

Abbreviated new drug application (ANDA), 498499, 504

Abscopal effect, 553

Absorption, distribution, metabolism, and elimination/excretion (ADME), 451, 496

Acyclovir monophosphate (ACVp), 299

Air-jet nebulizers, 261262

Allergic conjunctivitis (AC), 313

Alza’s Alzamer®, 10

Alza skin patch, 67

ALZET® osmotic pump, 143, 153155

ANDA, see Abbreviated new drug application

Andrx system, 182

Antibody drug conjugates (ADCs), 117, 496

Assisted model building and energy refinement (AMBER) program, 445

AstraZeneca proprietary compounds, 461

Atrix’s Atrigel®, 10


Bacterial-vectored vaccines, 397

Basic local alignment search tool for proteins (BLASTP), 457

BCS, see Biopharmaceutics classification system

Bell’s inequality, 446

Benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH), 537

Binary kernel discrimination method, 453

BindingDB, 453

Bingham plastics, 542, 546

Bioadhesion, 318

BioErodible MucoAdhesive Film (BEMA), 210

Bioisosterism, 450

Biopharmaceutics classification system (BCS), 4849, 496, 518

BLASTP, see Basic local alignment search tool for proteins

Breast cancer resistance protein, 451452

Breath Powered Bi-Directional device, 240241

Breath Powered OptiNose liquid device, 246

Brick dust molecules, 50

Brownian motion, 256257

Buccal and sublingual drug delivery

aerosol spray, 208

oral mucosa

drug delivery (see Oral transmucosal drug delivery)

epithelial barrier, 204

lining mucosa, 203

local/topical delivery, 207

masticatory mucosa, 203

mucoadhesion theory, 206207

mucus barrier, 205

physiological characteristics, 203

saliva, 203204

specialized gustatory (taste) mucosa, 203

transport mechanisms, 206

patches/films/wafers, 209210

sprays, 210211

sublingual tablets, 208

tablets, 208209

Business-to-business marketing

Big Pharma/Big Biotech, 510

biopharmaceuticals, 512

contract development and manufacturing organizations, 511

contract manufacturers, 512

drug delivery business model, 511

drug delivery companies, 510

drug delivery technology market

current status, 514

drug delivery deals, 516517

marketing, 514

third parties in-license, 514516

drug delivery technology maturity continuum, 513

generic companies, 511512

joint ventures, 513

merger, acquisition, and spin-out activity, 514

small-to medium-sized pharma, 510

specialty pharma, 510

Bystander effects, 115


CAGR, see Compound annual growth rate

Calcium phosphate nanoparticles (CPNPs), 416

Candizole-T® tablet, 297

Carbon nanotubes (CNTs), 111, 416417

Carbopol®, 10, 186, 295

Carraguard gel, 298

Caya Countoured diaphragm, 292

Cell-mediated immune (CMI) response, 391, 396

Center for Drug Evaluation and Research of FDA, 466

Central nervous system (CNS)


anatomy and physiology, 362364

function of, 361

transport mechanisms, 364365

disorders of, 362

drug delivery

BBB disruption, 365, 372

convection-enhanced delivery, 371

intracerebral implants, 371

intracerebroventricular infusion, 370371

intranasal administration, 371

nanotechnologies, 368370

natural transport mechanisms, 365368

nose-to-brain delivery, 365

pharmaceutical approaches, 365

physiological approaches, 365

surgical approaches, 365

Certificate of Compliance/Certificate of Conformance, 469

Cervicovaginal mucus (CVM), 286287

Cervidil®, 298

Cervovaginal fluid (CVF), 283284

ChEMBL, 452454, 457


BindingDB, 453

ChEMBL, 452

chemistry space, 454

DrugBank, 453

GlaxoSmithKline, 452

Guide to Pharmacology, 453

NRList BDB, 453

PubChem database, 453

RO5, 452

SwissBioisostere, 453

Chemistry at HARvard Molecular Mechanics (CHARMM) program, 445

Chemistry, manufacturing, and controls (CMC)

