Page numbers refer to the print edition but are hyperlinked to the appropriate location in the e-book.
Italicized page numbers refer to recipes, and plate refers to an illustration in the photo gallery.
abundance: American empire and, ix–x, 3, 31–38, 187; cheap labor and, 181; Communism and socialism and, x, 36, 38, 41; democracy and, x, 3, 23–24, 28, 36–38, 43, 103
African Americans: Chinese restaurants and, 3, 103, 107–111, 134, 147, 226n.8, plate; in domestic service, 39, 42, 52, 56–59; racial stereotypes and discrimination against, 83, 107, 183, 220n.34
Ah Gin, 61
Ah Kee, 52
Ah Quin, 44, 60–62, 64–65, 173
Ah Sing (John Nipson), 63
Ah Yow, 41
Alcoholic Republic, The (Rorabaugh), 243n.5
Alejandro, Ronnie, 69
All-Consuming Century, An (Cross), 197n.41
all-you-can-eat buffet, 120, 179, plate
American Cookery (Simmons), 39, 160
American food, 1, 152. See also fast food (American)
American Home Economics Association, 186
American Mail Line (steamship company), 89
American Woman’s Home, The (Stowe and Beecher), 132, 160, 190n.1
Anderson, Benedict, 161
Andrew, Kenneth, W., 12
Appadurai, Arjun, 161
apple pie, 37
Applebaum, Herbert A., 201n.99
Arellano, Gustavo, 183
Armelagos, G. J., 233n.140
aroma. See odor
Asian Traditional Food Act (2006), 151
Assing, Norman, 74–76, 120–121
Atoy (immigrant woman), 76
Au, M. Sing, 167
Aunt Jemima (food brand and logo), 237n.49
“‘Authentic’ Chinese Food” (Lo), 233n.2
Babcock, William F., 56
Baker, Kenneth, 9, 138
baking, 180
banh chung and banh tet (Vietnamese pork and green bean rice cakes), 151
Barth, Gunther, 75
bean sprouts, 98
Beard, James, 51, 63, 163
Beche-de-Mer, 130
Beck, Louis Joseph, 122
Beecher, Catharine, 132, 160, 190n.1
Been Hong (restaurant; New York), 124
Beijing (Peking), cooking style of, 164, 165
bell pepper, 17, 64
Bellamy, Edward, 39, 41
Belman, David, 156
Bentley, Amy, 244n.17
Berenson, Bernard, 186
Berman, Stuart, 150
Betty Crocker (food brand and logo), 163
Bible, 40, 186
Big Mac, 144, 145
“Big Steamers” (Kipling), 25–26
bird’s nest soup, 15, 130–134, 138
black beans, 79
Blumin, Stuart, 38
Bogue, Allan G., 35
Bonds of Womanhood, The (Cott), 200n.91
Bonner, Arthur, 123
Book of Rites (Liji), 158, 169, 185
Boorstin, Daniel, 39
Borthwick, John David, 54, 82
Bosse, Sara, 162
Boston Cooking-School Cook Book, The (Farmer), 132, 159
Boston Globe Cookbook for Brides, The, 160
Bourdieu, Pierre, 197n.41
Bower, Anne, 236n.39
Bowles, Samuel, 83, 121
Bracken, Peg, 40
Braudel, Fernand, ix, 7, 12, 198n.60
Briggs, M. C., 21
Brillat-Savarin, Jean Anthelme, 85, 167
British Empire, 22–23, 25–27, 190n.1
Brooks, Noah, 90
bubonic plague, 20
Buchanan, Patrick, 196n.27
Buck, Pearl, 162, 237n.46
Bush, C. P., 206n.62
Bush, George W., 24
cabbage, 98
Caesar, Julius, 25
California Beef Noodle King U.S.A. (restaurant chain), 178–179
California beef noodles (jiazhou niu rou mian), 178–179
Cambridge World History of Food, The (Kiple and Ornelas), 245n.24
Canton, cooking style of, 164
Canton Low (restaurant; Portland, Maine), 106
Canton Restaurant (San Francisco), 74
Cao Gui, 32
cats, 15, 121
Cattle on the Conejo (Russell), 53
celery, 64
Center for Science in the Public Interest (CSPI), 150
Chan, Paul, 9, 138
Chan, Shiu Wong, 12, 167–168
Chan, Sucheng, 59
Chang, Gordon, 234n.3
Chang, Isabelle C., 168
Chang, Kwang-chih, 144
Changle County (Fujian Province), 221n.45
chao (stir-fry), 143–144, 164
Chao, Buwei Yang, 143–144, 154, 163–166, 168, 171, 233n.2, plate
Chapman, Arthur, 104
Chappell, George S., 124
Chen, Yong, 79, 183
Chen Benchang (Ben John Chen), 9, 12
Cheng Du Tian Fu (Heavenly City of Chengdu; food stall; Flushing, N.Y.), plate
Chevalier, Michel, 132
Chi Ock (restaurant; Ardmore, Okla.), 129
chicken, 6, 64, 115, 179, 184
China: calendar system of, 168; Cultural Revolution in, xi, xiv, 33, 153; economy of, 7, 174–175, 179–181; empire of, 26, 29
