A Guide to the Illustrations

1.1 Waterthrush

1.3 Arctic Tern and migration routes

1.5 Life zones: Snow Bunting—alpine; Pine Grosbeak—coniferous; Acadian Flycatcher—deciduous; Meadowlark—grassland; Scaled Quail—desert

1.6 American Bittern

2.1 Pied-billed Grebe and nest

2.3 Bills for specific purposes: Long-billed Marsh Wren, Black and White Warbler, Goldfinch, Grosbeak, Crossbill, Shrike

3.1 Wood Thrush

3.3 Ruffed Grouse

3.4 Forest food chain: Sharp-shinned Hawk, Black-billed Cuckoo, caterpillar, leaves

3.5 Hooded Warbler

3.6 American Redstart

3.7 Diagram of woodpecker’s tongue

3.8 Downy Woodpecker

3.9 Red-tailed Hawk, Barred Owl

4.1 Blackburnian Warbler

4.34.4 Black-throated Green Warbler and hemlock; Pine Warbler and white pine

4.5 Red Crossbill

4.6 Black-backed Three-toed Woodpecker

4.74.8 Kirtland’s Warbler and jack pine; Magnolia Warbler and spruce

5.1 Eastern Meadowlark

5.3 Bobwhites

5.4 Horned Lark

5.5 Killdeer: broken-wing act

5.6 Vesper Sparrow

5.75.8 Predacious birds hunting the same terrain: Marsh Hawk, early; Short-eared Owl, late

6.1 Yellow-breasted Chat

6.3 Cedar Waxwing

6.4 Indigo Bunting

6.5 Brown Thrasher

6.6 Eastern Bluebird

7.1 American Goldfinch

7.3 Ring-necked Pheasant

7.47.5 High, airy perchers: Tree Swallows on utility wires; Sparrow Hawk on isolated stub

7.6 Common Crows

8.1 Hooded Mergansers

8.3 Common Loons nesting

8.4 Little Blue Heron

8.58.6 Bald Eagle family: female and young; male

8.7 Wood Duck

8.8 Belted Kingfisher

9.1 Sora Rail

10.1 Dowitcher

10.3 Virginia Rail and chick

10.510.6 Feet adaptations: Heron and Duck; Woodpecker, Robin, and Osprey

10.8 Red-winged Blackbird

10.910.10 Mallard Ducks in takeoff and flight

10.11 Surf Scoters

10.12 Herring Gull in seasonal plumage: summer (in flight); winter (standing)

11.1 Great Black-backed Gull

11.3 Gannets

11.4 Common Puffins

11.5 Wilson’s Petrels

11.6 Laughing Gulls

12.1 Wood Ibis

12.3 Everglade Kite

12.4 Common Egrets

12.5 Brown Pelican

12.6 White Ibis, mangroves

13.1 Garden birdbath

13.3 Baltimore Oriole and nest

13.413.5 Ruby-throated Hummingbirds: feeding and in courtship display

13.6 Phoebe and nestlings

13.7 Mockingbird: wing flashing

14.1 Slate-colored Juncos

14.3 Black-capped Chickadee at pine cone feeder

14.414.5 Evening Grosbeak at hopper feeder; Downy Woodpecker at suet feeder

14.614.7 White-breasted Nuthatch and Tufted Titmouse; Cardinal, Purple Finch, and White-throated Sparrow

14.8 Golden-crowned Kinglet

15.1 Black-crowned Night Heron

15.3 Great Horned Owl

15.415.6 Barn Owl and Screech Owl; Barred Owl

15.7 Common Nighthawk

15.8 Long-billed Marsh Wren and Lesser Yellowlegs

16.1 Hawk’s mountain sanctuary

16.3 Sighting with binoculars

17.1 Catbird

17.3 Eastern Meadowlark and nest

17.417.5 Commercial blind; sporting blind and decoys

18.1 Scarlet Tanager

18.3 Snow Geese