drug substance, 468470

nanomedicine drug product

biophysical characterization, 472474

changes to manufacturing, 476477

chemical/content specifications, 470472

CPX-1 characterization, 473

IVR assay, 474, 477

manufacture of, 475476

timeline for, 477478

CMC, see Chemistry, manufacturing, and controls

CNS, see Central nervous system

CNTs, see Carbon nanotubes

Code of Federal Regulations (CFR), 466

Combined oral contraceptives (COC), 300

Comparative molecular field analysis (CoMFA), 454455

Comparative molecular similarity indices analysis (CoMSIA), 455

Composition–structure–property (CSP), 539

Compound annual growth rate (CAGR), 483, 492, 518

Computational chemistry

computational quantum chemistry, 444

computational quantum mechanics

Bell’s inequality, 446

chlorotrifluoromethane, 446447

Coulomb’s law, 447

electron–correlation methods, 448

halogen bonds, 446

Hamiltonian operator, 447

Hartree–Fock method, 448

Laplacian operator, 448

ixabepilone, 448449

linear combination of atomic orbitals, 448

Schrodinger equation, 447448

DFT, 444

enzyme–substrate interactions, 444

molecular dynamics simulations, 445446

molecular mechanics, 444445

Conceptrol®, 296

Condensation polymerization, 337

Consumer markets

place, 488

price, 489491

products, 487488

promotion, 488489

stakeholders, 486487

Controlled-release drug delivery

description, 28

diffusion control, 29

dissolution control, 29

glucose-sensitive transient insulin delivery device, 596

ion-exchange control, 29

matrix diffusion systems, 45

nanotechnology, 435438

oral drug delivery, 177183

osmotic pressure-activated CR systems, 4244

osmotic pressure control, 29

pellets, 2

rate-controlling membrane

Alza skin patch, 67

EVA, 56

Hydron®, 6

Implanon®, 6

Norplant®, 56

Ocusert®, 56

products, 4445

Progestasert®, 56

silicone rubber, 46

TTS, 44

vaginal rings, 6

Vantas®, 6

water diffusion, 78

zero-order condition, 45

Convection-enhanced delivery (CED), 371

“Copper T,” 291

CPX-351, 474

Critical process parameters (CPP), 475

Critical quality attributes (CQA), 475

Cross-disciplinary collaboration, 599

Cypher® stent, 12

Cytomegalovirus retinitis (CMVR), 151, 313


Dalkon Shield®, 289, 291

Delayed release coatings, 2

Delayed release (DR) delivery systems

within colon, 3334

description, 28

enteric coating, 33

within intestine, 3233

plasma concentration–time profile, 27

Density functional theory (DFT), 444, 448

Depo-Provera®, 294

DES, see Drug-eluting stents

Dissolution-controlled SR delivery systems

matrix dissolution systems, 36

reservoir dissolution systems, 36

DNA vaccines, 395396

Donnan effect, 343

Dopamine active transporter (DAT), 451

Dox-containing LTSL (Dox-LTSL) formulation, 549550

Doxorubicin (Dox)

anthracycline antibiotic, 530

bright-field image, 533

cell’s electron transport chain, 531

intravenous dosing, 531

metastatic breast cancer, 535

neoplastic agent, 531

non-PEGylated liposomal, 532

ovarian cancer, 535

PEGylated polymer design, 533

plasma levels, 531532

structure and mechanism of action, 531

toxicities, 535536

vascular and interstitial liposome, 533534

DPIs, see Dry powder inhalers

Dreamboat®, 269270

DrugBank, 453454, 458

Drug-coated balloon (DCB), 13

Drug dapivirine (DPV), 292

Drug-eluting, bioresorbable stents (DEBS), 13

Drug-eluting stents (DES), 1213, 157

Drug master file (DMF), 469

Drug solubility, 5051, 86, 146, 255, 460461

Dry eye, 312, 317, 320

Dry powder inhalers (DPIs)

asthma and COPD, 266

dual-drug products, 267

jet-milled drug, 267

multi-unit dose devices, 268269

pulmonary bacterial infection, 266

systemic action, 269270

unit-dose devices and capsules, 268

Duke Hyperthermia Program, 529

DuraSite®, 319

DUROS® implantable osmotic system, 155156


Electrospun fibers, 299

EMA, see European Medicines Agency

Emergency contraception (EC), 291

Endometrin®, 298

Enhanced permeability and retention (EPR) effect, 1415, 111, 113114, 588589

Enteric-coating polymers, 2, 187188

Epithelial barriers

access barriers, 594

barrier properties regulation, 76

efflux pumps, 89

eye, 9798

female reproductive tract, 97

hydrophilic molecules, 594

intestine, 9294

keratin, 88

micro-and nanoparticulate DDS, 595

mucus, 89

oral cavity, 9192

organization, 7273

paracellular pathway, 7679

physicochemical properties

aqueous solubility, 86

chemical stability, 87

degree of ionization, 8485

implications of, 8788

lipid solubility, 83

Lipinski’s rule of five, 87

molecular volume, 86

molecular weight, 86

partition coefficient, 83

polarity properties, 7376

respiratory tract

nasal cavity, 9495

primary function, 94

respiratory epithelium, 9697

trachea and bronchioles, 9596

skin, 9091

strategies for, 595

transcellular pathway

active transport, 77, 8182

passive transport, 77, 81

sink conditions, 80

transcytosis pathways

phagocytosis, 82

pinocytosis, 82

RME, 8283

EPR effect, see Enhanced permeability and retention effect

Essure® system, 289

Estring®, 6, 293294

Etching, 426428, 431

Ethinyl estradiol (EE), 285

European Medicines Agency (EMA), 161, 466467, 507, 564565, 592

Extended drug release, see Sustained release delivery systems

EyeGate® II Delivery System, 327


Fast melts, 3132, 202

Fast release delivery systems, see Immediate release delivery systems

Female reproductive tract (FRT)

