

adzuki beans

adzuki bean fudge brownies 212–13

fennel and adzuki bean pie 132–3

agrodolce superfood muffins 64


butternut squash, apple and smoked almond roulade 89–91

gruyère, almond and thyme pastry 126


butternut squash, apple and smoked almond roulade 89–91

caramel apple tart 149

spiced apple and Seville marmalade cheesecake 180–81

artichoke salsa verde 110, 111

aubergine and rose celebration cake, Moroccan 198–9, 207


silky chocolate and avocado icing 207

tomato and avocado salsa 61


baking powder 21


banoffee pie 150–51

lovejack 216


tomato and basil coulis 97


mixed bean salad 76

see also adzuki beans; butter beans; string beans


beetroot and butternut tatin 128–9

beetroot, carrot and potato rösti 80–81

beetroot and chocolate cake 190–91, 204–5, 206

beetroot, kohlrabi and potato salad 69

beetroot superfood muffins 64

warm ruddy roasted beetroot salad 74–5


blackjack 215

blondies, white chocolate and pistachio 211


preserved vegetable bouillon 35

vegetable bouillon 34


adzuki bean fudge brownies 212–13

chocolate and hazelnut brownies 210

millionaires’ salted caramel brownies 213

Pixie’s irresistible vegan chocolate brownies 214

burgers, mini millet with tomato and avocado salsa 60–61

butter beans

Kashmiri butter bean and vegetable curry 114–15

mushroom, butter bean and seed quiche 139

mushroom, butter bean and seed salad 68

butternut squash

beetroot and butternut tatin 128–9

butternut, berry and goat’s cheesecake 140–41

butternut squash, apple and smoked almond roulade 89–91

roasted butternut squash and garlic soup 36

Thai butternut and root vegetable pasties 46–7


cakes, savoury

char-grilled pepper polenta cake with tomato and olive tapenade 92–3

giant dolmada cake 86–8

cakes, sweet

double chocolate truffle torte 168–70

hazelnut meringue gâteau with raspberry sauce 176–7

Lucia’s chocolate vegan cake 171

quick Christmas cake 178–9

sticky ginger and prune parkin 174–5

vegan nectarine upside-down cake with raspberry topping 172–3

zesty lemon polenta cake 166–7

cakes, sweet vegetable 193

beetroot and chocolate cake 190–91

carrot passion cake 202

courgette, white chocolate and mint cake 196–7

jumpin’ Jamaican sweet potato and orange cake 200–201

macrobiotic carrot cake 203

Moroccan aubergine and rose celebration cake 198–9

sweet potato, pecan and cappuccino cake 192–3

tropical parsnip and polenta cake 194–5

vegan beetroot and chocolate cake 204–5, 206

vegan versions 206–7


cranberry, chestnut and camembert filo pastries 50–51

caponata, fennel 84, 85

caramel rice flake base 184–5

caramel, vegan 151

caraway dumplings 107


beetroot, carrot and potato rösti 80–81

carrot passion cake 202, 207

carrot and tomato superfood muffins 63

macrobiotic carrot cake 203

rich carrot soup 40

Thai butternut and root vegetable pasties 46–7

cashew nuts

garlic-mushroom risotto and cashew filo pastries 52–3

vegan courgette and cashew quiche 138–9

cauliflower, coconut and lime soup, Thai 38


mushroom, chard and cheddar quiche 130–31


mushroom, chard and cheddar quiche 130–31

see also dolcelatte; goat’s cheese; ricotta

cheesecakes, savoury

butternut, berry and goat’s cheesecake 140–41

dolcelatte and cucumber cheesecake 142–3

cheesecakes, sweet

lemon and lime cheesecake with passion fruit topping 181

mincemeat, orange and saffron cheesecake 184–5

spiced apple and Seville marmalade cheesecake 180–81

vegan fruity teasecake 182–3

white chocolate and raspberry cheesecake with poached pears 186–7


chestnut, cranberry and caramelized onion quiche 139

cranberry, chestnut and camembert filo pastries 50–51


chickpea and tofu Thai green curry 104

sprouted chickpea falafel pittas with tahini-lemon dressing 58–9

sprouting 59

chicory and orange salad, seared 72–3

beetroot and chocolate cake 190–91, 204–5, 206

chocolate and hazelnut brownies 210

courgette, white chocolate and mint cake 196–7, 206–7

double chocolate truffle torte 168–70

Lucia’s chocolate vegan cake 171

pear and chocolate tart 154–5

Pixie’s irresistible vegan chocolate brownies 214

chocolate (continued)

