Verbs ending in -gar with stem-vowel e or o change g to gu before e and also change the stem vowel from e to ie and o to ue in all forms of the present indicative and present subjunctive, except the nosotros and vosotros forms (see pages 69 and 80).
Note one verb that ends in -gar and has the stem vowel u change to ue, in addition to the orthographic change of g to gu:
Jugar to play
Present Indicative: juego, juegas, juega, jugamos, jugáis, juegan I play, etc.
Preterit: jugué, jugaste, etc. I played, etc.
Present Subjunctive: juegue, juegues, juegue, juguemos, juguéis, jueguen that I play, will play, etc.
All other forms are regular. Jugar is the only verb of this type.
Verbs ending in -zar with the stem vowel e or o change z to c before e and stem vowels e to ie and o to ue in all forms of the present indicative and present subjunctive except the nosotros and vosotros forms (see pages 62 and 73).
All other forms are regular.
Verbs ending in -egir change g to j before o or a and stem-vowel e to i in accordance with rules for stemchanging verbs of Class III (see pages 77 and 85).
Colegir to collect
Present Indicative: colijo, coliges, colige, colegimos, colegís, coligen I collect, etc.
Preterit: colegí, colegiste, coligió, colegimos, colegisteis, coligieron I collected, etc.
Present Participle: coligiendo collecting
Present Subjunctive: colija, colijas, colija, colijamos, colijáis, colijan that I collect/will collect, etc.
Imperfect Subjunctive: coligiera (coligiese), coligieras, coligiera, coligieramos, coligierais, coligieran that I collected/would collect, etc.; if I collected, etc.
Verbs ending in -eguir change gu to g before o or a and e to i in accordance with rules for stem-changing verbs of Class III.
Seguir to follow
Present Indicative: sigo, sigues, sigue, seguimos, seguís, siguen I follow, etc.
Preterit: seguí, seguiste, siguió, seguimos, seguisteis, siguieron I followed, etc.
Present Participle: siguiendo following
Present Subjunctive: siga, sigas, siga, sigamos, sigáis, sigan that I follow/will follow, etc.
Imperfect Subjunctive: siguiera (siguiese), etc. that I followed/would follow, etc.; if I followed, etc.
Stem has i throughout imperfect subjunctive.
Verbs ending in -eír change e to i in accordance with rules of stem-changing verbs of Class III. In addition, when the stem is stressed, the i has a written accent. When the stem is not changed and is followed by a stressed i in the ending, the i requires a written accent, as does the infinitive.
Reír to laugh
Present Indicative: río, ríes, ríe, reímos, reís, ríen I laugh, etc.
Preterit: reí, reíste, rió, reímos, reísteis, rieron I laughed, etc.
Present Participle: riendo laughing
Present Subjunctive: ría, rías, ría, riamos, riáis, rían that I laugh/will laugh, etc.
Imperfect Subjunctive: riera (riese) etc. that I laughed/would laugh, etc.; if I laughed, etc.
Verbs ending in -uir insert y before all endings after an accented stem and change unaccented i to y before e or a in endings (see page 88).
Huir to flee
Present Indicative: huyo, huyes, huye, huímos, huís, huyen I flee, etc.
Preterit: huí, huiste, huyó, huimos, huisteis, huyeron I fled, etc.
Present Participle: huyendo fleeing
Present Subjunctive: huya, huyas, huya, huyamos, huyáis, huyan that I run away/will run away, etc.
Imperfect Subjunctive: huyera (huyese), etc. that I ran away/would run away, etc.; if I ran away, etc.
Write the verbs in the tense and person indicated:
Change from singular to plural in the same tense:
1. ruegue Ud. _________________________
2. tropiezo _________________________
3. él almuerce _________________________
4. cegué _________________________
5. escojo _________________________
6. empecé _________________________
7. juega _________________________
8. me esforcé _________________________
9. cuelgues _________________________
10. empiezo _________________________
11. huye _________________________
12. Ud. sonrió _________________________
13. él destruyó _________________________
14. yo concluyese _________________________
15. has huido _________________________
16. él corrija _________________________
17. Ud. consiguió _________________________
18. sigo _________________________
19. yo escogiera _________________________
20. consigas _________________________
21. él estaba siguiendo _________________________
22. yo elija _________________________
23. corrijo _________________________
24. persigue _________________________
25. incluyas _________________________
26. yo concluía _________________________
27. Ud. había reído _________________________
28. instruyo _________________________
29. Ud. ha restituido _________________________
30. está sonriendo _________________________
Orthographic changes and orthographic-stem changes:
A. Write in English:
1. que yo apague _________________________
2. ejerzo _________________________
3. envías _________________________
4. tropiezo _________________________
5. ¡extinga Ud.! _________________________
6. ofrezco _________________________
7. entregué _________________________
8. que ellos distingan _________________________
9. que desconozcas _________________________
10. jugué _________________________
11. que finjamos _________________________
12. guío _________________________
13. que Ud. almuerce _________________________
14. corrijo _________________________
15. él poseyó _________________________
16. que repliques _________________________
17. que ellos cojan _________________________
18. que Ud. insinúe _________________________
19. amenaces _________________________
20. exijo _________________________
21. que yo creyese _________________________
22. marqué _________________________
23. que consigas _________________________
24. sonrío _________________________
25. que Ud. ruegue _________________________
26. que ellos convenzan _________________________
27. que Ud. concluyese _________________________
28. que Uds. apacigüen _________________________
29. que delincáis _________________________
30. destruyó _________________________
B. Write in Spanish:
1. I paid _________________________
2. that I chose _________________________
3. did she read? _________________________
4. I did not find out _________________________
5. they followed _________________________
6. I hope he continues _________________________
7. it’s possible that he won’t place _________________________
8. it’s possible that you (s., fam.) won’t extinguish _________________________
9. I hope that they send _________________________
10. it’s possible that we will arrive _________________________
11. did you (s., for.) obtain? _________________________
12. it’s possible that you (s., fam.) don’t know _________________________