China Inland Mission, 87
China to Chinatown (Roberts), 184, 193n.36, 233n.2
Chinatown: Chinese food and, 4, 71–72, 77–81, 91–100; conditions in, 82–85, 90; social role of, for immigrants, 77–81. See also specific cities
Chinatown Declared a Nuisance (Workingmen’s Party of California), 85
Chinese and English Phrase Book (Lanctot), 66–67
Chinese and English Phrase Book in the Canton Dialect, A (Stedman and Lee), 67–68, 209n.127
Chinese Cook Book, The (Chan), 167
Chinese Cook Book, The (Hong), 154
Chinese Cookbooks (Newman), 234n.3
Chinese Cookery in the Home Kitchen (Nolton), 143, 167
Chinese–English Comprehensive Cookbook (Hua Ying Chu Shu Da Quan; Cui Tongyue), 65–66, 68
Chinese Equal Rights League, 120
Chinese Exclusion Act (1882), 30, 96, 191n.18
“Chinese Food,” 150
Chinese food and food preparation: authenticity and, 6, 89, 98, 139–147, 184; Chinese-American food and, 15–20, 125–126, 135–138, 152, 178–179, 181; convenience and affordability of, 126–135, 147–152, 165–166; cookbooks for, 6, 12, 154–172; as empire food, 22–24; Jews and, xi, 134–135, 161, 184; meat scarcity in, 32–34; national identity and, xi–xii, 2, 88, 168, 170–172, 181; nutritional and health value of, 150, 157–158, 165–166; odor of, 2, 82–87, 113–114, 145, 175; origins of, 239n.71; popularity of, 1–20, 185; quality of, 2, 11–14, 126–135, 140, 147–152, 184, plate; racial prejudice and, 10, 46–47, 86–89, 150; regional styles of, 164–166, 178; tourism and, 99. See also cookbooks; recipes
Chinese Gastronomy (Lin and Lin), 167, 169–170
Chinese immigrants: history of immigration of, ix, 23, 30, 96, 165, 179, 191n.18; living and working conditions of, 1, 3, 10, 62–63; political and cultural activity of, 75, 120, 172, 174; racial prejudice and, 20, 50, 59–63, 72, 75–76, 95–96, 108, 177; service and domestic work by, 2, 44–70, 77–79, 81, 95, 186; Western food and, 12, 68–69, 87–90, plate
Chinese Inn (restaurant; New Orleans), plate
Chinese–Japanese Cook Book (Bosse and Watanna), 162
Chinese Kosher Cooking (Goldberg), 138, 145
Chinese-language recipe and phrase books, 65–69, plate
“Chinese Reception in San Francisco” (Frenzeny), plate
Chinese restaurants: affordability and convenience of, 4, 23, 100, 127–129, 149, 184; cleanliness of, 16, 124–125, 159; community and social role of, 4, 72, 73–74, 90–91; dining-out experience and, 3, 100–101, 117, 145; expansion of, 1–6, 8–10, 21, 73–74; menus of, 146, 179, plates; non-Chinese customer base of, xi, 3, 102–119, 134, 147, 184, 226n.8, plate; promotional innovations of, 4, 119–125, 129, 135–138, 179, plate; racial prejudice and, 74, 76, 91–100, 103–104, 118, 135, 140; as tourist attractions, 99–101; Western food and, 135–136. See also specific restaurants
Chinese Six Companies (Chinese Consolidated Benevolent Association), 122
“Chinese stomach,” xii
Cho, Lily, 136
chocolate, 22
chop suey: in cookbooks and recipes, 98, 164; development and authenticity of, 98, 139–147; popularity and affordability of, 4–6, 24, 115, 126–135, 146, 179
Chop Suey (Coe), 184
Chop Suey (Irwin), 140
chopsticks, 5, 12, 138, 165, 168
Chow, Gregory C., 12
chow mein, 4, 134, 143, 146–147, 164, 179
Chu, Grace Zia, 170
Chun King (food brand), 140, 163
“Citizen–Consumer Hybrid” (Johnston), 197n.41
Civitello, Linda, 245n.24
Claiborne, Craig, 100, 163
Classic Chinese Cook Book, The (Leung), 170
Cobbold, Robert Henry, 48
Cocks, Catherine, 96
Coe, Andrew, 81, 184, 225n.6
coffee, 22
Cohen, Warren I., 14
Colfax, Schuyler, 121, 131
Collier, Ellen C., 27
colonial food, 23. See also empire food
Communism and socialism, x, 26, 29, 36, 38, 40–41
“Compiled Cookbook as Foodways Autobiography, The” (Ireland), 235n.14
Concept of Work, The (Applebaum), 201n.99
Condit, Ira Miller, 123
Confucius and Confucianism, 41, 157–159, 167–169, 185
