Page numbers refer to the print edition but are hyperlinked to the appropriate location in the e-book.
Page numbers in italics refer to figures.
academic periodical: Corrente as, 145; Pan resembling, 140–41
Adorno, Theodor, and “lexical logic,” 30
African magazines. See postcolonial magazines
African publishing, and textbooks, 309n35, 309–10n36
Aka to kuro, 62
Alexandria, Egypt, Marinetti and, 122–24
anastatic copies, 265–66, 321n6
Anderson, Margaret, 82, 85–86
Anglophone literature, 25–26, 219–20; African, 200–10; reviewed in Black Orpheus, 209; West Indian, 196, 198–200
anthology: Little Review disguised as, 84–85; Poesia as, 129; riviste in form of, 119–21
anticolonialism: Beacon as device of, 196–97; ignoring, 191; little magazine as tool of, 26; and publishing in India, 68–71; in VVV, 159, 182–87
anticolonial nationalism, 67, 307n10
Apter, Emily, 14
archives, delinked and nationalized, 31
art, exhibited in VVV, 171–73, 175–82, 184–85
artists’ magazines, global spread of, 282n22
avant-garde, dependence on little magazines, 1
avant-garde magazines, defined, 315n5
avant-garde movements. See Constructivism; Dadaism; Futurism; modernism; Surrealism
aviogram, 316n24
“Banque obscurantiste ‘pour l’etranger,’” 173–74, 174
Beacon, 195–96
Beier, Ulli, 206, 211–12
Bengali literature, 67–71
Benjamin, Walter, 17–18, 172
Berlewi, Henryk, 37
Bim, 198–200, 209, 308n19
Black Orpheus, 200–12, 207; book reviews in, 208–9; distribution, 207–8, 311n46; shift in content, 310–11n45; vs. Transition, 312n59
Blok, 37–37, 39, 42–42, 46, 268–69
Boni and Liveright, printing of The Waste Land, 101
books: and development of African magazines, 201–2; Exile’s designation, 156; as global business, 195; vs. little magazines, 2–3, 14, 27, 48, 75, 236; vs. technology, 229–30; Ulysses as, 88–89, 92
Borgese, Leonardo, 138
Bottai, Giuseppe, 148–49
Bradbury, Malcolm, 194
Brecht, Bertolt, 18
Breton, André, 18, 182–85, 187–88
Breton, Jacqueline Lamba, 176–78, 177
Broom, 109, 159–71; expense report, 170; location of production, 155; and paper quality, 163–65; shipping problems, 168–70, 303n47; typos in, 165–68, 167
Caballero, Ernesto Giménez, 44–46
Calcutta literature, modern, 67–71
“Canto VIII” (Pound): as epigraph for “Limits,” 222–24, 227; and The Waste Land, 313n79
Cardarelli, Vincenzo, 115
Caribbean Voices, 199–200
Carocci, Alberto, 119–20
Casanova, Pascale: concept of world literature, 13–14; and sociological model, 47–48
censorship: delaying little magazine’s arrival in Japan, 59–60; Fascist, 138–39, 148; as impediments to global mobility, 16; and Ulysses, 86–92. See also laws affecting distribution; Neogy, Rajat: arrest for sedition
Central America, and little magazines’ limited appeal in, 11–12
Césaire, Aimé, 182–87
“Chinese Written Character as a Medium for Poetry, The” (Fenollosa), 66
Cine-convegno, 137–38
“Circolo del Convegno,” 119, 132, 135
circulation: Futurist magazines, 243–44; and global modernism, 47; Transition, 212. See also distribution
circulation approach, 276–77n24
colonialism. See anticolonialism; postcolonial magazines
colonized countries, and Transition, 25
communism, magazines in response to, 111–12
comparative approach, 5; circulation as key, 47; geography and timeline expansion, 193; to global network, 71–72; limited by language and interest, 11–12; world form and, 20
Congress for Cultural Freedom (CCF), 202–3
constructivism, 37–38. See also Blok; grid
