
Boldface page numbers indicate illustrations.

Abstinence: Aztecs and, 70, 81, 83; and chiles, 62; and chocolate, 55; Inca, 210; Maya, 167; Motecuhzoma and, 70

Achiote, 59, 105, 143, 148

Acosta, José de, 13, 43, 45, 168, 171, 174, 198

Actas del cabildo, food laws in, 229–239

Agave spp., 78, 84, 94. See also Maguey; Pulque

Agouti: and Queen Elizabeth II, 175

Aldrovandi, Ulisse, 95

Alegría, 91. See sweets

Algae: Aztec use, 100–101; Inca use, 186

Allium kunthii, 159

Allspice, 105, 159

Allwood, Montague, 49

Almendros de Chachapoya, 189

Almonds, 28, 40, 238

Alpaca, 171

Alvarado Tezozomoc, H., 110

Amaranth: greens 90, 93; red. in atolli, 118; seeds, 41, 90–91

Anastos, M. V., 209

Andagoya, Pascual de, 226

Aphrodisiac, 46, 184

Apoo, 188, 213

Arachis hypogaea, 28, 34. See Peanuts

Arce, Ruiz de, 212

Armadillo: in Maya diet, 156

Aron, Jean-Paul, 57

Arracacha, 185–186

Arriaga, Pablo José de, 175

Atahualpa, 192, 213–218, 217. See also Inca

Atolli: Aztec flavorings, 118; and beans, 163; description, 117–118; and Europeans, 139; Maya use, 123, 138–140; sour maize dough and, 118, 138

Avocado, 28, 44–46; Maya use, 166

Axolotls: Aztec consumption, 100

Aztec ideology: chocolate in 102, 106–107; dualism in, 81; equilibrium in, 81–82; warriors in 79

Aztec religion: banquets in, 111; burial customs, 111; chocolate symbolism in, 101; veneration of fowl, 96

Aztecs: animal food, 95–100; baptismal banquets, 77–78; casseroles, 115–116; chocolate use, 101–107; diet, 93; human flesh consumption, 97–99; human sacrifices, 97–98; lake-centered diet, 68, 99–101; and maize 10, 88–89; markets, 116–117; meals, 110; military rations, 118–119; morality, 80–82; and omens, 69; sauces, 115–116; temperance, 82–83; wild game consumption, 99

Aztec tribute, food in, 48, 89, 91, 102

Baer, Philip, 151, 167

Balché, 126, 134, 137, 150, 166. See also Drinks, alcoholic

Bananas, 5, 194

Banks, Sir Joseph, 97

Banquets, Aztec: baptismal, 77–78; hallucinogens at, 79–80; merchant, 78–81; Motecuhzoma’s daily meal, 74–77; preparations, 112–113; religious, 111; women at, 78, 80

Banquets, Inca, 198–200

Banquets, Maya, 126, 128–129

Banquets, Spanish, 241–246, 245

Barbacoa, 111, 114, 150, 157

Barbaro, Ermolao, gardens, 42

Barrera Vásquez, Alfredo, 143

Beadle, George W., 11

Beans, 28, 30, 118, 148, 163–164; Lamon, 32–33; Lima, 33–34; scarlet runner, 31; sieva, 34; string, 32; tepary, 31; yellow, 90

