and, 268–71, 285, 326, 362
- Harrison’s salary as DNC chair, 168
- infrastructure bill and, 405
- rumor that Democrats would replace Biden at convention, 69
- on second Trump impeachment, 280–81
- Trump, desire to defeat, 18, 19, 21–22, 34, 44, 48, 67
- Trump driven further right by, 173–74
- Dempsey, Martin (General), 128
- Denver, John, 351
- Departments, U.S. See specific names, e.g. Defense, Department of
- “deplorables,” 175, 176, 207
- DeSantis, Ron, 397
- dining room next to Oval Office, White House, 72, 134, 165, 166, 169, 245
- Diplomatic Reception Room, White House, 290
- Dobbs, Lou, 146–47
- Dodd, Chris, 119
- Dole, Bob, 10
- Dominion (voting machine company), 163, 178
- Donilon, Mike (Mike D.)
- in Biden 2020 presidential campaign, 39–40, 44, 45
- Biden decision to run in 2020 and, 18, 36
- on Buttigieg ad, 59
- Charlottesville racial rally, Biden’s response to, 1–4
- Anita Dunn and, 31
- inauguration speech of Biden and, 296
- personal relationship with Biden, 1
- photo of, Plate a
- public unawareness of, 370
- Ricchetti compared, 14
- Greg Schultz compared, 22
- “soul,” concept of, in Biden campaign, 4, 39, 138–39, 293
- on South Carolina Black Democratic voters, 52
- Doocy, Steve, 9
- Dowd, Maureen, 179
- Dr. Strangelove (film), 172
- Drakeford, Robert, 217
- dual slate/alternate slate claims, 209–11, 226, 227
- Ducey, Doug, 221
- Dunford, Joseph Jr. (General), 24, 128
- Dunn, Anita, 31–32, 58, 270, 271, 285, 368, 370, 405, Plate a
- Durbin, Dick, 355
- Durham, John, 79–80, 171
- East Room, White House, 131, 132
- Eastland, James O., 48
- Eastman, John, 203, 209–11, 225–26, 227, 238
- Ebola crisis (2014/2015), 55, 185–86
- economic spending, traditional Republican stance on, 192, 270, 285, 307, 346, 410–11
- economic stimulus plan, under Biden
- broadband programs and rural Internet service, 348–49, 354
- child tax credit, expansion of, 271–72, 284, 313
- early discussion of, 185, 190
- final passage and signing, 369–70
- House passage of, 347, 369
- Manchin and, 317–20, 348, 351–52, 355–67
- McConnell on, 285–86
- minimum wage, 314, 347, 354, 356
- Pence on, 346
- in pre-inauguration speech (Jan. 14, 2021), 284–85
- public reactions to, 285, 326
- reconciliation, 308–9, 316, 320, 322–27, 331–33, 347
- Republicans, negotiations with, 306–17, 320–21, 331–33
- in Senate, 347–49, 354–69
- stimulus checks, 190, 268, 284, 285, 310, 314, 348
- time sensitivity of, 319, 323
- transition team planning on, 268–72
- unemployment benefits, 284, 313–14, 319, 325, 351–52, 354–64, 366
- economic stimulus plans
- under Obama, 59, 269, 346
- under Trump, 190, 268, 285, 310, 311
- 82nd Airborne, 88, 91
- Einstein, Albert, 331
- Eisenhower Executive Office Building, 265
- Elections. See midterm elections; presidential election of 2020; presidential elections
- Electoral College. See also certification of election/refusal to certify
- casting of ballots by (Dec. 14, 2020), 181–83
- dual slate/alternate slate claims, 209–11
- “faithless electors,” 210
- overturning of election, Trump efforts to convince Pence on, 197, 198–201
- Electoral Count Act, 202
- Ellis, Jenna, 180
- Emhoff, Doug, 120, 297
- The Epoch Times, 273
- Epshteyn, Boris, 233
- Esper, Mark
- on Confederate flags/monuments/military base names, 109
- firing of, as secretary of defense, 148–49, 151, 152
- Iran, Trump’s curiosity about strike against, 105
- Lafayette Square, Washington, D.C., clearing of, 93, 94–96, Plate d
- photos of, Plate d
- racial unrest after Floyd murder and, 90–103
- resisting Trump bid to deploy active-duty troops in Washington, D.C., 99–103
- executive orders
- Biden signing (on Jan. 20, 2021), 299
- birthright citizenship, Trump’s desire to challenge, 78–79
- Extreme Tea Party, 273
- F-16s, 235, 236
- F-18s, 258
- F-35s, 258
- Fabrizio, Tony, 68–70, 112, 122
- Facebook, 111, 341, 394
- “faithless electors,” 210
- Farah, Alyssa, 164–65
- Fauci, Anthony, 83, 125, 188
- Biden inauguration security planning and, 276, 296
- Patrick Byrne’s claims regarding, 193
- Capitol assault and, 235, 236, 415
- fraudulent voting/stolen election claims, investigation of, 166
- identification of rioters in Capitol assault, 256
- Mueller as director of, 27
- Patel suggested as director of, 155–56
- as “power ministry,” 151
- racial unrest after Floyd murder and, 90, 92, 93
- Russia investigation and, 73, 79–80, 155, 171
- Waco siege (1993), 88
- FDR. See Roosevelt, Franklin Delano
- Federal Bureau of Investigation. See FBI
- Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA), 125, 188–89, 302, 352, 353
- federal judiciary and Mitch McConnell, 20–21, 126
- Federalist Society, 237
- felons, claims of voting by, 213–14, 258
- Fields, Richard, 373
- filibuster, 72, 309, 320, 331, 372, 374
- Flood, Emmet, 28
- Flores, Lucy, 43
- Floyd, George, 86, 87, 99, 119, 250
- Flynn, Michael, 7, 150, 193–96, 223
- Foley, Tom, 200
- Food and Drug Administration (FDA), 113–15, 122–23, 125, 149–50, 184
- “football,” nuclear, xx
- Forbes, 178
- Ford, Gerald, 25, 138, 417
- Ford aircraft carrier, 25–26
- Fort Lesley J. McNair, 242, 243
- Fort Sumter, bombardment of (1861), 87
- Four Seasons Total Landscaping news conference, 144–45
- 4-3-2-1 Democratic primary campaign plan, 57–58, 59
- 14th Street Bridge, Washington, D.C., 276
- 14th Amendment, 78
- Fox, 143, 343, 344
- Fox Business, 146–47
- Fox & Friends, 9
- Fox News, 7, 8, 9, 25, 73, 79, 129, 131, 132, 134, 163, 167, 175, 176, 210, 221, 225, 287, 343
- Franz Ferdinand (Archduke), assassination of (1914), 105
- fraudulent voting/stolen election claims. See also certification of election/refusal to certify
- audits arising from, 374
- Barr on, 165–67, 169–74, 180
- communist election conspiracy, 163
- court cases involving, 133, 136, 176, 178–80, 199, 200, 214, 222
- dead, claims of voting by, 144–45, 213–14, 216–17
- dual slate/alternate slate claims, 209–11
- early hints of, 130, 131
- election security groups, joint statement of (Nov. 12, 2020), 159
- evidence, collapse of, 216–21
- felons, claims of voting by, 213–14, 258
- Fox News calling Arizona for Biden and, 132, 200
- Georgia Senate run-off elections affected by, 177–78, 226, 286
- Giuliani’s involvement in, 134–36, 144–47, 162–64, 167, 175, 176, 180, 197, 213, 216–19, 224
- Graham on, 162–64, 204, 209, 213–14, 216–17, 221, 411
- Justice Department investigation of, 165–66, 170
- Lindell encouraging, 287
- mail-in ballots, 131–32, 133, 174, 204, 222
- Meadows and, 154, 167, 194–96, 213
- noncitizen voting claims, 220
- overturning of election, Trump efforts to convince Pence on, 197, 198–201
- overvoting claims, 220
- Pence on, 200, 224
- Sidney Powell and, 146–47, 150, 163–64, 167, 177, 178, 180, 193–96
- Dan Quayle on, 200
- Republican voter support for, 134, 202–3, 227, 286–87
- rigging of voting machines, 146–47, 163, 170–71, 178, 194, 195
- Rove on, 177–78, 286–87
- special counsel to investigate, proposal to appoint, 193–97
- state legislatures not supporting, 227
- Supreme Court and, 133, 136, 176, 178–80
- Trump’s assertion of/belief in, xix, 133–36, 165–67, 170, 176, 204–8, 209, 226, 254, 287, 393, 411, 416