Connors, George Washington (Chuck), 97
consumerism and mass consumption, 2–3, 25–26, 28–39, 41, 100–101, 163, 176
Conwell, Russell, 62
cookbooks, 12, 154–169, 171, 172
Cooking of China, The (Hahn), 164
Corson, Juliet, 130
Coser, Lewis, 57
Cost of Food, The (Richards), 186–187
Cott, Nancy, 200n.91
Cox, Thomas W., 16
Cradle of the Middle Class (Ryan), 200n.91
Crocker, Charles, 51
Croly, Jane Cunningham, 155
Cross, Gary, 30
Cross, M. H., 97
Crystal, Billy, 114
cucumber, 17
Cui Guoyin, 88
Cui Hao, 157
Cui Hao Shi Jing (Cui Hao’s Culinary Classics), 156
Cui Tongyue, 12, 65–66, 68, 166
Cuisine and Culture (Civitello), 245n.24
Cuisine and Empire (Laudan), 245n.24
Culin, Stewart, 81
curry, 24
da pai dang (cooked-food stalls), 177, plate
Daoism (Taoism), 157, 168
de Rochemont, Richard, 243n.5
Dean, Betty, 113
Deck, Alice A., 39
democracy: abundance and, x, 3, 23–24, 28, 30, 36–38, 43, 103; consumerism and, 197n.41; dining-out experience and, 1, 3; racial prejudice, equality, and, 43, 103
Democracy in America (Tocqueville), 32
Democratic Party (Calif.), 96
Denker, Joel, 183
Densmore, G. B., 122
Destination Earth (promotional cartoon; 1956), 36
Detroit, 109–111
Dickens, Charles, 33
dim sum (tim-sam), 165
Dim Sum Cookbook (Mock), 238n.63
Diner, Hasia, 118, 185, 222n.50
diner restaurants, 100–101
Dining in America (Grover), 243n.5
dining-out experience, 1, 3, 42, 100–101, 103–104, 117, 145, 155
Dinner Roles (Inness), 183
Distinction (Bourdieu), 197n.41
Dobie, Charles, 51
dogs, 15, 16, 18
dollar (U.S.), 27
domestic service, 38–39, 42, 52, 56–59
domesticity, cult of (Victorian), 38
donuts, 179
Douglas, Norman, 24
Drinking in America (Lender and Kirby), 243n.5
Du Fu, 169
Durning, Alan Thein, 29
Early American Table, The (Eden), 243n.5
Eat Drink Man Woman (film; 1994), 245n.25
Eating History (Smith), 243n.5
Eating in America (Root and de Rochemont), 243n.5
Eden, Trudy, 243n.5
Edible History of Humanity, An (Standage), 245n.24
egg foo young, 4, 146–147, 164, 179
eggplant, 34
eggs, 17, 88, 128, 130, 166
Eldorado (Taylor), 73
empire, concept of, 24–26. See also specific countries
empire food, 22–24
Eng Shee Chuck, 119
Engel, Lyle Kenyon, 237n.46
English–Chinese Phrase Book, An (“Wong Sam”), 67
Eradicating Plague from San Francisco (Todd), 19–20
Ethnic and Regional Foodways in the United States (Brown and Mussell), 183
“Ethnic Succession and the New American Restaurant Cuisine” (Ray), 192n.35
fan (rice), 169
Far East Restaurant (Washington, D.C), 129
Farmer, Fannie Merritt, 132, 159, 160
fascism, 38
fast food (American), 14, 100–101, 152, 175–176, 178, 232n.123, plate. See also McDonald’s
Fast Food Nation (Schlosser), 150
Favorite Dim Sum (Haggerty), 238n.63
Feng, Doreen Yen Hung, 141, 169
Ferguson, Niall, 24, 26
Fernández-Armesto, Felipe, 245n.24
Ferretti, Fred, 138
Filipino food, 15, 42, 69–70
Fine, Gary Allen, 149, 184
fish and other seafood, 78, 79, 84, 130–133, 179
“Fish” Eggplant, 34
Fisher, M. F. K., 185
Fishman, Ted C., 174
Foner, Eric, 200n.82
Fong, Paul, 133
Food (Flandrin and Montanari), 245n.24
“Food, Culinary Identity, and Transnational Culture” (Liu and Lin), 193n.41
“Food, Race, and Ethnicity” (Chen), 183
Food and Drug Administration (FDA), 140
food and food preparation: American attitudes toward, 38–41, 131–134, 155–156, 159–160, 169, 186; national and cultural identity and, 72, 85–86, 88, 152, 161, 173–177, 181, 187; sensuality of, 185, 186; study of, 154–161, 182–187. See also specific nationalities
“Food Habits of Nineteenth-Century California Chinese” (Spier), 215n.108
Food in History (Tannahill), 245n.24
Food Is Love (Parker), 243n.8
fortune cookie, 184
Fortune Cookie Chronicles, The (Lee), 184
“four freedoms” (Roosevelt), 37
Fowler, J. G., 140
Freeman, Michael, 130, 152
French food, 12, 117, 152, 185
Freud, Sigmund, 185
Fried Rice, 17