Bees, 39, 126

Benzoni, Girolamo, 55, 130, 139

Bertonio, Ludovico, 223–224

Betancourt, Pedro, 139–140

Betanzos, Juan de, 195–196, 207, 213–214, 215

Bezoar stones, 171

Bolotov, A. T., 49

Book of Chilam Balam of Chumayel, 162

Bourreria huanita: in chocolate, 104

Bread, wheat, 9, 10, 27, 122, 235–238

Buc’hoz, Jean-Pierre, 56

Bulbs, as Aztec food, 93–94

Bulgaria: skulls as drinking vessels in, 209

Bullfights, 231, 244–245

Cabello Valboa, Miguel, 201

Cacao, 50–53, 57, 101–103, 129, 137, 141. See also chocolate

Cacao beans, 53–54, 102–103, 129

Cacaxtla: chocolate in, 102

Cactus: Aztec use, 94–95; Maya use, 166

Caffeine, 53

Cajamarca, Peru, 214–215, 216

Calabash, 37, 71, 78, 123, 139

Calancha, Antonio de la, 180, 211

Calocarpum mammosum, 104–105, 137, 144

Camotes de Santa Clara, 20. See Potato, sweet

Campeche: Maya banquet in, 126

Cannibalism. See Human flesh, eating of

Cañihua: as green, 181

Capsaicin: antidotes, 63; as irritant, 62

Capsicum spp., 61–62. See also Chile

Cárdenas, Juan de, 56

Cassava, 18. See also Manioc

Casseroles, Aztec, 115–116

Cassia trees: and cinnamon, 105

Castellanos, Juan de, 23

Cattle, in New World, 231–233

Cayenne, 61. See also Chile

Cayua, 38, 214

Cervantes de Salazar, Francisco, 11–12, 96, 117

Chamula Maya: and posolli, 137

Chancacas, 91. See also Sweets

Charles V of Spain, 32, 43: and bean diffusion, 32; and pineapples, 43

Charqui, 173

Chaya, 149, 153, 164

Chayote, 38, 93, 163, 165. See also Squash

Chenopodium ambrosioides, 151, 159, 181, 225. See also Epazote; Paiko

Chenopodium greens, 93

Chenopodium pallidicaule, 181

Chenopodium quinoa, 181–182. See also Quinoa

Chía, 80, 90, 118

Chicha, 177, 187, 193, 202–210, 214, 215, 218–220; de maní, 35. See also Drinks, alcoholic

Chico zapote: Maya use, 166

Chile, 48, 57, 60–65, 83, 118, 133, 138, 148; Aztec varieties, 92–93; European reaction to, 63–64; pungency measurement, 62; smoke as punishment, 64

Chili con carne, 61

Chipilín, 149, 163

Chiranthodendron pentadactylon, 104

Chocho, 38. See also Squash

Chocolate: abstinence from, 55; alkaloids in, 53; Aztec use, 101–107; etymology, 50; European use, 55–58, 232; history, 50–58; Maya use, 102, 129, 143; in Teotihuacan, 101–102. See also Cacao beans; Drinks, chocolate

Chultuns, 133, 134

Cieza de León, P., 173, 176–177, 190, 200, 214

Cinnamon, 105, 225–226, 239

Ciudad Real, Antonio, 143

Clavigero, Francisco Saverio, 31, 35–36, 99, 100, 104

Clay, edible: Inca use, 179–180

Clerodendron ligustrinum, 162

Cloves, 239

Coatlicue, 106–107

Cobo, Bernabe, 34, 40, 45–46, 174–175, 178–179, 183, 184, 185, 187, 188–190, 198, 205–207, 222

Coca, 50, 194–195

Cocoa, 50. See also Chocolate

Codex Mendoza, 89, 109, 110

Cogolludo, Diego López, 149

Columbus, Christopher, 11–12, 43, 54, 60

Comal, 109, 147, 149–150

Confituras, 238. See also Sweets

Conservas, 40. See also Sweets

Cookbooks, Mexican, 251

Cooking methods, Maya, 157–159

Cooper-Clark, James, 84, 109

Cordia globosa, 156

Coriander, New World, 45, 159

Cortés, Hernán, 13, 32, 69, 74, 96, 129–130, 229, 230, 241–246

Cosimo III Medici, 56

Cowley, Dr. Abraham, 195

Cozumel, 123, 125, 127, 154

Cucurbita spp., 37–40. See also Squash

Cushaw, 39

Cushing, Frank, 147–148

Cuy, Inca use, 174, 175, 177, 225

Cuzco, 170, 175, 196, 226, 227

Cyclanthera pedata, 38, 214. See also Squash

Cymbopetalum penduliflorum, 78, 104, 105

Dahlia spp., 94

Dairy products, 231–233

Dampier, William, 46, 137

Deer, brocket, 154

Deer, huemul, 176

Deer, white-tailed, 153, 154, 158–159, 176

De la Gama, Licenciado, 225

Díaz, Juan, 126–127

Díaz del Castillo, Bernal, 72, 74, 93, 160, 231–232, 241–246

Diderot, Denis, 58, 64

Dog, edible, 96, 155

Domestication, 3; of legumes, 31–32

Donkeys, 230–231

Drinks, alcoholic: Aztec use, 78, 84–87; Inca use, 134, 177, 187, 202–210, 215, 218, 220; Maya use, 134, 166; mezcal, 100