anatomy and physiology

cervix, 282

fallopian tubes, 282

gonadal differentiation, 281

Müllerian epithelium, 281

ovaries, 281282

uterus, 282

vagina, 282284

antibody delivery, 299

COCs, 300

contraception, 288

electrospun fiber mats, 299

FRT infections, 288

HIV, topical preexposure prophylaxis, 288289

HPV vaccination, 300

HSV-2, 300

in vivo and ex vivo models

EpiVaginal tissues, 302

mice, 302

nonhuman primates, 301

rabbit, 301

sheep, 302

vaginal mucosa, 302

lower FRT, drug delivery

cervix and combination barrier devices, 292

erodible vaginal solids, 297

intravaginal rings, 292294

pessary, 291292

toxins, vaginal absorption of, 292

vaginal inserts, 298

vaginal semisolids, 294297

menopausal symptoms, 288

mucus-penetrating particles, 299

multipurpose prevention technologies, 298

oral PrEP, 300

PCOS, 300

permeability enhancers and enzymatic inhibitors, 300

semen-triggered systems, 299300

small-interfering RNAs and gene silencing, 299

systemic delivery, 287

upper FRT, drug delivery

fallopian tubes, 289

intrauterine drug delivery, 289291

ovaries, 289

user/patient interventions, reduction/elimination of, 287

vaginal physiology

cervicovaginal mucus, 286287

compartments of, drug transport, 284286

drug properties, 286

pharmacokinetic models, 286

pregnancy, 287

FemCap, 292

Femring®, 6, 293

Fertiring®, 294

Fine particle fraction (FPF), 257

Fit-lizer multidose system, 239

Flumist®, 230, 246, 401

Flux-controlled pump (FCP), 293

Franklin–Watson–Crick structure, 454

FRT, see Female reproductive tract

Fumaryl diketopiperazine (FDKP), 269


Gardasil®, 227, 300

Gastro-retentive SR delivery systems, 42

Gene delivery systems

disease-specific expression systems

cancer, 386

diabetes, 387

myocardial infarction, 387

neuronal diseases, 387

DNA-based gene therapy, 376

gene knockdown, 379380

intracellular organelle-targeting gene delivery systems

mitochondria targeting, 386

nuclear-targeted gene delivery systems, 384386

plasmid expression vector, 377378

polymerase chain reaction, 378379

polymer-based delivery systems

bioreducible polymers, 380381

cytoplasm-sensitive reducible polymers, 380

poly(amido amine), 381382

poly(amido ethylenimine), 381382

poly(disulfide amine), 382383

polyethylenimine, 381382

proton-buffering effect, 380

RPC, 383

virus-based delivery systems, 384

protein drugs, 375

recombinant DNA technology, 376377

scheme of, 376

viral vector, 380

Geomatrix system, 180

Geometric standard deviation (GSD), 258

Giant unilamellar vesicles (GUVs)

acyl solid–liquid phase transition, 539, 541

adhesive and repulsive interactions, 539, 545

CSP relationships, 539, 547

DMPC phase transition work, 541542

elastic expansion and failure of membranes, 539540

gel-phase vesicle, 542

lipid vesicles, 546

molecular exchange with lysolipids, 539, 543544

properties of, 539

SOPC/POPC-mixed system, 541542

two-molecule-thick membrane, 546

yield shear and shear viscosity, solid membranes, 539, 542543

GlaxoSmithKline, 452

Gold nanoparticles (AuNPs), 412413

Good laboratory practices (GLPs), 467

Good manufacturing practices (GMP), 467

G protein-coupled receptors (GPCR SARfari), 452

Grease ball molecules, 4950, 66

Guide to Pharmacology, 453

GUVs, see Giant unilamellar vesicles

GyneFix®, 291

Gynol®, 296


Hand–foot syndrome, 535

Hartree–Fock method, 448

Health technology assessment (HTA), 491, 505, 508, 518

Henderson–Hasselbalch equation, 85

Heparinized surfaces, 1112

Hepatocellular carcinoma study, 564569

HercepTest®, 409

Herceptin®, 409

Herpes simplex virus (HSV), 296

High-throughput screening (HTS), 48, 450

HTA, see Health technology assessment

Human intestinal peptide transporter (hPEPT1), 451

Hybrid products, 499


applications of, 334335

biodegradability, 345

chain-growth/addition polymerization, 338339

chemically cross-linked networks, 340341

cross-linked polymer chains, 333334

cross-linker agent, 343344

degree of swelling and shrinking, 334

diffusivity, 344

Donnan effect, 343

glass transition temperature, 345

glassy polymer network, 345

like liquids, 333

like solids, 333

linear polymers, 340

long-chain biopolymers, 336

membrane vs. monolith, 342343

natural hydrogels, 336

partition and diffusion coefficients, 343

permeability, 343

physically cross-linked networks, 336, 341342

role of, 342

solubility, 344

steady-state flux, 342

step-growth polymerization, 336337

stimulus-sensitive hydrogels

antigen-responsive reversible swelling, 351

closed loop/self-regulated systems, 347

degree of swelling determination, 345347

external stimulus-sensitive systems, 353355

glucose-sensitive systems, 349351

imprinted hydrogels, 347

multiresponsive systems, 355356

open-loop systems, 347

pH-sensitive systems, 349350

temperature-sensitive systems, 347348

templated hydrogels, 352353

swollen hydrogels, 333334

tantalizing property, 334335

Hydron®, 6

Hydrophilic swellable matrix systems, 41, 177179

Hydrophobic matrices, 179


Immediate release (IR) delivery systems

description, 2627

drug dissolution rates and solubility, 3031

drug membrane permeability, 2930

liquid dosage forms, 29

ODTs, 3132

plasma concentration–time profile, 2627

solid dosage form, 30

Implanon® system, 6, 152


commercial benefits, 138139

compressed steroid pellets, 141142, 151

drug-eluting stents, 157

DUROS®, 143

emerging technologies, 157158

erodible implants, 152

examples, 140

Folkman experiments, 142

host response/biocompatibility, 160161

immunogenicity, 161162

Implanon® system, 152

manufacturing, 162

Norplant system, 151152

Ocusert®, 143

osmotic pumps

ALZET® osmotic pump, 153155

delivery rate, 153

DUROS® implantable osmotic system, 155156

Progestasert®, 143

shelf life, 162

sterilization/aseptic processing, 162

target product profile, 158159

technology platforms, 140141

therapeutic benefits, 138139

treatment biology, 159

Vitrasert® implant, 151

Imprinted hydrogels, 347

Inhalation aerosol therapy, 250

Innovation Task Force, 467

Inorganic-nanosized theranostics

AuNPs, 412413

CNTs, 416417

CPNPs, 416

IONPs, 413414

mesoporous silica nanoparticles, 415416

quantum dots theranostics, 414415

In situ gelling system, 319

IntelliCap® system, 183

International Nonproprietary Name (INN), 116, 452

International Union of Basic and Clinical Pharmacology/British Pharmacological society, 453