- underage voting claims, 213–14, 258
- vacant/nonresidential addresses, claims of voters registering at, 218, 222
- Herschel Walker’s support for, 396
- Frazier, Joe, 144–45
- Free, “All Right Now,” 298
- Freedom of Information Act suits, 29
- Freedom Plaza, Washington, D.C., 206, 228, 233
- Full Metal Jacket (film), xiv, xxv, 102, 103
- Furman, Jason, 352
- gas masks, in Capitol assault, 246
- Gates, Robert, xvii, 335, 380–81
- Georgia
- audits of voting in, 374
- claims of fraudulent voting in, 216–19, 222, 224, 258, 286, 411
- Democratic win in run-off elections, 268, 271, 311, 320
- midterms of 2022 in, 396
- Senate run-off elections, 137, 167, 174–75, 177–78, 190, 222, 224, 226, 268, 271, 286
- voting restrictions in, 373
- Gerasimov, Valery (Russian General), 129
- Germany, 274, 331
- Ghani, Ashraf, 339
- Giebels, Tim, 244
- Gingrich, Newt, 112, 396
- Giuliani, Rudy
- Barr on, 167, 180
- Bidens, investigation of, 57
- Capitol assault and, 239, 247
- certification of election/refusal to certify and, 233, 234
- compensation, requests for, 162
- Four Seasons Total Landscaping news conference, 144–45
- fraudulent voting/stolen election claims of, 134–36, 144–47, 162–64, 167, 175, 176, 180, 197, 213, 216–19, 224
- hair dye incident, 163
- hospitalized with coronavirus, 175
- Pompeo’s concerns over, 150
- on Sidney Powell special counsel proposal, 195–96
- Glover, Robert, 240–41
- Gohmert, Louie, 267
- Goldfein, David L., 24
- Goldwater, Barry, 201
- golf
- Bedminster, New Jersey, Trump’s golf club at, 167–68
- Clyburn and, 167–68
- Graham and, 204–5
- Joseph M. Bartholomew Golf Course, 19, 22
- PGA canceling tournament at Trump club, 279
- Quayle and, 198, 201
- Cedric Richmond and Biden playing, 19, 22
- Trump and, 1, 113, 143, 193, 204, 231, 279, 305, 343, 392–98, 400, 417
- Goodman, Eugene, 293–94
- Gore, Al, 199
- Gorman, Amanda, 295
- Graff, Rhona, 6
- Graham, Lindsey
- on Afghanistan, 389–90
- Barr and, 29
- Biden and, 142–43, 258
- Sherrod Brown and, 255
- Capitol assault and, 255, 260–61
- on congressional certification/refusal to certify, 182, 257–58
- in congressional elections of 2020, 168
- on fraudulent voting/stolen election claims, 162–64, 204, 209, 213–14, 216–17, 221, 411
- McConnell and, 342, 344, 349–50
- Pence and, 260–61, 393
- photo of, Plate n
- on self-pardon for Trump, 289
- Trump and, 162, 182, 204–5, 221, 257–58, 289, 305, 342–44, 349–50, 389, 392–97, 409–14
- Great Depression, 195
- Great Recession (2008), 327
- Greene, Marjorie Taylor, 305
- Groundhog Day (film), 78, 79
- Guilfoyle, Kimberly, 175
- Gulf War (1991), 90
- gun lobby, 73
- Hagar the Horrible, 119
- Hahn, Stephen, 113–15, 122–23, 184
- hanging of Pence, rioters’ calls for, 241, 341
- Hannity, Sean, 7, 122
- Harris, Donald, 118
- Harris, Kamala
- Beau Biden and, 50, 117–18
- as Biden’s running mate, 116–20
- Clyburn and, 116–17, 119, 167–68
- coronavirus vaccine supply and, 301
- dropping out of Democratic primary, 53, 118
- economic stimulus plan and, 309, 360, 369
- former Biden campaign hands working for, 35
- at inauguration, 293–94, 297, Plate e
- at Kavanaugh hearings, 118
- paradigm change from Biden to Trump White House and, 370
- photo of, Plate e
- Cedric Richmond and, 22
- school busing, Harris on Biden’s opposition to, 50, 118–19
- standing in Democratic primary, 50, 51
- as tie-breaker in Senate, 190, 309, 318
- Trump on, 121
- The Truths We Hold, 118
- at Wilmington victory address (Nov. 7, 2020), 139
- Harris, Shyamala, 118
- Harrison, Jaime, 168
- Harvard Law Review, 33
- Harvey Milk (Navy ship), 108
- Haspel, Gina, xviii, 152, 156, 159–60
- Hassam, Childe, 292
- Hawley, Josh, 205–6, 255–57
- Health and Human Services, Department of, 300
- health care. See also coronavirus
- ACA/Obamacare, 3, 42, 76–78, 187, 319
- Ebola crisis (2014/2015), 55, 185–86
- Medicare for All, 31
- Heaney, Seamus, 141
- Hegseth, Pete, 9
- Herschmann, Eric, 169, 194, 195
- Heyer, Heather, 2, 45
- Hicks, Hope, 95, 143–44, 152–53, 164–65
- Hill, Anita, 45, 174
- The Hill (newspaper), 168
- “The Hill We Climb” (Gorman), 295
- Hispanic Caucus, 22
- historically Black colleges and universities (HBCUs), 116–17, 373
- Hitler, Adolf, xix, 112, 273
- Hoeven, John, 344
- Holmes, Lee, 216–21
- Holocaust, 331
- Holt, Lester, 176
- Homeland Security, Department of, 159, 166, 273, 296, 300
- Hoover, Herbert, 112, 270
- House
- Biden’s stimulus bill, passage of, 347, 369
- Capitol assault on House chamber, 246
- contested elections, deciding of, 198–200, 211–12, 228
- Pence on time in, 346
- Republican gains in, in 2020 elections, 134, 144, 191–92
- second Trump impeachment and, 280–81
- the Squad, 322, 354
- voter rights in, 372
- Howerton, Jonathan (Brigadier General), 292
- Hyde-Smith, Cindy, 256
- Idaho, unavailability of seafood in, 262
- Ignatius, David, 155
- immigration
- Biden on, 410
- birthright citizenship and, 78–79
- border wall, 8, 9, 207, 299
- Graham on importance of, 410–11
- Muslim travel ban, 86, 299
- impeachment
- Marjorie Taylor Greene filing impeachment articles against Biden, 305
- Trump’s first impeachment, 56–57, 311, 345
- Trump’s second impeachment, 280–81, 282, 304–5, 341–42
- inaugural addresses
- of Joe Biden, xi, 296–97, 307
- Trump’s “American Carnage” address, 16, 86
- inauguration of Biden (Jan. 20, 2021), 290–98
- attendees at, 293–95
- Bibles at, 294, 296
- departures of Trump and Pence, 290, 297–98
- Gorman poem at, 295
- Harris at, 293–94
- inaugural address, xi, 296–97, 307
- photo of, Plate e
- post-Capitol assault concerns about/preparation for, 252, 263, 273–77, 291, 294, 296, 299
- transition teams and, 291–92, 293, 296
- Trump inauguration video (Jan. 8, 2021), 264
- Trump not attending, 288
- inauguration of Trump (Jan. 20, 2017), 290–91
- inflation concerns, 352, 411
- infrastructure bill, 405
- Instagram, 118, 175
- insurrection
- at Capitol (Jan. 6, 2021) See Capitol assault
- racial unrest after Floyd murder viewed as, 87–90
- Insurrection Act, xxi, 89, 90, 100–102, 287
- Intelligence, Surveillance and Reconnaissance (ISR) satellites, xvii
- International Atomic Energy Agency, 159
- International Statistical Classification of Diseases and Related Health Problems, 10th edition (ICD-10), 6
- Internet service in rural areas, 348–49
- Iowa, Democratic primary campaign in, 55, 58
- Iran
- Capital assault, foreign concerns about, xv, xvii
- in Democratic primary campaign, 58–59
- hostage crisis in, 398
- potential nuclear incident after Capital assault, fears regarding, xxi
- as terrorist threat, 385
- Trump’s questions about potential strike at, 103–5, 109, 159–61
- Iraq, 13, 19, 44, 250, 336, 371, 388
- IRS, 313
- ISIS, 338
- Israel, 275
- Iwo Jima, 161
- Jack, Brian, 134
- Jackson, Andrew, 292
- Jacob, Greg, 205, 214, 225, 226, 237, 238, 260
- Jan. 6, 2021. See Capitol assault
- Jansen, Kathrin, 149
- Jefferson, Thomas, 44
- Jeffries, Hakeem, 280
- Jews and Judaism
- anti-Semitism, 2, 4, 262, 263, 273, 275
- Holocaust, Sanders’ family losses in, 331
- JFK. See Kennedy, John F.
