- About page, 7
- About Section
- Etsy Marketplace, 28
- links, 101
- photos, 100
- shop members, 102
- story and headline, 100–101
- video, 99–100
- About Your Shop option, Shop Manager, 107
- Account page, 31–32
- Account Settings option, Your Account menu, 30
- active listings, 180. See also item listings
- Add a New Listing page
- Listing Details section, 166–168
- Manage This Listing button, 177–178
- overview, 164–165
- Personalization section, 171
- Photos section, 165
- Preview button, 175–176
- Returns and Exchanges section, 175
- Shipping section, 172–175
- Variations section, 170–171
- Video section, 166
- Add to Cart button, shopping cart, 50
- Addresses page, Shop Manager, 33, 35
- Adobe Express, 151–152
- Advanced Research Projects Agency (ARPA), 271
- advertising
- branding, 216–219
- Etsy Ads, 219–224
- announcements, shop, 97–99
- Announcements forum, 300
- aperture, camera, 135
- architectural background, product images, 137
- ARPA (Advanced Research Projects Agency), 271
- attributes, Etsy, 167
- auto-billing, 265
- avatars, 38
- Avid Reader badge, 310
- background, product images
- architectural, 137
- background blur, 143–144
- color, 138
- patterns, 137
- sweeps, 136–137
- backup codes, 72
- badges
- Avid Reader badge, 310
- Community Navigator badge, 310
- Inspiration Seeker badge, 310
- Post Crafter badge, 310
- Rave Reviews badge, 49, 252
- Reader badge, 310
- Smooth Shipping badge, 49, 252
- Speedy Replies badge, 49, 252
- Star Seller badge, 49, 252–253
- banners
- adding to shop, 94–96
- carousel banner, 288
- collage banner, 288
- Based on Your Activity section, Etsy Marketplace, 47
- BoxUp, 287
- branding
- infusing into everything, 218–219
- logo, 217–218
- overview, 216–217
- tag line, 217
- browsing categories, 45–46
- business model, 8–9
- business structures
- corporations, 273–274
- general partnership, 273
- limited liability company, 274
- limited partnership, 273
- sole proprietorship, 273
- Buy It Now button, shopping cart, 50
- buying items
- checking up on seller
- badges, 49
- reading seller's reviews, 49
- shop's rating, 48–49
- custom orders, 42
- in Etsy app, 55
- finding items
- browsing categories, 45–46
- Editors’ Picks, 47–48
- overview, 42
- personalized picks, 46–47
- Search tool, 43–45
- gift cards, 48
- leaving reviews, 55–57
- overview, 41–42
- Purchase Protection Program, 59–63
- resolving issues with seller, 57–59
- transactions, 50–54
- Calculated Shipping feature, 173
- cameras
- aperture, 135
- auto-focus, 145
- depth of field, 135
- DSLR, 134
- exposure, 135
- f-stop setting, 135
- ISO setting, 135
- point-and-shoot, 134
- shutter, 135
- shutter speed, 135
- cancellation policies, 113–114
- C-corporations, 274
- checking up on seller
- badges, 49
- reading seller's reviews, 49
- shop's rating, 48–49
- close-ups shots, 136
- closing shop, 278–279
- color background, product images, 138
- comma-separated value (CSV) file, 270
- communication. See also Etsy Messages
- answering customer questions, 251
- requesting feedback, 252
- saved replies, 252
- shipping confirmation, 251
- thanking buyer, 251
- Community & Help tool, Shop Manager, 107
- Community Navigator badge, 310
- Community section, privacy policy, 67
- competition, assessing, 126–127
- composition, product images
- background blur, 143–144
- camera angle, 142–143
- focus, 145–146
- framing, 144
- grouping items, 144
- rule of thirds, 144–145
- shooting tight, 142–143
- corporations, 273–274
- coupon codes
- Apply Shop Coupon Codes link, 51–52
- creating, 227–229
- deactivatiing, 234
- including with purchase, 194
- Coupons and Promotions newsletter, 314
- credit cards, 52, 92
- Credit Cards page, 35
- CSV (comma-separated value) file, 270
- custom orders, 42, 172
- custom packing slips, 203–204
- customer service
- badges
- Rave Reviews badge, 49, 252
- Smooth Shipping badge, 49, 252
- Speedy Replies badge, 49, 252
- Star Seller badge, 49, 252–253
- Etsy Messages
- accessing, 248
- answering customer questions, 251
- email notifications, 249–250
- overview, 247–248
