

Able Archer, 83; (military exercise), 2989, 4823

Acheson, Dean, 1617, 23, 30, 345, 913, 104

Adelman, Kenneth, 292, 309, 317

Adenauer, Konrad, 91

“Additional Protocol” of International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), 364

Agnew, Vice President Spiro, 193, 222

Aideed, Mohammed Farid, 348

Akhromeyev, Marshall Sergei, 313, 323

Al Qaeda, 374, 3834, 389, 393, 397

al-Assad, Bashar, 448, 450

Albright, Madeleine, 361, 372

Allen, Richard, 275, 283, 285, 286

Allison, General Royal, 21011, 239

Alsop, Joseph, 7071, 73

Alvarez, Louis, 33

Anderson, Admiral George, 225, 2278

Andropov, Yuri, 243, 287, 2912, 294, 297, 298, 303

Antarctic Treaty, 72

Anti-Ballistic Missile (ABM) Treaty, 178, 202, 203, 204, 207, 211, 219, 222, 292, 311, 314, 325, 351, 366, 370, 375, 382, 389

U.S. withdrawal from, 288, 475

“Arab Spring,” 438

Arnold, General Henry Harley “Hap,” 6

Aspin, Les, 346, 348

Atlee, Prime Minister Clement, 10, 15, 38

Atomic Energy Commission (AEC), 16, 22, 25, 28, 33, 43, 56, 67, 75, 136, 241

“atoms for peace” speech (Eisenhower), 66, 67, 152

Augenstein, Bruno, 578


Baker, Secretary of State James, 299, 337

Jackson Hole summit with Shevardnadze, 321, 323, 325, 327

Ball, Undersecretary of State George, 158

Baruch, Bernard, 17, 19

“Baruch Plan,” 1920, 28

Batista, Fulgencio, 83

Bay of Pigs invasion, 834, 88

Beirut bombing incident, 2934

Beria, Levrenti, 11,12, 22

Berlin crisis, 89103, 108117

Berlin Wall, end of, 325

Betts, Army Major General Austin, 104, 124; Betts Panel, 162

“Beyond containment” policy, 323

Bhabha, Homi, 143, 158

Big Ivan (bomb), 94, 97, 1023

Bin Laden, Osama, 3834

Biological and Toxin Weapons Convention (BTWC), 3823, 392

Blix, Hans, 346, 374

Bolton, John, 471, 475, 487

“bomber gap,” 60, 61, 71, 77

Brandt, German Foreign Minister Willy, 171, 199, 206

Brezhnev, Leonid, 1467, 150, 154, 176, 185, 203, 204, 207, 211, 214, 220, 228, 230, 2345, 239, 259, 2612, 215, 224, 229, 241, 243, 256, 258, 260, 277, 2845, 2878, 291, 292, 299

Brodie, Bernard, 5051, 61, 87

Browder, William, 449

Brown, Secretary of Defense Harold, 103, 237, 239, 242, 243, 244, 246, 251, 253, 257, 259, 274

Brzezinski, Zbigniew, 238, 23940, 251, 253, 257, 274

Brussels, Treaty of March, 1947 20

Bundy, McGeorge, ix, 92, 93, 99, 108, 118, 119, 123, 139, 1546, 165, 177

Burt, Richard, 232, 2823, 306, 329

Bush, George H. W.:

approach to weapons negotiation, 329

as Vice President, 275, 320

Gulf War I and, 347

influence on Gorbachev, 337

meeting in Malta with Gorbachev, 326

meeting in Moscow aithe Gobrachev, 330

meeting in New York with Gorbachev, 321

meeting with Gorbachev in Paris, 327

nuclear bomb testing and, 34041, 358

policy review of 1989, 323

post-ColdWar situation and, 343

“post-containment” era and, 324

post-Gulf War I policy review, 344

Somalia and, 348

State of the Union Address, 1992, 338

summit with Yeltsin, 339

tapped as head of CIA, 228, 235, 237

“Team B” and 236

Washington meeting with Yeltsin, 339

Bush, George W.:

accession of to Presidency, 378

declaration of war on terrorism, 384

diplomacy with Russia by, 395

effect of on arms control, 406, 414

Genoa summit with Putin, 381

India policy of, 400

Iran and, 394, 399

meeting in Crawford with Putin, 385

military policy of, 322, 323, 37983, 3867, 38990, 398, 398

national security team of, 401

NATO expansion and, 404

negotiations with Russia, 402

new generation of nuclear weapons and, 397

9-11 attacks and, 383

North Korea and, 399

on halt to nuclear tests, 341

OPLAN 8022 (nuclear war plan), 3967

Reliable Replacement Warhead (RRW), 398

proposed missile shield in Eastern Europe, 401

Russian response to, 4023

reshuffle of security advisors, 401

“rogue states” and, 393

St. Petersburg meeting with Putin, 3946

summit with Putin in Sochi, 4034

U.S. meetings with Putin, 385

withdrawal from ABM treaty, 475

Bush, Vannevar, 15, 16, 43

Byrnes, James, 6, 8, 9, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20


Callaghan, British Prime Minister James, 259

Cambodia, American invasion of, 1968

Carlucci, Defense Secretary Frank, 318

Carter, Jimmy, 235, 238, 237, 23945, 2467, 249, 251, 252, 2535, 2567, 25862, 263, 2645, 266, 268, 269, 2712, 274, 275, 279, 280, 282, 289, 295, 301, 349, 350

hostage rescue mission, 272

proposed opening to China, 2578

response to Soviet invasion of Afghanistan, 2656

Vienna summit with Brezhnev, 26062

Castro, Fidel, 83, 124, 148

Central Treaty Organization (CENTO), 53

Chadwick, James, 10

Charles River Doctrine, 182

Chechnya, war in, 356; restart of, 3678

chemical weapons, 3423

Chemical Weapons Convention (CWC), 327

Chemical Weapons Convention (CWC), 35960

Cheney, Richard, 230, 297, 321, 328, 344, 345, 349, 378

Chernenko, Konstantin, 299301

Chernobyl disaster, 310


beginning of nuclear weapons program of, 1301

border clashes with USSR, 193

diplomacy with the Soviet Union, 130

first nuclear bomb test by, 146

hydrogen bomb test by, 168

nuclear weapons policy of, 3523

pact with U.S. of, 1984 302

reaction to test-ban treaty, 136

Christopher, Warren, 345, 361, 374

“Church Commission,” 228

Churchill, Prime Minister Winston, 6, 10

“Iron Curtain” speech of, 18

Clark, Senator Joseph, 134

Clark, William, 175, 285, 286, 2989, 331, 284

Clifford, Clark, 172, 174, 180

Clinton, Bill:

Chemical Weapons Convention and, 36

China policy of 353

Cologne meeting with Yeltsin, 367

first policy team assembled, 3456

Helsinki meeting with Yeltsin, 362

inagural address of, 346

Iraq disarmament and, 370

meeting in Moscow with Putin, 369

meeting with Yeltsin in Cologne, 367

meeting with Yeltsin in Helsinki, 362

meeting with Yeltsin in Moscow, 352

missile attack on Iraq, 347

Moscow meeting with Putin, 369

Moscow meeting with Yeltsin, 352

New York City meeting with Putin, 370

North Korea and, 3723

North Korea policy of, 3713

nuclear doctrine of, 350, 351, 358, 362, 365

policy team reshuffle, 361

regime-change policy on Iraq, 355, 37071

rift with Yeltsin over Chechnya, 368

summit with Putin in New York, 370

test-ban treaties and, 359, 362

unraveling of arms control policy, 367

Clinton, Secretary of State Hillary, 412, 429, 439, 440, 443, 448, 4589, 460, 473

meeting(s) with Lavrov, 413, 444, 448

Cohen, William, 361

Colby, William, 227, 228, 2323, 235

Committee on the Present Danger (CPD), 2368

comprehensive nuclear test ban treaty (CTBT), 3589, 3606, 370, 397, 398, 411

defeat of in Congress, 3656

Comprehensive Proposal, the, 240

Conant, James, 43

Convair (corporation), 5760, 77, 78

conventional forces reduction in Europe (CFE) treaty, 3267, 338, 346, 356, 360, 361, 368, 401, 402, 4034

Corona (reconnaisance program), 73

Counterforce strategy, 87, 88, 92, 11, 110, 112, 127, 138, 160, 162, 163, 170, 243, 246, 249, 273, 487