- Johnson, Lyndon B., 88
- Johnson & Johnson, 114, 123
- Joint Base Andrews (Andrews Air Force Base), 97, 225, 290, 297, 407
- Joint Base Myer-Henderson Hall, Virginia, xviii, 275
- Joint Chiefs
- on Afghanistan, 386–87
- Capitol assault, response to, xviii
- election/post-election period, Milley’s game plan for, 109–10, 130
- Milley appointed as chairman of, 24–26
- president’s access to nuclear triggers, ability to control, xx–xxviii
- role of chairman of, xvi–xvii, xxviii
- Judicial Watch, 73
- Justice Department
- criminal justice decisions and politics, Barr on importance of separating, 27, 165–66
- fraudulent voting/stolen election claims, investigation of, 165–66, 170
- Obamacare challenge brought by, 76–78
- Office of Legal Counsel, 79
- Sidney Powell special counsel proposal and, 194
- Russia investigation and, 79–80, 171–73
- Trump pardons and, 292
- Kaine, Tim, 362
- Kaufman, Ted, 270
- Kavanaugh, Brett, 20–21, 118
- Kavanaugh, Pete, 23
- Kellogg, Keith (General), 88, 157–58, 223–24, 239, 245–46, 248–49, 253, 278
- Kelly, John, 8, 126
- Kelly, Mike, 178
- Kemp, Brian, 164, 373
- Kemp, Jack, 71–72
- Kennedy, Anthony M., 20
- Kennedy, John (Senator), 206, 256, 356
- Kennedy, John F. (JFK), 1, 4, 34, 179, 296
- Kennedy, Robert F. (Bobby), 1, 292, 413
- Kerry, John, 371
- Kessler, David, 81–82
- Keystone XL pipeline, 299
- Kilpatrick, Kwame, 289
- Kim Jong-un, 223
- King, Angus, 24, 357
- King, Martin Luther, Jr., 88, 277, 292, 413
- Kissinger, Henry, xxv
- Klain, Ron
- on Afghanistan, 335, 388
- Biden’s decision to run in 2020 presidential election and, 32–35
- on Biden’s discomfort in White House, 408
- on coronavirus, 55–56, 185–87, 408
- in Ebola crisis, 55
- economic stimulus plan and, 187, 190, 268–72, 285, 307, 309–11, 313, 315–17, 320–22, 324–26, 332, 347–48, 351, 355, 356, 358, 359, 365
- at first presidential debate, 124
- gaffes, controlling Biden’s proneness to, 405
- on Georgia run-off election results, 268
- inauguration-day transition, 291–92, 296, 299
- Manchin and, 351
- photos of, Plate a, Plate l
- reconciliation process and, 316, 322, 324–26
- Sanders and, 356
- Twitter following of, 370
- Klobuchar, Amy, 59, 63–64, 358
- Korean War, 195
- Krebs, Chris, 159
- Ku Klux Klan, 4
- Kushner, Jared, 70, 72, 94–95, 143–44, 149, 167, 177, 246, 249, 275, 278, 281–82, Plate d
- Lafayette Square, Washington, D.C., clearing of, 91, 93–96, 235, 250, Plate d
- Lankford, James, 243
- Lee, Mike, 201–3, 206, 209–12, 222, 226, 227, 257
- Lee, Rex, 201
- Lee, Robert E. (Confederate General), statue of, 2
- Lee, Sharon, 222
- Lengyel, Joe (General), 93
- Lenin, Vladimir, 416
- Levi, Will, 169
- Lewandowski, Corey, 345
- Lewis, John, 40
- Li Zuocheng (Chinese General), xiii–xiv, xvi, xvii, xviii, 129–30, 273
- Lil Wayne, 289
- Lincoln, Abraham, 87
- Lincoln Memorial, Washington, D.C., 97, 130
- Lindell, Mike (the My Pillow guy), 150, 287
- Loeffler, Kelly, 174, 177, 222, 255–57
- The Long Game (McConnell memoir), 285
- Luna, Nick, 239
- Luttig, J. Michael, 238
- Lynch, Michael (Mike), 259, 362–63, 365, 366
- M4 carbines, 276
- MacDonough, Elizabeth, 214–15, 347
- Macgregor, Douglas (Colonel), 158
- Mad Men (TV show), 90
- MAGA, 207, 261
- mail-in ballots, 131–32, 133, 174, 204, 222, 373
- Major Joseph R. “Beau” Biden III National Guard Reserve Center, 289
- Manchin, Joe, 313, 317–20, 326, 348, 351–52, 355–67, 370–74, Plate i
- Manlove, Elaine, 139–41, 442
- Manlove, Joseph, 140, 141, 442
- Manlove, Matthew (Matt), 140–41, 442
- Manlove, Michael, 140, 141, 442
- Manlove, Wayne, 139–40, 442
- Manning, Tim, 189
- Mao Zedong, xv
- Map Room, White House, 131, 132
- Mar-a-Lago, Florida, 206, 208, 303, 345, 392, 412
- Marine One, 46, 125, 193, 208, 226, 290, 407
- Marks, Peter, 123, 184
- Marshall, Roger, 256
- Marshall, Thurgood, 294
- martial law, xxi, 195, 287
- Martin Luther King monument, Washington, D.C., 277
- masks/masking, 125, 175, 263, 293, 299, 302, 309, 408
- Matthews, Sarah, 249–50
- Mattis, Jim “Mad Dog,” 9, 24, 25, 126
- Mayfield, Curtis, 63
- McCain, Cindy, 221
- McCain, John, 35, 221, 390
- McCarthy, Kevin, 181, 191–92, 248, 287–88, 303–4, 345, 410
- McCarthy, Ryan, 154
- McChrystal, Stanley, 380–81, 387
- McConnell, Mitch
- Biden and, 125–26, 137–38, 182–83, 285–86, 308, 324–25
- in Capitol assault, 243, 244, 252, 255
- on Capitol assault, 342, 343, 350, 393
- Elaine Chao, resignation of, 260
- Collins and, 323–24
- on congressional certification/refusal to certify, 201–2, 214, 255
- in congressional elections of 2020, 183
- economic stimulus plan and, 285–86, 308, 317, 318, 323–27, 351, 370–71
- on election results, 137–38
- Electoral College vote and, 182–83
- federal judiciary and, 20–21, 126
- Georgia run-off elections, concern with, 137, 167, 177
- Graham and, 342, 344, 349–50
- grip on Senate GOP, 318
- immigration and, 410
- infrastructure bill and, 405
- The Long Game (memoir), 285
- on mule piss, 21
- photo of, Plate b
- Portman and, 317, 351
- reconciliation and, 323–27
- Paul Ryan and, 10
- on second Trump impeachment, 281, 341–42
- Trump and, 10, 20–21, 126–27, 137–38, 182–83, 190, 341–45, 349–50, 393
- voter rights bill and, 375
- McConnell Center, University of Louisville, 183
- McEnany, Kayleigh, 230–32
- McEntee, John, 158, 164–65
- McGahn, Don, 20
- McKenzie, Frank (General), 100–101, 103–4
- McKiernan, David, 381
- McLaughlin, John, 122, 397–98
- McNair (Army Post), 242, 243
- Me Too movement, 43
- Meacham, Jon, 39–40, 138–39, 296
- Meadows, Mark
- Barr and, 169, 173
- Capitol assault and, 243, 246, 249, 253, 254, 281
- Confederate flags/monuments/military base names and, 108, 109
- congressional certification/refusal to certify election and, 202, 210, 212, 240
- Constitution, on oath to, 97, 98, 154
- coronavirus/coronavirus vaccine and, 113–14, 122–23, 125, 184
- Esper and, 100, 101, 105, 148
- Alyssa Farah and, 165
- fraudulent voting/stolen election claims and, 154, 167, 194–96, 213
- Klain, inauguration-day transition meeting with, 291–92
- Lafayette Park, at clearing of, 95, Plate d
- McConnell and, 182
- Milley’s suspicion of, 154
- Patel put forward as FBI or CIA director by, 155–56
- Pence/Trump meeting arranged by, 225
- personal qualities of, 212–13
- medical issues. See health care
- Medicare for All, 31
- Merkel, Angela, 274
- Metropolitan Police, Washington, D.C., 233, 238, 241, 251
- Mexico, 7, 207
- Michigan, Democratic primary in, 66
- midterm elections
- 1994, 396
- 2018, 17–19, 21–22, 31–32
- 2022, 31, 286, 304, 344, 345, 350, 375, 391, 393, 396, 400, 410–11
- military establishment. See also Afghanistan; Joint Chiefs; National Guard
- back-channel arrangements with Russia and China, 128–30