- reading, 248
- requesting feedback, 252
- saved replies, 252
- sending, 249
- shipping confirmation, 251
- thanking buyer, 251
- overview, 247
- resolving issues
- canceling orders, 257–258
- handling difficult customers, 259
- lost items, 253–254
- negative reviews, 258–259
- Purchase Protection program, 254
- returns and refunds, 255–257
- dashboard, Shop Manager, 262–263
- Data collection section, privacy policy, 67
- deactivating item listing, 180–181
- deadlines, 336
- Deals section, Etsy Marketplace, 47
- deposit schedule, payments, 267
- depth of field, camera, 135
- design packaging, 193
- designers, defined, 78–79
- device history, viewing, 70
- diffusing light, product images, 141–142
- digital single-lens reflex (DSLR) camera, 134
- discounts and sales
- editing, 232–233
- ending early, 233
- free shipping and handling, 125–126, 224
- overview, 224
- promo codes, 227–229
- publicizing, 228
- setting up, 225–227
- strategy for, 130
- targeted offers, 230–231
- discussions, Etsy Forum
- bookmarking, 304–305
- replying to post, 302–303
- sharing, 301–302
- starting, 303–304
- subscribing to, 305
- viewing, 301
- Double Check Your Order Details page, 53–54
- DSLR (digital single-lens reflex) camera, 134
- eBay, 8
- EcoEnclose, 192
- Edit Shop page
- About Section, 99
- banners and icons, 95–96
- title and announcements, 98
- editing
- item listings, 176–178
- product images
- overview, 147–148
- Pixlr E, 148–151
- Editors’ Picks, Etsy Marketplace, 47–48
- Electronic Federal Tax Payment System (EFTPS), 275
- email newsletters, 16, 337
- Coupons and Promotions newsletter, 314
- Etsy Advocacy newsletter, 315
- Etsy Plus and Etsy Premium News newsletter, 315
- Feedback newsletter, 314
- Forums newsletter, 315
- My Seller Activity newsletter, 315
- New and Notable newsletter, 314
- News and Features newsletter, 315
- Pattern News newsletter, 315
- Tips for Improving My Shop newsletter, 315
- Emails page, 35–36
- ERank tool, 155
- Etsy
- About page, 7
- attributes, 167
- business model, 8–9
- eBay vs., 8
- home page, 9–10
- overview, 7–8
- purpose of, 1, 8
- registering with, 9
- safety/security, 13
- Search tool, 12
- selling process, 14–15
- setting up shop, 14
- Shop Manager, 11–12
- social media channels, 235–236
- Your Account, 10–11
- Etsy Ads
- changing ad spend, 223
- deactivating, 222–223
- Offsite Ads, 221
- setting up, 218–220
- viewing stats, 221–222
- Etsy Advocacy newsletter, 315
- Etsy app
- home page, 29
- overview, 16–17
- Settings page, 36
- shopping, 55
- Your Account menu, 30–31
- Etsy Community. See also Etsy Forums; Etsy Teams
- Avid Reader badge, 310
- Community Navigator badge, 310
- email newsletters, 16
- etiquette, 308–310
- Etsy Journey, 16
- forums, 15
- Help Center, 16
- Inspiration Seeker badge, 310
- moderators, 309
- podcasts, 15
- Post Crafter badge, 310
- Reader badge, 310
- Seller Handbook, 16
- social media and, 16
- teams, 15
- Etsy Design Award, 224
- Etsy Forums
- accessing, 300–301
- discussions
- bookmarking, 304–305
- replying to post, 302–303
- sharing, 301–302
- starting, 303–304
- subscribing to, 305
- viewing, 301
- as help resource, 323–324
- overview, 299–300
- security and safety on, 72–73
- Etsy Journal, 3, 16, 27, 311–314
- Etsy Marketplace
- Based on Your Activity section, 47
- Deals section, 47
- defined, 12
- Editors’ Picks, 47–48
- Home page
- About section, 28
- Favorites option, 26
- footer links, 28
- “Fresh from the Blog” section, 27
- header bar, 27
- Help section, 28
- overview, 25–26
- Recommended Categories for You section, 46
- Sell section, 28
- Shop section, 27–28
- Updates option, 26
- Your Account option, 26
- Recommended Categories for You section, 47
- Shops We Think You’ll Love section, 47
- Sponsored by Etsy Sellers section, 46
- Etsy Messages
- accessing, 248
- answering customer questions, 251
- email notifications, 249–250
- overview, 247–248
- reading, 248
- requesting feedback, 252
- saved replies, 252
- sending, 249
- shipping confirmation, 251
- thanking buyer, 251
- Etsy Payments, 52–53, 73, 90–92, 189
- Etsy Plus