From Betty Crocker to Feminist Food Studies (Avakian and Haber), 243n.8
From Boarding House to Bistro (Pillsbury), 243n.6
“From Culinary Other to Mainstream America” (Bentley), 244n.17
Frontier in American History, The (Turner), 199n.78
frontier thesis (Turner), 36
frying, 17, 98, 115. See also stir-fry; wok
Fuji (food brand), 140
Gabaccia, Donna, 183
Gage, Henry, 50
Galbraith, John Kenneth, 28, 187
Gallagher, John, 25
Gao Lian, 134, 157
Gao Zi, 185
gender roles. See women and gender roles
General Tso’s chicken, 6, 146, 179, 184
General Tso’s dishes, 147
German immigrants, 56–57
Gibson, Otis, 83, 90, 123
Gilmore Girls (television show; 2000–2007), 114
Gleason’s Pictorial Drawing-Room Companion (magazine), 16
Glickman, Lawrence B., 29
globalization and transnationalization, 14–15, 20, 184
Gold Rush, ix, 23, 73, 77
Goldberg, Betty S., 138, 145
Golden Bowl Chop Suey (restaurant; Detroit), 110, plate
Good Housekeeping (magazine), 40, 49, 160
Goodman, Matthew, 114
Great Depression (1930s), 37
Great Leap Forward, 29
Great Wall (restaurant; Detroit), 110
Green Max (Ma Yu Shan) Black Sesame Cereal, 180
Greenberg, Brian, 15
Gu Zhong, 157–158
Guangdong Province, 130
Gumbo, 64
Hahn, Emily, 163, 164, 170
Haley, Andrew P., 42, 103
hamburger, 136, 144–145, 175–176
Hamilton, Alexander (doctor), 39
Hamilton, Clara E., 47, 51
Han, cooking style of, 159
Hanford (Calif.), 61, 69, 80, 135
Hardy, Iza D., 84
Harrison, Alice A., 48
Hart, Jerome A., 131
Hart, Virgil C., 85
Have You Eaten Yet? (exhibition; Museum of Chinese in America, New York), plate
Hayes, Rutherford B., 96
health, 140, 149–150, 157–160, 165–166
Hell’s Canyon Gorge massacre (Ore., 1887), 95
Henry Yee’s Forbidden City (restaurant; Detroit), 109
Higginson, Francis, 31–32
Higman, B. W., 131
Hildebrand, George H., 30
Hing, Bill Ong, 228n.54
Ho Yow, 49
Hodgson, Moira, 147
Hollander, John, 174
home, concept of, 173–177, 181
“Home as Work” (Siegel), 200n.91
“Home Cooking” (Theophano), 233n.2
home delivery and takeout, 4, 119, plate
Hong, Wallace Yee, 110, 143, 154, 168
Hong Far Low (restaurant; Boston), 81
Hong Fer Low (restaurant; Portland, Ore.), 80–81
Hong Fer Low (restaurant; San Francisco), 81, 121, 123, 131
Hong Ping Lo (restaurant; New York), 134
Hoover, Herbert, 37
Hop Alley (St. Louis), 81, 84, 99, 108, 109
Hopkins, Harry, 38
hot and sour dishes, 146
How America Eats (Wallach), 243n.7
How to Cook and Eat in Chinese (Chao), 154, 164, 233n.2, plate
Hu Shih, 164
Hua Qiao Nian Bao (Annals of the Overseas Chinese), 9
Hua Ying Chu Shu Da Quan (Chinese–English Comprehensive Cookbook; Cui Tongyue), 65–66, 68, 166
Huffman, Jared, 133
Hunan (Honan), cooking style of, 146–147, 164, 179
Hunter, William, 130
I Hate to Cook Book (Bracken), 40
“Identity Takeout” (Miller), 222n.68, 244n.18
Immigration and Nationality Act (1965), 7
“In Defense of Consumer Critique” (Schor), 197n.41
“In Search of Baltimore’s Chinatown” (University of Maryland School of Law class project), 228n.57
Indian immigrants, 56, 58
Inness, Sherrie A., 143, 182–184, 243n.8
Invention of the Restaurant (Spang), 210n.16
Ireland, Lynne, 235n.14
Irish immigrants, 52, 56–57
Irwin, Wallace, 140
Irwin, Will, 48, 51
Isaacs, Harold Robert, 220n.34
Italian food and restaurants, 15, 117, 152, 183
Italian immigrants, 56
Japanese food, 179
Japanese immigrants, 56, 58
Jefferson, Thomas, 21, 31, 35
Jennie June’s American Cookery Book (Croly), 155
Jews: Chinese food and, xi, 134–135, 161, 184; Chinese restaurants and, 3, 103–104, 107, 111–119
Jia Ming, 19, 134, 157, 227n.28
Jia Sixie, 235n.17
Johnston, Josée, 197n.41
Jolly Chan’s Chinese Food & Donuts (San Francisco), 179
Joy Yong Chinese and American Restaurant (Boston), 136
Joy Young (restaurant; New York), 137
Jung, John, 184–185, 221n.36
Kaemmerer, Charles, 84
Kan, Johnny, 141, 169