copyright law: French, 83, 85; U.S., 84–85, 156–57, 294n79
Corrente di vita giovanile, 144–48; complicated literary politics of, 145–46, 148; interdisciplinary material in, 144–45
covers: back, of Merz, 54; backdated, 105; Black Orpheus, 205; Corrente di vita giovanile, 147; Il convegno’s anti-Fascist, 138–39, 298n42; Le papyrus, 123, 125; Mavo, 63, 284n50; Pan, 141; Poesia, 128; transatlantic review, 104; Transition, 213
Cowley, Malcolm, 111
Craig, Samuel, 77–78
Criterion, 25–26; compared to Dial, 98–100; Eliot’s vision of, 96–98; as seminal moment in modernism, 292n54; transatlantic ambitions, 81; The Waste Land in, 93–95, 100–101
criticism. See reviews
customs: and exile magazine, 156–57; as impediments to global mobility, 16
Dadaism, 29; and decentralization, 203–4; grid, 51–59; magazines as art exhibits, 171, 178; and “TSF,” 236–37; and typographical experimentation, 50–51; and wireless technology, 236, 242
Damrosch, David, 13
Das, Dineshranjan, 70
Das Wort, 17–18
data, about little magazine networks, 35
Davray, Henry, 83
de Robertis, Giuseppe, 142
De Stijl: grid, 52, 53; influence on Bauhaus movement, 282n29
decentralization, 14, 49–50, 203–4
design: grid, 51–59, 53, 54, 56, 59; Japanese avant-garde, 64–65; Mavo, 19; minimalist, 133–34; VVV, 175–76. See also typographical experimentation
Dessy, Mario, 131
Dial, 4, 25; Eliot’s views, 16, 25, 93–97, 98–99; problems with distribution, 287n9, 287n10, 288n15; transatlantic ambitions of, 81; and transatlantic immobility, 76–79, 99–100
digittle magazines, 29–31, 266–67; digitization and digital, distinctions between, 321n7; effects of remediation, 266
disconnection, world of little magazines characterized by, 15, 18–19, 50
distribution: Black Orpheus, 311n46; and Caballero’s theorem, 44; Dial, 287n9, 287n10, 288n15; Futurists’ experimentation with technology, 242–63; vs. location of production, 154–55; maps, 39, 40, 39–46; problematic arrangements, 77–78; tracing, 37. See also circulation; shipping
distribution sites: disappearing, 207–8; as promotion, 129–30
dōjinshi, 60–65
domestic literature: balancing with foreign, 136; Pan’s focus on, 142–43. See also internationalism; transnationalism
Donati, Enrico, 180–81
Duchamp, Marcel, 18, 178–81
East Africa, little magazine in, 212–19
economic factors: cost of paper, 165, 303n55; and exile magazines, 162–63; shipping, 169; and transatlantic immobility, 108
Egoist, 265: on microfilm, 265; A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man serialized in, 89; and transatlantic immobility, 75–76, 79, 81; Ulysses serialized in, 87, 92
Egyptian poetry, 122–24
Eliot, T. S., 25–26, 92–102; anger over changes to The Waste Land, 100; contribution to transatlantic review, 103; opinions on Dial, 16, 25, 93–97, 98–99; The Waste Land as epigraph, 224–27
émigrés, involvement of, 16
English Review, 106–7
Ernst, Max, 176–77
Eurocentrism, 136; modernism identified with, 191; in Okigbo’s poetry, 220; and Pound, 11; repression in Blok, 40
exchange rate, and exile magazines, 160–61
exhibition space, magazines as, 171–73, 175–82, 184–85, 304n61
Exile, locations of production, 156–57
exile magazines: Das Wort, 17–18; overview, 151–59; typos in, 165–68, 302n42, 302n43. See also Broom; VVV
exiles and expats, 182–87; involvement of, 16; Surrealists, 178. See also Beier, Ulli; Breton, André; Césaire, Aimé; Duchamp, Marcel; Ernst, Max; Loeb, Harold; Marinetti, F. T.