- accessing discounts, 288
- overview, 287–288
- restock requests, 289
- subscribing to, 288–289
- Etsy Plus and Etsy Premium News newsletter, 315
- Etsy Prototype, 317–318
- Etsy Seller app, 18
- accessing Help Center, 320
- accessing payment account info from, 266
- canceling order on, 258
- changing deposit schedule, 267
- contacting Etsy Support from, 323
- Explore and, 241–242
- managing listings with, 183
- processing and shipping orders, 210–211
- switching from Etsy app to, 16
- viewing stats on, 264
- Etsy shipping labels
- preferences, 198–200
- printing, 200–203, 205
- shipping rates, 198
- Etsy Sold tool, 130
- Etsy Success Podcast, 325–326
- Etsy Support, 322–323
- Etsy Teams
- closed teams, 308
- joining, 307–308
- searching for, 306–307
- security and safety, 72
- Etsy U, 300
- European Union (EU)
- General Data Protection Regulation, 116
- policies, 118
- TARIC Consultation tool, 209
- expanding business
- adding shop members, 282–283
- Etsy Plus
- accessing discounts, 288
- overview, 287–288
- restock requests, 289
- subscribing to, 288–289
- overview, 281–282
- Pattern, 290
- production partners, 283–287
- Square, 293–295
- translating shop into other languages, 290–292
- expired listings, renewing, 180
- Explore feature, 241–245
- Facebook, 235–237, 240
- Facebook Shops option, Shop Manager, 108
- FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions) section, 118–119
- Favorites option, Etsy Marketplace, 26
- Featured listings, 183
- FedEx, 197
- fee-based services
- advertising
- branding, 216–219
- Etsy Ads, 219–224
- Etsy Plus
- accessing discounts, 288
- overview, 287–288
- restock requests, 289
- subscribing to, 288–289
- Etsy shipping labels
- preferences, 198–200
- printing, 200–203, 205
- shipping rates, 198
- Feedback newsletter, 314
- Finances tool, Shop Manager, 106
- financial records
- overview, 268, 270
- QuickBooks for Etsy tool, 271
- selling process, 332
- spreadsheets, 270
- Findability section, privacy policy, 67
- finding items
- browsing categories, 45–46
- Editors’ Picks, 47–48
- overview, 42
- personalized listings
- Based on Your Activity section, 47
- Deals section, 47
- Recommended Categories for You section, 47
- Shops We Think You’ll Love section, 47
- Sponsored by Etsy Sellers section, 46
- Your Recent Activity section, 46
- fixed policies, 116
- flat-rate shipping, 192
- footer links, Etsy Marketplace, 28
- formulas, pricing
- retail price, 124–125
- wholesale price
- labor costs, 122–123
- materials costs, 122
- overhead costs, 123–124
- forums, 15. See also Etsy Forums
- Forums newsletter, 315
- Free Shipping Guarantee, 174
- freebies, 194
- Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) section, 118–119
- “Fresh from the Blog” section, Etsy Marketplace, 27
- f-stop setting, camera, 135
- General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), 116
- general partnership, 273
- Gift Card Balance option, Your Account menu, 29
- gift cards, 48, 52–53
- gift wrapping, 51, 195–196
- golden hour, 141
- Google Display Network, 221
- group shots, 136
- growing business
- adding shop members, 282–283
- Etsy Plus
- accessing discounts, 288
- overview, 287–288
- restock requests, 289
- subscribing to, 288–289
- overview, 281–282
- Pattern, 290
- production partners, 283–287
- Square, 293–295
- translating shop into other languages, 290–292
- Handmade Policy, 78
- header bar, Etsy Marketplace, 27
- headlines, 100–101
- Help Center, 16, 319–321
- help resources
- Etsy Forums, 323–324
- Etsy Support, 322–323
- Help Center, 319–321
- Seller Handbook, 324–327
- Help section, Etsy Marketplace, 28
- Home page
- Etsy app, 29
- Etsy Marketplace
- About section, 28
- Favorites option, 26
- footer links, 28
- “Fresh from the Blog” section, 27
- header bar, 27
- Help section, 28
- overview, 25–26
- Sell section, 28
- Shop section, 27–28
- Updates option, 26
- Your Account option, 26
- Hover, 287–288
- icons, shop, 96–97
- images, product
- choosing camera for, 134–135
- close-ups, 136
- composition of
- background blur, 143–144
- camera angle, 142–143