Kander, Lizzie Black, 113, 160
Kearney, Denis, 53, 120
Kelly, Traci Marie, 156
KFC (Kentucky Fried Chicken), 175–176, 178, plate
Khrushchev, Nikita, xi, 29
Kipling, Joseph Rudyard, 25–26
Kitchen Culture in America (Inness), 183, 243n.8
kitchen god, 168
kitchens: in America, x–xi, 29, 39–41, 87; in China, 153; in Chinese restaurants, 4, 124–125; work in, 40, 48, 60, 67, 135, 202n.110. See also domestic service
Kittikachom, Thanom, 141
Kong-sung’s (restaurant; San Francisco), 72–73
Korean food, 179
Kung Pao (Gongbao) Chicken, 115
Kung Pao dishes, 6, 115, 146–147, 179
Kwang Chang Ling (Alexander del Mar), 205n.42
Kwon, George, 240n.89
Kwong, Peter, 99
La Choy (food brand), 140, 163
Lai, H. Mark, 74
Lanctot, Benoni, 66–67
Laudan, Rachel, 245n.24
laundry business and workers, 54–56, 77–79, 81
Law family (St. Louis), 109
Leach, William, 42
Lee, Albert, 142
Lee, Ang, 245n.25
Lee, Calvin, 164
Lee, Jennifer 8, 9, 184, 191n.10
Lee, K. P., 67
Lee, May, 168
Lee Chew, 20, 52, 62, 63
Lee Gain You, 138
Lee Kan, 121, 131
Lee Sing, 55
Lee Su Jan, 168
Lee Wing, 128
Legge, James, 201n.109, 246n.26
Lem Sen, 142
Lender, Mark, 243n.5
Lenin, V. I., 195n.20
Leong, Charles L., 141, 169
Leong-Salobir, Cecilia, 23
Leung, Mai, 170
Levenstein, Harvey A., 182, 190n.1
Levine, Harry Gene, 116, 184, 203n.18
Li Beiqi, 178–179
Li Gui, 89
Li Hongzhang (Li Hung Chang), 142, 144–145
Li Huanan, 158, 159
Li Hung Chang (Li Hongzhang), 88
Li Shu-fan, 142
Liang Qichao, 145, 223n.72
Liji (Book of Rites), 158, 169, 185
“Limitations of Karl Marx’s Social Economics” (Lutz), 201n.101
Lin, Hsiang-ju, 169–171
Lin, Lianlian, 184, 193n.41
Lin, Tsuifeng, 169–171
Lin Yutang, xii, 82, 167, 171, 186, 190n.1, 240n.84
Lippmann, Walter, 24
Little Sheep (restaurant chain), 178, 179
Liu, Haiming, 184, 193n.41
lizards, 18
Lo, Kenneth, 133
Lo, Malinda, 233n.2
Lo mein dishes, 146
Looking Backward (Bellamy), 39, 41
Loomis, A. W., 96
Lorne, Marquis of (John Campbell), 97
Los Angeles, anti-Chinese riot in (1871), 95
Louisiana Purchase (1803), 31
Low, Frank, 207n.91
Low, Kee, 60
Lu, Shun, 149, 184
Lu Buwei, 239n.71
Lu Shi Chun Qiu (Spring and Autumn Annals; Lu Buwei), 239n.71
Lun Far (restaurant; New York), 136
Lutz, Mark A., 201n.101
MacCannell, Dean, 94
Macoa and Woosung Restaurant (San Francisco), 74
Madison, James, 30–31
Maier, Charles S., 24, 94
Malaysian food, 179
Mallett, Shelley, 177
Malthus, Thomas, 31
Mamet, David, 114
Manchus, cooking style of, 159
Mandarin Café (San Francisco), 136
Mandarin Chop Suey Cook Book (Pacific Trading Company), 164
Mann Fang Lowe (restaurant; New York), 133
Mao (Chang and Holiday), 29
Marbled (Tea) Eggs, 166
Marshall, George, 61
Martin, James Kirby, 243n.5
Marx, Karl, 40–41. See also Communism and socialism
Mary Sia’s Chinese Cookbook (Sia), 171
Marysville (Calif.), 77
mascarpone cheese, 148
McDonaldization of Society, The (Ritzer), 149
McDonald’s: popularity of, 2, 22–23, 27, 101, 175–176, 178; social and cultural role of, 144, 145, 149–150, 152
McKinley, William, 37
McWilliams, James E., 243n.5
Mead, Margaret, 87
Means, Gardiner C., 37
meat: in chop suey, 128, 140–141, 143–144; Confucius on, 41, 167; as symbol of abundance, 29, 32–35
mei cai (preserved vegetables), 5
Mencius, 202n.110
Meng Yuanlao, 144
Mengzi-Liang Hui Wang (Mencius), 202n.110
Mexican cookbooks, 161
Mexican food, 139, 152, 161, 183
Mid-Autumn Festival, 151
middle class: dining-out experience and, 42, 103–104, 117, 145; domestic servant use by, 49–51, 54–55, 61, 63, 66–67; emergence and growth of, 30, 38–39; food preparation and, 38–41; tourism and, 94, 99
Middle Kingdom, The (Williams), 14–15, 86
Miller, Gloria Bley, 170
Miller, Hanna, 222n.68, 244n.18
Miller and Lux (cattle-ranching company), 50
Mintz, Sidney, 22, 152
Mock, Lonnie, 238n.63
Mongolia, dishes of, 6, 146
moo shu dishes, 146, 179
Moon Cakes, 151, 180