Drinks, Aztec: chía, 90; in street, 117

Drinks, chocolate: Aztec use, 51–52, 55–57, 59, 70, 75, 77, 101–107; European use, 56, 57, 72, 133, 243; flavorings, 78, 103–105, 143–144; making, 103; Maya 129, 140–144; preparation, 51, 142

Drinks, maize, 52; Aztec use, 52, 78, 117–118; Inca, 202–210; Maya use, 126, 134–135, 140, 141

Drinks, Maya, 129; atolli, 137–138

Drinks, stimulating, 53–54

Drunkenness: Aztecs and, 85–87; Inca and, 209, 215

Ducks, dried, 213–214

Ducks, Muscovy: Aztec use, 96; Inca use, 176; Maya use, 124

Dufour, Phillipe, 56

Durán, Diego, 83, 106–107, 111

Elizabeth II, Queen: and agouti, 175

Empanadas, 236, 243–244. See also Pies

Epazote, 118, 151, 159, 163

Escabeche, 243

Esquemeling, John, 56

Estete, Miguel de, 209–210

Estrada Monroy, Agustín, 133

Etiquette: Aztec, 115; Inca, 199, 207; Maya, 128

European animals, destruction by, 230

European chroniclers, motives of, 228–229

Europeans: adoption of New World foods, 228, 248; eating habits, 203

Evelyn, John, 23, 64

Famine: Aztec, 248; post-conquest, 248

Fat: in avocado, 45; in cacao beans, 54; Europeans and, 36; Indian dislike of, 234; Indian use of 36; maize oil, 13; peanut oil, 36

Fauvet-Berthelot, Marie-France, 166–167

Ferdinand of Spain, 42

Fernández de Oviedo, Gonzalo, 19–20, 43, 45, 54, 128–129, 235

Fish, Maya, salted, 158

Flesh consumption: Inca, 221, 224–225; Maya, 153–160

Food processing, 7–8, 36

Fowl: Maya, 123–125; New World varieties, 124

Frogs: Aztec use, 100; Inca use, 177–178; Maya use, 156–157

Fruit: Aztec, 95; European, in New World, 239; Inca, 186–191; Maya, 165

Gage, Thomas, 51, 157

Game, wild: Aztec consumption, 99; Inca, 176–177, 219

Garcilaso de la Vega, I., 181–182, 185–187, 192–193, 207–208, 219, 221–223

Gardens, botanical, 42

Garlic vine, 159

González Holguín, Diego, 223

Goosefoot, 90. See also Chenopodium

Grapes, in New World, 239

Greens: Aztec, 90, 93–95; and beans, 163; chocho, 182; epazote, 181; as food for poor, 28, 220; Inca, 181, 182, 185, 220; Maya, 153, 154, 164–165; and posolli, 137; teosinte, 12

Gregory XIII, Pope, 55

Grijalva, Juan de, 127–129

Gruel. See Atolli

Guacamole, 45. See also Avocado

Guadeloupe, island of, 43

Guaman Poma de Ayala, Felipe: on Inca, 195, 196–198, 201, 219–220

Guanaco: Inca use, 171

Guatemala highlands, 139, 144, 154, 158

Guinea pig: Inca use, 174–175; Maya use, 127

Guzmán, Juan de, 48

Hamblin, Nancy L., 154

Harner, Michael, 97–99

Hernández, Francisco, 92, 99, 100–101, 114–115, 117–118

Hernández de Córdoba, Francisco, 122–123, 125–126

Hog plum tree, 137

Honey, 137, 148; Maya use, 125–126

Horchata, 40

Huaina Capac, 190, 191, 192, 202, 210–211

Huánuco, Peru, 44, 198; pineapples in, 44

Huauhtli, 90. See also Amaranth; Chenopodium

Huehueteotl, 109

Huitlacoche, 94

Human flesh, eating of: Aztec, 97–99; and chiles, 92; Incas and, 171; Maya, 160; Motecuhzoma and, 74; as test of divinity, 71, 73