“Countervailing” strategy, 2734

Crimea, annexation of; see Russia

cruise missiles, 249, 289

Cuban missile crisis, 11723

cyberattacks, 460, 466


D’Estaing, French President Giscard, 259

Daniloff, Nicholas, 311

de Gaulle, Charles, 90, 91, 129, 136, 156, 157

de Klerk, South African President F. W., 341

Dean, Arthur, 95, 1312, 145, 151

Defender Europe, 20 (military exercises) 478, 482

Defense Planning Guidance document (DPG), 3445

“Dense Pack” missile basing concept, 2901

Dien Bien Phu, battle of, 523

Dobrynin, Anatoliy, 117, 123, 125, 174, 176, 1845, !94–5, 197, 200, 202, 203 208, 219, 223, 228, 239, 2401, 251, 253, 256, 259, 298, 300, 305

book by, 124

Dodd, Senator Thomas, 1345

Donilon, Tom, 4478, 45052

Doolittle, James, 50

“Doomsday Clock” (Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists), 271, 295, 487

“dual track” policy, 2645, 278, 283

Dubček, Alexander, 176

Dulles, Allen, 83, 103, 151

Dulles, John Foster, 49, 52, 54, 91


Eaker, Lieutenant General Ira C., 6

Eighteen Nation Disarmament Committee (ENDC), 108, 116, 117, 127, 156, 171, 211

Eisenhower, General Dwight, 41, 44, 49, 51, 52, 53, 54, 56, 58, 62, 63, 64, 66, 67, 68, 70, 713, 75, 768, 79, 80, 83, 84, 89, 109, 124. 152, 159, 225

“military-industrial complex” speech, 78

Ellsberg, Daniel, 878

Enlai, Chinese Premier Zhou, 130, 193

Enthoven, Alain, 87, 138, 178

Esper, Mark, 448, 4756, 480, 482, 483

Evans, Rowland, 230

Evgeni Primakov, x


Feklisov, Alexandr, 122

Finletter, Thomas, 26, 45

Finletter Report, 27

Fischer, Senator Deb, 4801

Fisher, Adrian, 167, 175

Ford, Gerald, 213, 223, 229, 232, 263, 321

Foreign Affairs (journal), 52, 55, 62, 65, 79, 183, 231

Forrestal, James, 7, 23, 26

Foster, John, 226, 235

Foster, William C., 101, 107, 135, 225, 227

Foster Panel, 108, 211, 212

fractional orbital bombardment system, or FOB, 127, 190, 192, 260

Franck, James (Franck Report), 10

Fuchs, Klaus, 38


Gaither, H. Rowan (Gaither Panel/Report), 64

Gardner, John, 84

Garthoff, Ray, 210, 295

Gates, Secretary of Defense Robert, 401, 403, 405, 42930

Gell-Mann, Murray, 159

Geneva Protocol (1925), 1989

Geneva Conference (1958), 689

memorandum (1963), 127

Georgia, Republic of:

war with Russia, 2008, 404

Western condemnation of Russia for, 404

Gerasimov, General Valery, 4823

Ghaddafi, Muammar, 438

Gilpatric, Roswell (Gilpatric Committee), 84, 1023, 1515, 177, 265, 270

Gingrich, Newt, 355

Glassboro Summit, 169

Glitman, Maynard, 304

Goldwater, Senator Barry, 145, 147, 270

Gorbachev, Mikhail, 299, 301, 303, 304, 3056, 3078, 309, 31011, 31216, 317, 31821, 3223, 324, 3257, 33032, 336, 3378, 340, 356, 445, 472

Geneva meeting with Reagan, 306

reductions ordered in Soviet military, 320

Reykjavik meeting with Reagan, 31014

Gore, Al, 369, 378

Gottemoeller, Rose, 41718, 436, 451

Graduated Nuclear Deterrence, 279

Grenada, invasion of, 294

Gromyko, Andrei, 93, 118, 136, 168, 173, 185, 203, 219, 223, 2289, 235, 241, 243, 251, 252, 253, 2557, 2878, 293, 300

Groves, General, 5, 10, 12, 16

Gulf War I (U.S. versus Iraq), 327, 328, 336, 342, 344, 345, 363, 364


Hagel, Chuck, 450

Haig, Alexander, 276, 277, 278, 281, 283, 286

Hailsham, Lord, 136

Halloween Massacre (Ford purge), 229

Harriman, Averill, 1356

Helms, Senator Jesse, 309, 318, 356, 360, 362, 365, 366, 369, 397

Helsinki talks (1970s), 194, 198, 199, 200, 202, 203, 228

Hitch, Charles, 867

Holeman, Frank (reporter), 12021

hotline (Washington to Moscow), 1278

Humphrey, Hubert 99, 100, 101, 105, 1345, 147, 176

Hussein, Saddam, x, 326, 327, 347, 389, 354, 355, 357, 366, 370, 374, 392, 397

hydrogen fusion bomb 21, 423


Ikle, Fred, 309, 311

India, nuclear arms policy of, 158

first muclear bomb test, 220

nuclear weapons development, 143, 342

Inman, Admiral Bobby, 236

International Monitoring System (IMS), 359


enrichment/weapons program of, 394, 399

“fuel-swap” arrangement, 4356 [ref.Russia]