Morgan, Forest, 94
Morrison, Robert, 75
Morrison, Toni, 41
Morrison School (San Francisco), 75
Moy Jim, 139
Mr. Lee (restaurant chain; China), 178–179, plate
Mulford, Prentice, 59
Münkler, Herfried, 27
mushrooms, 98, 148
My Favorite Year (film; 1982), 114
Nankin American and Chinese Restaurant (Philadelphia), 135
Nanking Cafe (San Diego), plate
Nast, Thomas, 37
Native Americans, 26
Near a Thousand Tables (Fernández-Armesto), 245n.24
New England Kitchen (demonstration kitchen), 186
New-England’s Plantation (Higginson), 31–32
New Food King (restaurant; Brooklyn, N.Y.), 18
New Jewish Cook Book, The (Dean), 113
New Life Chop Suey (restaurant; Detroit), 109
New Republic (restaurant; Philadelphia), 135
New Shanghai Café (San Francisco), 120
“New York Jews and Chinese Food” (Tuchman and Levine), 203n.18
Newman, Jacqueline M., 234n.3
Ng Poon Chew, 170
Nian Xiyao, 158
Niebuhr, Reinhold, 36
Nipson, John (Ah Sing), 63
Nixon, Richard, xi, 29, 36, 165
No Foreign Food (Pillsbury), 243n.6
No Tickee, No Washee (film; 1915), 67
No Tickee No Shirtee (film; 1921), 67
Nolton, Jessie Louise, 139, 143, 162, 167
Nordhoff, Charles, 89
Norris, Lynn, 60
nuts, 180
Ocean Buffet (Brooklyn Center, Minn.), plate
odor, 2, 4, 71, 82–87, 113–114, 124, 145, 175
O’Hara, Neal, 141
Okihiro, Gary, 26, 43
okra, 64
Okrent, Daniel, 109
Old Dragon (restaurant; San Francisco), 129
Old Fashioned Method of Cantonese Chinese Cooking (Tom), 154
Olive Street (St. Louis), 109
O’Meara, James, 73, 76, 127
Ong Choon Hing, 228n.54
open-air (outdoor) dining, 120
open kitchen, 4, 120, 124
Opie, Frederick Douglass, 183
opium dens, 99–100
orange dishes, 146
Oregon Constitution (1857), 76
Orient (restaurant; Washington, D.C.), 135
Oriental (newspaper), 121
Oriental Café (Baltimore), 138
Ottley, Roi, 59
Pacific Passage (Cohen), 14
Pacific Trading Company, 164
Panama-Pacific International Exposition (San Francisco, 1915), 218n.30
Panda Drive (restaurant; Huntington Beach, Calif.), 102, plate
Panda Express (restaurant chain; California), plate
Paradise (restaurant; Asheville, N.C.), 113
Paradise Chop Suey (restaurant; Detroit), 110
Parker, Katherine J., 243n.8
Paul, Rodman W., 46
Pearl Buck’s Oriental Cookbook (Buck and Engel), 237n.46
Pearl River Delta, 130
peas, 17
Peking duck, 149, 163–164, 179
Peng Chang-kuei, 179
Peng Zu, 239n.71
People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA), 149
People v. Hall (1854), 76
Pepin, Jacques, 185
Pictures of the Chinese (Cobbold), 48
Pilcher, Jeffrey M., 139, 161, 245n.24
Pillsbury, Richard, 100, 243n.6
pineapple, 22
plovers’ eggs, 130
Pollock, Syd and Alan, 110
Pops, Gerald M., 61
pork, 5, 35, 78, 98, 116, 134, 143
Pork Chop Suey, 98
Portland (Ore.), 80–81
Potter, David, 36
pottery, 168
poultry, 6, 35, 64, 78, 80, 115, 179, 184
Pow Hay Se (Pao Xi Shi; emperor), 167–168
“Present and Past of Chinese Restaurants in New York, The” (Tiexin), 57
preserved vegetables (mei cai), 5
Puritan Christianity, 186
Qi Min Yao Shu (Critical Techniques for the Welfare of the People; Jia Sixie), 235n.17
Qi Wenying, x
Qing Bai Lei Chao (Qing Unofficial History Categorized Extracts; Xu Ke), 194n.57
Quanjude Roast Duck (restaurant group; Taiwan), 179
Quimby, Harriet, 124
race and racial prejudice: African Americans and, 83, 107, 183, 220n.34; American empire, consumer culture, and, 22, 30, 37, 39, 163; Chinese food and, 86, 150, 163, 171; Chinese immigrants and, 20, 50, 59–63, 72, 75–76, 95–96, 108, 177–178; Chinese restaurants and, 74, 76, 91–100, 103–104, 107–108, 135, 140; Chinese struggle against, 120–121, 172; domestic and service work and, 39, 42, 46, 67–68; Irish immigrants and, 118; Jews and, 117–119; language and, 61, 67; odor and, 83–85, 124; studies of, 183
railroads, development of, 34
Ranch Market (Irvine, Calif.), plate
rats, 15–20, 84, 121
