assuring content, 92
removing outdated content, 88, 90–91
based on content intelligence, 135, 141, 149–152, 155
call to, 203
Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland (Carroll), 31
analyzing and, 44
with strategy and vision, 74–75
Amabile, Teresa, 130
American Cancer Society, 139, 147
American Express, 19, 20, 72, 116
amplification, 200
dashboards for audit summaries, 50
tools for, 136
analyzing content. See also auditing content; maturity of content operations
alignment based on, 44
assessing, 149
developing content intelligence, 45
further reading, 217
potential for automation, 53
review criteria for audits, 51–52
selecting content sample, 51
setting “before” benchmark, 44
uncovering details, 45
understanding customers’ needs, 54–60
anaphora, 201
antistasis, 201
archiving outdated content, 88, 90–91
Aristotle, 100
attention, framing and, 112–113
audience, 96
dashboard for, 50
making an inventory, 47, 48, 49
making easier, 131
qualitative reviews, 50–52, 53
quantitative performance audits, 47–50
analyzing potential for, 53
embracing, 178
laying foundation for, 132–133
avoiding content mistakes, 7–14
Baker, Melinda, 209
“before” benchmarks, 44
Bennett, Cory, 208
Box, George, 163
credibility and, 102
reputation and, 62
Burgess, Aaron, 180
Burn spinning studio, 22, 23, 56–57, 76, 169
businesses. See also brand; content operations; SMBs
advantages of small/medium, 22, 76–77, 169–170, 188–189
aligning strategy and vision, 74–75
calculating content ROI, 149–150, 151
connecting content with customers, 194–196
content challenges for, 22, 24–26
content competitors for, 63
cultivating culture for, 178–179
developing right to win, 68, 69–72
empowering content coaches, 176
Fourth Industrial Revolution, 5, 6
making content core competency, 172–174
management systems needed, 68, 72–73
new content skills/roles for, 180–181, 193
risks of, 17
strategy tips for large, 74–75
trends and business dynamics for, 63
winning aspiration for, 68
call to action, 203
CapitalOne, 204
case studies, 111
Casino Royale, 153
center for content excellence, 177
Centers for Disease Control (CDC), 56, 115, 118–119, 149
Cervantes, Miguel, 51
CFA Institute, 132
addressing new opportunities, 147–148
effects of, 41
insights on, 208
predicting impact of, 152
Chaotic maturity level, 16, 164–165
Charles Schwab, 194
chief content offices, 174–175
companies. See businesses; SMBs
“Concise, SCANNABLE, and Objective” (Nielsen), 20
content. See also analyzing content; effective content; strategy
avoiding mistakes in, 7–14, 103–104, 145–148, 173
connecting companies to customers, 194–196
curating, 116
design vs., 9
discoverability/findability of, 84–88
formats and types of, 201
Pareto principle and, 49
specifying audience in, 96
content coaches, 176
decision making by, 156
enabling data access for, 176–177
content intelligence, 129–141, 144–156. See also content management systems
analyzing/interpreting data, 135, 136–141, 149, 155
assessing readiness for, 155
calculating content ROI, 149–150, 151
content genius and, 156
developing, 45
knowing customers better, 150, 152
making content decisions, 153–154
mining data, 135, 136, 138–139
optimizing or scaling content, 146
predicting impact of changes, 152
preparing for automation, 132–133
taking action on, 135, 141, 149–152, 155
using multiple content sources, 134–135
content intelligence matrix, 138
content landscape, 63
further reading on, 218
systems view of content, 189–193, 209
content operations, 162–170, 172–183
aspiring to mature, 172
assessing company’s, 170
defined, 162
embracing automation, 178
illustrated, 164
insight on processes and, 208–209
making content core competency, 172–174
small businesses and maturity of, 169–170
Content Operations Assessment, 170
Content Science, 32, 34, 43, 49, 59, 83–84, 132, 139, 140
Content Science Academy, 85
Content Science Review, 35, 152
content strategy. See strategy
content vision. See vision
ContentWRX tool, 59, 83–84, 89, 94, 95, 97, 139
assessing content maturity, 60–62
brand and reputation, 62
content landscape, 63
trends and business dynamics in, 63