Fascism: and anti-Fascist riviste, 117–20; complicated cultural politics, and Corrente di vita viovanile, 145–48; flourishing culture before, 116; and Futurist magazines, 260–61; giving rise to exile magazines, 153; Il convegno, 134, 138–39, 298n42; laws against publications, 139, 143; laws regulating broadcasts, 260–61; magazines in response to, 111–12; Pan as Fascist cultural renewal, 140, 142; Primato’s desire to unite under, 148–49
Fenollosa, Ernest, 66
Ferrieri, Enzo, 23, 116, 118–20, 132–40
Ford, Ford Madox, 102–10; attempt of to bridge Paris, New York, and London, 102–3, 105, 107, 109–10; lateness of transatlantic review, 105–6
form: Black Orpheus’s, 206–7; Criterion’s, 97; defined, 21, 22; determining shape of poem, 101–2; Dial’s characteristics, 95–97, 99; and Internet, 267–69
forma antologica, 119
Francophone literature, 205–6
Frazer, Sir James, 226
free copies, as promotion, 126, 130
French revues, influence on Le papyrus, 122–25
Friedman, Susan Stanford, 47
funding: for Black Orpheus, 204; CCF, 202–3; for digital archives, 31
Futurism, 28–29; depicted in photo of Marinetti, 269–71, 272; encouraging new areas, 317n30; experimenting with wireless tactics, 242–63; made possible by riviste, 230–31; manifesto published in Poesia, 130–31; Milan and, 121–22; and technology, 50–51; and typographical experimentation, 50-51
Futurist magazines: circulation, 243-44; mapped timelines, 248,249, 251, 252, 254, 257; as movement, 247–50, 252-54; number of, 245–46, 315n6, 279n51. See also Poesia; riviste
Galloway, Alexander, 50
Garakuta bunko, 60
geography: adjusting narrative about little magazines, 193; diverse, 3; maps of distribution, 39–46
Ghana, moving Transition to, 218
Gikandi, Simon, 191–92
globalism. See internationalism; transnationalism
“Global Literary Networks,” 35
global modernisms: circulation and, 47; trying to imagine, 8
global publishing, and African magazines, 201–2
Gobetti, Piero, 116–19
Goethe, Johann Wolfgang, and weltliteratur, 8–10, 14–15
Golden Bough, The (Frazer), 226
Gramsci, Antonio, 243–44
grid, 51–59, 53,54,56,59; De Stijl, 52–53; Merz, 52–54; myriad shapes, 57
Heinemann African Writers Series, 309–10n36
Hogarth Press, printing of The Waste Land, 101
homelessness, and exile magazine, 154, 158
“Idea of a Literary Review, The” (Eliot), 97–98
Il Baretti, 117–19
Il convegno, 23–25, 23,24, 118–118, 132–39; compared to Pan, 142; as cultural center, 132; end of, 138; identification with NRF, 134; James Joyce in, 137; number of pages per year, 298n41
“In Italia, all ’estero,” editors’ use of phrase, 114–15
India: effect of colonialism, 9; little magazine in, 67–71, 268–69; Western modernism’s arrival, 284–85n54
interdisciplinary material, and Corrente di vita viovanile, 144–45
internationalism: and contributors to Il convegno, 133; vs. homelessness, 158; Kallol’s, 70–72; modernist writers vs. magazines, 79; of Poesia, 127–29; striking balance between foreign and domestic literature, 136; transatlantic review vs. transitions, 110–12; Transition, 212, 216–17. See also transnationalism
Internet, changes brought by, 267–69
Isolatoes, 200
Italian Futurists. See Futurism
Italy: flourishing culture before Mussolini, 116; modernity suspended by World War II, 115. See also Fascism; Milan
Italy, little magazines in. See Corrente di vita giovanile; Il convegno; Pan; Poesia; riviste