Human skulls, as drinking vessels, 208–209

Iguanas, 154

Inca: banquets, 198–200; burial rituals, 220; clay consumption, 179–180; communal eating, 199–200; drinks, alcoholic, 202–210; and drunkenness, 204, 209; encounter with Europeans, 203; etiquette, 199; and European food, 213–214; flavorings, 225–226; flesh cookery, 225; food distribution, 196–200; food gifts, 214; food laws, 196–198; food preservation, 178–179; highland food, 220; hunting preserves, 176–177; kitchens, 218, 222; llama rituals, 173; lowland food, 220–221; meals, 220; origin myths, 192–194; and potatoes, 25, 183; potato harvest, 22; raw flesh consumption, 221; royal hunts, 219

Inca warehouses, 194, 195–198, 197, 200, 214, 218, 226

Insects as food: Aztec use, 99–100; Inca use, 178; Maya use, 159; in modern Mexico, 100; in modern world, 249

Ireland: and potatoes, 23–25

Jacaratia mexicana, 165

Jatropha aconitifolia, 149, 153, 164

Jicama, 93; in Maya food riddles, 162

Jicama, wild: as famine food, 162

Jiménez de Quesada, Gonzalo, 23

Juegos de caña: in New World 231, 244–245

Kalm, Peter, 13

Kaplan, Lawrence, 33

Kitchens: Aztec, 109; Inca, 218, 222

Lacandon Maya, 137, 151, 167, 234

La Farge, Oliver, 12

La Fayette, Eugene, 65

Lagenaria, 7, 37. See squash

Lakes as Aztec food source 68, 99–101

Lamanai, Belize, Maya burials, 154

Lama spp., 171. See llama

Landa, Diego de, 132–144, 145, 156, 158–159, 161, 167

Lard, 234

Las Casas, Bartolomé de, 19, 123, 126, 128–129, 174, 179, 199–200, 218

La Torre, Tomás de, 150, 154

L’Ecluse, Jules Charles de, 21

Legumes, 28, 30–32; Aztec, 89–90; Maya, 163–164. See also Beans

Lepidium mayenii, 185

Lewis, Dio, 49

Lima, Peru: pies in, 237

Litsea neesiana, 151

Littera madata, 160

Lizard, dried: as Inca food, 213

Llamas, 171–174, 172, 214, 224

Lonchocarpus longistylus, 134

Loroco, 149

Lucuma, 188–189

Luehea speciosa, 133

Lupinus mutabilis, 182

Macal: Maya use, 162

Magalotti, Lorenzo, 59

Magnolia mexicana; in chocolate, 104

Maguey, 78, 84, 94, 118; worms, Aztec use, 100. See also Agave spp.; Pulque

Maize, 4, 6, 9–16, 38, 90; Aztec use, 83, 88–89, 94, 110, 113–114, 116–118; grinding, 110, 130; Inca use, 183, 193, 221–224; Maya use, 121, 123, 128, 133, 135, 136–137, 154; nixtamalization, 14, 130; in Old World, 15; tamale types, 114, 116–117; 118; and teosinte, 11–12; tortilla types, 113–114. See also Atolli; Drinks, maize; Mote; Pinolli; Quinoa

Maize dough: Aztec use, 52; Inca use, 222–223; Maya use, 132, 148, 150, 159; sour, 118, 151

Mamey sapote, 127

Manatee: in Maya diet, 156

Mangelsdorf, Paul C., 11, 13

Manioc, 5, 16–18; Aztec use, 93; bitter, 6, 17; bread, 18, 129; Maya use, 162; post-conquest use, 29; sweet, 6, 16–17

Manjar blanco, 231, 238, 243

Mantaro valley, Peru, 221

Marcus, Joyce, 177

Marigold, 104, 138, 225

Marroquín, Francisco, 131

Martyr, Peter, 42, 54

Maya: burials, 141; chocolate merchants, 102; Classic, and chocolate, 141, 142; Classic, tamales, 148; cooking methods, 147, 157–159; in explorers’ eyes, 131; food storage, 133; fowl, 123–125; hearths, 166–167; highland culture, 121; language, food, and eating, 161; lowland culture, 121; noble diet, 154; nobles, visit to Spain, 133; orchards, 165; orchards, European destruction of, 166; religion, maize in, 121; ritual, food in, 125, 129, 137, 140, 143, 150, 157; root crops, 162–163