silky chocolate and avocado icing 207

truffles 170

Veronique’s chocolate ganache roulade 164–5

white chocolate and pistachio blondies 211

white chocolate and raspberry cheesecake with poached pears 186–7

Christmas cake, quick 178–9


mango and cider mincemeat streusel tart 152–3

coconut oil 21

coconuts 23

Thai cauliflower, coconut and lime soup 38


sweet potato, pecan and cappuccino cake 192–3, 206

coulis, tomato and basil 97


courgette superfood muffins 63

courgette, white chocolate and mint cake 196–7, 206–7

vegan courgette and cashew quiche 138–9


butternut, berry and goat’s cheesecake 140–41

chestnut, cranberry and caramelized onion quiche 139

cranberry, chestnut and camembert filo pastries 50–51

crème pâtissière, orange 152, 153


dolcelatte and cucumber cheesecake 142–3


chickpea and tofu Thai green curry 104

Kashmiri butter bean and vegetable curry 114–15

sweet-and-sour egg and tofu curry 102–3


dolcelatte and cucumber cheesecake 142–3

dolmada cake, giant 86–8

dressing, tahini-lemon 58

dumplings, caraway 107


eggs 14

beating egg whites 90

sweet-and-sour egg and tofu curry 102–3



sprouted chickpea falafel pittas with tahini-lemon dressing 58–9

farinata with spicy tomato sauce 82–3


fennel and adzuki bean pie 132–3

polenta, fennel caponata and lentil slice 84–5


blackjack 215

lovejack 216

piña colada flapjack 217

fritters, dal with lime and seed yoghurt 56–7



garlic-mushroom risotto and cashew filo pastries 52–3

roasted butternut squash and garlic soup 36


sticky ginger and prune parkin 174–5

to make ginger juice 201

gluten 14–15

gluten-free pastry 124–5

goat’s cheese

butternut, berry and goat’s cheesecake 140–41

roasted pepper and goat’s cheese quiche 136–7


potato goulash soup 42

tempeh goulash with caraway dumplings 106–7

gruyère, almond and thyme pastry 126



chocolate and hazelnut brownies 210

hazelnut meringue gâteau with raspberry sauce 176–7

hazelnut pastry 127

tarte tatin with hazelnut pastry 156–7


icing, silky chocolate and avocado 207


Kashmiri curry paste 114, 115

Kashmiri spice mix 219


beetroot, kohlrabi and potato salad 69

storing 69


leek and potato soup 37


lemon and lime cheesecake with passion fruit topping 181

strawberry and lemon roulade 162

tahini-lemon dressing 58

zesty lemon polenta cake 166–7


dal fritters with lime and seed yoghurt 56–7

polenta, fennel caponata and lentil slice 84–5

ratatouille and lentil pasties 48–9


lemon and lime cheesecake with passion fruit topping 181

lime and seed yoghurt 56–7

tarte au citron vert 148

Thai cauliflower, coconut and lime soup 38


mango and cider mincemeat streusel tart 152–3


red onion marmalade 136

spiced apple and Seville marmalade cheesecake 180–81

millet burgers with tomato and avocado salsa, mini 60–61


mango and cider mincemeat 152

mincemeat, orange and saffron cheesecake 184–5


courgette, white chocolate and mint cake 196–7, 206–7

muffins, superfood 62–4


garlic-mushroom risotto and cashew filo pastries 52–3

mushroom, butter bean and seed quiche 139

mushroom, butter bean and seed salad 68

mushroom, chard and cheddar quiche 130–31


nectarine upside-down cake with raspberry topping, vegan 172–3


seaweed rice noodle and tofu stir-fry with satay sauce 112–13

spätzle with artichoke salsa verde and Thai greens 110–111

nuts 23

see also almonds; cashew nuts; hazelnuts; pecans; pistachios


oils 21


black olive superfood muffins 64

tomato and olive tapenade 92


red onion marmalade 136

sweating 83


jumpin’ Jamaican sweet potato and orange cake 200–201, 207

mincemeat, orange and saffron cheesecake 184–5

orange crème pâtissière 152, 153

seared chicory and orange salad 72–3

oven temperatures 23


pakoras, vegetable 65

parkin, sticky ginger and prune 174–5


Kashmiri root vegetable soup with a hint of lemon 41

tropical parsnip and polenta cake 194–5, 206

passion fruit

lemon and lime cheesecake with passion fruit topping 181


freezing 47

ratatouille and lentil pasties 48–9

Thai butternut and root vegetable pasties 46–7


cranberry, chestnut and camembert filo pastries 50–51

freezing filo pastries 55

garlic-mushroom risotto and cashew filo pastries 52–3

spinach and ricotta filo pastries 54–5


blind-baking a pastry case 120, 121

gluten-free 124–5

gruyère, almond and thyme 126

hazelnut 127

know-how while working with or baking 121

lining a quiche or tart tin 119, 121

making by hand 118

preparation tips 120–21

rolling out 119

spelt 122–3

storing 121


pear and chocolate tart 154–5

white chocolate and raspberry cheesecake with poached pears 186–7


sweet potato, pecan and cappuccino cake 192–3, 206


char-grilled pepper polenta cake with tomato and olive tapenade 92–3

char-grilling 137

roasted pepper and goat’s cheese quiche 136–7


fennel and adzuki bean pie 132–3

herbed potato pie 134–5

piña colada flapjack 217

piri-piri spice mix 220


white chocolate and pistachio blondies 211

pistou, soupe au 43


sweet quinoa pizza 99

vegetable quinoa pizza 98–9


char-grilled pepper polenta cake with tomato and olive tapenade 92–3

double maize bake with spicy tomato sauce 94–5

gluten-free polenta pastry 125

polenta, fennel caponata and lentil slice 84–5

stirring 93

tropical parsnip and polenta cake 194–5, 206

zesty lemon polenta cake 166–7

pomegranate molasses 21


beetroot, carrot and potato rösti 80–81

beetroot, kohlrabi and potato salad 69

herbed potato pie 134–5

potatoes (continued)