International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry (IUPAC), 449

Intracellular organelle-targeting gene delivery systems

mitochondria targeting, 386

nuclear-targeted gene delivery systems, 384386

Intracerebroventricular infusion, 370371

Intranasal vaccination delivery, 401402

Intrapulmonary vaccination delivery, 402403

Intrauterine devices/systems (IUD/IUS), 287, 289291

Intravaginal rings (VR)

clinical history, 294

features, 300

MPT, 298

technical description of, 292293

IR delivery systems, see Immediate release delivery systems

Iron oxide nanoparticles (IONPs), 413414


Joint ventures (JVs), 9, 513

Journal of Controlled Release (JCR), 599


Kinase SARfari, 452

Kohn–Sham equations, 448


Label-sparse quantification method, 457

Lacrisert®, 319

LAIs, see Long-acting injections

Lamina propria, 283

Lauriad technology, 207

Lipid membrane mechanochemistry

giant unilamellar vesicle experiments

acyl solid–liquid phase transition, 539, 541

adhesive and repulsive interactions, 539, 545

CSP relationships, 539, 547

DMPC phase transition work, 541542

elastic expansion and failure of membranes, 539540

gel-phase vesicle, 542

lipid vesicles, 546

molecular exchange with lysolipids, 539, 543544

properties of, 539

SOPC/POPC-mixed system, 541542

two-molecule-thick membrane, 546

yield shear and shear viscosity, solid membranes, 539, 542543

red blood cells, 538

Lipinski’s rule of five (RO5), 452

Liquid OROS (L-Oros®) system, 181182

Lithography, 427428

Long-acting injections (LAIs), 910

commercial benefits, 138139

emerging technologies, 157158

examples, 140

Higuchi model, 142

host response/biocompatibility, 160161

immunogenicity, 161162

in situ forming systems

Alzamer® Depot technology, 144145

Atrigel®, 144

CLOUD® injectable depot, 146

SABER® depot technology, 145146

liposomes, 149150

long-acting nanoparticles, 150151

manufacturing, 162

oil-based (lipophilic) depots, 143144

OROS®, 143

pegylated peptides/proteins, 146148

poly(lactide-co-glycolides) (PLGA) systems

investigation of, 142143

in vivo hydrolysis, 142

manufacturing process, 148

microsphere commercial products, 148149

shelf life, 162

sterilization/aseptic processing, 162

target product profile, 158159

technology platforms, 140141

therapeutic benefits, 138139

treatment biology, 159

Low-temperature-sensitive liposome (LTSL), see ThermoDox®


MAb, see Monoclonal antibodies

Macromed’s ReGel®, 10

MacroModel, 445

Marketed nasal antimigraine drugs, 230


bargaining power of purchasers, 517

bargaining power of suppliers, 517

BCS, 518

brand awareness and loyalty, 518

brands, branding, and brand image, 518

business-to-business market, 510517

CAGR, 518

cost of capital, 518

data exclusivity, 518

detailing, 518

drug delivery market

definition, 491

market size, 491492

segmentation, 492493

drug product exclusivity, 519

effectiveness vs. efficacy, 518

GDP, 518

HTA, 518

hybrid product, 518

marketing/distribution channel, 518

market share, 519

Paragraph IV Patent Certification, 519

payer, 519

pharmaceuticals market

vs. consumer markets, 486491

convenience and safety, 501

demographics change, 501502

generic competition, 504

health-care cost control, 505506

increasing delivery challenges, 500501

market size and growth, 483484

obesity and sedentary lifestyles, 502

oncology, 502503

orphan drug regulations, 504

pediatric regulations, 504505

personalized medicine, 503

pharmerging markets, 506

segmentation, 483485

weak development pipelines, 504

pharmacoeconomics, 519

pharmacy benefit manager, 519

product adoption and differentiation, 519

product development and product life-cycle management, 519

ADCs, 496

ADME properties, 496

formulations and dosage forms, 497

indications, 497

market exclusivity, 498499

OTC switches, 497

patents and associated patent-term extensions, 498

pipeline and balance risk, 500

product differentiation, 496497

technical and investment barriers, 500

product portfolio, 519

product positioning, 519

product, price, place, and promotion, 519

reimbursement, 519520

retail cost of medicine, 520

segment and segmentation, 520

stakeholder needs, 494495

successful drug delivery products, 495

active therapeutic moiety, 506

competing products, 507

cost of goods, 508509

efficacy and side effects, 507

patent protection and uniqueness of, 509

price and benefits, 508

product launch, 509

products meet market needs, 507508

types of market needs, 493494

value-based pricing, 520

Mass median aerodynamic diameter (MMAD), 257258

Matrix diffusion systems

bioerodible matrix systems, 41

controlled-release systems, 45

homogeneous matrix systems, 3940

hydrophilic swellable matrix systems, 41

porous matrix systems, 40

Maximum tolerated dose (MTD), 536, 561

Medicated chewing gum, 211

Membrane-controlled drug delivery systems, 4

Merck molecular force field (MMFF), 445

Metered-dose spray pumps, 236238

Micro-and nanoparticulate DDS, 193194, 244, 320321

Microbicides, 289, 295296

Microelectromechanical systems (MEMS) technology, 327, 357

Microelectronic controlled release system, 182183

Microfluidic chips, 357

Microgels, 300, 356

Micronization, 52

Microprojection arrays (MPAs), 225

Microsyneresis, 340

Mirena®, 290291, 302

Modified live vaccines (MLVs), 395

Modified release (MR) delivery systems

description, 27

plasma concentration–time profile, 27

Molding, 400, 428429, 431

Molecular dynamics (MD) simulations, 445446

Molecular mechanics, 444445

Monoclonal antibodies (MAb), 115117, 230, 365, 409, 500501, 503, 589

Mononuclear phagocyte systems (MPS), 109, 111, 113, 122

MR delivery systems, see Modified release delivery systems

Mucoadhesion theory, 206207

Mucoadhesives DDS, 13

Multidrug DDS, 597

Multidrug resistance protein 1 (MRP1), 451

Multipurpose prevention technologies (MPT), 298


Nanofabrication techniques

atomic force microscopy, 429

micro-and nanotopography

asymmetric layering, 434435

gecko-inspired nanotopography, 435436

microneedles, 431432

mucoadhesion, 433

nanowire-coated particles, 432433

unidirectional drug release, 434


in cell encapsulation, 438

in membrane-controlled drug delivery devices, 436437

profilometry, 429430

scanning electron microscopy, 429430

top-down process

etching, 426427

lithography, 427428

molding, 428429

solvent casting, 426

Nanogels, 354, 356, 415


CMC, 468477

definition, 465466

preclinical safety studies, 467468

regulatory guidance, 466467

Nanopatch, 226227, 400

Nanoscale DDS

active targeting, 1415

EPR effect, 1415

liposomes, 1617

nanoparticle DDS, 1617

PEGylation, 1314

polymeric micelle, 1819

polyplexes and lipoplexes, 1718

Nanosuspensions, 5254, 150


active targeting, 589591

drug-targeting systems, 588

future directions for

drug combinations, 592593

echoing nature’s own processes, 593

imaging and theranostics, 593

inflammatory disorders, 592

nanocarrier constructs, 591

pharmacokinetics, 592

microparticles, 588

passive targeting, 588589

Nanotechnology Task Force, 466

Nasal cavity

anatomy, 230231

drug delivery (see Nasal drug delivery)