Maya food riddles, 140, 143, 162

Mayfly, Inca use, 178

Mena, Cristóbal de, 208

Metates, 36, 53, 108–109

Mexico City, 10, in, 230, 231, 232, 237–239, 241–246, 248

Molcajete, 109

Molina, Cristóbal de, 208

Monardes, N., 171–173, 178

Monkeys: in Maya diet, 156

Morgan, Lewis Henry, 76–77

Mote, 9, 193. See also Maize

Motecuhzoma II: abstinence and, 70, 84, 118–119; banquets, in; chocolate consumption, 75, 251; culinary tests, 69, 71; daily meal, 74–77; and European food, 70–71

Motolinía, 83–85, 94, 96, 97, 100

Muña, 175, 225

Murrey, Thomas, 12

Murua, Martín de, 193–194, 201, 218

Mushrooms, edible: Aztec use, 94; Maya use, 165

Mushrooms, hallucinogenic: Aztec use, 79–80; Maya use, 165

Nasturtiums, 183–184

Navagero, Andrea, 42

Nezahualcoyotl, 86

Nixtamalization, 14, 15, 118, 130, 150–151; Inca, lack of, 221; Maya use, 130, 135, 140; and snail shells, 156

Nola, Ruperto de, 239, 243

Nostoc, 186. See also Algae

Oaxaca, Mexico, 31, 39

Oca, 183, 184

Oil. See Fat

Opuntia spp., 94–95, 165, 166

Oregano, Mexican, 151

Paiko, 181, 225. See also Epazote

Palafox y Mendoza, Juan de, 82–83

Papaya, 127, 165, 224

Paqay, 188

Parmentiera edulis, 134, 166

Passion fruit, 187

Peacock sauce, 239

Peanuts, 28, 34–36

Peccary, 155

Pectis linifolia, 159

Pepino, 189–190

Pepper, black, 239

Pepper tree, fruits, 186–187

Peru, 11, 21, 39, 40, 169

Phaseolus spp. See Beans; Legumes

Philip II of Spain, 21, 66–67, 133

Pib, 149, 150, 162, 164

Pies, 236–238. See also Bread; Wheat

Pigs, 230, 233

Pigweed, 90. See also Chenopodium

Pimenta dioica, 105, 159

Pimiento, 193. See also Chile

Pineapples, 28, 41–44, 165

Pinolli, 118, 139, 141. See also Maize

Piper amalago, 104, 105

Pizarro, Francisco, 212–213, 216

Pizarro, Gonzalo, 226, 230

Pizarro, Pedro, 188, 194, 202, 210, 213, 215, 216–218

Piztle, 104–105. See also Sapayul

Plantains, 194

Polymnia sonchifolia, 185

Popenoe, W., 104, 144

Popol Vuh, 9, 147, 157, 163

Posolli, 123, 136–137. See also Drinks, maize; Maize

Potato, 19–26; in Aymara language, 224; Aztec use, 93; blight, 25; European uses, 20–26; Inca use, 182–183, 221; post-conquest use, 29; Quechua nomenclature, 25

Potato, sweet, 19–23; in Maya diet, 127, 139, 162

Produce: Inca, 181–191; Maya, 161–168; New World, and Europeans, 27; New World varieties, 27–65

Puebla, Mexico, 20

Pulque, 78, 84–87, 85, 99. See Drinks, alcoholic

Purslane, 164–165

Quetzalcoatl: and pulque, 86–87

Quinoa, 181–182, 223–224

Rabinal Achí, 134

Ramon, 121, 163

Ramusio, Giovanni Battista, 15

Raynal, Guillaume, 58–59

Remesal, Antonio de, 126

Réunion, island of, 60

Río Azul, Guatemala: burials in, 141

Root crops: Aztec, 93–94; Inca, 182–186, 220; Maya, 162–163

Roys, Ralph L., 133, 134

Ruiz López, Hipólito, 44

Saffron, 239

Sahagún, Bernardino de, 51–52, 66, 74–81, 82, 85, 88, 89–90, 92, 93, 94–95, 96–97, 98, 101, 102, 103–106, 108, 109, 112–114, 115–116, 118–119, 232

