1. The “desire for children”: A silly idea
3. You avoid becoming a walking pacifier
5. Rat race plus rugrats: No thanks!
7. You won’t have to use that idiot language when talking to kids
8. Open the nursery, close the bedroom
9. Kids are the death of desire
10. Kids are the death knell of the couple
11. To be or to do: Don’t decide
12. “The child is a sort of vicious, innately cruel dwarf” (Michel Houellebecq)
14. Kids are a treasure, and will cost you one
15. Kids are unbiased allies of capitalism
16. A brain teaser: How to keep kids busy
17. The parent’s worst nightmares
18. Don’t be fooled by the “ideal child” illusion
19. Your kid will always disappoint you
20. The horror of becoming a merdeuf
21. Parent above all? No, thank you
25. It takes real courage to keep saying, “Me first”
26. Kids signal the end of your youthful dreams
27. You can’t stop yourself from wanting your kids to be happy
28. You can’t get away from your kids
29. Get used to it: School is a boot camp
30. “Raise” a child…but toward what?
31. Avoid benevolent neutrality like the plague
32. Parenthood is a sad, sweet song
33. Motherhood is a trap for women
34. Motherhood or success: Pick one
35. When the child appears, the father disappears
36. Today’s child is the perfect child: Welcome to the best of all possible worlds
38. Why wear yourself out for a future that doesn’t include you?