Manifesting the Destiny of Humanity through the Ninth Wave


The current (2016) erosion of both the nation-state and Western dominance (to name only two of the trends discussed in chapter 8) may actually be preparation for an entirely new world that is being created by the Eighth and the Ninth Waves, if we are able to deliver the cosmic plan to a Golden Age. As the Sixth Wave and the Seventh Wave have turned into NIGHTS (until 2406 CE and 2031 CE, respectively), space will be created for the phenomena of the Eighth and Ninth Waves to manifest in this post-shift era. The new interference pattern upon which this will be built holds both risks and possibilities, but I believe that our understanding of, and intentions for, the climb will play a big role for how this new world will turn out. The next decade or two are likely to be very challenging for humanity as the shift is not likely to uphold the previous structure of the mind and its connected sociopolitical systems. Ultimately what the world seems to be going toward may best be described as divinely guided anarchy and so as part of this unfolding we must expect many reactions from people wanting to go back to the old paradigm. This is already becoming obvious as the world is becoming divided between those trying to stay with the old and others who are moving directly into the new interference pattern. Whether humanity will make it through is likely to be deter mined in this upcoming period, but again, this requires that the long-term direction created by the Ninth Wave is upheld and promoted.

Existentially speaking, the most significant aspect of the new stage of life, the new interference pattern, may be that the path toward unity with the Divine will increasingly become open. We can, in other words, now complete the climb to the ninth level of the staircase, and while there likely will be hurdles on this, there are no longer any insurmountable “blocks.” Within the grand evolutionary plan for the universe we have thus now come to a new and very significant point in time where the underlying energy field looks very different from previously, and so creates entirely new challenges and opportunities, especially after the Ninth Wave was activated in 2011. We are now faced with the challenge of manifesting the Golden Age.

When considering this, I believe it is important to realize that when it comes to the actual course of events, there is both a short-term and a long-term perspective and that the two are different. The short-term perspective may be dominated by the fact that both the Sixth and Seventh Waves have gone into NIGHTS and that many people are reacting to this by trying to hold on to their DAYS, which are now gone. In the long-term perspective, however, both the Eighth and Ninth Waves are increasingly providing the predominant expressions of creation. Thus, even if the time until 2031 may be very challenging for humanity I believe that by 2041 the interference pattern in figure 8.1 will have stabilized enough and enough people will have created a resonance with the Ninth Wave that a world of peace will be generated from which violence will never again be re-created. The reason is that the unfolding of the nine waves is designed in such a way that the establishment of a Golden Age can never be reversed if the Ninth Wave eventually comes to rule on Earth. As we may understand from the previous discussions, this is not just wishful thinking but a logical consequence of the fact that the wave with the highest frequency, the Ninth Wave, has now been activated and in the time ahead is bound to increasingly shape the human perception of who we are.

The DAYS of the Eighth and Ninth Waves thus have time on their side. As we go more deeply into resonance with those two waves, people who have been fully born into them (after the years 1999 and 2011) will increasingly influence the global course of events. At the current time, these highest waves are, however, only beginning to manifest in public life, but we can be certain that these are the waves of the future and that eventually their expressions are going to take over life on Earth. In the “struggle” between the Waves, it is the Eighth Wave and even more so the Ninth Wave that are constantly gaining. This means that everyone who wants to leave behind a better world for their children and their children’s children will have to take seriously the paradigm shift that is now happening in accordance with the new interference pattern and prepare themselves and their children for this Ninth Wave.


As part of our understanding of the world, I believe it is important to see that several ancient traditions and religions saw their own era as leading up to the shift that we have now gone through. They saw time not as cyclical in the sense of being based on endlessly repeated identical cycles but as fundamentally directed in accordance with a Divine Plan. The universe had a purpose and was meant to fulfill this. We have here (4.2) seen that humanity has gone from unity to separation and back to unity through a sequence of holograms with different polarities. It was because of their intuitive grasp of this that several ancient cultures pointed to the shift we have been through as the beginning of the Era of Fulfillment. This is not just the end of a cycle and the beginning of a new cycle. The shift was the inception of a new interference pattern creating an entirely new stage for life.

To find support for the idea that the ancients looked upon the recent shift as important we may begin with the Hindu view that the universe is created by 108 movements by the god Shiva, the god of creation and destruction.1 His dance is a reflection of the twelve transformations between peaks and valleys (creation and destruction, if you like) in each of the nine different creation waves (equaling 9 × 12 = 108 transformations, which were completed on October 28, 2011). The number 108 incidentally also plays a crucial role in Buddhism and several other Eastern traditions. A very similar example is the Chinese scheme of 9 × 13 = 117 scales on the cosmic dragon,2 which similarly we have reasons to associate with the shift on October 28, 2011.