Joint Comprehensive Program of

Action (JCPOA) (nuclear deal), 457

Trump withdrawal from, 457, 460

Iran-Contra affair, 310

Iranian revolution, 258

American hostage-taking in, 264

release of hostages, 2745

Iraq war (2003):

making the case for, 226, 389

NATO and, 391

preparations for, 3902

Ismay, Lord, 355


nuclear weapons program of, 142, 157, 164, 342

Six-Day War, 169


“Jackson Amendment,” 20910

Jackson, Senator Henry “Scoop,” 63, 116, 132, 200, 208, 20910, 211, 213, 218, 221, 222, 230, 231, 235, 238, 239, 240, 255, 2589, 309, 378

Japan, atomic bombing of, 12

Johnson, Lyndon B.:

ABM system and, 165

aborted Moscow summit, 1756

and Chinese bomb tests, 143, 145, 146, 151

arms control efforts of, 173, 415

as Senator, 59

assumption of Presidency of, 140, 144

disarmament failures of, 141, 177

dismissal of McNamara, 172

election to second term, 147

Gilpatric Committee Report and, 152, 153, 155, 157

nonproliferation and, 154, 167

reluctance toward summit with Kruschev, 1445

“slip of the tongue” statement on space program, 166

Soviet Union and, 166, 168, 174, 176

summit with Kosygin, 169

summit with Kosygin in Glassboro, 169

trip to Berlin, 1961, 97

Vietnam and, 145, 151, 154, 173

visit to Berlin as Vice President, 97

Johnson, Secretary of Defense Louis, 24, 32, 34

Johnson, U. Alexis, 118, 211, 218


Kai-shek, General Chiang, 29, 35, 534, 130

Kamal, Babrak, 265

Kamal, Hussein, 354

Kampelman, Max, 304, 315, 333

Kaufmann, William, 878, 92, 123

Kaysen, Carl, 92, 99100, 102

Kennan, George, 1718, 20, 32, 45, 97, 322

“long telegram” of, 20, 32

Kennedy, John, ix, 70, 75, 81, 82, 90, 91, 108, 118, 120, 121, 136, 151

address to the General Assembly, 95, 101

Bay of Pigs invasion and, 834, 88

Berlin crisis and, 83, 97

China and, 13031

Cuban crisis and, 11823, 127, 128, 134

on the missile gap as Senator, 75

speech at American University, 123

Kennedy, Robert, 117, 1201, 1223, 139

Kent, Air Force Brigadier General Glen, 163, 164, 178

Kerry, John, 450, 452, 456, 464

visit to Moscow, 4524

Khan, Dr. A. Q., 39899

Khrushchev, Soviet Premier Nikita:

anger at U-2 reconnaisance, 73

announcement of “Big Ivan” bomb, 102

Berlin and, 93, 118

removal from power, 1467

resuming nuclear tests, 98

speech to the UN on disarmament, 72

speech to Warsaw Pact, August 1961, 967

strategy in Cuba, 11516, 121, 122, 123, 146

post-crisis message to Kennedy, 128

tour of America, 72

Killian, James R., Jr. (Killian Report), 58

King, Canadian Prime Minister McKenzie, 15

King, Fleet Admiral Ernest J., 6

Kissinger, Henry:

exchanges with Dobrynin, 1845, 195, 202, 219, 223, 228

Foster Panel and, 211, 212

“limited war” doctrine of, 182

meeting with Gromyko, 229

on “Team B,” 2367

SALT talks and, 200, 230

summit with Breshnev, 203

“Year of Europe” project, 214

Korean War, 35, 44, 489

Kvitsinsky, Yuli, 2878

Kyl, Senator Jon, 426, 436, 442


Laird, Melvin, 164, 181, 187, 188, 196, 209, 211, 226

Lake, Anthony, 346

Lavrov, Sergei, 413, 444, 448, 449, 450, 452, 4812

Lawrence, Ernest, 33, 62

Leahy. Admiral William, 6

LeMay, General Curtis, 47, 48, 49, 59, 119

Lemnitzer, General Lyman, 89, 100, 101, 102, 105

Libby, Scooter, 344, 378


dismantling of WMD by, 399

lead-up to NATO attack on, 438

Lilienthal, David, 16, 33, 34

Acheson-Lilienthal Report, 16, 17, 19

Lippmann, Walter, 120

Lisbon Conference (1952), 41, 437


MacArthur, General Douglas, 36, 37, 38, 46

removal of by Truman, 38, 46

MacMillan, British Prime Minister Harold, 68, 98, 128, 133

Magnitsky Act, The, 449, 452

Malinovsky, Soviet Defense Minister Rodion, 115

Manhattan Project, 5, 8, 9, 10, 14, 16, 23, 271

Marshall, Andrew, 279

Marshall, George C./Marshall Plan, 5, 6, 7, 20, 21, 24

Martin Company, 58

Massive Retaliation (strategy), 47, 523, 54, 57, 66, 82, 85, 87, 110, 182, 243

McCarran, Senator Patrick, 29, 53, 45

McCarthy, Joseph/McCarthyism, 29, 56, 57, 62, 66

McCarthy, Eugene, 172

McCloy, Assistant Secretary of War John, J. 7, 8, 9, 13, 16, 81, 82, 93, 94, 96, 97, 98, 99, 100, 101, 103, 151

McCloy-Zorin Accord, 99, 108

McElroy, Secretary of Defense Neil, 71

McFarlane, Robert, 299, 304, 310

McFaul, Michael, 335, 373, 412, 413, 417, 427, 440, 441, 444, 4456, 447, 451, 484

McMahon, Senator, Brien, 14, 16, 33, 34, 42

McNamara, Secretary of Defense Robert:

Ann Arbor speech by, 11112, 115

“Assured Destruction” doctrine of, 160, 162, 188

Athens speech by, 111

Medvedev, Dimitry:

end of tenure of, 439

meeting with Obama in Seoul, 447

Moscow summit with Obama, 419

on G-8 summit in Deauville, France, 4389

on New START treaty, 4312

speech before General Assembly, 424

Meese, Ed, 275, 285

Mikoyan, Anastas, 147

missile defense systems, 44951

“missile gap,” 64, 75

discrediting of, 73, 75, 78, 84, 85

Molotov, Foreign Minister Vyacheslav, 11, 13, 15, 16

Multiple Protective Shelters (MPS), 246

Mutually Assured Destruction (MAD), 160, 475


Nassau Agreement, 1289

National Endowment for Democracy (NED), 445

engagement with Russian politics, 446

National Strategic Targeting and Attack Policy (NSTAP), 187

neutron bomb (“enhanced radiation weapon”), 2545, 281

New Look (national security strategy), 52, 53, 66, 67, 80, 89

Nicholson, Major Arthur, 304

Nitze, Paul 30, 32, 45, 46, 64, 85, 220, 221, 225, 231, 236, 238, 255, 262, 263, 275, 278, 284, 2878, 279, 296, 304, 313, 333

“walk in the woods” proposal with Kvitsinsky x, 2878

Nixon, Richard M.:

arms negotiations by, 1824, 201

inaugural address of, 1823

Moscow summit with Breshnev, 204

“Nixon doctrine,” 193

opening with/trip to China, 2012, 203

“Saturday night massacre,” 217

Vietnam and, 185, 196, 214

visit to China, 202, 203

Watergate scandal and, 215, 223

No Cities strategy, 87, 112, 160, 188, 213

Non-Transfer Declaration, 142

nonproliferation treaty (NPT)

review conferences on, 341, 414, 4345

North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO):

balance of power with Russia on the eastern flank, 4623

bombing of Yugoslavia, 367

creation of, 21

Georgia conflict and, 404

involvement in Iraq war, 390, 391

Lisbon summit of, 437

nuclear strategy of, 88, 89, 95m, 153, 261, 281, 405

post-Cold War, 338, 344, 355, 358, 381

push to border with Russia, 358, 402, 403, 479, 483

Trump administration and, 4612

“war on terror” and, 384

North Korea:

joining of NPT, 303

nuclear weapons program of, 364, 399

summit on unification, 372

Novak, Robert, 230

Nuclear Policy Review (NPR), 34950

Nuclear Security Summit (NSS), 43234

Nuclear Targeting Policy Review (NTPR), 273, 274, 279

nuclear test ban treaty:

common desire for, 131

efforts toward, 1312

final agreement on, 136

ratificatioin by Congress, 137

nuclear triad (strategy concept), 138

effect on SIOP, 138

Nuclear Weapons Employment Plan, or NUWEP, 21213, 216, 217, 242, 350, 363

Nuland, Victoria, 457


Obama, Barack:

arms control challenges of, 41112

failure of disarmament vision of, 440

meeting with Putin in Mexico, 448

Moscow suummit with Medvedev, 41819

New START treaty and, 42831

NPR and, 42930

policy toward Iran, 4256

Prague speech of, 410, 41416

red line” declaration of (Syria), 456

“reset” toward Russia, 41213, 437

death of, 440

Singapore summit with Medvedev, 427

speech to the General Assembly, 42124

Odeen, Philip, 21213, 216, 217

On-Site Inspection Agency (OSIA), 317

Operation Anadyr, 11516, 118

Oppenheimer, J. Robert, 1, 2, 3, 12, 33, 43, 44, 55, 56, 62


Pakistan, 53, 220, 302, 342, 364, 365, 299, 400, 416, 433

Panofsky, Wolfgang, 945

Paris peace accord, 214

Partial Test-Ban Treaty (PTBT), 34041

Pastore, Senator John, 167

Patrushev, Nikolai, 452

Penkovsky, Colonel Oleg, 452

Perle, Richard, 208, 230, 255, 275, 282, 2835, 288, 292, 304, 305, 306, 308, 309, 310, 311, 312, 313, 315, 316, 317, 332

“Zero Option” proposal, 2835, 2868, 294, 3089, 315, 332

Perry, William, 348, 361, 3712, 374, 408, 470

Pipes, Richard, 236, 275

Podgorny, Nikolai, 146

Poindexter, John, 310, 318

Potsdam (summit or conference), 9, 10, 23

Powell, Colin, 318, 319, 379, 385, 387, 401

Powers, Gary, 70, 73, 74

Prague Spring, 176, 415

President’s Foreign Intelligence Advisory Board (PFIAB), 2256, 227, 228

Presidential Decision Directive, 60 (PDD-60) (new Clinton nuclear strategy), 3623

Prevention of Nuclear War (PNW) treaty, 21415

Prime Minister Jawaharlal Nehru, 143

Project Vela, 116

proliferation pressures, 1434

Pugwash Conference, 132

Putin, Vladimir, 369, 386, 387, 403, 407, 412, 421, 437, 443, 446, 447, 449, 450, 471, 474, 478

2018 speech on Russian military capabilities 4679

ascension to power, 368, 43940, 445

comments on misslie defense shield, 401

favoritism toward Trump, 473

Genoa meeting with Bush II, 381

meeting in ireland with Obama, 454

meeting in Moscow with Bush II, 388

meeting in St. Petersburg with Bush II, 3945

meeting in Texas with Bush II, 385

meeting with Clinton in New York, 370

meeting with Obama in China, 459

meetings with Donilon, 4513, 4478

on failed missile test, 475

split with Medvedev, 438

summit with Bush II, 403

views toward NATO expansion, 402


Rathjens, George, 152, 186

Reagan, Ronald:

administration make-up of, 2757

Berlin speech, 316

conversion to arms reduction, 276

criticism of SALT, 263

election as President, 2745

“evil empire” speech of, 292

joins CPD, 263

“Star Wars” speech of, 2923

summit in Geneva with Gorbachev, 3058

summit in Moscow, 31819

Reed, Thomas (Reed Panel), 329

Reykjavik summit, 31214

Rhee, Synghman, 35

Rice, Condoleezza, 378, 381, 401, 404

Rogers, William, 191, 193, 194

Romanov, Grigory, 301

Romney, Michigan Governor George, 164

Rosenberg, Julius and Ethel, 38, 3940

Rostow, Eugene, 165, 235, 275, 277, 278, 279, 292

Rotblat, Joseph, 10

Rowen, Henry, 878, 92, 152

Rowney, Lieutenant General Edward, 21011, 232, 239, 257, 263, 278, 279, 288, 28990, 294, 304

Ruina, Jack, 159, 186

Rumsfeld Commission, 366, 371, 378, 380, 391

Rumsfeld, Donald, 230, 236, 237, 293, 366, 378, 380

resignation of, 401

Rusk, Dean, 84, 90, 97, 118, 128, 129, 132, 134, 140, 146, 1534, 155, 156, 166, 167, 168, 173, 174, 175, 176