Japanese magazines, 19; avant-garde graphic design, 64; background to modernism, 59–62; Mavo, 59, 62–64; and typographical experimentation, 51
Jolas, Eugene, 110, 112
journals, and letters, 275
Joyce, James, 111; in Il convegno, 137; serialized works in little magazines, 85–93. See also Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man, A; Ulysses
“Kablepoema za okean” (Semenko), 55, 56
Kafka, Franz, and alienation of postal service, 41–42
Kalliney, Peter, 202–3
Kallol, 19, 59, 69–71
Kantō Earthquake, impact on Japanese culture, 61–62
keywords, 29–30
Kirschenbaum, Matthew, 21
Kraus reprints, 265–66
Kyk-over-al, 194, 197, 198–200, 308n19
La gaceta literaria: and literary network theorem, 44–45; visualizations in, 37
La jungle, 184–85
“L’allégorie de genre” (Duchamps), 178–80, 179
Lam, Wifredo, 184–85, 185
“Lament of the Silent Sisters” (Okigbo), 314n85
languages, too many, 11
L’antenna, 255–56
La ronda, 115
“La rose d’oiseaux” (Duchamps), 180–81, 181
Latour, Bruno, 43
laws affecting distribution: broadcast, 260–61; French copyright, 83–84; import regulations, 75–76; U.S. copyright, 84–85, 294n79; U.S. shipping, 77
laws affecting publication: Fascist, 139, 143; Indian publishing regulations, 68–69; Vernacular Press Act of 1878, 285n58
layout. See design
Lazarus, Neil, 191
Le desir libertaire, 187–88
Le papyrus, 123–26, 123, 125
“Le reglement des comptes,” 173–74, 174
L’esprit nouveau: maps, 40–41, 41; visualizations in, 37
“Lestrygonians” (Joyce), 90
letters: value in communication vs. periodical, 9–10, 275n14; importance in conveying information, 275n15
“Letters to the Editor,” in Transition, 214–15
“Lettre d’une jolie femme à un monsieur passéiste” (Marinetti), 234, 235
“Limits” (Okigbo), 220–28
Linati, Carlo, 115, 126, 132–33, 135–37
literary analysis, global approach to, 8
literary clubs, in Barbados, 308n21
literary exchange, politics of, 136–37
literary field, decommercialized, decapitalized, and decentered, 14
literary magazines. See little magazines
literary network. See network
literary politics: anticolonialism in Kallol, 69–71; and Corrente di vita viovanile, 145–145, 148; and Il Baretti, 118
little magazine(s): categorized, 273n4; defined, 2–4; ephemeral nature of, 264, 319–20n1; homelessness, 154; Indian, 67–71; and “little review,” terms applied to West Indian and African magazines, 307n9; as material object, 21; as medium, 27–32; and national rootedness, 106–8; numbers and diversity of, 2; overview, 1–8; role in world literature, 8–20; transatlantic ambitions of, 80–81; as world form, 20–26. See also digittle magazines; dōjinshi; Futurist magazines; exile magazines; periodicals; postcolonial magazines; riviste; individual titles
Little Magazine, The (TLM), 268–69
Little Review: Eliot’s reservations about, 292n51; Pound as foreign correspondent to, 82–85; shipping overseas, 76; transatlantic ambitions of, 81; Ulysses serialized in, 85–92
Loeb, Harold, 159–70
London and Ford’s attempt to link with New York and Paris, 102–3, 105, 107, 109–10
Long, Hoyt, 35
Lukács, György, and power struggle with Bertolt Brecht, 18
magazines. See academic periodical; artists’ magazines; digittle magazines; dōjinshi; exile magazines; Futurist magazines; little magazines; periodicals; riviste; and individual titles
manifesto: comparative analysis, 20; Futurists’, 243–45, 249–50, 258–59; as genre, 20; published in Poesia, 130–31; and wireless magazines, 243–45
“Manifesto of Race,” 134, 146