The Hindu and Chinese schemes admittedly were not dated (and translated to chronological years), but according to the Mayan inscription at Tortuguero monument no. 6, the creation god Bolon Yookte K’uh (meaning the Nine-Step, or Nine-Support Entity)3 would appear in his full regalia as the thirteenth baktun (seven DAYS and six NIGHTS) had been completed. The appearance in full regalia of this god, in other words, meant that all nine waves had been activated and considering that up until October 28, 2011, they each went through thirteen steps we can understand that the Plumed Serpent (like his Chinese counterpart) then had shifted between 117 scales on his back. A very important conclusion to draw from these examples is that in the views of these ancient traditions there were not more than Nine Waves. This in turn means that the Ninth Wave creates the highest state of consciousness that is available to us. This would mean that the state of the ninth level indeed is what we are to aim for.

All of these observations point to the momentous nature of the shift we as humanity have recently gone through. But as far as we know, the ancient Maya or the other ancient peoples did not have much to say regarding the future beyond this. When it comes to the Maya their prophetic use of numbers only went to thirteen, and we are now in the fourteenth baktun. Possibly this lack of knowledge on their part is because what is now about to happen on our planet is not cut in stone. The cosmos has created an opening for us to create unity consciousness, a product of the highest frequency Ninth Wave, but after this, the future is largely up to us, and our choices, both individually and as humanity, will be crucial for what emerges.

When considering the absence of information in ancient traditions (which are all generated by the Sixth Wave) regarding what our current time would mean, we should also consider that these were dominated by the Hologram of Good and Evil. Even if they, as we have seen, were clearly aware that creation was developed by Nine Waves, they had no knowledge of what kinds of mental states the Seventh, Eighth, and Ninth Waves would bring to humanity and what types of phenomena these would manifest in our time. What this means is that when they were trying to look into the future they would almost certainly be subordinated to a Sixth Wave duality in understanding their visions. This would generate a view of God as judgmental (as was extensively discussed in chapter 5). Hence, even if the Abrahamic religions also have hints at a scenario with the potentialities that have been presented here, their so-called apocalyptic scenarios often are markedly judgmental in nature and include ideas about separating “the good” from “the evil,” the end of the world, and so on, which is what you would expect from people dominated by a hologram of duality. Personally, I believe that the concept of a Judgment Day is simply a projection of the dualist hologram of the Sixth Wave onto ourselves and that there has never been an intent on the part of the Creator to set an end to the world or punish anyone.

What supports such a statement is that according to the interference pattern in figure 8.1, we do not seem to be approaching any significant discontinuity in the evolution of the waves that would justify the idea that the world would now be primed to come to an end. The waves generating our holograms may instead be expected to simply continue to flow endlessly without any foreseeable discontinuity. This, of course, does not preclude that humans create an end to the world or a destructive apocalyptic scenario, but I still feel it is important to see that there is no plan for the destruction of the world integrated into the nine waves of creation. The apocalyptic scenarios are perpetuated by people with dualist minds. Moreover, there is nothing to indicate that the wave pattern points to any disruption in the form of a Judgment Day, when everything would stop and people would be separated into “the good” and “the evil.” Instead, the creation waves will from now on simply continue forward ad infinitum, and the future of ourselves and of humanity will be created in accordance with the waves with which we resonate.

Yet, despite their origin in the Sixth Wave, I think there are certain viewpoints from the world religions that indicate that some of their texts shared the perspective given here about an Era of Fulfillment that we now after the shift are entering. In Jewish eschatology, for instance, it is a prominent idea that humanity is to return to the “Garden of Eden.” Such a return, I believe, should be interpreted to mean that there will come a point when the Ninth Wave dominates humanity. The reason for this connection to the “Garden of Eden” is that the Ninth Wave resembles the consciousness of the Fifth Wave, which was what created the Garden of Eden in the first place. Thus, it only makes sense if the Ninth Wave means a return to the same state of mind as in the Fifth.

According to Jewish tradition, depending on the actions of humanity, this return is believed to happen no later than six thousand years after the expulsion from the Garden of Adam and Eve. The date Jewish eschatology has placed for this expulsion is 3761 BCE, and as a consequence, this transition would be expected to take place sometime within the next 225 years.4 Such a viewpoint is quite consistent with the one presented here, with the difference being that we now have an explanation as to why such a “return” to the “Garden of Eden” would indeed happen based on the resonance people develop with the underlying wave pattern of creation. Another similarity is that the actions of humanity will be critical for the manifestation of this era. It is not something that will happen automatically.