- Biden inauguration, preparation for, 273–77
- Defense, Department of, xxiii, 243, 264
- deployment of active-duty troops in Washington, D.C. after Lafayette Square, blocking of, 99–103
- Esper, firing of, as secretary of defense, 148–49, 151, 152
- Iran, Trump’s questions about potential strike at, 103–5, 109, 159–61
- Milley’s game plan for election/post-election period, 109–10, 130
- Naval exercises in South China Sea, xvi–xvii, 128
- Pentagon, xviii, xxvi, 100, 108, 187, 234–35, 250, 253, 261, 264, 274, 337, 339, 352, 391
- politicization, efforts to avoid, 96, 106–7
- Truman’s desegregation of, 168
- Trump’s post-election claims regarding, 151
- Trump’s relationship with, 24–26, 99–105
- Military Times, 148
- Milk, Harvey, 108
- Miller, Christopher (Chris), xx, xxiii, 148–49, 154–58, 160, 236, 253
- Miller, Jason, 122, 144, 234
- Miller, Stephen (Steve), 86–88, 210
- Miller, Virgil, 21
- Milley, Hollyanne, 95, 155
- Milley, Mark (General)
- on Afghanistan, 339, 377–78, 386–87
- apology for Lafayette Square, 106–7
- appointment as chairman of Joint Chiefs, 24–26
- on Barr’s potential resignation, 174
- on Biden, 386–87
- Capitol assault and, xviii–xxviii, 243, 250–51, 273–74, 415–16
- China’s fears about imminent U.S. attack (Oct. 30, 2020), xiii–xiv, 128–30
- on Confederate flags/monuments/military base names, 107–9
- deployment of active-duty troops in Washington, D.C. after Lafayette Square and, 99–103
- foreign concerns about Capitol assault and, xiii–xviii
- game plan for election/post-election period, 109–10, 130
- inauguration day preparation by, 273–77, 294
- at inauguration of Biden, 294–95
- Iran, Trump’s questions about potential strike at, 103–5, 109, 159–61
- Jan. 6 rally, preparation for, 236, 238
- Lafayette Square, Washington, D.C., clearing of, 94–96, 250, Plate d
- Message to the Joint Force, after Lafayette Square, 97, 98
- Naval exercises around Taiwan, cancellation of, xvi–xvii
- NMCC order issued by, xxv–xxviii
- nuclear weapons, concerns command and control of, xix–xxviii
- Pelosi, discussion about Capitol assault and Trump access to nuclear controls with, xix–xxiv, 273
- Pelosi’s public announcement on conversation with, xxviii
- photos of, Plate d, Plate g
- racial unrest after Floyd murder and, 87–97, 100–103
- Adam Smith and, 261
- Trump memo ordering withdrawal from Somalia and Afghanistan (Nov. 11, 2020), 156–58, 160
- Trump’s post-election behavior, discussions of, 150–52, 154
- Veterans Day speech (Nov. 11, 2020), 154–55
- minimum wage, 314, 347, 354, 356
- Moderna, 114, 123, 185
- Morgan, Matt, 135, 136, 180
- Morning Joe (TV show), 417
- Morris, Dick, 112, 121–22
- mRNA-based coronavirus vaccines, 83
- MSNBC, 285, 417
- Mueller, Ann, 71
- Mueller, Robert (Bob), Mueller investigation, and Mueller report, 26–30, 71, 173
- Mullen, Michael, 380, 381, 387
- Murkowski, Lisa, 307, 310, 332–33, 395–96
- Murray, Bill, 78
- Murray, Patty, 272
- Murthy, Vivek, 81–84
- Muslim travel ban, 86, 299
- Mussolini, Benito, 48
- My Cousin Vinney (film), 163
- My Pillow guy (Mike Lindell), 150, 287
- Myer-Henderson Hall (Joint Base), Virginia, xviii, 275
- Nakasone, Paul, xviii
- narcissistic personality disorder/psychopathy, 6, 264
- National Association of State Election Directors, 159
- National Defense Strategy, 24
- National Emergencies Act, 194–95
- National Guard
- at Biden inauguration, 275–76, 291
- Capitol assault and, 243, 244, 250–51, 253–54, 256
- at coronavirus vaccination sites, 352
- Major Joseph R. “Beau” Biden III National Guard Reserve Center, Joe Biden speaking at, 289
- racial unrest after Floyd murders and, 90, 93, 97, 100, 235
- scheduled attendance at Jan. 6 rally, 235, 238
- National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, 83
- National Institutes of Health (NIH), 56, 114, 123
- National Journal, 34
- National Mall, 277
- National Military Command Center (NMCC), xxv–xxviii
- National Security Agency (NSA), xviii, 296
- National Security Council (NSC), 100, 155, 158, 336, 380
- National Security Memoranda (NSMs), 157
- National Voter Registration Act, 220
- NATO, xvii, 376
- Naval exercises in South China Sea, xvi–xvii, 128
- Naval Observatory, Washington, D.C., 15, 232, 265
- Navalny, Alexey, 402, 404
- Navarro, Peter, 146
- Nazis, xix, 273. See also neo-Nazis
- NBC, 183, 398
- Neguse, Andrea, 246
- Neguse, Joe, 246
- neo-Nazis, 2, 4, 8, 262, 273, 277
- Nevada
- claims of fraudulent voting in, 219
- Democratic primary campaign in, 58, 61
- New Deal, 168
- New England Journal of Medicine, 6
- New England Patriots, 279
- New Hampshire, Democratic primary campaign in, 58, 59, 61, 408
- New York magazine, 43
- New York Post, 16
- New York Times, xxvi, 18, 137, 149, 179, 191, 405
- New Yorker, 403
- Newsmax, 195, 273
- 9/11. See September 11, 2001
- Nixon, Richard, xxii, xxiv–xxv, xxv–xxvi, xxviii, 138, 201, 417
- NOBLE EAGLE exercise, 236
- noncitizen voting claims, 220
- North American Aerospace Defense Command, 236
- North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA), 7
- nuclear capabilities
- Biden team briefings on, 294
- concerns of Milley and Pelosi about command and control of, xix–xxviii
- “football,” xx, 297
- Iran and, xxi, 159
- NMCC order issued by Milley, xxv–xxviii
- of Pakistan, 379
- post-Capitol assault access of Trump to, concerns about, xix–xxviii, 264, 297
- of Russia, 403
- Nunes, Devin, 155
- Oath Keepers, 273
- Obama, Barack
- Afghanistan and, 334–36, 338–39, 380–82, 385, 387
- automobile industry, rescue of, 190
- Biden and Republicans under, 308, 325
- Biden staff serving under, 22, 31, 55, 186–87, 334, 348
- Ebola crisis (2014/2015) under, 55, 185–86
- economic stimulus plan under, 59, 269, 346
- Furman and, 352
- Graham and, 142
- McConnell and, 285, 286
- Murthy as surgeon general under, 81
- nuclear deal with Iran, 159
- Oval Office under, 292, 330
- presidential election of 2016 and, 12, 14, 32
- presidential election of 2020 and, 45–46
- in presidential elections of 2008 and 2012, 213, 269, 296
- A Promised Land (memoir), 338–39
- on Russia, 401
- in Senate, 382
- Slotkin and, 250
- at Trump inauguration (Jan. 20, 2017), 290–91
- Trump on Russia investigation and, 79, 80
- Obamacare (Affordable Care Act or ACA), 3, 42, 76–78, 187, 319, 368
- O’Brien, Lo-Mari, 290
- O’Brien, Robert, 56, 94–95, 102, 104–5, 157–58, 246, 290, 293
- Obst, Marty, 150, 225, 232–33, 267, 281–82
- Ocasio-Cortez, Alexandria (AOC), 32, 322, 354
- O’Donnell, Christine, 350
- Office of Management and Budget, 356
- O’Melveny & Myers (law firm), 237
- omnibus spending bill (2018), Trump’s threat to veto, 8–9
- One America News (OAN), 169
- 101st Airborne (“Screaming Eagles”), 90
- O’Neill, Tip, 403