- focus, 145–146
- framing, 144
- grouping items, 144
- rule of thirds, 144–145
- shooting tight, 142–143
- editing
- overview, 147–148
- Pixlr E, 148–151
- group shots, 136
- lifestyle shots, 136
- lighting
- diffusing, 141–142
- golden hour, 141
- light tent, 141
- natural, 141
- live models, 140–141
- overview, 133–134
- props, 138–140
- studio shots, 136
- uploading to item listing, 165
- videos
- editing, 151–152
- overview, 146–147
- income taxes, 271–272
- Individual Country Listings page, 209
- Info and Appearance option, Shop Manager, 107
- Information and Sharing section, privacy policy, 67
- Inspiration Seeker badge, 310
- Instagram, 235–237, 240
- insuring packages, 201
- Integrations tool, Shop Manager, 106
- intellectual property (IP), 218
- international shipping, 208–209
- ISO setting, camera, 135
- item listings
- adding price, quantity, and SKU, 169
- adding video, 166
- copying, 178–179
- deactivating, 180–181
- defining variations, 170–171
- editing, 176–178
- Etsy Seller app, 183
- Featured listings, 183
- listing description, 166–168
- overview, 163
- personalization options, 172
- personalized listings, 46–47
- previewing, 175
- publishing, 175–176
- rearranging, 181–182
- renewing
- active and expired listings, 180
- sold-out listing, 179–180
- returns and exchanges policy, 175
- shipping options, 172–175
- uploading images, 165
- keyword searches, 154–155
- labels, shipping
- preferences, 198–200
- printing, 200–203, 205
- shipping rates, 198
- labor costs, 122–123
- Languages and Translations option, Shop Manager, 108
- lifestyle shots, 136
- light tent (light box), 141
- lighting
- diffusing, 141–142
- golden hour, 141
- light tent, 141
- natural, 141
- limited liability company (LLC), 274
- limited partnership, 273
- listings
- adding price, quantity, and SKU, 169
- adding video, 166
- copying, 178–179
- deactivating, 180–181
- defining variations, 170–171
- editing, 176–178
- Etsy Seller app, 183
- Featured listings, 183
- listing description
- composing, 159–161
- defined, 153–154
- disclaimers, 161
- item's story, 158
- Listing Details section, 166–168
- overview, 159–160
- proofreading, 161
- listing title
- composing, 157
- defined, 153–154
- proofreading, 161
- overview, 163
- personalizing, 46–47, 172
- previewing, 175
- publishing, 175–176
- rearranging, 181–182
- renewing, 179–180
- returns and exchanges policy, 175
- shipping options, 172–175
- uploading images, 165
- Listings tool, Shop Manager, 106
- LLC (limited liability company), 274
- logos, 217–218
- lost items, 253–254
- loyalty programs, 336
- makers, defined, 78–79
- Manage This Listing button, Add a New Listing page, 177–178
- manufacturing policies, 79
- marketing
- branding
- infusing into everything, 218–219
- logo, 217–218
- overview, 216–217
- tag line, 217
- discounts
- managing, 232–234
- overview, 224
- promo codes, 227–229
- sales, 225–227
- targeted offers, 230–231
- Etsy Ads
- changing ad spend, 223
- deactivating, 222–223
- Offsite Ads, 221
- setting up, 218–220
- viewing stats, 221–222
- social media
- best practices, 240–241
- connecting Etsy shop to, 236–237
- overview, 235–236
- posting from Etsy on, 237–240
- strategies for
- deadlines, 336
- email newsletters, 337
- helping community, 337
- loyalty programs, 336
- offering gifts, 336
- providing guarantees, 336
- real world promotion, 337
- social media, 337
- tiered pricing, 335
- Marketing tool, Shop Manager, 106
- Marmalead, 155
- materials costs, 122
- mature content, 80
- Message to Buyers feature, 190–191
- Messages from Etsy section, privacy policy, 67
- Messages option, Your Account menu, 30
- Messages page, Shop Manager, 106. See also Etsy Messages
- moderators, Etsy Community, 309
- Monthly Statement page, Shop Manager, 266, 270
- MOO business services, 287
- My Seller Activity newsletter, 315
- natural lighting, 141
- negative reviews, 258–259
- New and Notable newsletter, 314
- news
- email newsletters, 314–316
- Etsy Journal, 3, 16, 27, 311–314
- Etsy Prototype, 317–318
- social media, 316–317