mucociliary escalator, 232

nasal epithelium, 232

nasal geometry, 230, 232

Nasal drug delivery

advantages, 232233

Breath Powered Bi-Directional device, 240241

deposition and clearance, 236

drops, 240

Fit-lizer multidose system, 239

formulation factors

absorption enhancers, 242243

buffers, 244

ciliostatics, 243244

enzyme inhibitors, 244

gel formers, 243

micro-and nanoparticulate DDS, 244

mucoadhesives, 243

solubility enhancers, 244

limiting factors

complex geometry, 234

epithelial barrier, 234235

mucociliary clearance, 234

mucosal sensitivity, 235

nasal cycle, 235

patient acceptability and compliance, 235

small size, nasal cavity, 233

metered-dose spray pumps, 236238

nasal powder sprayers, 238239

nebulizers, 239240

nose-to-brain drug delivery, 244246

pMDIs, 238

Rhinocort Turbuhaler®, 239

vaccines, 246

Nasal powder sprayers, 238239

National Center for Biotechnology Information (NCBI), 457

Natural hydrogels, 336

Natural transport mechanisms, brain endothelium

adsorptive-mediated transcytosis, 368

insulin receptor, 365366

low-density lipoprotein receptor-related protein 1, 367368

transferrin receptor, 366367


air-jet nebulizers, 261262

FDA-approved products, 262263

inhalation solutions, 260

liquid aerosols, 260

nasal drug delivery, 239240

New chemical entity (NCE), 598

New drug application (NDA), 498499

New molecular entity (NME), 467469

New Zealand white rabbit (NZWR) model, 301

Nonhuman primates (NHP), 285, 301

Norplant®, 56, 45, 151152, 280

Nose-to-brain drug delivery, 244246, 365

Noyes–Whitney equation, 3031, 36, 51

Nuclear Receptor Ligands and Structures Benchmarking DataBase (NRList BDB), 453

Nutropin® depot, 149, 507

NuvaRing®, 6, 280, 293294


Ocusert®, 56, 143, 151, 320

ODTs, see Orally disintegrating tablets

Office of Licensing and Ventures (OLV), 574

Ophthalmic drug delivery


anterior cavity, 306

choroid, 307

ciliary processes, 307

extraocular muscles, 306

neuroretina, 307

retinal pigment epithelium, 308

sagittal section, 307

uvea/uveal tract, 307

vitreous chamber, 306

contact lenses and cul-de-sac inserts, 320

epithelial permeability barriers, 310311

eye diseases

age-related macular degeneration, 313314

anterior cavity, 312313

cytomegalovirus retinitis, 313

diabetic retinopathy, 314

intraocular infections, 313

uveitis, 313

eyedrops, 316317

FOTE delivery and reproducibility, 317

intravitreal delivery, 314315

intravitreal implant

anti-inflammatory corticosteroids, 325

fluocinolone acetonide, 325

Iluvien®, 325

implanted cells, 325326

nonbiodegradable implants, 325

PRINT, 325

Vitrasert® implant, 324

intravitreal injection

anti-VEGF drugs, 322323

drug loss, 322

gene therapy, 323324

long-acting intravitreal injections, 324

risk factor, 322

iontophoresis and electroporation, 326327

MEMS technology, 327

micro and nanoparticulate drug delivery systems, 320321

microneedles, 327328

nasolacrimal drainage, 309

NSAIDs and corticosteroids, 316

physical barriers

retina, 311312

sclera, 311

vitreous humor, 312

polymeric excipients, 318319

prodrugs, 321322

rapid reflex blinking, 310

suspensions, 318

systemic route, 315316

tear film, 309

topical delivery, 314

transscleral injections, 326

transscleral route, 315

visibility requirements, 308309

Optimized potential for liquid simulations (OPLS), 445

Oral cavity-targeted vaccines, 405

Oral controlled release, 1011, 172

Oral drug delivery

advantages, 174


absorption enhancers, 190191

chemical conjugation approaches, 194195

enzyme inhibitors, 192

micro-and nanoparticulate drug delivery systems, 193194

mucoadhesives and mucolytics, 192193

solubility enhancers, 192

systemic delivery via colon, 195

controlled release system

Geomatrix system, 180

hydrophilic swellable matrix systems, 177179

hydrophobic matrices, 179

microelectronic controlled release, 182183

OROST technology, 181182

reservoir drug delivery systems, 180181

gastrointestinal tract

anatomy of, 172173

enzymatic barrier, 175176

epithelial barrier, 174175

food constituents, 176

intestinal transit time, 176

mucus barrier, 176

nonabsorbable complex, 176

P-glycoprotein efflux pump, 176

pH range, 176

multiparticulates, 183184