- “Operation Warp Speed,” 114, 181
- Ornato, Anthony, 254
- O’Rourke, Amy, 64
- O’Rourke, Beto, 53, 63–65
- Ossoff, Jon, 190, 268
- Oswald, Lee Harvey, 179
- Oval Office, White House
- under Biden, 292–93, 299, 309, 319, 328, 330
- under Obama and Clinton, 292, 330
- under Trump, 69, 70, 72, 86, 87, 89, 101, 102, 103, 112, 136, 175, 229–31, 239, 253–54, 274, 279, 287
- overvoting claims, 220
- Owens, Valerie Biden, 67
- Pakistan, 379, 381, 389
- Paletta, Damian, 125
- pandemic. See coronavirus
- Panetta, Leon, 382
- pardons, presidential, 288–89, 292, 417
- Paris climate pact, 299
- Park Police, 277
- Parks, Rosa, 292
- Parnas, Lev, 180
- Parscale, Brad, 68–70, 111–12, 122, 144, 414
- Patel, Kash, 155–58, 253–54
- Patriot Movement, 273
- pedophilia accusations, 36, 262
- Pelosi, Nancy
- on Biden presidential campaign, 53, 321
- Capitol assault and, xxi–xxiv, 241–42, 263
- congressional elections of 2018 and, 21
- economic stimulus plan and, 271, 321, 328, 347, 354–55, 360, 363
- infrastructure bill and, 405
- Milley conversation about Capitol assault and Trump’s access to nuclear controls, xix–xxiv, 273
- public announcement on Milley conversation, xxviii
- reduction of House majority in 2020 under, 191
- ripping up Trump’s State of the Union Address, Plate h
- on second impeachment of Trump, 280
- Trump’s intentions and mental stability, beliefs about, xxi, xxii, xxiii, xxiv
- 25th Amendment, desire to invoke, xxiv, 259–60
- voter rights act proposed by, 372
- Pence, Charlotte, 244
- Pence, Karen, 223, 232, 244, 260, 265–67, 297–98
- Pence, Mike
- after leaving vice presidency, 345–46
- Bannon on, 207
- Capitol assault and, 241, 243, 244, 245, 249, 251, 253, 256, 266, 278–82, 341
- character of, 223
- on Confederate flags/monuments/military base names, 108
- conservative values of, 199–200, 201
- coronavirus task force headed by, 150, 228
- departure from Washington, 297–98
- on economic stimulus plan under Biden, 346
- election certification/refusal to certify and, 197, 198–201, 205–7, 211, 212, 214–15, 224–27, 228–30, 232–34, 237–40, 256, 258
- Alyssa Farah and, 165
- on fraudulent voting/stolen election claims, 200, 224
- Gohmert lawsuit, 267
- Graham on, 260–61, 393
- hanging of, rioters’ call for, 241, 341
- Harris and, 120
- at inauguration of Biden, 293, 295
- on Iran, 160
- Kellogg and, 157, 223–24, 239, 278, 279
- Matt Morgan and, 135
- omnibus spending bill (2018), Trump’s threat to veto, 9
- photos of, Plate e, Plate h
- as potential 2024 presidential candidate, 215, 345, 397
- Dan Quayle and, 198–201, 279
- refusal to publicly accept Biden win, 150
- Paul Ryan and, 5
- Senate parliamentarian, meeting with, 214–15
- Marc Short and, 9, 223, 266–67
- at staff farewell party, 265–67
- Trump, post-election relationship with, 225–30, 233–34, 237–40, 245, 249, 259–60, 278–82, 344, 346, 393
- at Trump’s dressing down of Esper and Milley, 101
- 25th Amendment, unwillingness to invoke, 259–60, 280
- Penn Biden Center for Diplomacy and Global Engagement, University of Pennsylvania, 15
- Pennsylvania
- claims of fraudulent voting in, 220–21
- objections to certification of votes from, 255, 257, 258
- Pentagon, xviii, xxvi, 100, 108, 187, 234–35, 250, 253, 261, 264, 274, 337, 339, 352, 391
- Perdue, David, 174, 177, 222
- Perez, Tom, 168
- Perry, William J., xxv
- pet chip scanners, regulation of, 59
- Petraeus, David, 380, 381, 387, 390–91
- Pfizer, 114, 123–24, 149–50, 184
- Philbin, Pat, 169
- Pirro, Al, 292
- Pirro, Jeanine, 292
- Pitcock, Josh, 281
- Plaskett, Stacey, 341
- Player, Gary, 392–95
- Podesta, John, 33
- “Poignant Vision” (Afghanistan war game), 381
- Pompeo, Mike, 150–52, 154, 160, 161, 173
- Portman, Rob, 310, 312–13, 316–17, 320, 328, 351–52, 357, 359–60, 364–68, 371
- Pottinger, Matthew, 56, 253
- Powell, Colin, xvii, 106
- Powell, Sidney, 146–47, 150, 163–64, 167, 177, 178, 180, 193–96
- pre-inauguration speech by Biden (Jan. 14, 2021), 271, 284–87
- presidential election of 2020. See also Biden, Joe, in 2020 Democratic primary; Biden, Joe, in 2020 presidential campaign; Capitol assault; certification of election/refusal to certify; fraudulent voting/stolen election claims; Trump, Donald, in 2020 presidential campaign
- election night/results and declaration of winner, 131–34, 137
- exhaustion of voters in, 112, 126
- Georgia Senate run-off elections, 137, 167, 174–75, 177–78, 190, 222, 224, 226, 268, 271, 286, 311, 320
- Milley’s game plan for election/post-election period, 109–10, 130
- Russian interference in, 402
- presidential elections
- 1988 and 2008, Biden’s runs in, 11–12, 33, 34, 35
- 2004, Kerry in, 371
- 2008 and 2012, Obama’s runs in, 213, 269, 296
- 2016, 12–16, 23, 31–33, 51, 57, 66, 81, 112, 133, 171, 175, 398
- 2024, potential candidates in, 215, 267, 345, 396–97, 414, 416–17
- Presidential Medal of Freedom, 278, 279, 392
- Principals Meetings, 158, 238
- Professional Golfers’ Association of America (PGA), 279
- progressives
- Biden and, 42, 44, 173, 285, 405
- defined, 31
- in Democratic primary, 18, 35, 42, 44, 51, 63, 66, 68
- economic stimulus bill and, 270, 272, 285, 322, 326, 348, 354, 363, 368
- Manchin and, 371
- in midterms of 2018, 31–32
- Schumer and, 322
- the Squad, 322, 354
- Promise Me, Dad (Joe Biden memoir), 16, 17, 18
- A Promised Land (Obama memoir), 338–39
- Promises to Keep (Joe Biden autobiography), 11
- Proud Boys, 233, 273, 276
- Psaki, Jen, 299
- Public Readiness and Emergency Preparedness Act, 352
- Punxsutawney Phil (Pennsylvania groundhog), 81
- Putin, Vladimir, 263, 303, 380, 401–4, 406, Plate p
- QAnon, 262, 273
- Quayle, Dan, 198–201, 212, 267, 279
- quick reaction force (QRF), 235
- Quillian, Natalie, 187, 189
- race/racism
- assassination of Martin Luther King Jr., 88
- Biden in Democratic primary and, 40–42, 48–49, 52, 60–63
- Black appointees under Biden, 168
- Black Democrats, Biden campaigning for (2018), 17–19
- Black Lives Matter, 2, 87, 91
- Charlottesville “Unite the Right” rally in (2017), 1–4, 5, 7–8, 39, 45, 120, Plate a
- Bill Clinton and Sister Souljah, 312
- Confederate flags/monuments/military base names, 107–9
- Congressional Black Caucus, 17, 22, 60
- coronavirus and health inequities, 83–84
- George Floyd murder and subsequent racial unrest, 86–105
- Georgia elections, Black turnout in, 286
- Harris chosen as Biden’s running mate, 116–20
- Harris on Biden’s opposition to school busing, 50, 118–19
- HBCUs, 116–17, 373
- Andrew Jackson portrait removed from Biden Oval Office, 292
- Lafayette Square, Washington, D.C., clearing of, 91, 93–96, Plate d
- military, Truman’s desegregation of, 168
- New Deal programs and, 168
- Sanders’ difficulty connecting with Black voters, 63