leek and potato soup 37

potato goulash soup 42


sticky ginger and prune parkin 174–5

psyllium 22



checking if cooked 131

chestnut, cranberry and caramelized onion quiche 139

fillings 131

mushroom, butter bean and seed quiche 139

mushroom, chard and cheddar quiche 130–31

roasted pepper and goat’s cheese quiche 136–7

vegan courgette and cashew quiche 138–9


roasted vegetables and quinoa salad 70–71

sweet quinoa pizza 99

vegetable quinoa pizza 98–9


rapadura sugar 137

ras-el-hanout paste 218


hazelnut meringue gâteau with raspberry sauce 176–7

vegan nectarine upside-down cake with raspberry topping 172–3

white chocolate and raspberry cheesecake with poached pears 186–7

ratatouille and lentil pasties 48–9


butternut, berry and goat’s cheesecake 140–41

ricotta cheese

baked ricotta ring 96–7

spinach and ricotta filo pastries 54–5

risotto, garlic-mushroom 52–3

rose water

Moroccan aubergine and rose celebration cake 198–9, 207

rösti, beetroot, carrot and potato 80–81

roulades, savoury

butternut squash, apple and smoked almond roulade 89–91

roulades, sweet

master roulade recipe 160–61

strawberry and lemon roulade 162

tiramisu roulade 163

Veronique’s chocolate ganache roulade 164–5



mincemeat, orange and saffron cheesecake 184–5

salads, cooked

beetroot, kohlrabi and potato salad 69

mixed bean salad 76

mushroom, butter bean and seed salad 68

roasted vegetables and quinoa salad 70–71

seared chicory and orange salad 72–3

string beans in spicy tomato sauce 77

warm ruddy roasted beetroot salad 74–5

salsa, tomato and avocado 61

salsa verde, artichoke 110, 111

satay sauce 113


lime and seed yoghurt 56–7

satay 113

spicy tomato 83

seeds 23

lime and seed yoghurt 56–7

mushroom, butter bean and seed quiche 139

mushroom, butter bean and seed salad 68

setting agents 22

slice, polenta, fennel caponata and lentil 84–5

soups 33

bouillons for 34–5

country potage 39

Kashmiri root vegetable soup with a hint of lemon 41

leek and potato soup 37

potato goulash soup 42

rich carrot soup 40

roasted butternut squash and garlic soup 36

soupe au pistou 43

Thai cauliflower, coconut and lime soup 38

spanakopitas 54–5

spätzle with artichoke salsa verde and Thai greens 110–111

spelt pastry 122–3


spinach and ricotta filo pastries 54–5

spinach superfood muffins 63

stevia drops/powder 22

stir-fry, seaweed rice noodle and tofu with satay sauce 112–13


preserved vegetable bouillon 35

vegetable bouillon 34

strawberry and lemon roulade 162

string beans in spicy tomato sauce 77


Kashmiri root vegetable soup with a hint of lemon 41

Thai butternut and root vegetable pasties 46–7

sweet potatoes

jumpin’ Jamaican sweet potato and orange cake 200–201, 207

sweet potato, pecan and cappuccino cake 192–3, 206


double maize bake with spicy tomato sauce 94–5


tagine, tempeh 108–9

tahini-lemon dressing 58

tapenade, tomato and olive 92

tarts, savoury

beetroot and butternut tatin 128–9

tarts, sweet

banoffee pie 150–51

caramel apple tart 149

mango and cider mincemeat streusel tart 152–3

pear and chocolate tart 154–5

tarte au citron vert 138

tarte tatin with hazelnut pastry 156–7

teasecake, vegan fruity 182–3

tempeh 101

marinated 143

tempeh goulash with caraway dumplings 106–7

tempeh tagine 108–9

Thai curry paste 219

Thai greens

spätzle with artichoke salsa verde and Thai greens 110–111

thickening agents 22


gruyère, almond and thyme pastry 126

rubbing leaves 95

tiramisu roulade 163


chickpea and tofu Thai green curry 104

marinated 143

sweet-and-sour egg and tofu curry 102–3

seaweed rice noodle and tofu stir-fry with satay sauce 112–13


baked ricotta ring 96–7

carrot and tomato superfood muffins 63

spicy tomato sauce 83

tomato and avocado salsa 61, 220

tomato and basil coulis 97

tomato and olive tapenade 92

torte, double chocolate truffle 168–70

truffles, chocolate 170


urud dal 57

dal fritters with lime and seed yoghurt 56–7