Ray, Krishnendu, 192n.35
Reagan, Ronald, 9, 24
recipes, 156; Ah Quin’s Western food recipes, plate; “Fish” Eggplant, 34; Fried Rice, 17; Gumbo, 64; Kung Pao (Gongbao) Chicken, 115; Marbled (Tea) Eggs, 166; Moon Cakes, 180; Pork Chop Suey, 98; Risotto with Sheep-Belly Mushrooms, 148; Steamed Fish, 79; Steamed Savory Pork Belly with Preserved Vegetables, 5
Recipes for Reading (Bower), 236n.39
Republic, Not an Empire, A (Buchanan), 196n.27
restaurant, concept of, 74
Revolution at the Table (Levenstein), 190n.1
Revolution in Eating, A (McWilliams), 243n.5
Rhoda Yee (Yee), 238n.63
rice, 17, 148, 169
Richards, Ellen Henrietta, 132, 186–187
Rifkin, Jeremy, 33
Riis, Jacob, 124
Risotto with Sheep-Belly Mushrooms, 148
Ritzer, George, 149
roast beef, 37
Roberts, J. A. G., 184, 193n.36, 233n.2
Robinson, Ronald E., 25
Rochester Hadassah Cook Book, 113
Rock Springs massacre (Wyo., 1885), 95
Rollins, Judith, 202n.116
Roman Empire, 25, 27
Roosevelt, Eleanor, 237n.49
Roosevelt, Franklin, 37
Root, Waverley, 243n.5
Rorabaugh, W. J., 243n.5
Rosenberg, Emily, 232n.119
Roth, Philip, 118
Roth, William P. and Lurline Matson, 60, 63
roux, 64
Russell, J. H., 53, 60
Ryan, Mary, 200n.91
Sacramento, 77–78
Sahlins, Marshall, 29
Sai Wo Ap (Western Lake Duck), 138
Salinger, Sharon V., 243n.5
Sam Kee (restaurant; Waco, Tex.), 129
San Francisco, 73–74, 78–80
sausage, 17, 64
sautéing, 34
Schlosser, Eric, 145, 150
Schoffman, Stuart, 114
Schor, Juliet B., 197n.41
Schudson, Michael, 32
Schwarzenegger, Arnold, 151
Scratches on Our Minds (Isaacs), 220n.34
sea bass, 79
sea cucumber, 130, 131
Secret Ingredients (Inness), 183, 184
Seitz, Don, 192n.28
Selden, Catherine, 40
servants. See domestic service; slavery
“Settlement” Cook Book, The (Kander), 113, 160
Seward, George F., 47
sex, 185
Shanghai Low (restaurant; San Francisco), 120, 136, plate
Shanghai Village (restaurant; Denver), 136
shark’s fins, 130–133
Sharpless, Rebecca, 59
Shavelson, Lonny, 151
Shaw, William, 73
sheep-belly (morel) mushrooms, 148
Sheraton, Mimi, 116
Shi Xian Hong Mi (The Grand Secrets of Diets; Zhu Yizun), 158
Shijing (Book of Poetry), 169
Shiu Wong Chan, 143
Shopping at Giant Foods (Yee), 228n.54
Shu Wing Gong (Henry Wing), 80
Sia, Mary, 171
Sichuan (Szechuan), cooking style of, 146–147, 164, 179
Siegel, Reva B., 200n.91
Silvestre, Edmund M., 69
Simmons, Amelia, 39, 160
Sing Ngui, 62
Siu, Paul C. P., 18, 91
Siyi Huigan, 122
slavery, 30, 42, 45
slumming and Bohemianism, 105–107
Smil, Vaclav, 33
Smith, Andrew, 243n.5
Smith, Arthur Henderson, 86
snails, 130
snakes and worms, 15
socialism and Communism, x, 26, 29, 36, 38, 40–41
Sombart, Werner, 36
Song, Sophie, 226n.26
soup, 64
Soviet Union, 24
Spang, Rebecca, 210n.16
Speer, William, 46, 121
Spier, Robert F. G., 215n.108
Spiro, Christopher, 231n.118
Spring Garden Grocery (Superior, Ariz.), 228n.54, plate
Spurlock, Morgan, 149–150
squid, 84
St. Louis, 81, 84, 99, 108, 109
St. Paul sandwich, 4, 109
Stallworth, Lyn, 150
Standage, Tom, 245n.24
star anise, 5
Stave, Howard and Renee, x–xi, 5
Stave, Sondra, 5
Steamed Fish, 79
Steamed Savory Pork Belly with Preserved Vegetables, 5
Stedman, Thomas Lathrop, 67
Steel, Ronald, 28
stir-fry (chao), 143–144, 164
Stockton (Calif.), 77
Stoddard, Charles W., 82
Stout, Arthur B., 95
Stowe, Harriet Beecher, 132, 160, 190n.1
Street, Richard, 60
Strong, William L., 122
Su Dongpo, 169
Subway (restaurant chain), 232n.123
Suey Pang, 108
sugar, 2, 22
Suiyuan Shidan (Food Menu of the Suiyuan Garden; Yuan Mei), 133–134, 158–159
Sun Yat-sen, 2, 8, 11, 246n.26
Super Size Me (film; 2004), 149–150
sushi, 179
Sutton, David E., 82
Sweet and Sour (Jung), 184, 185, 221n.36
sweet and sour dishes, 146
swiftlet’s nest, 131
Swingle, Everett, 141
Taco USA (Arellano), 183
takeout and home delivery, 4, 119, plate
Tang Fuxiang, 9
Tannahill, Reay, 245n.24