Moreover, in the Book of Revelation, the last book of the Christian Bible, there are descriptions of progressive developments in terms of seven trumpets, seven vials, and so on, indicating that the universe has been developed by processes in seven steps. This is exactly what we have seen in chapters 3 and 6, where up until 2011 several processes driven by the nine waves were developed stepwise through seven DAYS (see fig. 6.9). Also in these metaphors, we have thus been led to the place we are today according to a plan, and the same book goes on to describe a meeting with the Divine (Rev 20:11). In Christian eschatology it is also often prophesied about a coming Kingdom of God (which in my interpretation is what may be generated from people’s resonance with the Ninth Wave), and one of the last verses in the Book of Revelation talks about the righteous having “rights” to the Tree of Life: “Blessed are those that wash their robes so that they have the right to the Tree of Life and may enter the city by the gates.”*7 This seems appropriate for the Era of Fulfillment and points toward our own time, especially in that it is now that the Tree of Life has been rediscovered by modern science. It is only now that we can understand the entire evolution of creation from the birth of the universe to our own time as a result of waves broadcast by this very Tree of Life.

The Qur’an also has an interesting description of the Judgment Day, stating in the Cleaving Asunder Sura 82:17–19: “And what will make you realize what the day of Judgment is? Again, what will make you realize what the day of Judgment is? The day on which no soul shall control anything for another soul and the command on this day shall be entirely Allah’s.” The emphasis on equality between humans in this sura does provide guidance for how someone wanting to be part of the Kingdom of God should not seek control over others. This also points to the Ninth Wave, whose transcendence of duality is designed to set an end to such control.


The idea proposed throughout this book that humanity has a set destiny on which we should focus, may very well by itself be controversial. Most modern Westerners would probably be highly skeptical against it, and many would rather believe that events in the world are essentially random and not subject to a time plan. This is because on the surface the world may very well seem to be driven by more or less random power struggles, conspiracies, and accidental technological innovations. Alternative explanations such as those provided here are not taken into consideration. It may then seem easy to go to the conclusion that this world is not going anywhere in particular and that it is not meant to go anywhere either.

What I hope is that the present book has shown this view of evolution as random and uncharted is not correct. If you have as a background the existence of nine waves of creation that have been sequentially activated to create the universe as it is now, it does seems clear that events are not random or meaningless but instead are subject to a fairly exact timing. There is always an underlying quantum field of waves that govern our existence, and most phenomena in our own time can be understood against the background this provides. Even if because of their very long wavelengths these waves are outside of what we can directly detect, they nonetheless exist and are the primary determinants for how the universe is being created.

To recognize that the totality of the nine waves has a direction, and hence the creation of the universe has a purpose, I believe is very important. This view of a direction to evolution is consistent with the abovementioned references to ancient spiritual and religious traditions. Creation has, in other words, been going somewhere ever since its inception, and as we can understand from the model presented here, its intended end result has been part of the nature of the universe ever since it was born. Because of this strong emphasis on manifesting the destiny of humanity, intrinsic to the design of the waves, I think it is important to here clarify that the underlying worldview is very different from that held by people who embrace a purely cyclical view of the universe, more common among alternative than mainstream researchers. At this time I also find it imperative that each one of us makes a clear choice as to whether we embrace a cosmology that has a purposeful direction or one that is fundamentally cyclical.

In recent decades a worldview where the universe does not have a direction has become widespread. Astrologers, who are studying endlessly repeated identical cycles, such as notably the so-called 26,000-year precessional cycle, or Great Year,5 typically embrace such a view. Leaving aside that I am not aware of any evidence that this cycle has played a role for the evolution of the universe, it is important to be aware that such a worldview based on identically repeated astronomical cycles has important consequences for how you approach the future. If you look upon the universe as a product of endlessly repeated cycles that has no ultimate purpose or goal, you will obviously not be intent on co-creating a lasting Golden Age. If, on the other hand, you look upon your individual life in the context that I have provided here—as part of a process toward the Golden Age created by purposeful and directed waves—you will be thinking more in terms of providing lasting solutions for humanity.

I should add here that the nine waves of creation do not lack a cyclic component. Obviously they have such a component, as a DAY-NIGHT sine wave period (see fig. 2.8) can be called a cycle. The point is rather that in these creation waves the cycles are not identically repeated but are part of a progressive sequence of holograms that with every new step expresses itself more fully. The fifth or fifty-fifth DAY of a wave thus creates much more profound expressions of the wave than, for instance, its third DAY does. The waves are, in other words, going somewhere much like a serpent as the ancients would symbolize them. The “cycles” that are part of the creation waves are thus not identical but form part of progressions with deepening expressions. Because each of the waves has a forward movement and a direction we can say that they each carry a particular purpose as broadcast by the Cosmic Tree of Life. When we look upon the different purposes of these in the context of the sequential activation of the nine waves, we can understand that the sum total of these is indeed the Destiny Chart of Humanity. I cannot emphasize enough how important it is that the reader makes a choice whether to follow waves with the direction or purpose of creating a Golden Age or follow astronomical or biological cycles that are identically repeated such as the 26,000-year cycle. Such cycles, even if they may have some energetic effect, are not going to create a lasting alteration in the state of mind of humanity. It should also be noted here that among the thousands of calendrical inscriptions from the ancient Maya a 26,000-year-long cycle is never mentioned, and hence it played no role in their calendrical system.