- newsletters, 16, 337
- Coupons and Promotions newsletter, 314
- Etsy Advocacy newsletter, 315
- Etsy Plus and Etsy Premium News newsletter, 315
- Feedback newsletter, 314
- Forums newsletter, 315
- My Seller Activity newsletter, 315
- New and Notable newsletter, 314
- News and Features newsletter, 315
- Pattern News newsletter, 315
- Tips for Improving My Shop newsletter, 315
- Notes section, shopping cart, 51
- offering gifts, 336
- Offsite Ads option, Shop Manager, 108
- online resources
- business license requirements, 268, 274
- Cheat Sheet, 2
- diy light tent, 135
- Etsy Community, 3
- Etsy Community House Rules, 308
- Etsy Forums, 305
- Etsy Journal, 3, 16
- Etsy Prototypes, 317
- Etsy Reporting Portal, 218
- Etsy Success Podcast, 326
- gift-wrapping, 195–196
- Handmade Policy, 78
- Help Center, 16
- Individual Country Listings page, 209
- manufacturing policies, 79
- Prohibited Items Policy page, 81
- quarterly taxes, 274
- search engine optimization tools, 155
- Seller Handbook, 3, 16
- taking product photos, 134
- TARIC Consultation tool, 175, 209
- using TikTok with Etsy, 235
- USPS, 192
- USPS postboxes, 206
- WorthPoint pricing guide, 130
- Options setting, Shop Manager, 107
- orders. See also transactions
- canceling, 257–258
- checking status of, 54
- Orders & Shipping page, 106, 186–188
- Our House Rules page, 20, 65–66
- overhead costs, 123–124
- packaging items
- design packaging, 193
- extras, 194
- gift-wrapping services, 195–196
- overview, 191
- packing materials, 192–193
- protecting items, 193–194
- passwords, 69–70
- Pattern, 290
- Pattern News newsletter, 315
- Payment Account page, Shop Manager, 265–266
- payment methods
- credit/debit card, 52
- Etsy credit, 52–53
- Etsy Payments, 73, 90–92, 189
- gift cards, 52–53
- Google Pay, 52
- Klarna, 52
- PayPal, 52
- Payment Settings page, Shop Manager, 267
- perceived value, 128–129
- Personalization section, Add a New Listing page, 171
- personalized listings
- Based on Your Activity section, 47
- Deals section, 47
- Recommended Categories for You section, 47
- Shops We Think You’ll Love section, 47
- Sponsored by Etsy Sellers section, 46
- Your Recent Activity section, 46
- photos, About Section, 100
- Photos section, Add a New Listing page, 165
- Pinterest, 235–237, 240
- Pixlr E
- Auto Adjust tool, 148
- Auto Pop tool, 148
- Effect Library, 149–150
- filters, 149
- Focus/Bokeh tool, 150
- saving edited images, 150–151
- podcasts, 15
- policies
- cancellations, 113–114
- EU compliance, 118
- FAQ section, 118–119
- fixed policies, 116
- general terms, 110
- Handmade Policy, 78
- manufacturing, 79
- overview, 109–111
- privacy, 66–67, 114–115
- returns and exchanges, 111–113, 175
- selling policies
- appeals, 82–83
- designers, 78–79
- Handmade Policy, 78
- makers, 78–79
- mature content, 80
- overview, 77–78
- prohibited items, 80–83
- supplies, 79
- vintage items, 79
- viewing on shop page, 116–117
- Post Crafter badge, 310
- preferences
- Preferences page, 33
- setting up shop, 86
- shipping labels, 198–200
- Preview button, Add a New Listing page, 175–176
- previewing item listings, 175
- pricing items
- adding price to item listing, 169
- assessing competition’s pricing, 126–127
- discount sales, 130
- formulas, 122–126
- overview, 121
- perceived value and, 128–129
- price reduction methods, 128
- retail price, 124–125
- shipping and handling, 125–126
- for target market, 127
- underestimating value of work, 121
- vintage items, 129–130
- wholesale price
- labor costs, 122–123
- materials costs, 122
- overhead costs, 123–124
- printing shipping labels, 200–203, 205
- privacy
- Privacy page, 33–34
- Privacy Policy
- Community section, 67
- Data collection section, 67
- Findability section, 67
- Information and Sharing section, 67
- Messages from Etsy section, 67
- overview, 66–67, 114–115
- Retention section, 67
- Security section, 67
- Transfers section, 67
- Your responsibilities section, 67
- Your Rights and Choices section, 67
- problem solving
- canceling orders, 257–258
- handling difficult customers, 259