- segregationist senators, Biden on working with, 48–50
- Supreme Court, Clyburn pushing for African-American woman on, 61–62
- systemic racism, 89, 119
- tough-on-crime bill (1994) and, 44
- voter suppression/voter rights, 164, 372–75
- Washington, D.C. riots of 1968, 88
- Radical Islam, Graham on, 389–90
- Rage (Woodward), 53–54
- Rapuano, Ken, 235
- Reagan, Ronald, 128, 201, 350, 390, 397, 398
- reconciliation
- economic stimulus act and, 308–9, 316, 320, 322–27, 331–33, 347
- voter rights/constitutional issues and, 372
- Reed, Don (brother of Elizabeth Warren), 67
- Regeneron, 125
- Rehnquist, William H., 178
- “Reichstag moment,” xix, xxvii
- Reid, Harry, 66, 319, 357, 366
- Republican Study Committee, 345–46, 410
- Republicans
- “brotherhood” of officials under Trump, 126
- Capitol assault, responses to, xxiii–xxiv
- certification of election/refusal to certify, congressional members on, 231–32
- Charlottesville “Unite the Right” rally and, 5
- congressional gains in 2020 elections, 134, 144, 191–92
- “Contract with America,” 396
- economic stimulus plan negotiations, 270, 285, 306–17, 320–21, 331–33
- fiscal hawk tactics and, 192, 270, 285, 307, 346, 410–11
- fraudulent voting/stolen election claims, voter support for, 134, 202–3, 227, 286–87
- infrastructure bill and, 405
- McConnell’s grip on Senate GOP, 318
- Obamacare individual mandate, nullification of, 76
- resignation of Trump, calls for, 260
- response to Nixon versus Trump, xxii
- Rove on, 286–87
- rumor that Democrats would replace Biden at convention, 69
- Paul Ryan’s decision not to seek re-election and, 10
- second Trump impeachment and, 280–81, 282, 341
- sexualization of Biden actions by, 36, 43
- Trump’s continuing importance to, 343–45, 349–50, 392–400, 409–14, 417
- Trump’s National Convention speech, 131
- Trump’s poll numbers among, 397–98
- working people, repositioning itself as party of, 192, 330, 366, 399
- Republicans in name only (RINOs), 231
- rescue bills. See specific entries at economic stimulus
- Resolute Desk, Oval Office, White House, 56, 87, 90, 101–3, 230, 274, 282, 299, 391
- Ricchetti, Steve, 13–16, 18, 31, 271, 309, 312–13, 316, 349, 358, 370, 405
- Richmond, Cedric, 17–19, 21–22, 23, 48, 63
- Roberts, John, 206
- ROC drill, 275
- Rockefeller, Nelson, 267
- Romney, Mitt, 5, 257, 310–12, 341
- Roosevelt, Franklin Delano (FDR), 131, 168, 195, 292, 324, 329
- Roosevelt Room, White House, 76, 131, 136, 369
- Rose, Tom, 230
- Rose Garden, White House, 14, 94, 370
- Rosen, Jeffrey, 235
- Rounds, Mike, 309
- Rove, Karl, 177–78, 286–87
- rural broadband programs and Internet service, 348–49, 354
- Russia
- Afghanistan and, 377
- Biden’s contacts with Putin, 401–4, 406
- Patrick Byrne’s involvement with Russian agent, 193
- Capital assault, concerns about, xvii
- cyberattacks orchestrated from, 402, 406
- government handling of investigation of, 73, 79–80, 155, 171–73, 237
- interference in 2020 election, 402
- Podesta emails hacked by, 33
- as Soviet Union, xv, xvii, 128, 416
- Russian Revolution, Capitol assault compared to, 415–16
- Russian Roulette, Herschel Walker playing, 396
- Ryan, Janna, 247
- Ryan, Paul, 5–10, 246–48, 410, Plate b
- Ryan, Tim, 53
- Saban, Nick, 318
- St. John’s Episcopal Church, Washington, D.C., 89, 91, 94–95
- Sanders, Bernie
- Biden presidency, relief at, 328, 330–31
- in Democratic primary campaign, 31, 32, 51–53, 58, 59, 61–63, 116
- on economic stimulus plan, 348, 356, 368
- endorsement of Biden by, 66, 67, 121
- Harris compared, 118
- Holocaust and, 331
- Neeren and, 356–57
- personal background, 330–31
- photo of, Plate i
- secretary of labor, consideration for, 356
- as Senate Budget Committee chair, 330
- Saturday Night Live (TV show), 356
- Scavino, Dan, 231
- Schatz, Brian, 328
- Schlesinger, Arthur M., Jr., 40
- Schlesinger, James, xxiv–xxv, xxv–xxvi, xxviii, 294
- school busing, Harris on Biden’s opposition to, 50, 118–19
- Schultz, Greg, 22–23, 58
- Schumer, Chuck, 190, 259, 271, 322–24, 328, 331, 354–55, 357, 360, 363–69, 371, 405
- Scott, Tim, 256
- SECRET report, 87
- Secret Service, 67, 89, 96, 121, 140, 141, 164, 165, 244–45, 254, 275, 293, 297, 345
- self-pardon proposal for Trump, 289
- Senate
- Biden’s economic stimulus plan in, 347–49, 354–69
- certification, senatorial objection to, 202, 205–6
- Georgia run-off elections, 137, 167, 174–75, 177–78, 190, 222, 224, 226, 268, 271, 286, 311, 320
- Harris as tie-breaker in, 190, 309, 318
- McConnell’s grip on Senate GOP, 318
- Obama in, 382
- second Trump impeachment and, 281, 282, 304–5, 341–42
- voter rights in, 372
- Senate Budget Committee, 330
- Senate Energy and Natural Resources Committee, 366
- Senate Finance Committee, 366
- Senate Foreign Relations Committee, 380
- Senate Judiciary Committee, 27, 33, 118
- Senate parliamentarian, 200, 214–15, 347
- September 11, 2001, 103, 134, 235–36, 334, 337, 385, 388, 390, 415
- Sessions, Jeff, 26, 28
- sexual misconduct
- Biden, accusations regarding, 36, 43
- Patrick Byrne’s involvement with Russian agent, 193
- Kavanaugh, accusations regarding, 20–21
- pedophilia accusations, 36, 262
- Clarence Thomas, Anita Hill’s allegations against, 45, 174
- Trump’s relationships with/comments about women, 5
- Shakir, Faiz, 51–52, 66
- Shelton, Regina, 294
- Sherwood-Randall, Elizabeth, 299
- Short, Marc
- in Capitol assault, 249
- on congressional certification/refusal to certify, 205, 214–15, 224–25, 230, 232, 234, 237, 238, 258
- omnibus budget bill and, 9
- Pence, relationship with, 9, 223, 266–67
- Pence schedule in post-election period and, 150
- on rapprochement with Trump, 281
- seeking insulation of Pence from post-assault attempts to remove Trump, 259
- Sidwell Friends School, 12
- Sinema, Kyrsten, 362, 370
- Sister Souljah, 312
- Situation Room, White House, 91–92, 103, 105, 296, 299, 384
- 6MWF, 262, 273
- SKDK, 31
- Slotkin, Elissa, 250–51
- Smith, Adam, 261–64
- Smith, Cameron, 64
- Smith, Will (father of), 145
- Soderstrom, Sharon, 214, 243, 325
- Somalia
- as terrorist threat, xv, 385
- Trump memo to withdraw troops from Afghanistan and (Nov. 11, 2020), 156–58, 160
- Sorensen, Theodore, 1
- soul
- in Biden campaign, 4, 39, 44, 47, 120, 138–39, 293
- Putin’s possession of, 403
- The Soul of America (Meacham), 39
- South Carolina, Democratic primary in, 48, 52, 58–63
- South China Sea, xvi–xvii, 128
- South Korea, 262
- Soviet Union, xv, xvii, 128, 416
- Spanberger, Abigail, 32
- Spanish flu pandemic (1918), 56
- special counsel to investigate fraudulent voting/stolen election claims, proposal for, 193–97
- the Squad, 322, 354
- Stabenow, Debbie, 328, 329–30, 361–62
- Starbursts (Trump’s favorite candy), 288
- State Department, 55, 127, 152, 377