To choose the Destiny Chart of Humanity in practice means not to embrace cosmologies or calendrical systems that are based on identically repeated cycles or beliefs that the events in the world are just randomly generated. If this book, based on its empirical evidence, has been able to convince you that the purpose of your individual life is to be part of opening the gateway to the Golden Age through acting in accordance with the hologram of the Ninth Wave and creating resonance with this, then this will have very significant consequences for your ability to make sense of and face the difficulties we may expect to encounter in the time ahead (briefly discussed in chapter 8). If you are developing resonance with the Ninth Wave, then these difficulties will not necessarily lead you to be discouraged but instead may be seen as hurdles created by the underlying waves of duality. If, on the other hand, you believe, as many do, that the universe simply goes through identical cycles, then any difficulty may be understood as a long-term downturn or simply that this universe is not a good place to be. So the choice between a purposeful universe designed to create a Golden Age and one of repeated identical cycles that are not going anywhere is very crucial for who you are going to be in the times ahead—and how you are to approach these times.


The reason that a Golden Age is set to be created in the time ahead is that human beings may be expected to change as they deepen their resonance with the Ninth Wave. As this happens we will transcend our egos and our personalities and modes of operating will be altered. To see this, it may now be meaningful to discuss the ego and its relationship to your higher self. The ego emerges from the experience of separation from the Divine, which as we have seen is created by our experience of dark fields in our holograms. On the basis of this ego, a personality is created, which serves this very separation. Several spiritual teachings have over the centuries been developed with the intention of having people become aware of their egos, or even slaying the ego, as it is expressed in some Eastern teachings. These teachings recognize the ego’s addiction to catering to the individual person and how this is different from living a spiritual life based on your higher Divine self. If we are constantly aiming to serve our own person and its perceived separation from others, rather than the divine plan, then we will indeed cement the power of the ego. The ego is, however, not an eternal psychological entity but is something that has a history and so is directly related to the evolution of the nine waves.

The ego did not exist in the Fifth Wave for the simple reason that there was then no dark field in the hologram creating an experience of the individual as being separate from the Source. As I touched upon in chapter 5, human individuality in any sense close to the modern did not emerge until the midpoint of the Sixth Wave (ca. 550 BCE), and it was only then that an ego emerged. Because the Ninth Wave shares the absence of a dark filter with the Fifth Wave, this would, however, mean that over time the ego would disappear. From this perspective, the ego may then not really be something that should be “slayed,” but rather something that should be transcended as we climb to the top of the nine-story pyramid. As we find the tools to do so and open our beings fully to the Divine and subordinate ourselves to what it guides us to do, we will also transcend the ego and lessen the grip this has over us. Incidentally, much of what is said here about transcending the ego would apply equally to transcending evil.

The different place of the ego in different waves has consequences for the kind of personalities and modes of operating we develop in these waves, as is hinted at in the Destiny Chart of Humanity in figure 9.1. Here, we will look at how we can make parallels between the different holograms and the developmental scheme of a human being developed by Robert Kegan.6 The developmental phases that human beings go through during the course of their lives are thus reflections of their resonances with different holograms (fig. 9.1).


Figure 9.1. The Destiny Chart of Humanity, continued: Climbing to the top of the nine-level pyramid implies going through different levels of relating. (Diagram by the author, design courtesy of Bengt Sundin)

Hence, in a similar sense to how different holograms have been sequentially activated during the course of human history, the different holograms are sequentially activated over a human life. The individual’s climb begins with the infant’s state of unity with its mother before its ego has emerged. This may be likened to the state of unity with nature and the Divine that people experienced under the influence of the Fifth Wave. In the next phase, that of the duality of the Sixth Wave, we tend to develop “imperial” relationships, where we look upon others as if they were there mostly to serve our own needs, and this is when our egos are created. At the next level, which corresponds to the teenage years, we typically become very sensitive to what other people think and create our lives on this basis. This corresponds to the Seventh Wave, which because of its darkness does not provide much guidance from the Source and so leads us to become dependent on other humans. On the next level, we start to liberate ourselves from social constraints and allow the light of the Eighth Wave filter to inspire us. At this level of evolution individuals become self-authored: their life is not created by their imperial mentality or their concerns of fitting in socially.