oral vaccines, 195198

regional drug targeting, 184190

Orally active osmotic pumps, 181182

Orally disintegrating tablets (ODTs), 3132, 202

Oral transmucosal drug delivery

Actiq® unit, 211

advantages, 201

buccal drug delivery

patches/films/wafers, 209210

sprays, 210211

tablets, 208209

in vitro and in vivo assessment, 212

lozenge-on-a-stick unit, 211

medicated chewing gum, 211

Nicotrol® inhaler, 211

ODTs, 202

pediatric transmucosal formulations, 212

sublingual drug delivery, 208

vaccine delivery, 205

Oral vaccination, 403405

Oral vaccines, 195198

Organic-nanosized theranostics

liposomes, 417419

multifunctional polymeric micelles, 420

polymeric NPs, 419420

polymersomes, 419

Oros-Concerta®, 181

OROS® platform, 143

OROS technology, 181182

Orphan drugs, 484, 498499, 502, 504

Osmotic pumps

ALZET® osmotic pump, 153155

delivery rate, 153

DUROS® implantable osmotic system, 155156

Ozurdex®, 41, 325


Palmar–plantar erythrodysesthesia (PPE), 535

Palmitoyl-oleoyl-phosphatidylcholine (POPC), 472, 475

Paragard®, 291

Parenteral DDTS

active targeting, 114115

carrier systems

affecting factors, 132

blood capillaries, 107, 110

degree of body compartmentalization, 107

EPR effect, 111, 113

MPS, 109, 111

particulate carrier systems, 106, 119131

pharmaceutical aspects, 129131

pharmaceutical challenges, 132133

point of injection to site of action route, 131

polymer architecture, 111112

soluble macromolecular carriers, 106, 115119

stimulus-sensitive systems, 106107

stochastic process, 106

disadvantages, 104105

drug/therapeutic agent, 105106

homing ligand, 105106

i.v.-administered drug, 104

limitations, 104

passive targeting, 113114

pharmacokinetic considerations, 105

prolonged release profiles, 105

Particulate carrier systems

advantages, 119

characteristics, 107

dendrimers, 127128

limitation, 119

lipoprotein carriers, 125


bilayer composition, 122

cationic liposomes, 122, 124

conventional liposomes, 122123

definition, 120

diameters, 121

immunoliposomes, 122124

long-circulating liposomes, 123

multilamellar structures, 121

pharmaceutical liposomes, 122

schematic illustration, 121

niosomes, 124

polymeric micelles, 124125

polymeric micro-and nanoparticles, 125127

schematic illustration, 107108

Pathogen-associated molecular patterns (PAMPs), 390391

PDT, see Photodynamic therapy

Pellet-type implants, 23

Peptide drugs, 156, 233, 235, 496, 501

Permeability glycoprotein (P-gp), 451

Personalized medicine, 503, 597

Pewter tank inhaler, 250

Peyer’s patch M cell, 196197

Pharmaceutical Research and Manufacturers of America (PhRMA), 489

Pharmaceuticals market

vs. consumer markets

place, 488

price, 489491

products, 487488

promotion, 488489

stakeholders, 486487

market size and growth, 483484

segmentation, 483485

Pharmacoeconomic analysis, 490


benefits of, 450

computer-aided drug design tool, 450

definition of, 449

drug transporters, 451452

HTS, 450

MOLPAT software, 450

SAR analyses, 450

toxophore, 449

2D substructure, 451

Pharma embraces open source models, 577

Pharmerging markets, 506

Photodynamic therapy (PDT), 316, 420421

Photoresists, 427428

Piloplex, 321

pMDIs, see Pressurized metered-dose inhalers

Poly(styrene-4-sulfonate) (PSS), 300

Poly(vinyl alcohol) (PVA), 297

Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS), 300301

Poly(N-(2-hydroxypropyl)methacrylamide) (HPMA) derivatives, 118

Polydimethylsiloxane (PDMS), 291

Polyethylene terephthalate (PET) fibers, 289

Polymer-based delivery systems

bioreducible polymers, 380381

cytoplasm-sensitive reducible polymers, 380

poly(amido amine), 381382

poly(amido ethylenimine), 381382

poly(disulfide amine), 382383

polyethylenimine, 381382

proton-buffering effect, 380

RPC, 383

virus-based delivery systems, 384

Polymeric nanoparticles, 125126, 150, 190, 419420

Polymeric soluble carriers

drug-lipid conjugates, 119120

HPMA derivatives, 118

macromolecular site-specific delivery system, 118


Poly(ethylene-co-vinyl acetate) (EVA) rate-controlling membrane, 56

Post-Hartree–Fock calculations, 448

Precision medicines, 597

Preexposure prophylaxis (PrEP), 288289

Pressurized metered-dose inhalers (pMDIs)