Russia (post-Soviet):

alleged interference in U.S. politics, 45860, 461, 473

and U.S.-Syria relations, 448, 4523

annexation of Crimea, 457, 461, 479

cooperation with U.S. on Iran, 457

deal with Kerry re Syria, 456

military intervention in Syria, 4578

sanctions on, 460

state of democracy in, 446

Rybokov, Sergei, 473


Sakharov, Andrei, 54, 314

Samore, Gary, 417, 427

Sanders, Senator Bernie, 458

“Saturday Night Massacre,” 217

Scali, John, 122

Schlesinger, Arthur Jr., 92, 104, 123

Schlesinger, James, 217, 220, 221, 223, 229, 230, 242, 248, 405

Schultz, George P., 225, 285, 288, 293, 300, 302, 304, 3056, 307, 312, 313, 316, 318, 319, 333, 470

Scowcroft, Brent/Scowcroft Commission, 230, 291, 294, 321, 322, 329, 330, 408

Selin, Dr. Ivan, 175

Semenov, Deputy Foreign Minister Vladimir, 201

September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks, 383

policy impact of, 3845

Shevardnadze, Eduard, 305, 306, 307, 311, 312, 318, 323, 325, 327, 330

“Single Integrated Operational Plan” (SIOP), 76, 77, 8688, 92, 93, 100, 102, 108, 111, 187, 188, 189, 211, 212, 213, 242, 335, 363, 386, 395

Sino-Soviet Pact, 35, 37

Sloss, Leon/Sloss Panel, 273, 274, 279

Smith, Gerard, 193, 195, 196, 197, 200, 202, 203, 206, 207, 210, 213, 221, 231

Snowden, Edward, 456

Somalia, 348, 360

Sonnenfeldt, Helmut, 187

South Africa, 157

closing of nuclear weapons program, 3412

ending of apartheid, 341

South Korea, 37, 48, 158, 343

invasion of by the North, 35

summit on nuclear Security in, 444

summit on unification, 372

U.S. joint military excercizes with, 347

Southeast Asia Treaty Organization (SEATO), 53

Soviet Union:

ABM systems of, 15960

collapse of, 324-6, 331

aftermath, 3367

blockade of Berlin, 21

anticipation of, 108, 117

Berlin Airlift, 21, 26, 28

diplomacy with China, 130

ICBM’s of, 11213

invasion of Czechoslovakia, 176

invasion of Afghanistan, 265

nuclear testing by, 126

threat assessments of, 28, 31, 478, 50, 57, 58, 59, 95, 2367, 453

by Kennan, 322

by Le May, 47

Congressional committee and, 2634

“Team B” approach to, 2367

toward Europe, 248, 250

Special Studies Project, 84, 103

Stalin, Josef, 21, 37, 62

death of, 49

invasion of Czechoslovakia, 1948 20

Korean crisis and, 35

military buiid-up by, 20

post-war intentions of re Europe, 18

Potsdam Conference and, 1011

response to atomic bombing of Japan by, 12

Stevenson, Adlai, 93, 99

Stikker, Dirk, 110

Stimson, Henry, L.6, 12, 13, 375

Stoltenberg NATO Secretary General Jens, 4623

Strategic Arms Limitation Talks (SALT), 194

Strategic Arms Reductions Treaty (START), 2856, 28990

Strategic Defense Initiative (SDI), 2923, 304, 306, 309, 310, 311, 313, 315, 325, 338, 339, 3512

and Reagan-Gorbachev discussions, 307, 308, 314

Strategic Offensive Reductions Treaty (SORT), 3889, 394, 396, 398, 403, 411, 418

“Strategic Sufficiency” (doctrine), 1889, 209

Strauss, Lewis, 33, 56, 67

Symington, Stuart, 26, 56, 57, 59, 60, 63, 76, 78, 79, 132, 148

promotion of “missile gap,” 70, 77


alleged chemical attacks in, 456, 462

anti-Assad rebellion in, 450

U.S.-Russian relations and, 448, 4523

Szilard, Leo, 8


Taiwan, issue of, 353

Taylor, General Maxwell, 82, 83, 85, 88, 89, 100, 1012, 103, 105, 118, 120, 122

“Team B” (alternative CIA), 227, 2358

telemetry/encryption, 2556

Teller, Edward, 21, 22, 323. 423, 56, 62, 69, 84, 132, 134, 225, 227, 228, 235

Tenet, George, 372

The Day After (made-for-TV movie), 310

Thompson, Andrea, 472

Thompson, Llewellen, 90

Tiananmen Square crackdown, 324, 352

Tillerson, Rex, 4612

Treaty on the Elimination of Intermediate-Range and Shorter-Range Missiles (INF treaty), 265, 275, 278, 2814, 285, 2867, 288, 293, 294, 298, 304, 308, 309, 310, 312, 31519, 321, 330, 333, 402, 403, 417, 453, 461, 4713, 477, 478