understanding content and, 60
converting customers, 20
Covey, Stephen, 32
Cox, Charlie, 146
further reading for, 218
curation, 116
customers. See also user goal completion
building on their metaphors, 121–122
connecting companies to, 194–196
content accuracy and currency for, 90–92
content generated by, 109
converting, 20
establishing credibility with, 101–102
helping discover your content, 84–86
journey maps and personas for, 54–57, 95–96
personalizing content for, 86–87
testing strategies with, 73–74
analytical tools for, 136
analyzing and interpreting, 135, 136–141, 149, 155
collection of, 130, 134–135, 155
addressing new opportunities, 147–148
becoming content genius, 156
content intelligence and, 130
further reading, 219
life’s basis on, 144
making quality decisions, 153–154
optimizing or scaling content, 146
predicting impact of changes, 152
taking action on insights, 135, 141, 149–152, 155
Dempsey, Martin, 60
developing content vision, 32–39
diacope, 201
Dilbert, 8
discoverability/findability, 84–88
about, 83
engineering for automated, 88
influencing user’s perception, 84–86
personalizing content delivery, 86–87
Don Quixote (Cervantes), 51
Doughtie, Lynne, 65
Drucker, Peter, 129
echo, 201
editorial calendar, 200
assessing, 149
discoverability/findability of, 84–88
polish and accuracy, 83, 89–93
usefulness and relevance, 83, 94–98
EHRs (electronic health records), 117–119
emergency communications, 93
emotional appeals, 100, 104–108
employees. See people
empowering content coaches, 176
Ewaschuk, Cathy, 208
experts, 101
fake news, 114
findability. See discoverability/findability
Fourth Industrial Revolution, 5, 6
curation, 116
guiding attention with, 112–114
reminder and instruction, 117–119
theme/key messages, 115
future content trends, 187–197
connecting to company’s soul, 194–196
SMB content advantages, 22, 188–189
Girard, Marie, 208
Google AdWords, 87
Hackner, Michaela, 208
Haggerty-Villa, Michael, 209
Hane, Carrie, 35
Harvard Business Review, 10, 11, 96
Henderson, David, 209
hiring content employees, 180–181
hook, 200
How We Decide (Lehrer), 112
HowStuffWorks, 105, 106, 108–109, 201
hyperbole, 107
IDC, 5
persona/character/spokesperson for, 108–111
user-generated content and, 109
images with words, 107
approaches to identification, 108–111
art of rhetoric, 100
emotional appeals to customers, 104–108
establishing credibility, 101–102
further resources, 218
linking words and images for, 107
rhetorical devices in, 107–108
sensory detail, 107
using psychology in, 112
innovation, 177
acting on, 135, 141, 149–152, 155
gaining about customers, 131–132
sharing audit, 52
irony, 107
Jarrell, Laura, 209
journey maps and personas, 54–57, 95–96
Kassem, Suzy, 171
Keister, Tina, 25
Kraft, 150
Lafley, A.G., 67
Landry, Tom, 81
Lehrer, Jonah, 112
Lew, Jack, 174
Lindt, 107
Lord of the Rings (Tolkien), 3
Lunsford, Andrea, 100
Magnarelli, Margaret, 209
MailChimp, 105, 107, 148, 150, 177, 196, 201
Make It Right Foundation, 121
management systems for content, 68, 72–73
Mantych, Toni, 181
content operation roadmaps, 181–183
Marketing Metaphoria (Zaltman and Zaltman), 120
Martin, Roger, 67
maturity of content operations, 163–168
checklist for content maturity, 60–62
illustrated, 164
Piloting level, 61, 164, 165–166
#metoo movement, 114
Meadows, Donnella, 187
content quality for social, 93
echo in social, 201
#metoo and fake news in, 114
physical interactive, 18
Meekins, Mary, 18
merchandise-related offerings, 203
Metcalf, Melissa, 148
Method, 194
Million-Dollar, One-Person Business, The (Pofeldt), 150
mining data, 135, 136, 138–139, 122
avoiding tricks and tweaks, 7
decision making approaches to, 145–148
design vs. content, 9
errors in design thinking, 11–13
with inefficient operations, 173
using shortsighted marketing, 10–11
Mox, 87
My Fitness Pal, 21
National Cancer Institute, 60
Neilsen, Jakob, 20
Netflix, 21, 130, 146, 147–148, 177
Nudge (Thaler), 113
OPEN Forum, 116
operations. See content operations
crisis responses and, 202, 204–205
tips for asking in, 202
optimizing or scaling content, 146
tools for, 216