Target (department store chain), 187
Taverns and Drinking in Early America (Salinger), 243n.5
Taylor (Mich.), 110–111
Taylor, Bayard, 73, 127
tea, 22, 86
Thai food, 15, 179
Theophano, Janet, 233n.2
Three-District Association (San Francisco), 75
Thurman, Wallace, 108
Tiexin, 57
Tiffany, Osmond, 86
Tocqueville, Alexis de, ix, 21, 32, 36–38
Todd, Frank, 19–20
tofu, 134
Toland, Hugh H., 217n.18
Tom, Clara, 154
Tommy Toy’s Cuisine Chinoise (restaurant; San Francisco), 149
Tong Achick, 75, 76
Tong-Ling’s (restaurant; San Francisco), 73
tourism, 14, 15, 92–94, 99–101, 184–185
Tow, J. S., 124, 139, 141
Toy, Tommy, 149
Tragedy of American Diplomacy, The (Williams), 196n.27
Tran, Van, 151
transnationalization and globalization, 14–15, 20, 184
Treatises of Sun Yat-sen (Sun Wen Xueshuo; Sun Yat-sen), 11
“Try It, You May Like It” (Chen), 79
tsai (cai; dishes), 169
Tsai, Ming, plate
Tuchman, Gaye, 116, 184, 203n.18
Tucker, Aviezer, 173
Tunemah Trail, 53
turkey, 37
Turner, Frederick Jackson, 36
Tuxedo (restaurant; New York), 142
United States: economic expansion of, 93–94; empire of, ix, ix–x, 3, 26–39, 176, 187
urbanization, 35
Veblen, Thorstein, 40
Vicuña McKenna, Benjamin, 49
Vietnam War, ix
Volant, F., 155
Volk, Patricia, 112, 118
voting rights, 76
Wah-chung Leung, 82
Walker, Nathaniel W., 108
Wallach, Jennifer J., 243n.7
Wal-Mart, 187
“Wan Qing De Xican Shipu Jiqi Wenhua Yihan” (The Western Cookbooks of the Late Qing and Their Cultural Meaning; Xiaohong), 214n.95
Warren, J. R., 155
Watanna, Onoto, 162
Wattenberg, Ben J., 30
Watts, Linda S., 15
Wen Jiabao, 241n.12
Western food: Chinese cooks and restaurants and, 68, 87–90, 135–136, plate; Chinese reaction to, 12, 68–69, 144–145, 159; influences of, on China, 178–179; Westerners in China and, 72, 86–88
Whang-tong’s (restaurant; San Francisco), 72–73
“What Freedom Means to Us” (Nixon), 36
Wheeler, Alfred, 50
“Why There Is No Socialism in the United States” (Sombart), 36
Williams, Samuel Wells, 14–15, 86, 169
Williams, William Appleman, 29, 30, 196n.27
Williams-Forson, Psyche A., 183
Wilson, Woodrow, 27
Wing, Henry (Shu Wing Gong), 80
Wing, Richard, 61, 68, 135
Winthrop, John, 3
wok, 5, 17, 98, 115, 143, 148
women and gender roles, 52, 56, 72, 160, 171, 182–183, 186
Wong, Marie Rose, 142
Wong Chin Foo, 12, 91, 120–121, 128, 142, 170
Wong Kew (restaurant; Washington, D.C.), 136
“Wong Sam,” 67
Wong Village (restaurant; Billings, Mont.), 232n.119
Woo, Michael, 151
Woo, Willie, 139
Worden, Helen, 100
Workingmen’s Party of California, 85
Wright, Fannie, 87
Wright, Minna, 40
Wu, Blanche Ching-Yi, 88
Wu, Ching Chao, 23
Wu Jinghong, 179
Wu Shi Zhong Kui Lu (The Cookery of Manager’s Records of Ms. Wu), 169
Wuey Sen Low (restaurant; Salem, Ore.), 139, 145
Xiaohong, Xia, 214n.95
Xing Yuan Lu (Records of the Xing Garden; Li Huanan), 158
Xu Ke, 19, 145
Yan, Yunxiang, 176
Yang Gongjian, 157–158
Yang Xiao Lu (The Little Book on Nurturing Life; Gu Zhong), 157–158
Yang Yi Jhung, 110
Yanghe Huiguan (Yeong Wo Native-Place Association; San Francisco), 75
yangsheng (nourish life), 157–159
Ye Mingchen, 88
Yee, Alfred, 228n.54
Yee, Rhoda, 238n.63
Yeltsin, Boris, 21, 32
Yi Yin, 239n.71
Yin Shan Zheng Yao (The Essentials of Food and Beverage), 157, 235n.19
Yingshi Xu Zhi (All You Must Know About Food; Jia Ming), 19, 134, 157, 227n.28
“yokaman,” 128, 134
Young, Alexander, 10
Yu, Renqiu, 145
Yuan Mei, 133, 158–159, 166, 170
Yuen Faung Low (restaurant; Minneapolis), 136, plate
Yum! Brands (restaurant group), 178
Zelinsky, Wilbur, 9, 14, 183
Zhang Yinhuan, 88
Zhao Yang Fan Shu (Foreign Cookery in Chinese; American Presbyterian Mission), 87
Zhejiang, cooking style of, 158
zhen (treasures), 133
Zhihui, Yu, 201n.109
Zhu, Liping, 63
Zhu Yizun, 158
Zun Sheng Ba Jian (Eight Treatises on the Principles of Life; Gao Lian), 134, 157