asthma and COPD, 263

CFC propellants, 263

cold Freon effect, 256

components, 263264

FDA-approved products, 266267

formulation, 264265

HFA propellants, 263

nasal drug delivery, 238

packaging hardware, 264

PulmoSpheres®, 266

Primary open-angle glaucoma (POAG), 313

Prochieve®, 296

Progering®, 294

Progestasert®, 56, 289

Prolieve® thermodilatation system, 537, 555556

Prolonged drug release, see Sustained release delivery systems


DrugBank and ChEMBL, 457

Kyoto Encyclopedia of Genes and Genomes, 459

label-sparse quantification method, 457

network-based drug repurposing, 458

open-source software SparseQuant, 457

pharmacophore-based method, 457

Search Tool for Interactions of Chemicals, 459

SMILES strings, 459

SynSysNet, 459

target-based drug repurposing approach, 457458

TARGETgene, 459

tyrosine kinase inhibitors, 458459

untargeted LS–MS/MS method, 456457

PubChem database, 453

Pulmonary drug delivery

advantages, 253254

aerosol treatment, 250

alveolar clearance, 255

cystic fibrosis, 250

destructive and nondestructive mucolytics, 250

DPIs, 266270

dual-drug combination inhalation, 250

endotracheal instillation, 259260

enzymatic activity, 255

epithelial barrier, 255

mucus and mucociliary clearance, 254


air-jet nebulizers, 261262

FDA-approved products, 262263

inhalation solutions, 260

liquid aerosols, 260

particle deposition

aerodynamic particle size, 257

aerosol dispersion performance, 257258

aerosol velocity, 257

Brownian motion, 256257

drug properties, 258

inertial impaction, 256

pathological factors, 259

physiological factors, 258

sedimentation, 256

patient acceptability and compliance, 256


asthma and COPD, 263

CFC propellants, 263

components, 263264

FDA-approved products, 266267

formulation, 264265

HFA propellants, 263

packaging hardware, 264

PulmoSpheres®, 266

pulmonary nanomedicine, 271

respiratory disorders, treatment of, 250

respiratory tract

anatomy of, 250251

bronchial tree, branching of, 251

mucus and mucociliary escalator, 252

respiratory epithelium, 252253

soft mist inhalers, 270

vaccination, 272

variability, 255

Pulmonary nanomedicine, 271272

PulmoSpheres®, 266


QikProp program, 461

QSAR, see Quantitative SAR

Quality by design (QbD), 475476

Quality management system (Q10), 475

Quality risk management (Q9), 475

Quantitative SAR (QSAR)

drug transporters, 455

Franklin–Watson–Crick structure, 454

Hansch method, 454

3D-QSAR, 454455


Rabbit vaginal irritation test, 301

Radio-frequency ablation (RFA), 528, 561, 563569

Receptor-mediated endocytosis (RME), 8283

Receptor-mediated transcytosis (RMT), 364365, 367, 593

Recombinant vaccines, 395, 397

Recurrent chest wall (RCW) cancer, 557561

Reductively degradable polycation (RPC), 383

Regional drug targeting

for colonic delivery, 189190

for small intestinal delivery, 187188

for stomach

bioadhesive systems, 186187

floating drug delivery systems, 185186

gastroretentive intraruminal devices, 187

high-density systems, 187

magnetic systems, 187

size-increasing delivery systems, 186

Reservoir drug delivery systems, 180181

Respiratory distress syndrome (RDS), 259260

Reticuloendothelial system (RES), 109, 356, 369, 386, 411, 525, 589

Retinal pigment epithelium (RPE), 308, 311

Retisert®, 325

RFA, see Radio-frequency ablation

Rhinocort Turbuhaler®, 239

RMT, see Receptor-mediated transcytosis

RO5, see Lipinski’s rule of five


Saliva washout concept, 204

Salt screening process, 30

Scientific Advice Working Party, 467

Self-microemulsifying drug delivery systems (SMEDDS), 6768

Semisolid dosage forms (SSDFs), 207

Sexually transmitted infection (STI), 287

Sildenafil (Viagra®), 297

Simian immunodeficiency virus (SIV), 301

Simplified molecular-input line-entry system (SMILES), 453454, 459


anatomy and physiology, 216217

drug delivery (see Transdermal drug delivery)

Skyla®, 288, 291, 302

SMANCS systems, see Styrene-maleic-anhydride-neocarzinostatin systems

SMILES, see Simplified molecular-input line-entry system

SMILES fingerprint (SMIfp) method, 454

Soft-pattern molding/soft lithography, 428

Soluble macromolecular carriers

advantage, 115

antibodies and soluble synthetic polymers, 107

disadvantages, 115

monoclonal antibodies, 115117

polymeric carriers, 117119

schematic illustration, 107108

Solvent accessible surface area (SASA), 461

Solvent casting, 426, 428, 437

Spansule® delivery system, 34, 177

SR delivery systems, see Sustained release delivery systems

Steric stabilization process, 53, 113, 369370, 414

Stimulus-sensitive hydrogels

antigen-responsive reversible swelling, 351

closed loop/self-regulated systems, 347

degree of swelling determination, 345347

external stimulus-sensitive systems, 353355

glucose-sensitive systems, 349351

imprinted hydrogels, 347

multiresponsive systems, 355356

open-loop systems, 347

pH-sensitive systems, 349350

temperature-sensitive systems, 347348

templated hydrogels, 352353

Stimulus-sensitive release (SSR), 28

Structure-based drug design, 455456

Structure–activity relationship (SAR) analyses, 450

Styrene-maleic-anhydride-neocarzinostatin (SMANCS) systems, 1516, 119

Sublingual drug delivery, see Buccal and sublingual drug delivery

Suprachoroidal space (SCS), 315

Sustained release (SR) delivery systems; see also Implants; Long-acting injections (LAIs)