- states. See also specific states
- governors and racial unrest after Floyd murder, 91–92, 93
- legislatures not supporting fraudulent voting/election decertification, 227
- voting restriction bills in, 373, 374
- Statuary Hall, Capitol building, 246, 247
- Stepien, Bill, 122, 144
- stolen election claims. See fraudulent voting/stolen election claims
- Sullivan, Dan, 367
- Sullivan, Jake, 57, 59, 84, 293, 296, 299, 334–35, 338–40, 377, 380, 386, 391, 401, 402, Plate l
- Summaries of Conclusions (SOCs), 386
- Summers, Larry, 352
- Super Bowl, 56
- Super Tuesday, 58, 63, 66
- Supreme Court
- Arizona v. Inter Tribal Council, 220
- Clyburn pushing for African-American woman on, 61–62
- fraudulent voting/stolen election claims and, 133, 136, 176, 178–80
- Kavanaugh hearings/appointment, 20–21, 118
- on Obamacare challenges, 76–78
- Clarence Thomas, Anita Hill’s allegations against, 45, 174
- Youngstown Sheet & Tube Co. v. Sawyer, 195
- Suribachi, Iwo Jima, 161
- Swan, Jonathan, 158
- Syria, xv
- systemic racism, 89, 119
- Taiwan, xvi
- Taliban, 337–39, 376–79, 381, 384–85, 389, 390
- Talmadge, Herman, 49
- Tanden, Neera, 356–57
- the Tank, Pentagon, 109–10, 130, 274, 386
- taxes
- child tax credit, expansion of, 271–72, 284, 313
- tax reform, under Trump, 10, 126
- unemployment benefits, tax credit for, 355, 357, 361, 365
- wealth tax, progressive support for, 31
- Taylor, Maxwell, xvii
- Tea Party, 192, 273, 350
- Tehrik-i-Taliban (TTP or Pakistani Taliban), 379
- 10-20-30 plan, 60–61
- Terrell, Louisa, 271, 363
- Tester, Jon, 328, 330
- Texas
- election fraud cases brought by, 179–80, 181–82
- Obamacare challenge brought by, 76–78
- Thomas, Clarence, 45, 173–74, 211, 237
- Thurmond, Gertrude, 373
- Thurmond, Strom, 183, 373
- Tillerson, Rex, 126–27
- 2 Timothy 4:7, 258
- Together (Murthy), 84
- “torture memos,” 237
- tough-on-crime bill (1994), 44
- Treasury Department, 403
- Treaty Room, White House, 368, 388
- Truman, Harry S, 168, 195
- Trump, Donald. See also White House staff, under Trump
- Afghanistan, plans for withdrawing U.S. troops from, 100, 103, 148, 156–58, 160, 335, 389, 390
- “American Carnage” inaugural address, 16, 86
- authority as president, anger over perceived attempts to subvert, 101–2
- autocratic tendencies, concerns about, xiv–xv, xviii–xix, xx, xxviii, 3, 48
- Barr appointed as attorney general by, 26–28
- Biden’s opinion of, 33, 44, 417
- Biden’s presidency as paradigm change from Trump White House, 370
- birthright citizenship, desire to challenge, 78–79
- books written about, 412
- character flaws of, xiv, xviii, 10, 25, 71, 126, 396–97, 412–13, 418
- Charlottesville “Unite the Right” rally, response to, 1, 2, 3, 7–8
- China’s fears about imminent U.S. attack (Oct. 30, 2020) and, xiv
- on Confederate flags/monuments/military base names, 107–9
- coronavirus crisis and, 56, 68–69, 74, 81, 82–84, 113–15, 122–25, 129, 185, 187–89
- deployment of active-duty troops in Washington, D.C., blocking of, 99–103
- economic stimulus checks under, 190, 268, 285, 310, 311
- fighter, self-image as, 73, 75, 145, 153, 207, 239, 416, 418, Plate o
- first impeachment, 56–57, 311, 345
- George Floyd murder and subsequent racial unrest, responses to, 86–105
- foreign policy under, 334
- golf and, 1, 113, 143, 193, 204, 231, 279, 305, 343, 392–98, 400
- Graham and, 162, 182, 204–5, 221, 257–58, 289, 305, 342–44, 349–50, 389, 392–97, 409–14
- hospitalization for coronavirus, 124–25
- inauguration of (Jan. 20, 2017), 290–91
- Iran, questions about potential strike at, 103–5, 109, 159–61
- isolationism of, 25
- Kellogg on, 223–24
- Lafayette Square, Washington, D.C., clearing of, 91, 93–96, Plate d
- Kevin McCarthy and, 192, 287–88, 303–4, 345
- McConnell and, 10, 20–21, 126–27, 137–38, 182–83, 190, 341–45, 349–50, 393
- mental instability attributed to, xiv, xxii, xxvi, xxviii, 6, 7, 28, 109, 263–64
- military establishment, relationship with, 24–26, 99–105
- Mueller report and, 26–30
- on NATO alliance, 376
- Nixon, compared to, xxii, xxiv–xxv, xxviii
- nuclear controls, concerns about access to, xix–xxviii
- omnibus spending bill (2018), threat to veto, 8–9
- as overweight, 125, 304, 392
- Pelosi’s beliefs about intentions of, xxi, xxii, xxiv
- photos of, Plate c, Plate d, Plate e, Plate n, Plate o
- politicization of military by, 96, 106–7
- presidential election of 2016 won by, 16
- rage incited by, 342, 418
- rages of, xiv, xxv, 8, 102–3, 109, 121, 132, 172, 175, 176, 183, 197, 229–30, 239, 274, 343, 393
- on Russia investigation, 79–80
- Paul Ryan and, 5–10
- secret recordings made by, 6
- Starbursts as favorite candy of, 288
- State of the Union address, Pelosi ripping up, Plate h
- tax reform under, 10, 126
- Tillerson reportedly referring to Trump as “moron,” 126–27
- Twitter, use of, 72, 82, 113–15, 148, 149, 159, 176, 178–79, 181, 184, 206, 234, 237, 245, 248, 249–50, 256
- underground bunker, moved to, 89, 96, 121
- weakness, fear of appearing as, 90, 107, 121, 183, 229, 231, 239
- women, relationships with/comments about, 5, 74, 178–79
- Trump, Donald, in 2020 presidential campaign
- on age and mental competency of Biden, 45–47, 112, 329
- Barr on, 70–75
- Biden candidacy, reaction to, 45–47, 81, 112, 329
- concerns about flagging campaign, 111–12, 122
- Kellyanne Conway’s critique of, 399
- debates, 123, 124, 133
- Democratic criticism affecting, 173–74
- on Democratic primary candidates, 53–54
- Democrats’ desire to defeat, 18, 19, 21–22, 34, 44, 48, 67
- election night/results, 131–34
- Fabrizio on, 68–70, 112
- halting gait, Biden campaign mocking, 406
- on Harris as vice-presidential candidate, 121
- on mail-in ballots, 131–32, 133, 174
- nicknames for Biden in, 46, 67, 81, 121, 228
- Republican National Convention speech, 131
- Tulsa rally, 111–12, 414
- Trump, Donald, in post-election period
- Bannon and, 207–8
- Biden, letter to, 287–88, 299
- Biden, refusal to call, 288
- Biden transition team, lack of cooperation with, 187
- Capitol assault, response to, 239–40, 245–46, 248–51, 254, 256, 279–83
- congressional rejection of certification, urging, 181–82, 198–203, 205–7, 225–30, 233–34, 237–40
- Cortes and, 175–76
- departure from White House, 290, 297
- on economic stimulus, 190
- efforts to talk Trump into accepting loss, 143–44, 152–53, 162, 164–67, 170–73, 229–30
- Electoral College, casting of ballots by (Dec. 14, 2020), 181–83
- Esper, firing of, as secretary of defense, 148–49, 151, 152
- on fraudulent voting/stolen election claims, xix, 133–36, 165–67, 170, 176, 204–8, 209, 226, 254, 287
- on Georgia Senate run-off elections, 174–75, 226
- inauguration video (Jan. 8, 2021), 264
- legal troubles of, 289