13. it’s possible that you will cross _________________________
14. I follow _________________________
15. I don’t guide _________________________
16. I begged _________________________
17. I break the law _________________________
18. it’s possible that you (s., fam.) will read _________________________
19. I hope that you (pl., fam.) will begin _________________________
20. it’s possible that he will direct _________________________
21. they destroyed _________________________
22. I did not explain _________________________
23. I pretend _________________________
24. you (s., fam.) do not laugh _________________________
25. I hope that you will reply _________________________
26. it’s possible that they won’t convince _________________________
27. we were believing _________________________
28. I threw _________________________
29. it’s possible that you (s., fam.) will choose _________________________
30. if we concluded _________________________
A. Change each verb from singular to plural in the same tense:
1. parto _________________________
2. comprendiste _________________________
3. él vivía _________________________
4. asistiré _________________________
5. tomarías _________________________
6. estoy escribiendo _________________________
7. estaba vistiéndose _________________________
8. he hablado _________________________
9. Ud. había vendido _________________________
10. habrás asistido _________________________
11. él habría bebido _________________________
12. conteste Ud. _________________________
13. aprendieras _________________________
14. él haya entrado _________________________
15. yo hubiera tomado _________________________
16. acuerdo _________________________
17. se acueste _________________________
18. yo consienta _________________________
19. no se divierte _________________________
20. Ud. pidió _________________________
21. leyó _________________________
22. río _________________________
23. negué _________________________
24. Ud. incluya _________________________
25. juegues _________________________
26. reconozco _________________________
27. Ud. persiguió _________________________
28. almuerces _________________________
29. averigüe _________________________
30. distingo _________________________
B. Write in Spanish:
1. they fear _________________________
2. you (s., fam.) used to drink _________________________
3. I hope you (pl., fam.) show _________________________
4. I began _________________________
5. did you (s., fam.) speak? _________________________
6. they served _________________________
7. we were believing _________________________
8. if you (pl., fam.) believed _________________________
9. he would not write _________________________
10. he notices _________________________
11. it’s possible that they won’t convince _________________________
12. it’s possible that he won’t begin _________________________
13. you (s., fam.) were speaking _________________________
14. it is snowing _________________________
15. I hope you (pl., for.) will explain _________________________
16. it’s possible that you (pl., for.) will direct _________________________
17. I will have taught _________________________
18. if they asked for _________________________
19. you (s., fam.) do not laugh _________________________
20. I do not guide _________________________
21. let us fear _________________________
22. I choose _________________________
23. do you (s., fam.) continue? _________________________
24. I did not explain _________________________
25. he was selling _________________________
26. I begged _________________________
27. they destroyed _________________________
28. it’s possible that you (s., fam.) will choose _________________________
29. they used to carry _________________________
30. he sends _________________________
A. Make each simple tense into a compound one in the same person:
1. temía _________________________
2. parto _________________________
3. vivían _________________________
4. necesitaré _________________________
5. partiríamos _________________________
6. comas _________________________
7. vendiésemos _________________________
8. Ud. rió _________________________
9. restituyes _________________________
10. envían _________________________
11. descontinúo _________________________
12. obedezco _________________________
13. creyó _________________________
14. desaparezcan _________________________
15. yo poseyera _________________________
16. tropieza _________________________
17. distinga Ud. _________________________
18. juegan _________________________
19. expliquen _________________________
20. consigo _________________________
21. hirió _________________________
22. eliges _________________________
23. él delinca _________________________
24. sonríen _________________________
25. destruyeron _________________________
26. hablaréis _________________________
27. aprendí _________________________
28. durmió _________________________
29. corrigiéramos _________________________
30. huyera
B. Write in Spanish:
1. they would have left _________________________
2. I hope they read _________________________
3. if we concluded _________________________
4. she is not studying _________________________
5. they understand _________________________
6. I paid _________________________
7. I hope that you (s., fam.) cross _________________________
8. you (s., for.) would carry _________________________
9. it’s possible that we will close _________________________
10. it was possible that I would choose _________________________
11. did you (s., fam.) obtain? _________________________
12. it was impossible for us to attend (that we not attend) _________________________
13. if you (pl., for.) prevented _________________________
14. did she read? _________________________
15. let us arrive _________________________
16. do you (s., for.) open? _________________________
17. they prevented _________________________
18. I did not find out _________________________
19. you (pl., fam.) do not cross _________________________
20. you (s., fam.) will enter _________________________
21. I dress myself _________________________
22. they followed _________________________
23. I close _________________________
24. would you (pl., for.) read? _________________________
25. it’s possible that they will die _________________________
26. continue! (pl., for.) _________________________
27. I follow _________________________
28. you (pl., for.) will have lived _________________________
29. it’s possible that you (pl., fam.) will lose _________________________
30. it’s possible that he won’t look for _________________________