- lost items, 253–254
- negative reviews, 258–259
- Purchase Protection program, 254
- returns and refunds, 255–257
- processing and shipping orders
- custom packing slips, 203–204
- delivering, 205–206
- Etsy Payments, 189
- Etsy Seller App, 210–211
- flat-rate pricing, 192
- insuring packages, 201
- international shipping, 208–209
- Orders & Shipping page, 186–188
- overview, 185–186
- packaging items
- design packaging, 193
- extras, 194
- gift-wrapping services, 195–196
- overview, 191
- packing materials, 192–193
- protecting items, 193–194
- shipping labels
- preferences, 198–200
- printing, 200–203, 205
- shipping rates, 198
- shipping profiles, 206–208
- shipping rates, 192
- thanking buyer, 189–191
- weight-based rates, 192
- product images
- choosing camera for, 134–135
- close-ups, 136
- composition of
- background blur, 143–144
- camera angle, 142–143
- focus, 145–146
- framing, 144
- grouping items, 144
- rule of thirds, 144–145
- shooting tight, 142–143
- editing
- overview, 147–148
- Pixlr E, 148–151
- group shots, 136
- lifestyle shots, 136
- lighting
- diffusing, 141–142
- golden hour, 141
- light tent, 141
- natural, 141
- live models, 140–141
- overview, 133–134
- props, 138–140
- studio shots, 136
- uploading to item listing, 165
- videos
- editing, 151–152
- overview, 146–147
- production partners, 108, 283–287
- profile pictures, 38
- profiles, shipping, 206–208
- prohibited items
- certain services, 81
- overview, 80–81
- penalties for selling, 82
- reporting, 81–82
- promo codes
- Apply Shop Coupon Codes link, 51–52
- creating, 227–229
- deactivatiing, 234
- including with purchase, 194
- promotions, 337. See also advertising
- protecting items, 193–194
- Public Profile page
- overview, 32
- profile picture, 38
- setting up, 37–40
- writing bio, 39
- publishing item listings, 175–176
- Purchase Protection Program, 59–63, 201, 254
- Purchases and Reviews option, Your Account menu, 29
- purchasing items
- checking up on seller
- badges, 49
- reading seller's reviews, 49
- shop's rating, 48–49
- custom orders, 42
- in Etsy app, 55
- finding items
- browsing categories, 45–46
- Editors’ Picks, 47–48
- overview, 42
- personalized picks, 46–47
- Search tool, 43–45
- gift cards, 48
- leaving reviews, 55–57
- overview, 41–42
- Purchase Protection Program, 59–63
- resolving issues with seller, 57–59
- transactions, 50–54
- quantity, adding to item listing, 169
- quarterly taxes, 274–275
- QuickBooks for Etsy tool, 271
- Rave Reviews badge, 49, 252
- Reader badge, 310
- rearranging item listings, 181–182
- Recommended Categories for You section, Etsy Marketplace, 47
- record keeping
- overview, 268, 270
- QuickBooks for Etsy tool, 271
- selling process, 332
- spreadsheets, 270
- refunds and returns, 255–257
- registering with Etsy, 9, 21–24
- renewing item listings
- active and expired listings, 180
- sold-out listing, 179–180
- reopening shop, 279
- Reporting Portal, 218
- resolving issues
- canceling orders, 257–258
- handling difficult customers, 259
- lost items, 253–254
- negative reviews, 258–259
- Purchase Protection program, 254
- returns and refunds, 255–257
- retail price, 124–125
- Retention section, privacy policy, 67
- return on advertising spend (ROAS), 221
- returns and exchanges policies, 111–113, 175
- returns and refunds, 255–257
- reviews
- Rave Reviews badge, 49, 252
- reading seller's reviews, 49
- writing, 55–57
- ROAS (return on advertising spend), 221
- rule of thirds, 144–145
- sales and discounts
- editing, 232–233
- ending early, 233
- free shipping and handling, 125–126, 224
- overview, 224
- promo codes, 227–229
- publicizing, 228
- setting up, 225–227
- strategy for, 130
- targeted offers, 230–231
- sales channels, Shop Manager, 108
- scams, 73
- S-corporations, 274
- search engine optimization (SEO)
- keywords, 154–155
- tags, 155–156
- Search tool, 12, 43–45
- security and safety
- avoiding oversharing, 72
- backup codes, 72
- device history, 70
- on Forums, 72
- Our House Rules page, 65–66
- overview, 13
- passwords, 13, 69–70
- privacy