maps: and awareness of limitations in circulation, 43; distribution, 39–46, 39, 41; time and place of Riviste Futuriste, 248, 249, 251, 252, 254, 257
Marinetti, F. T., 121–33, 269–72, 270, 272; as collaborative editor, 245, 247–49; and Futurists’ opening up to technology, 242–45; as leader of Futurism, 131; and Le papyrus, 123–26; monitored by Fascists, 260–61; and Poesia, 126–31; “Telegramma” poems, 235–36; and typographical experimentation, 314n2; and wireless technology, 229–33
marketing strategies, of Poesia, 129–30
“Market Report,” in Secession, 161–62, 162
Martini, Alberto, 129
material forms, defined, 278n38
materiality, little magazine as, 21–22
Matta, Roberto, 178, 180
Mavo, 19, 59, 62–64; combining Dada, Bauhaus, and Japanese literary culture, 62–63; controversial cover, 284n50
McFarlane, James, 194
mediators, literary, 135–36
medium, 27–32
Menin, Mario, 271–72
Merz, and grid, 52–53, 54
Micić, Ljubomir, 238–40
microfilm, 265–66
Milan: cultural activities during Fascism, 144; focus on, 121–22; and politics of literary exchange, 136–37; rivista’s windows into intellectual life in, 149–50
modernism: arrival in India, 284–85n54; in Bengali literature, 70; connected to homelessness, 158; dependence on little magazines, 1; immobility as barrier, 79; Milan and, 121–22; and postcolonialism, 26, 190–94, 219–28; promoted in Solaria, 120–21; “transatlantic axis for,” 75. See also global modernisms
Modernism: A Guide to European Literature, 1890–1930 (Bradbury and McFarlane), 194
Moretti, Franco, 13
movement, Futurist magazines as, 247–50, 252–54
Munson, Gorham, 161
Mussolini, Benito, Il convegno as opposition to, 23–24
Nag, Gokulchandra, 70
national specificity, and transnational translatability, 12–13
“Nausikaa” (Joyce), 91
Nazism: giving rise to exile magazines, 153; magazines in response to, 111–12
Neogy, Rajat, 25–26, 201, 212–18; arrest for sedition, 217–18; publishing letters to the editor, 214–15
networks: and burden of connectivity, 34; Caballero’s theorem, 44–45; defined, 33, 38; effects of digitization on, 266–67; literary field as, 36; and new communications technologies, 33–34; overview, 32–58; positive and negative spaces, 43; sociological model of circulation, 47–48
newspaper format, 145
New York, and Ford’s attempt to link with Paris and London, 102–3, 105, 107, 109–10
Nigeria, 204. See also West Africa
Noi, 269–71
“Notizie,” in Pan, 142–43
Nouvelle revue française (NRF), 49, 97, 134
Ojetti, Ugo, 140–44
Okigbo, Christopher, 192, 201; desire to appear in Poetry, 314n85; as modernist and postcolonialist, 220–28
Onitsha pamphlets, 306–7n3
Palm-Wine Drinkard (Tutuola), 202
Pan, 140–44
paper: costs, 165, 303n55; quality, 163–64; restrictions, impact on Pan, 143
Paris, and Ford’s attempt to link with New York and London, 102–3, 105, 107, 109–10
periodicals: public and collective nature of, 9–10; worldwide network, 37–38. See also academic periodical
photographic reproductions, in VVV, 171–73
“Plan for Cooperative Organization of Magazines,” 293n66
Poesia, 121–22, 126–31; abandoning, 244–45; beauty of, 129; free copies as promotion, 126, 130; internationalism of, 127–29; marketing strategies, 129–30; under Mario Dessy, 131
poetry: Aimé Césaire’s, 182–87; Egyptian, 122–24; French, 83–84; Futurist, 232–38; with grid, 55–56; Japanese, 61–62; “Limits,” 220–28; modern and relevant, 126; picture, 241; “A Study of French Modern Poets,” 82–83; “Telegramma 41” and “Telegramma 69,” 235–36; The Waste Land, 92–102; “Wireless,” 229