On the ninth level finally, there is no dark filter separating us from the Divine, and for this reason it is not meaningful to say that our lives are self-authored. Instead, if we reach this level of development, which has only been fully possible after the Ninth Wave was activated in 2011, our will and how we create our lives is essentially a product of our unity with the Divine, and not of our ego. Life then, as shown in figure 9.1, becomes “self-transforming,” or in other words, our selves are automatically being transformed by our unity with the Divine to the detriment of the ego. At this level the ego is not running a separate agenda, or maybe better said, an agenda of separation, and our actions become expressions of the All That Is Divine with which we are unified. This self-transforming level and its transcendence of the ego are only beginning to be available. I believe, for instance, that Patricia Albere’s Mutual Awakening7 is a reflection of the self-transforming nature of the Ninth Wave and is a product of the absence of filters from its hologram. There may be many other teachings with which I do not have experience that similarly may aid your transition to the ninth level’s way of being.

At the ninth level we can hardly talk about a free will, because if the ego plays no separate role and your actions are determined in resonance with All That Is, we can hardly talk about will as free. At this highest level, when we are fully in resonance with the Ninth Wave, our lives will not be about running separate individual agendas but about fulfilling an aspect of the divine plan for humanity. There will no longer be a separate ego that acts only on the individual’s behalf. Instead, as we in a unity state of consciousness surrender to our higher selves, we act on behalf of the Divine and its plan for humanity.

This disappearance of the ego in the Ninth Wave may be appreciated by some but not by others. But how could we possibly arrive at a Golden Age of peace unless we all surrender all agendas that are contrary to, or not aligned with, the divine plan? It is only if all our actions are informed by our contact with the Divine so that the largest possible view is taken into consideration that all of our individual lives can ever be harmonized. Joy will then never come from your agenda of being separate, but from the harmony that is created with All That Is.


The reason that the Ninth Wave may be expected to generate a Golden Age in the time ahead is thus that its hologram does not include any darkness or duality, which in turn means that conflict-generating agendas of the ego will recede. With duality gone, separation and division between humans will disappear together with the superior/inferior dichotomy. For those that will be able to develop resonance with the frequency of the Ninth Wave, the perception of dark fields will no longer be projected onto Nature or the Divine, and this in turn will create a profoundly different foundation for human existence in the Golden Age. Developing resonance with the Ninth Wave is the same thing as moving in the direction of, and eventually attaining, a state of unity consciousness.

How then do we as a human collective attain such a state of unity consciousness to which the destiny chart points? There are many aspects of this, one of which is to learn to recognize the Ninth Wave and its consequences in yourself and humanity at large. Because this wave will from now on always be accessible to humanity, and will never be in its NIGHT mode for more than eighteen common days, it is easy to follow and monitor the effects of the wave in ourselves. Thus, we may be able to more directly experience the personal consequences of this wave compared to waves with lower frequencies (and longer wave periods).

The current interference pattern is, however, complex and involves also the Sixth, Seventh, and Eighth Waves. This complexity gives us an even greater reason to monitor our individual processes by following the Ninth Wave to keep us on track. A critical factor here is to decide for yourself what you are committed to—duality or unity—and to set your intentions for the future based on this. If you do not know where you want to go on the stormy waters, it does not help much to have a compass.

I will, however, assume that the reader does want to go toward the unity consciousness of the Ninth Wave. After all, unity, and the disappearance of dark fields of consciousness, seems to be the goal of the divine plan, and we are now living in a time when this may be fulfilled. Personally, I think it is clear that unity consciousness is what this entire creation is striving toward and so also that it is the only guarantee for the survival of our species. Yet, there will be difficulties and it may sometimes require courage on our part to deliver this plan. With little doubt there will be strong pressures against its manifestation, not the least from those who have become comfortable with a life of duality or maybe are unable to see an alternative. It is at these times that the knowledge of, and resonance with, the Ninth Wave of creation may become the most valuable. It may seem to some that the Ninth Wave will automatically do its job like all the other waves have in the past and that accordingly we can ignore to be aware of, or follow the Ninth Wave, but I do not think so. I think our future depends on enough people setting the intention to resonate with the Ninth Wave and manifesting this through their actions.

I will then here submit a few ideas of what there is for us to do to attain unity consciousness, but again a critical step for this will always be the intention.

1. Understanding the Nature of this Creation

To understand the nature of how our universe works and evolves according to a preset time plan is critical for knowing where to go. A part of this knowledge, which is an important part of the Fulfillment Era, has been provided in this book. It is possible that some people may create resonance with the Ninth Wave without any intellectual understanding of the processes involved. On the other hand, such understanding may also play a significant positive role for our planet. I believe it does provide support for peoples’ processes to know that the creation waves exist and are part of a divine plan for the evolution of the planet. I also believe that we now know where we come from and where we are meant to be going. For these reasons, help spread this knowledge and develop community around the Nine Waves!