description, 28

dissolution-controlled SR, 3536

drug properties, 3435

gastro-retentive systems, 42

matrix diffusion systems, 3841

plasma concentration-time profiles, 2627, 3435

reservoir diffusion systems, 3638

SwissBioisostere, 453

Swollen hydrogels, 333334


Tanimoto similarity method, 453

Targeted drug delivery, 28, 115119, 596

Tear film, 309

Technosphere®, 269271

Tenofovir disoproxil fumarate (TDF), 294

Tenofovir (TFV) gel, 292

Theranostic nanoagents

basic principles of, 410

CT, 410

inorganic-nanosized theranostics

AuNPs, 412413

CNTs, 416417

CPNPs, 416

IONPs, 413414

mesoporous silica nanoparticles, 415416

quantum dots theranostics, 414415

MRI, 410

nanocarriers, 411412

optical imaging, 411

organic-nanosized theranostics

liposomes, 417419

multifunctional polymeric micelles, 420

polymeric NPs, 419420

polymersomes, 419

PET, 410411

photodynamic therapy, 420421


in 1995

Doxorubicin, 529536

drug-releasing thermal sensitive liposome, 529530

hyperthermia, 529, 536538

lipid membrane mechanochemistry, 538547

clinical testing

clinical programs, 571

vs. Doxil®, 569570

heating system, 570571

Phase 1 for liver cancer, 561564

Phase 3 for liver cancer, 564569

Phase 1 prostate cancer, 555556

Phase 2 recurrent chest wall cancer, 557561

early commercialization effort, 527528

hydrophobic anticancer drugs, 529

LDLR, 575

licensing, 553554

lipid exchange, membranes generates, 548

liposome field, 524525

MSPC and DSPE-PEG, 548549

nanomedicine, 525526

open-source pharmaceutics, 576577

Peck Symposium, 574575

phase 3 human clinical trials, 528

preclinical assessment

Dox-LTSL, 549550

drug delivery and release, 551552

FaDu tumors, 549550

leg tumor, 552553

Phase 1 canine trial, 552

research plan, 572573

Szoka, Frank, 526527

3D Quantitative SAR (3D-QSAR) approaches, 452

Timoptic XE®, 319

Today sponge, 292

Toxophore, 449

Transdermal drug delivery

active approaches

electroporation, 222223

iontophoresis, 223

schematic diagram, 219220

ultrasound, 223224

advantages, 217

limiting factors, 217

passive approaches

penetration enhancers, 222

schematic diagram, 219220

TTS, 221

physical approaches

gene guns, 225

intradermal injections, 224

liquid jet injectors, 224

microneedles, 225

MPAs, 225

Nanopatch, 226227

schematic diagram, 219220

stratum corneum, 217219

viable epidermis and dermis, 219

Transdermal therapeutic system (TTS), 67, 44, 221

Transdermal vaccine delivery, 400401

Trichomoniasis, 288

Truvada®, 300

TTS, see Transdermal therapeutic system

Tumor-microenvironment-on-chip (T-MOC), 598


Ultrasonic nebulizer, 262

United States Adopted Name (USAN), 452

Uveitis, 313



adaptive immunity, 391, 393

bacterial-vectored vaccines, 397

CMI response, 391

definition, 389

dendritic cells, 390

DNA vaccines, 395396

MLVs, 395

modified live, 389390

oral cavity-targeted vaccines, 405

PAMPs, 390391

products and sales, 405406

recombinant, 395

routes of administration, 398

toll-like receptors, 390392

transdermal vaccine delivery, 400401

via mucosal sites, 392395

intranasal delivery, 401402

intrapulmonary vaccination delivery, 402403

oral vaccine delivery, 403405

via parenteral routes, 392

implants, 399

injections, 398399

virus-vectored vaccines, 396397

VLPs, 397

Vaginal epithelium, 283

Vaginal intraepithelial neoplasia (VAIN), 296

Vantas®, 6

Vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF), 311

VersiDoser, 318

ViaNase®, 239

Vibrent® pulsation nebulizer, 239

Vincristine liposome, 526

Virus-like particles (VLPs), 397

Virus-vectored vaccines, 396397

Vitrasert® implant, 151, 324

Vitravene®, 323

VR, see Intravaginal rings


Water solubility

amorphous solid dispersions

commercial products, 6364

dissolution profile, 5859

manufacture, 6263

oral absorption, 62

physical stability, 60

spring-and parachute concept, 59

storage stability, 6162

theoretical phase diagrams, 6061

BCS, 4849

cocrystals, 56

colloidal carriers, 68

cyclodextrins, 6365

mechanisms, 4950


bottom-up technologies, 54

in vivo dissolution, 52

nanosuspensions, 52

Ostwald–Freundlich equation, 52

schematic diagram, 51

stabilization, 53

top-down technologies, 5354

oils and coarse emulsions, 6667

polymeric micelles, 66

polymorphs, 5758

salt formation, 5455

SMEDDS, 6768

surfactant micelles, 6466


Xal-Ease® plastic eyedrop dispenser, 317