- Privacy Policy, 66–67, 114–115
- Privacy page, 33–34
- privacy settings, 68
- scams, 13, 73
- sign in history, 70
- on Teams, 72
- two-factor authentication, 70–71
- Security page, 33–34, 67
- Sell section, Etsy Marketplace, 28
- Seller Handbook, 3, 16, 324–327
- sellers
- checking up on
- badges, 49
- reading seller's reviews, 49
- shop's rating, 48–49
- resolving issues with, 57–59
- Star Seller badge, 49, 252–253
- selling policies
- appeals, 82–83
- designers, 78–79
- Handmade Policy, 78
- makers, 78–79
- mature content, 80
- overview, 77–78
- prohibited items
- certain services, 81
- overview, 80–81
- penalties for selling, 82
- reporting, 81–82
- supplies, 79
- vintage items, 79
- selling process
- item listings
- Add a New Listing page, 164–165
- adding price, quantity, and SKU, 169
- adding video, 166
- copying, 178–179
- deactivating, 180–181
- defining variations, 170–171
- editing, 176–178
- Etsy Seller app, 183
- Featured listings, 183
- listing description, 166–168
- overview, 163
- personalization options, 172
- previewing, 175
- publishing, 175–176
- rearranging, 181–182
- renewing, 179–180
- returns and exchanges policy, 175
- shipping options, 172–175
- uploading images, 165
- listing description
- composing, 159–161
- defined, 153–154
- item's story, 158
- overview, 159–160
- proofreading, 161
- listing title
- composing, 157
- defined, 153–154
- proofreading, 161
- overview, 14–15
- processing and shipping orders
- delivering, 205–206
- Etsy Payments, 189
- Etsy Seller App, 210–211
- international shipping, 208–209
- Orders & Shipping page, 186–188
- overview, 185–186
- packaging items, 191–196
- shipping carriers, 196–197
- shipping labels, 198–205
- shipping profile, 206–208
- thanking buyer, 189–191
- product images
- background, 136–138
- choosing camera for, 134–135
- close-ups, 136
- composition, 142–146
- editing, 147–151
- group shots, 136
- lifestyle shots, 136
- lighting, 141–142
- live models, 140–141
- overview, 133–134
- props, 138–140
- studio shots, 136
- videos, 146–147, 151–152
- search engine optimization
- keywords, 154–155
- tags, 155–156
- tips for
- connecting with others, 333
- customer service, 332–333
- having fun, 334
- importance of persistence, 333–334
- learning from other shops, 332
- learning to say no, 333
- organization, 331
- record keeping, 332
- stocking supplies, 332
- testing and experimenting, 333
- SEO (search engine optimization)
- keywords, 154–155
- tags, 155–156
- Set Your Daily Budget dialog box, 220
- setting up shop
- About Section
- links, 101
- photos, 100
- shop members, 102
- story and headline, 100–101
- video, 99–100
- banners and icons, 94–97
- choosing name, 87–89
- credit card, 92
- Etsy Payments, 90–92
- first listing, 87–89
- overview, 85
- personalizing shop, 14
- preferences, 86
- securing, 92–94
- title and announcement, 97–99
- viewing shop, 102
- Settings page, Etsy app, 36
- shipping and handling, 125–126, 172–175, 224. See also processing and shipping orders
- shipping carriers
- shipping labels
- preferences, 198–200
- printing, 200–203, 205
- shipping rates, 198
- shipping profiles, 206–208
- Shipping section, Add a New Listing page, 172–175
- Shipping Settings option, Shop Manager, 107
- Shop Manager. See also item listings
- About Your Shop option, 107
- Addresses page, 33, 35
- closing shop, 278–279
- Community & Help tool, 107
- dashboard, 262–263
- Facebook Shops option, 108
- Finances tool, 106
- Info and Appearance option, 107
- Integrations tool, 106
- Languages and Translations option, 108
- Languages and Translations page, 291–292
- Listings tool, 106
- Marketing tool, 106
- Members page, 282–283
- Messages tool, 106
- Monthly Statement page, 266, 270
- navigating, 104–105
- Offsite Ads option, 108
- Options setting, 107
- Orders & Shipping page, 106, 186–188
- overview, 11–12, 103
- Payment Account page, 265–266
- Payment Settings page, 267
- Production Partners page, 108, 285
- reopening shop, 279
- sales channels, 108
- Shipping Settings option, 107
- Star Seller tool, 106
- Stats page, 106, 263–265