2. Using a Calculator to Align Yourself with the Ninth Wave

As mentioned above, the Ninth Wave was activated on March 9, 2011, and has ever since been alternating between energies of DAYS and NIGHTS every eighteen DAYS. As all creation waves, the wave periods of the Ninth Wave have four phases, an ascending DAY phase of nine DAYS, a descending DAY phase of nine DAYS, a descending NIGHT phase of nine DAYS and finally an ascending NIGHT phase of nine DAYS. As in the many other waves we have studied in this book, these different phases have different qualities and will in different ways influence how your life’s projects develop. Because the hologram of the Ninth Wave has no dark fields, it tends to create unity consciousness in the DAYS, whereas in the NIGHTS this effect is not as evident. A person in resonance with this wave will find that in the DAYS all his or her projects that are consistent with and supportive of the emergence of unity consciousness will progress well.

The NIGHT phases of the Ninth Wave (as in all waves) have a different character from the DAYS. In the NIGHT phase, the Ninth Wave is essentially deactivated. But also NIGHTS have a purpose: rather than just moving forward you will have to deal with unresolved issues from your own or humanity’s past, creations of the lower waves, that are inconsistent with the unity consciousness of the Ninth Wave. Nights are also time periods when you need to process the actions of all of humanity, as the Ninth Wave breaks down the separation between individual and collective destiny.

We have previously seen that all human evolution proceeds in phase with the creation waves. The Ninth Wave is no different. If you seek to develop your life based on resonance with the hologram of unity consciousness, it then only makes sense if you follow the actual wave period of the Ninth Wave as a means of correcting your course. Over time, I also believe that the Ninth Wave will become a synchronizing factor for those among humanity who are committed to be part of this return to unity. To learn how to follow the Ninth Wave (which is the compass for the stormy waters) and develop your life and your life’s projects in phase with its ups and downs you will, however, need to know how this wave develops over time (see the next section). As mentioned, becoming aware of its existence and understanding the Ninth Wave intellectually is meaningful, but this knowledge on the mental plane cannot replace direct personal experience. To follow this means having a tuning fork for the highest frequency level that the universe offers and raising your consciousness to this.

3. Healing Yourself

We have in previous chapters seen how the lower waves, and especially the Sixth Wave, in a multitude of ways have created separation—separation both within ourselves and from others. Sometimes this may take the form of judgmental attitudes toward yourself or others. The filters of the lower waves may also often have caused you to limit yourself to less than what you are. The Sixth Wave hologram may have subjugated, oppressed, or suppressed aspects of yourself, and some of the effects of this duality may have been passed down through generations creating wounds that need to be healed. You can only fully flourish in a state of unity consciousness that does not filter out any expressions of yourself.

In this case this means to rid yourself of all the negative effects of the dualities created by the lower holograms. A discussion about different forms of healing is not part of this book, and yet it is important to acknowledge that your own healing is an important part of your own transition to unity consciousness. Part of creating unity with All That Is and attaining a state of unity consciousness is to become whole and leave behind the painful separation from others and nature that has been created especially by the Sixth Wave hologram.

4. Political Action

The world does not change automatically just because we become spiritually awakened or are able to heal some aspects of ourselves. In the now emerging paradigm, where everything is seen as connected, it will not be possible to separate spirituality and politics. The Ninth Wave also on a larger scale holds the potential to heal the world by eliminating the various forms of separation that dominate it. The step to manifest unity consciousness on this larger social scale and make it part of our everyday lives may then be what requires the most courage. The Ninth Wave is about making unity consciousness a practical reality, and this includes political action against the many forms of oppression that the world has inherited from the Sixth Wave. This implies that the overriding political themes for anyone resonating with the Ninth Wave will be equality and balance. Exactly what course of action you should take will need to be based on your personal dialogue with the Divine. Each of our tasks is different, and yours should be based on your particular talents and specific purpose to the extent that you may use them to support the climb of humanity to unity consciousness.