Poetry of the Revolution (Puchner), manifesto, 20
Poli, Bernard, 107–8
political agenda: and exile magazines, 181–82; Il Baretti, 118; little magazine as response to upheaval, 5, 111–12. See also anticolonialism; Fascism; Nazism; postcolonial magazines; propaganda, riviste as tool
Poljanski, Branko Ve, 239–40
Ponti, Giò, 133
Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man, A (Joyce), serialized, 89
postal system: and Broom, 163, 168–70; and exile magazines, 155–58; import regulations, 75–76; international postage, 16; interruptions, 88–92, 291n42; potential alienation of, 41–42
postcolonial magazines: Bim and Kyk-over-al, 198–200; modernism and postcolonial literature, 26, 219–28; overview, 189–94
Pound, Ezra: “Canto VIII,” 222–24, 227, 313n79; centrality in little magazine scene, 5–6; dummy magazine, 7; Euro/Anglo-centric vision, 11; and Far East connection, 66–67; as foreign correspondent for Little Review, 82–85; formula for self-supporting magazine, 288–89n18; on “fugitive publications, 152–53; letter to Theodore Roosevelt, 289n26; and limits of international communication, 113; move from Little Review to Dial, 275n17; production location for Exile, 156–57; and Rabindranath Tagore, 67; transatlantic ambition of, 74–75; Transatlantic Vortex Monthly, 81–82; and Ulysses, 85–92; and weltliteratur, 9
Présence africaine, 205–6
Prezzolini, Giuseppe, 164
Primato, 148–49
“Prince of Blood” (Matta), 178, 180
print protocol, 50–51
print, quality of, 165–68
print technologies: effect on literary production, 11; separate from formal institutions, 22; and wireless technology, interrelated, 232–42
production, location of, 154–57
propaganda, riviste as tool, 117
publishing: African textbooks, 309n35, 309–10n36; global, and development of African magazines, 201–2; Milan as center of, 121; regulations in India, 68–69
Puchner, Martin, 20
Quinn, John, 81–82
radio broadcasts: Caribbean Voices, 199–200; Marinetti’s, 261
radiotelegraphy, 238–41
Rainey, Lawrence, 93–94
Ramazani, Jahan, 79–80
remediation, and remediation in reverse, 27–28
reproductions and reprintings, 265–66
République mondiale des lettres (Casanova), 47–48
reviews: in Black Orpheus, 208–10; on Caribbean Voices, 199; like-minded, as alliances, 130; little, 197; publishing, 130
rivista-antologia, 119
riviste: and battle over Italian culture, 122; defined, 116; effect of Fascism on development, 117; overview, 114–22; resembling academic periodical, 140–41. See also Il Baretti; Il convegno
Rizzoli, 140–41, 43
Rodriguez, Emilio, 195
Rome, Broom published in, 159–60
“Scylla and Charybdis” (Joyce), 90–91
search function, 29–30
Secession, 161–62
Seiichi, Funahashi, 60–61
Seldes, Gilbert, 76
Semenko, Mykhail, 55–56
serialization: “Limits,” staggered publication, 220–28; simultaneous, 87; Ulysses, 85–92; The Waste Land, 100
75HP, 241–241, 241
Seymour, A. J., 194, 195
Shaw, Nat, 164
“Shimmy at the Latin Quarter Graveyard” (Micič), 239
Shin bungaku kenkyū, reproduction from Ulysses, 65, 66
shipping: complications, 166, 168–70, 302n43, 303n47, 303n50; delays, 105. See also circulation; distribution; transatlantic immobility
Shirakaba, 61–62
simultaneous publication: “Lament of the Drums,” 201; Ulysses, 87; The Waste Land, 92–102
So, Richard, 35
sociological model of literary network, 47–48