- vacation mode, 275–278
- Your Subscription option, 107
- shop members
- About Section, 102
- adding to shop, 282–283
- Shop section, Etsy Marketplace, 27–28
- Shop Stats tool, 155
- shopping cart
- Add to Cart button, 50
- Buy It Now button, 50
- coupon codes, 51–52
- gift wrapping option, 51
- Notes section, 51
- payment methods, 52–53
- removing items from, 51
- This Order Is a Gift check box, 51
- shop's ratings, 48–49
- Shops We Think You’ll Love section, Etsy Marketplace, 47
- shutter, camera, 135
- shutter speed, camera, 135
- sign in history, 70
- signing in, 24–25
- SKU, adding to item listing, 169
- Small Business Marketing Strategies All-In-One For Dummies, 215
- Smooth Shipping badge, 49, 252
- social media
- best practices, 240–241
- connecting Etsy shop to, 236–237
- Etsy community and, 16
- Etsy news and, 316–317
- hashtags, 241
- marketing and, 337
- overview, 235–236
- posting from Etsy on, 237–240
- sold-out listings, renewing, 179–180
- sole proprietorship, 273
- Speedy Replies badge, 49, 252
- Sponsored by Etsy Sellers section, Etsy Marketplace, 46
- spreadsheets, financial records, 270
- Square, 293–295
- Star Seller badge, 49, 252–253
- Star Seller page, Shop Manager, 106
- Starting a Business All-in-One For Dummies (Tyson and Nelson), 279
- Stats page, Shop Manager, 106, 263–265
- Stay Signed In check box, 24
- storefront
- About Section, 99–102
- banners and icons, 94–97
- choosing name, 87–89
- Etsy Payments, 90–92
- first listing, 87–89
- overview, 85
- personalizing shop, 14
- preferences, 86
- securing, 92–94
- setting up credit card, 92
- title and announcement, 97–99
- viewing, 102
- story, About Section, 100–101
- studio shots, 136
- supplies
- selling policies, 79
- stocking, 332
- sweeps, 136–137
- tag lines, 217
- tags, 155–156
- target market, pricing items for, 127
- targeted offers
- deactivatiing, 234
- sending, 230–231
- TARIC Consultation tool, 174–175, 209
- tariff number, 174
- taxes
- deductions, 269
- income tax, 271–272
- quarterly taxes, 274–275
- 1099 form, 272
- Teams. See Etsy Teams
- Technical Issues forum, 300
- Terms of Use, 20–21
- This Order Is a Gift check box, shopping cart, 51
- tiered pricing, 335
- TikTok, 235–237, 240
- Tips for Improving My Shop newsletter, 315
- title, shop, 97–99
- tracking
- shipments, 254
- statistics, 263–265
- transactions
- canceling orders, 257–258
- checking order status, 54
- Double Check Your Order Details page, 53–54
- shopping cart
- Add to Cart button, 50
- Buy It Now button, 50
- coupon codes, 51–52
- Etsy Payments, 52–53
- gift wrapping option, 51
- Notes section, 51
- removing items from, 51
- This Order Is a Gift check box, 51
- Transfers section, privacy policy, 67
- Twitter, 235–237, 240
- two-factor authentication, 67, 70–71, 93
- unique selling proposition (USP), 216
- Updates option, Etsy Marketplace, 26
- UPS, 197
- U.S. Postal Service (USPS)
- Priority Mail boxes, 192
- shipping rates, 192
- special relationship with Etsy, 196–197
- Use Simple Policy link, Policy Settings page, 112
- USP (unique selling proposition), 216
- vacation mode, 275–278
- Variations section, Add a New Listing page, 170–171
- verification codes, 93
- videos
- About Section, 99–100
- adding to item listing, 166
- editing, 151–152
- Explore feature and, 241–245
- overview, 146–147
- View Your Profile option, Your Account menu, 29
- vintage items
- pricing, 129–130
- selling policies, 79
- weight-based shipping rates, 192
- wholesale price
- labor costs, 122–123
- materials costs, 122
- overhead costs, 123–124
- WorthPoint pricing guide, 130
- You Just Purchased X Label dialog box, 202–205
- Your Account menu
- Account page, 31–32
- Addresses page, 33, 35
- Credit Cards page, 35
- Emails page, 35–36
- Etsy app, 30–31
- Gift Card Balance option, 29
- Messages option, 30
- overview, 10–11, 30
- Preferences page, 33
- Privacy page, 33–34
- Public Profile page, 32
- Purchases and Reviews option, 29
- Security page, 33–34
- Sign Out option, 30
- View Your Profile option, 29
- Your Impact option, 30
- Your Offers option, 30