5. Developing a Personal Relationship with the One

To develop a personal relationship with the Divine, and to base all your actions on the guidance you receive from this Source, may be greatly facilitated by the Ninth Wave. Be uncompromising when it comes to following this guidance; cut out all middlemen and develop a direct relationship with the One. It is in the very nature of the Ninth Wave that it alters our perception of the Divine and so alters our relationship to the One to become a direct personal relationship (see fig. 5.8). In our own time, the concept of Oneness is by some seen as something that only refers to relationships with other humans or with nature. I, for one, do not think that the relationship with the One is something that can be ignored by anyone seeking to manifest the destiny of humanity. After all, we have seen that the entire climb to unity consciousness emanates from a unified Source, the Cosmic Tree of Life. How then could we complete this climb without a direct contact with this Source? In order for us, as a species and also as individuals to fulfill human destiny, I therefore believe we need guidance directly from the Source for directing our lives. In my own experience, the Oneness University in India8 provides the most effective support for those who want to develop a relationship that is personal and direct with the Divine. This university also offers a number of auxiliary means for spiritual awakening such as Deeksha, Oneness Meditations, and Sacred Chambers. It is one of the few movements or organizations in the world of today that envisions a Golden Age within a reasonable time frame, but others will hopefully also come to the same realization in the time ahead.


An individual can develop several projects as expressions of unity consciousness—and the term project is probably not the best word to use. One project could be to be a good mother or a friend, another to cure cancer or harmonize the income distribution of the world. I believe that anyone who already is in resonance with the Ninth Wave will have some desire to express his or her unity consciousness in actions in the external world through developing such projects. I also believe that whatever you are working with and whatever projects you are already engaged in, you can turn them into expressions of unity consciousness.

Regarding practical tools to monitor the resonance of your projects with the Ninth Wave, there are at the current time two websites that allow you to directly follow the DAYS and NIGHTS of the Ninth Wave. One of them is www.4-ahau.com,9 which is essentially a Mayan calendar website, and in the charts posted on this website you can see how the Ninth Wave is connected to the traditional Mayan sacred calendar count. Another calculator, which very clearly shows the Ninth Wave and at what point in the wave you are on any given day, is also available (fig. 9.2).10 This can be used to tune in to the Ninth Wave on a daily basis. A third possibility is to download a calculator11 for the Ninth Wave (fig. 9.3).

This calculator gives substantial information about several waves, and in a very clear way it also shows where you are in the Ninth Wave. Over time, more tools and websites are likely to be developed to follow this wave, but the currently available tools are quite adequate for anyone who seriously wants to develop his or her resonance with the Ninth Wave.


Figure 9.2. The Ninth Wave calculator, which can be used for following your path toward unity consciousness, can be found at www.xzone.com.au/9thwave.php.


Figure 9.3. The downloadable calculator that can be used for following several waves, including the Ninth Wave, can be found at www.2near.com/edge/carl.

If you follow the Ninth Wave for a reasonably long period of time, such as three or four wave periods, and do not experience its upturns and downturns or see them mirrored in your life’s projects, then most likely you have not yet established resonance with the Ninth Wave. To the extent that your projects are aligned with the destiny of humanity, progress in them would be expected in the periods that are DAYS in the Ninth Wave. If this is not the case and you cannot experience the effects that the Ninth Wave has on your projects, I advise that you ask yourself if your projects are truly aligned with the destiny of humanity. There is no reason for you to judge yourself for this, but you should look upon it as an important observation.

There are other possible explanations for not experiencing resonance with the Ninth Wave. One is that the projects you are working on (and I mean project here in a very wide sense, including personal relationships) are not consistent with the unity consciousness of the Ninth Wave, or that you are not conducting your projects in a way that is consistent with unity consciousness. Possibly you are in fact working with something that is a dead end and does not serve the spiritual awakening or wholeness of yourself or others. If this is the case, you may want to consider whether you should continue with the project. This is really a question about your personal relationship to the Divine, and you will find your answers for how to deal with such issues from this relationship. The point is to use the Ninth Wave in such a way that you yourself become aware of how your life can become part of the destiny of humanity. To follow the Ninth Wave and become aware of its effects on you may serve as a self-correcting or troubleshooting tool for yourself. The more your life and your projects are expressions of the DAYS of the Ninth Wave, the more likely it is that you are on the path of the Destiny Chart of Humanity.


It is noteworthy that no technological revolution (at least as far as I am aware) was activated as the Ninth Wave began in 2011. This is in contrast to the Sixth, Seventh, and Eighth Waves, which all created distinct technological revolutions at the times of their inception that are still continuing. This tells us that the fields of darkness in the corresponding holograms of those waves is of fundamental importance for the development of human technologies and that the darkness is not there just to create an ego or evil. Moreover, the fact that the Ninth Wave hologram has no darkness, and that no technological revolution was initiated in 2011, indicates that the development of technology is not the main focus of this wave. The Ninth Wave is instead likely to make us use the technology developed in lower waves more wisely so that it serves the totality of our ecosystem rather than very limited interests of particular individuals.