organizations. See businesses
Pareto principle, 49
people, 178–181. See also teams
cultivating company culture for, 178–179
learning from content efforts, 179
thriving content teams, 179–180
training, 181
archiving ineffective content, 88
further reading, 219
aligning content creation with, 95–96
personalizing content delivery, 53, 86–87
personification, 108
Phan, Michelle, 99
physical interactive media, 18
Piloting maturity level, 61, 164, 165–166
Pinker, Steve, 120
planning and creation resources, 215
Playing to Win (Lafley), 67, 68
Pofeldt, Elaine, 150
Porter, Michael, 41
Precor, 21
Pressman, Jason, 18
priming, 113
principles of content, 199–205
Pritchard, Marc, 11
privacy, 102
Progress Principle, The (Amabile), 130
psychology in influential content, 112
qualitative content performance
quantitative performance audits, 47–50, 53
analyzing content, 135, 136–138
rhetorical, 108
when preparing to fix problems, 146–147
quotations, 101
Rack Athletic Performance Center, 54, 55, 76–77, 169–170
on accuracy and polish, 92
on customer journeys, 54
reading vs. scanning, 20
REI, 72, 93, 96, 102, 103, 109–110, 130, 196
removing outdated content, 88, 90–91
repetition in content, 199–201
resources. See also reading resources
content usability, 92
creating content excellence, 177
reading and listening, 92, 217–219
technologies and tools, 211–216
training, 217
review criteria for audits, 51–52
Rhetoric (Aristotle), 100
rhetoric. See influential content
rhetorical questions, 108
roadmap for content operations, 181–183
Rosenberg, Scott, 14, 44, 131, 208
Saffer, Dan, 121
sampling content, 51
Scaling maturity level, 61, 164, 166
search engine optimization. See SEO
security, 102
Segal, Alan, 207
Senge, Peter M., 161
sensory details in content, 107
SEO (search engine optimization)
findability using best practices, 87–88
Seven Habits of Highly Effective People, The (Covey), 32
audit insights, 52
content audit data, 50
Shopify, 150
simile, 107
SMBs (small and midsize businesses)
connecting to customers, 195–196
maturity of content operations, 169–170
spidering tools, 47
Star Wars wisdom, 17, 41, 65, 81, 99, 129, 143, 161, 171, 187
Starbucks, 116
story content, 110–111, 123–124
strategically nagging, 35
strategy, 17–27, 66–77. See also vision
difficulties in, 21
evolving content expectations, 21–22
further reading, 219
importance of, 32
insights on, 209
skill and best practices for, 66–67
small and medium organizations, 76–77, 188–189
style, 105
data and experimentation leading to, 25
further reading, 219
having vision of, 25
sharing among team, 169
Suh, Jung, 131
Sustaining maturity level, 61, 164, 167
systems, 190
systems view of content, 189–193, 209
aligning, 44
creating shared resources, 177
sharing successes among, 169
training members of, 181
access to SMBs, 189
Teladoc, 25
Thaler, Richard H., 113
Thinking in Bets (Duke), 143, 144–145
Thinking in Systems (Meadows), 187
in content operations model, 61, 164, 167–168
Through the Looking-Glass (Carroll), 4
importance in content, 201
Tolkien, J.R.R., 3
tone, 105
content analysis, 63
content gathering, 136
ContentWRX, 59, 83–84, 89, 94, 95, 97, 139
dashboard and reporting, 141
training resources, 217
Travelers’ Health project, 115, 118–119
triangulating data, 136, 139–141
TVA (Tennessee Valley Authority), 69–70
design vs., 9
further resources on content, 92
content usefulness and relevance and, 94–98
findability and, 85
polish and accuracy, 89
user-generated content, 109
users. See customers
aligning strategy and, 68, 74–75
importance of, 32
operations without, 26
statements of, 37
voice interfaces, engineering content for, 88
Weather Channel, 87, 149–150, 152
websites. See also SEO; user goal completion
effectiveness of online ads, 10–11
framing theme/key messages, 115
naming metaphorically, 121
“Why Design Thinking Won’t Save You” (Merholz), 11–12
developing right to, 68, 69–72
management systems needed for, 68, 72–73
strategies for, 68
winning aspiration for, 68
Within Reach, 196
workshops on content vision, 36–37
Yoder, Lance, 176
Zaltman, Gerald, 120
Zaltman, Lindsay, 120
Zuckerberg, Mark, 17