Truman, Harry S., 46, 84

and war with Japan, 8, 12

as Presidential candidate, 5

Geneva protocol and, 198

Korean War and, 35, 36, 38, 39, 40

military budget and, 25, 32

on “Air policy,” 26

on nuclear weapons policy, 7, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 22, 27, 28, 34, 41, 42, 43

on removal of MacArthur, 38

overview of Presidency, 44

Potsdam conference and, 9, 10

“rollback” policy of, 37

talks with Stalin, 11

Truman Doctrine, 20, 21, 29, 41

veto of Subversive Activities Control Act, 39

Trump, Donald:

nuclear posture review (NPR) of, 4647, 469, 470

sanctions on Russia, 474

atance toward NATO, 461, 4623

stance toward North Korea, 460

stance toward nuclear balance with Russia, 4601

withdrawal from INF treaty, 4713

Russian response to, 472

Tse-tung, Mao, 29, 35, 37, 130, 183, 203

Turner, Admiral Stansfield, 238, 257

Twinning, General Nathan, 756

“two Chinas” policy, 193


Ukraine, 331, 336, 342, 352, 359, 361, 362, 403, 404, 459

revolution in, 4567, 461, 479

Ulbricht, Walter, 967

United States Agency for International Development (USAID), 446, 4489

United States Arms Control and Disarmament Agency (ACDA), 101, 107, 149, 156, 167, 207, 208, 21011, 213, 238, 239, 251, 273, 275, 277, 278, 309, 317, 360, 361, 292, 434

Ushakov, Yuri, 452

Ustinov, Soviet Defense Minister Dmitri, 243, 291, 294, 300


Vance, Cyrus, 165, 185, 237, 255

meeting with Gromyko in Geneva, 2513, 255, 2568

mission to Moscow, 23941, 243

resignation of, 272

Vienna talks:

of 1961, 909, 135, 410

of 1970–71, 194, 195, 197, 198, 2002

of 1979, 260

Vietnam/Southeast Asia, war in, 53, 83, 137, 145, 151, 154, 157, 165, 167, 169, 172, 173, 181, 182, 184, 185, 190, 196, 198, 199, 200, 201, 215

Paris peace accord, 214

Gulf of Tonkin Incident; resolution of, 145

Vladivostok agreement, 224, 225, 229, 230, 2401, 252, 253

Vorontsov, Yuli, 315


Walesa, Lech, 323, 325

Warnke, Paul, 238, 239, 251, 252

Warsaw Pact, formation of, 60

Washington Joint Declaration, 15

Watergate (break-in/scandal) 204, 214, 215, 220, 223, 232

Welch, Joseph Nye, 57

Wheeler, Earle, 1878

Wilson, British Prime Minister Harold, 166

Wohlstetter, Albert, 51, 656, 73, 74, 79, 87, 225, 227, 279, 280, 282

Wohlstetter, Roberta, 51

Wolfowitz, Paul, 210, 236, 344, 378

Wolters, General Tod, 490, 481, 482, 488, 483

Woolsey, James, 346

Work, Robert, 463, 469


Yeltsin, Boris, 336, 338, 356, 358, 362, 366, 367, 368, 369, 412, 445, 446

creation of Commonwealth of Independent States, 331

defies Moscow coup, 330

election of, 329

meeting with Bush I in Moscow, 339

meeting with Bush I in Washington, 359

meeting with Clinton in Cologne, 367

meeting with Clinton in Helsinki, 362

meeting with Clinton in Moscow, 352

signing of START-2, 350

surprise resignation of, 3689

weapons reduction and, 337

Yermakov, Vladimir, 4767

Yugoslavia, civil war in, 348

NATO actions in, 357, 367


Zakharov, Gennadi, 311

“Zero Option” see Perle, Richard

Zhukov, Marshall Georgi, 11, 12, 23

Zorin, Valeryan/McLoy-Zorin accord, 93, 94, 978, 99, 101, 108, 131

Zumwalt, Admiral Elmo, 22021

Zurhellen, Owen, 210