Solaria, 120–21
South America, and little magazines’ limited appeal, 11–12
Spivak, Gayatri, 13
“Study of French Modern Poets, The” (Pound), 82–84
Surrealism: in exile, 178; at start of World War II, 18; and VVV, 171–76, 181–83, 305n70
Svevo, Italo, 136
Swanzy, Henry, 199–200
Tagore, Rabindranath, 19, 67–70
tariffs, 76; on Exile, 156–57; transatlantic, 84
“Tarzan Is an Expatriate” (Theroux), 214
technology: vs. book, 229–30; competing against print, 27; new forms of communication, 33–34, 137–38; reconceptualizing written word to accommodate, 242–43, 261–62; teaming radio and printing press, 315n12. See also digittle magazines; print technology; radiotelegraphy; wireless communication
“Telegramma 41” and “Telegramma 69” (Marinetti), 235, 236
“Telemachus” (Joyce), 291n42
“tendency,” as cultural connectedness within magazine, 97–98
Thayer, Scofield, 76–77, 96, 99–100
Theroux, Paul, 214
Thibaudet, Albert, 297n36
third-world literature, comparative work, 273–74n5
timeline, adjusting narrative about little magazines, 193
transatlantic immobility, 16; commonality of, 81; cost as factor, 108; and Criterion, 93–102; and Dial, 76–76, 93–102; import regulations, 75–76; overview, 74–81; Pound’s ambitions, 81–85; shipping delays, 105; tariffs, 84; and transatlantic review, 102–12; and Ulysses, 85–85, 290n33; and The Waste Land, 92–92, 99–102
transatlantic review, 102–12; compared to transition, 110–12; cover, 104, 105; dating to compensate for shipping, 303n50; end of, 109, 294–95n85; lateness, 105–6, 110; transatlantic ambitions, 81
transatlantic simulcast: reasons for, 93–94; Ulysses, 87; The Waste Land, 92–92, 292n53
Transatlantic Vortex Monthly, 6–7
transition (Jolas), 110–12; as forerunner to Transition, 217; as last exile magazine, 171
Transition (Neogy), 25–26, 201–3, 212–19, 213, 216; vs. Black Orpheus, 312n59; “Letters to the Editor,” 214–15
transnationalism: little magazine ambitions, 80; and national specificity, 12–13; and simultaneous printings, 87, 92–102
Treccani, Ernesto, 144–45
Trilling, Lionel, 214, 220
Troy, William, on exile magazines, 152–53
TSF (telegrafia senza fili), 236–37
Tutola, Amos, 202
typographical experimentation, 28, 314n2; European, 50–51; Japanese, 62; Il convegno’s industrial, 133–34
typos, 165–68, 302n42, 302n43
Tzara, Tristan, 181–82
Uganda, 217–18. See also East Africa, little magazine in
Ulysses (Joyce), 80; “Lestrygonians,” 90; “Nausikaa,” 91; “Order and Myth,” 98; plans to bring to United States, 290n33; reproduced passage in Shin bungaku kenkyū, 65, 66; “Scylla and Charybdis,” 90–91; serialized, 85–92
Vallette, Alfred, 83
Valuta, 160–61
VVV, 4, 171–87, 175; Aimé Césaire’s poetry in, 182–87, 184; location of production, 155–56
Waste Land, The (Eliot), 80, 92–102; as epigraph for “Limits,” 224–26; influence on “Canto VIII,” 313n79; shape determined by magazine’s form, 101–2; variations in printings, 100–2
Watson, James Sibley, 99–100
West Africa: Black Orpheus in, 200–12; little magazine development, 194–200. See also postcolonial magazines
wireless communication, 1910–1940: overview, 232–42; in Italy, 246–62
Work in Progress (Joyce), 111
world form: identifying multiplicity of, 13; overview, 20–26
world literature, 8–20; difficulty in defining, 274; and Goethe, 8–10
World War I: as impediment to Italy’s modernity, 115; and transatlantic immobility, 75–76
worldliness, 3
Zenit, 238–238, 240