- McConnell and, 137–38, 182–83, 190
- Obst, on lack of grace of, 267
- overturning of election, Trump efforts to convince Pence on, 197, 198–201
- pardons, presidential, 288–89, 292
- Pence, relationship with, 225–30, 233–34, 237–40, 245, 249, 259–60, 278–82
- Pompeo on transition period, 152
- resignation/invocation of 25th Amendment, calls for, 259–60, 280
- second impeachment, 280–81, 282
- self-pardon proposal, 289
- violence, possible encouragement of, 151, 234–35, 239, 256
- Trump, Donald, as former president
- Capitol assault and legacy of, 410, 413–14
- departure from White House, 290, 297
- efforts to talk Trump into accepting loss, 393, 399, 409–14
- fraudulent voting/stolen election claims, continuation of, 393, 411, 413, 416
- Graham and, 289, 305, 342–44, 349–50, 389, 392–97, 409–14
- interviews given by, 412
- McCarthy visiting, 303–4
- McConnell and, 341–45, 349–50, 393
- Pence, continuing anger at, 344, 346, 393
- political operation, maintenance of, 397, 416
- poll numbers, 397–98
- as potential 2024 presidential candidate, 267, 344, 396–97, 414, 416–17
- private plane, as shadow Air Force One, 400
- Republican party, continuing importance to, 343–45, 349–50, 392–400, 409–14, 417
- second impeachment, 304–5, 341–42
- as shadow over Biden presidency, 207–8, 417–18
- Twitter and Facebook, banned from, 304, 341, 345, 394
- Trump, Donald, Jr., 130, 132, 175
- Trump, Eric, 132, 233
- Trump, Fred (father of Donald), 274
- Trump, Ivanka, 7, 95, 132, 239, 246, 248–49, 278, Plate d
- Trump, Melania, 28, 133, 179, 290, 297, 303
- Trump, Tiffany, 290
- Trump International Hotel, Washington, D.C., 180, 418
- Trump Organization, 289
- Trump Plaza casino, Atlantic City, 162
- Trump Tower, New York City, 3, 6
- The Truths We Hold (Harris), 118
- Tuberville, Tommy, 256
- Tulsa, Oklahoma, Trump rally in, 111–12, 414
- 12th Amendment, 198–99, 210–12, 257
- 25th Amendment, xix, xxiv, 259–60, 280
- Twitter
- Klain’s Twitter following, 370
- Tanden’s attacks on Sanders, 356–57
- Trump banned from, 304, 341, 345
- Trump’s use of, 72, 82, 113–15, 148, 149, 159, 176, 178–79, 181, 184, 206, 234, 237, 245, 248, 249–50, 256
- Ukraine, 57, 402
- underage voting claims, 213–14, 258
- underground bunker, Trump moved to, 89, 96, 121
- unemployment benefits, 284, 313–14, 319, 325, 351–52, 354–64, 366
- unions, Biden’s appeals to, 46, 47, 58, 323, 356
- “Unite the Right” rally, Charlottesville, VA (2017), 1–4, 5, 7–8, 39, 45, 120, Plate a
- Urban, David, 24, 108–9, 149
- U.S. Marshals, 254
- USA Today, 56
- USNS Harvey Milk, 108
- USS Gerald R. Ford, 25–26
- USS Yorktown, 60
- vacant/nonresidential addresses, claims of voters registering at, 218, 222
- vaccines. See under coronavirus
- Vance, Cyrus, 289
- Vanity Fair, 163
- Venezuela and communist election conspiracy, 163, 178
- vice presidential desk drawer, signing of, 267
- Vietnam War, 391
- The View, 47
- violence. See also Capitol assault
- inauguration of Biden, preparations for, 273–77, 291
- Jan. 6 rally, concerns about violence at, 234–36
- Trump possibly encouraging, 151, 234–35, 239, 256
- voter suppression and voter rights, 164, 372–75
- voting, fraudulent. See fraudulent voting/stolen election claims
- voting, on Electoral College Results. See certification of election/refusal to certify
- Vox, 274
- Waco, FBI siege of (1993), 88
- Wag the Dog (film), 109, 128
- Walker, Herschel, 396
- Wall Street Journal, 56, 177, 260, 398
- Walsh, Elsa, 12, 13
- Walter Reed National Military Medical Center, 124–25
- Warner, Mark, 348–49
- Warnock, Raphael, 190, 268
- Warren, Elizabeth, 35, 51, 52, 53, 58, 59, 67–68, 119, 322
- Washington, D.C. See also Capitol assault; inauguration of Biden
- Black Lives Matter Plaza, 89
- Eisenhower Executive Office Building, 265
- 14th Street Bridge, 276
- Freedom Plaza, 206, 228, 233
- Lafayette Square, clearing of, 91, 93–96, 235, 250, Plate d
- Lincoln Memorial, 97, 130
- Martin Luther King monument, 277
- Metropolitan Police, 233, 238, 241, 251
- National Mall, 277
- Naval Observatory, 15, 232, 265
- riots of 1968 in, 88, 99
- St. John’s Episcopal Church, 89, 91, 94–95
- Trump bid to deploy active-duty troops in, after Lafayette Square, 99–103
- Trump International Hotel, 180, 418
- Willard Hotel, 233, 234
- Washington Post, 5, 123, 125, 133, 287, 352, 387
- Watergate, xxii, xxiv–xxv, 163, 201, 417
- We the People Movement, 273
- wealth tax, progressive support for, 31
- West, Lance, 357, 358, 359, 362–63, 365
- White, Byron, 33
- White House. See also specific locations and objects, e.g. Roosevelt Room, Resolute Desk, Rose Garden
- Bidens’ arrival at, Plate h
- Biden’s discomfort in, 407
- Trump’s departure from, 290
- White House Economic Council, 190
- White House staff, under Biden
- closeness between Biden and, 408
- lack of publicity attracted by, 370
- as Obama administration veterans, 22, 31, 55, 186–87, 334, 348
- transition meetings between Trump and Biden officials, 291–92, 293
- White House staff, under Trump
- Capitol assault, evening prior to, 230–32
- Capitol assault, lack of response to, xxi–xiv, 246, 248–49, 253–54, 282
- coronavirus contracted by, 125, 146
- efforts to talk Trump into accepting loss, 143–44, 152–53, 164–65
- publicity attracted by, 370
- rumor that Democrats would replace Biden at convention, 69
- transition meetings between Trump and Biden officials, 291–92, 293
- white supremacists, 1–4, 8, 86, 256, 263
- Whitmer, Gretchen, 119
- Willard Hotel, Washington, D.C., 233, 234
- Williams, Brian, 176
- Wilson, Jackie, 139
- Wisconsin, claims of fraudulent voting in, 220
- women
- in Afghanistan, 337, 377, 379, 389, 390, 391
- Biden’s issues with hugging and kissing, 43
- Biden’s plan to have woman as running mate, 42
- Clyburn pushing for African-American woman on Supreme Court, 61–62
- Kavanaugh, accusations regarding, 20–21
- Republican women in 2020 elections, 134, 191
- suburban women’s support for Trump, in 2016, 399
- Clarence Thomas, Anita Hill’s allegations against, 45, 174
- Trump’s relationships with/comments about, 5, 74, 178–79
- Women for American First, 206
- Wood, Lin, 177–78
- Woodward, Bob, 12, 13, 30, 53–54, 82, 83, 86, 111, 417–18
- working people, Republicans repositioning itself as party of, 192, 330, 366, 399
- World Health Organization, 299
- World Trade Center, New York City, 337
- World War I, 105
- World War II, 112, 131, 161, 369, 401
- Wray, Chris, 166
- Wyden, Ron, 366
- Xi Jinping, xiv, xv
- Yemen, xv
- Yoo, John, 237
- Yorktown (aircraft carrier), 60
- Young, Todd, 177, 307
- Youngstown Sheet & Tube Co. v. Sawyer, 195
- YouTube, 59
- Zelensky, Volodymyr, 57
- Zients, Jeff, 186–89, 300–302, 313, 352–53
- Zoom, 82, 119, 188, 246, 300, 349, 368