The chief purpose of the Ninth Wave seems to be to make it possible for us to finally bring everything together in the Era of Fulfillment. The Ninth Wave provides us with a frequency that does not lead us to be separate but helps us see the unity of all things and how everything is connected. This in turn will mean that we will start to listen to and base our decisions on our heart rather than on the mind. The heart is not something amorphous, vague, or unfocused, but a coherent source of wisdom and love connected to the divine Source. It is something that emerges and is allowed to flourish as the power of the mind recedes in the opening to Oneness. This is what we need as a center of our being to fulfill the purpose of creation, which also requires developing unity with the Divine.

Thus, what we may expect from the Ninth Wave is a return to a direct contact with the Divine without any experience of separating dark filters, and this by itself will change us. The more we resonate with the Ninth Wave, the more self-transforming we become. Reaching the ninth level, however, does not mean that from now on we will only live in a state of consciousness generated by the Ninth Wave. We will still have parts of all the previous waves, even as we reach the top of the Ninth Wave, and we will perceive the world through holograms created by interference patterns among the different waves. However, to the extent that we create resonance with the Ninth Wave, everything will be subordinated to the unity with the Divine.

To develop unity with the Divine does not mean that you no longer have an individual personality. Rather, resonance with the Ninth Wave will help you craft your individual personality and destiny so that they are harmonized with the divine plan. Resonance with All That Is helps to make decisions that you as an individual would have a too limited perspective to make. No longer will your life’s goals be run by a separate mind-ego agenda in conflict with this. To the extent that we surrender to the Divine, without which we cannot really speak about Oneness, our individual destinies will also become part of the overall collective destiny of humanity. Developing an experience of Oneness with others is always a product of a deepened state of Oneness with the Divine. When we have attained the point where we cease to be separate from the Divine, everything we do as individuals will actually be expressions of the Divine taking individual form. The Ninth Wave thus takes on a special meaning as a wave that can create unity with the Divine and make us aware of being Divine.

To some, the idea of being one with the Divine may invoke feelings of being all-powerful or possessing magical powers, but I believe such ideas are probably ego projections emanating from the Sixth Wave hologram. Being divine as a result of resonating with the Ninth Wave is rather about manifesting an aspect of the Divine that serves this creation, and it is the absence of filters in this wave that makes this possible.

Following the Ninth Wave is not about manifesting your destiny as a separate individual. It is about making your destiny a part of the divine plan and as you do so you will become more and more Divine yourself, and your ego’s agenda will recede more into the background. This does not mean that every step on the way will be easy and pleasant, and yet this is the only true path to joy and happiness.


A theory has been developed here about how life in the universe is created and how it evolves. This does not immediately answer what the purpose of this creation is, although I think it narrows down the number of possible answers as to why we are here considerably. I can suggest a few possible answers as to what the purpose of the universe may be. One is that the universe, and we ourselves, have been created for the sole purpose of having a good, or at least interesting, journey through life. In this view, we have been created to have experiences and possibly the experience of happiness. Another possibility is that we have been created to climb the nine-story pyramid, so that at the top of this a paradisiacal state of unity with the Divine, a homecoming, can be attained and we can live in a state of pure joy, a Golden Age. A third possibility is that we have not merely been created for our own sake but also for the sake of the Divine. There is an Islamic Hadith, which speaks of this when the Prophet David asks God why he had created the universe. God responds: “I was a hidden treasure and I wanted to be known—so I created the world.”12

I obviously cannot say with any certainty which one of these is the right answer and can only say what seems reasonable to me. I do think, however, that we can now be certain that the universe has an inherent direction and that we have now entered the Era of Fulfillment. The universe is not something that just came about, or had its particular characteristics, by accident. It has a purpose. My personal guess is that the reason it exists and continues to evolve is some combination of the second and third answers above. The universe was created for humans to attain a state of pure joy while at the same time giving full recognition of the role of the Divine, and this I believe is the direction in which we are now going. This would mean that the Divine wants to be known as the treasure that it is through our unity with it. As far as I can see, this can only happen if humanity creates a world based on the unity consciousness created by the Ninth Wave. Otherwise the Divine will not be experienced for what it is. If this is true, then we humans are confronted with a choice as to whether we want to participate in manifesting this state of consciousness. If we do, we will have to develop an ethic where the highest good is what serves the creation of such unity.

The world that would be created from such a unity would be very different from the world of dominance that we know today, even if it is now about to lose its grip. The actions of all human individuals will be shaped by this unity with the Divine, and in this way their harmony with universal law would be guaranteed. Creating resonance with the Ninth Wave is, in other words, the same thing as creating unity with the Divine. The Divine is about to be known in a way it has never been known before, because our filters and the fear these have created will be removed and our vision cleared. Everything is now available for us to go in this direction toward Oneness with the Divine and unity among ourselves. If we want to know the Divine for the treasure that it is, then this is where we need to go. This, as far as I can tell, is what the fulfillment of the Divine purpose of our lives means.