Saka, 140

Salt, 83, 158, 178–179, 193

Santacruz Pachacuti Yamqui, Juan, 210–211

Santamaría, F. J., 61, 94

Santillan, Fernando de, 205

Sapayul, 137, 144. See also Piztle

Sapote, 165

Sauces: Aztec 115–117; Maya, 151; peacock, 239

Scappi, Bartolomeo, 175

Schultes, Richard E., 144

Seafood: Aztec, 99; Maya, 154; Inca, 177

Seaweed: Inca use, 186

Serra, Juan de Santa Gertrudis, 18, 27, 45

Shrimp, lake, 100

Sierra de Leguizamo, Mancio, 227

Snails, freshwater, 156

Snail shells, 135, 156

Snakes: Aztec consumption, 99

Solanum andigenum, 23, 24, 25. See also Potato

Solanum lycopersicon, 47–48. See also Tomato and tomatillo

Solanum muricatum, 189

Solanum pimpinellifolium, 47. See also Tomato and tomatillo

Solanum tuberiferum, 25

Solanum tuberosum, 19, 21, 23–24, 182. See also Potato

Soustelle, Jacques, 156, 234

Spices, European: in New World, 239

Squash (cucurbits), 37–41, 164. See also Calabash; Cayua; Chayote

Squash seeds, 28, 40, 91, 138, 148, 151, 163, 164, 238–239

Squier, E. G., 174

Staple, carbohydrate: Aztec, 113; definition, 9; Inca, 183, 221–222; maize, 9, 88, 89, 113; Maya, 121, 145–152; modern, 121–122, 249; veneration of, 9–10; wheat as, 122, 235–238

Stews: Inca 223–225; Maya, 159

Sumpweed, 4

Sweets: alegría 41, 91; almendrados, 35; avocado, 45; Aztec, 91; chancacas, 91; confituras, 238; conservas, 40; European, in New World, 238–239; Inca 183, 186; Maya, 126; pineapple, 44; squash seeds, 91, 164; suplicaciones, 243; turrones, 35

Tabasco sauce, 61. See also Chile

Tadpoles, Aztec use, 100

Tamales: Aztec types, 79, 114, 116–117; Maya types, 145–146, 148–150, 156

Tapirella bairdii, 156

Tarwi, 182

Tax, Sol, 159

Tehuacan valley, 11, 31, 35, 44, 61, 94, 124,

Tenochtitlan, 70, 74. See also Mexico City

Teosinte, 11–12

Teotihuacan, 101–102

Teresa de Jesús of Avila, 20

Tezcatlipoca: and pulque, 86–87

Tezozomoc, Alvarado, 70

Theobroma bicolor, 103, 144. See also Chocolate

Theobroma cacao, 51–53. See also Chocolate

Theobromine: in chocolate, 53

Thompson, Donald E., 198

Tigridia pavonia, 93–94

Tlaxcallans: encounter with Europeans, 73

Tomato and tomatillo, 46–50; currant, 47; Europeans and, 29, 48–50; husk, 47

Torquemada, Juan de, 96

Tortillas: Aztec, 76, 113–114, 116–117; Maya, 145–146, 151

Totonac Indians: vanilla cultivation, 60

Trujillo, Diego de, 214

Trujillo, Peru, 190, 238

Tudela de la Orden, José, 111

Tuna, 95. See also Cactus

Turkeys: in atolli, 139; Aztec use, 95, 96; European acceptance of, 124–125; history, 124; Maya use, 124–125, 149, 153, 154; ocellated, 154; wild, 125

Turtles, river, 157

Ullucu, 184–185

Valenzuela, Nicolás de, 130, 151, 158

Valera, Blas, 200

Valeriano, Pierio, 67

Van Houten, Conrad, 56–57, 141

Vanilla, 58–60, 105

Vanillin, 60

Vavilov, Nikolai, 24

Vegetable pears, 38. See also Squash

Vegetables, European, 239

Velasco, Juan de, 34, 36, 45

Vicuña: Inca use, 171

Vilmorin-Andrieux, M., 184

Vizcacha: Inca use, 176

Water bugs: Aztec use, 99

Women: as army cooks, 130; Aztec, 80, 106, 108–109, 110; Inca, 199, 218; Maya, 135, 167

Xanthosoma nigrum, 162

Xerez, Francisco de, 214

Xiu, Gaspar Antonio, 163

Yacovleff, E., 186

Yams, 19

Yucatan, 122, 125, 129–130, 132

Zanon, Antonio, 24

Zarate, A., 214, 221, 226

Zea diploperennis, 11

Zea mays, 10, 11. See also Maize

Zumarraga, Juan de, Archbishop, 235, 239