Abdulmutallab, Umar Farouk (“Underwear Bomber”), 127–31, 131
Abu Ghraib prison scandal, 73–74, 102
Acton, Lord, 40
Advanced Imaging Technology (AIT), 131–36
Afghanistan, Soviet invasion of, 83
Afghanistan Papers, xiii
Afghan War, xiii
Aftergood, Steven, 35
Aguilera, Tony, 122
airline security: case study in, 21–22, 107–39; cost of, 115; history of, 108–11; incidents involving, 119–38; information asymmetries concerning, 108, 115, 124, 129–30, 132–34; propaganda related to, 115–18; threat inflation concerning, 21, 107–8, 115–19, 122–39; war on terror linked to, 108, 116–18, 124
Air Transportation Security Act, 110
Alford, Matthew, 142
Allen, Norman, 101
America (film), 143
American Chopper (television show), 155
American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU), 133
American Diabetes Association, 136
American Transparency, 5
America’s Next Top Model (television show), 155
Apocalypse Now (film), 149
Associated Press, 176
asymmetric information. See information asymmetries
Australia, 59
Aviation and Transportation Security Act, 115
Ba’ath Party, 44
Bacevich, Andrew, 17
Baghdad Pact, 44
Bairner, Alan, 86
Baker, Stewart, 133
Baker Institute for Public Policy, 49
Baruch, Donald, 148–49, 151, 152
The Bedford Incident (film), 149
Benjamin, Daniel, 51
Berger, Peter, 12
Biden, Joe, 127
Binnendijk, Hans, 46
The Birth of a Nation (film), 142–43
Black, Gregory, 145
Black, Jay, 11
Blue Thunder (film), 149
BMP. See Bureau of Motion Pictures
Bossi, Cathy, 135
Boston Massacre, 1
Bradley, William, 143
Breasseale, Todd, 142
Brewer, Susan, 8, 63, 73, 74–75
Brown, James, 90
Budowsky, Brent, 84
Bureau of Intelligence Research, 55
Bureau of Motion Pictures (BMP), 144–45
Bush, George H. W., 46, 50, 90
Bush, George W., and administration: and airline security, 115–16; football ties of, 92, 93; and Hollywood propaganda, 153–54; and Iraq War, 21, 42–43, 47–77; media reluctance to criticize, 177–78; propaganda efforts of, 21, 43, 153–54; reelection campaign of, 62, 63, 102; and Tillman, 97–99, 101–3; troop deployment information withheld by, 37; us-versus-them mentality promoted by, 10, 74–75; and war on terror, 10, 62, 97, 115
Cage, Nicolas, 140
Cannistraro, Vincent, 52
Capra, Frank, 3
Card, Andrew, 63
Carlin, John, 137
Castro, Fidel, 109
Central Intelligence Agency (CIA): and Hollywood, 141; and Iraq, 44, 46, 52, 55; and Navajo code talkers, 140; propaganda conducted by, 4
Central Treaty Organization (CENTO), 44
Chang, Terence, 141
Cheney, Dick, 48, 51–52, 54, 56, 61, 64, 69, 93
Chertoff, Michael, 123–24, 131
Chodorov, Frank, 184
Christian, David, 91
CIA. See Central Intelligence Agency
citizens. See the public
Civil Service Reform Act, 170
Civil War, 2
classified information, 34–35, 171–73
Coalition Information Center (CIC), 63
Cold War, 4, 35, 44, 82–84, 148, 152
Collins, John, 93
Columbia Pictures, 149
Coming Home (film), 149
Committee on Public Information (CPI), 2, 143–44
Competitive Enterprise Institute, 134
Congregatio de Propaganda Fide (Congregation for the Propagation of Faith), 6
Coolidge Committee, 35
Cornell, Scott, 86
Country Music Awards (television show), 155
CPI. See Committee on Public Information
Craddock, Bantz, 96
Creel Committee, 2
Cronkite, Walter, 178
Daschle, Tom, 74
Data Quality Act. See Information Quality Act
Davis, Daniel, xiii
Davis, Elmer, 144
Debruge, Peter, 160
deception: modes of, 7; noble, 16, 39–41, 163–64; normalization of, 16, 39, 41
The Deer Hunter (film), 149
De Jasay, Anthony, 168
democracy: accountability in, 24, 26–27; exploitation of rhetoric of, 16, 18; pathologies/flaws of, 15–16, 25, 30; propaganda as threat to, xiv, 15–17, 19, 163–64, 182–83; propaganda’s role in, 18–19
Dennis, Kirby, 98
DHS. See U.S. Department of Homeland Security
di Bonaventura, 157
Di Rita, Larry, 102
Disney, 152
Dixon, Thomas, Jr., The Clansmen, 142
DOD. See U.S. Department of Defense
DOJ. See U.S. Department of Justice
Donovan, James, 17
Duncan, John, 129
Dunne, J. Paul, 23
Edelman, Murray, 29
elections, time between, 26–27. See also government/politicians: accountability of
Electronic Privacy Information Center (EPIC), 132–33
Ellen (television show), 155
entertainment industry. See Hollywood; television
Eritrea, 60
Extreme Makeover: Weight Loss Edition (television show), 155
Fail Safe (film), 149
FBI. See Federal Bureau of Investigation
fear: government exploitation of, 12; propaganda’s fostering of, 12–13, 19–20. See also threat inflation
Federal Air Marshal Service (FAMS), 128–30
Federal Aviation Agency (FAA), 109–10
Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI): and airline security, 109, 126, 136–37; and Iraq, 52; and lone-wolf terrorism, 137–38
Felt, Mark, 171
film industry. See Hollywood
firehose of falsehood, 6
Fleischer, Ari, 153
Ford, Gerald, 90
Fox, Megan, 157
Fox Sports, 90
Franklin, Lawrence, 173
fratricide, Tillman’s death from, 97–104
friendly fire. See fratricide
Gabel, Peter, 94
GAO. See Government Accountability Office
Gates, Robert, 29
GIMMPI. See Government Information Manual for the Motion Picture Industry
Godec, Eric, 98
Gompert, David, 46
Gonzales, Alberto, 124
Goodell, Roger, 79
Go Tell the Spartans (film), 149
Government Accountability Office (GAO), 129, 131–32, 166–67
Government Information Manual for the Motion Picture Industry (GIMMPI), 145–47
government/politicians: accountability of, 24, 26–27; advertising by, 190n29; anti-propaganda laws and actions recommended for, 164–74, 206n19; and bureaucracy, 29–33; credibility of, 38; enhancement of power by exploiting fear, 12–13, 18; incentives for, 24–25, 40–41; influence over content of Hollywood films, 22, 140–61; interests of, 7, 9, 19, 27, 29–30, 164, 168; manipulation of the public by, xiv, 11–12, 16, 18, 19; media relations with, 37, 63–68, 161, 175–79; monopoly on information and power held by, xiv, 3, 8, 12–13, 24, 26, 33, 76, 138, 182–83. See also U.S. Congress
Gowadia, Huban, 116
Grabell, Michael, 129
Grassley, Chuck, 132
Great Britain, 59
Grey’s Anatomy (television show), 155
Gross, Taylor, 103
Guttmann, Allen, 83
Hadley, Stephen, 55
Haggis, Paul, 156
Hersh, Seymour, 66
Hester, Michael, 85
Hice, Jody, 130
Hodne, David, 98
Hoffman, Bruce, 125
Hollywood: case study in, 140–61; DOD’s relationship with, 22, 141–43, 148–50, 152–53, 155–61, 185–87, 205n50; government influence over content of, 4, 22, 140–61; history of propaganda in, 142–53; and patriotism, 146, 154; post-9/11, 153–60; threat inflation in, 147; us-versus-them propaganda in, 146–47; and the war on terror, 153–57
Hughes, Karen, 63
Hussein, Saddam, 42, 44–47, 49–58, 63, 69–70, 76
IAEA. See International Atomic Energy Agency
Ice Road Truckers (television show), 155
images, propaganda’s use of, 10–11
incentives: for deception or threat inflation, 19–20; in democratic political structures, 18–19, 25, 29; for intelligence community, 33–35, 39; for the media, 37, 177–79; for politicians, 24–25, 29–30, 40; for special interest groups, 28; for voters, 25, 26; for whistleblowers, 171–74
Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade (film), 149
information: classified, 34–35, 171–73; leaking of, 172–73, 176; political monopoly on, xiv, 3, 8, 12–13, 24, 26, 33, 76, 138, 182–83; special interest groups and, 28; symmetry of, 24; transparency of, 25; voter access to, 26. See also information asymmetries
information asymmetries: on airline security, 108, 115, 124, 129–30, 132–34; citizens as hindrance to, 169, 182; in Congress-bureaucracy relations, 31–32; in Iraq War, 43, 50, 60, 63, 76; media as counter to, 174–75; in national security, 13, 15–16, 20; political opportunism enabled by, 35–36; propaganda nourished by, 13, 15–16, 20, 164; recommendations for addressing, 22; watchdogs as hindrance to, 169; whistleblowing as counter to, 169–70
Information Quality Act, 166, 167
Institute for Nuclear Research, 55
intelligence community: incentives for, 33–35, 39; and Iraq, 53, 55, 71; laws protecting, 173–74, 177; whistleblowing in, 171–72. See also Central Intelligence Agency; Federal Bureau of Investigation; national security
Intelligence Community Whistleblower Protection Act, 171
Intelligence Identities Protection Act, 173–74, 177
interests: divergence of, 7, 25; in ideal democracy, 19, 23–24; of the military, 17; misrepresented/subverted by propaganda, xiv, 7, 9, 29, 30, 163; of politicians/propagandists, 7, 9, 19, 27, 29–30, 164, 168; principal-agent problem concerning, 25; of the public, xiv, 7, 9, 17, 19, 23–24. See also national interest; special interests
International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), 55
In the Valley of Elah (film), 156
Iran, 45
Iran-Contra affair, 46
Iraq Liberation Act, 47
Iraq Resolution, 57
Iraq War: aluminum tubes incident in, 55–56, 63, 64; case studies in, 21, 42–77; chaos in Iraq after, 62, 69–75; costs of, 76; historical context for, 43–48; Hollywood and, 155–57; information asymmetries in, 43, 50, 60, 63, 76; international community’s response to, 57–60, 73, 74–75; Iraqi public opinions about, 72; justification of invasion leading to, 21; motives for, 49–50; propaganda about, 21, 43, 48–77; public misperceptions about, 68; public opinion on, 42–43, 53, 56–57, 60–62, 73, 75–76; al-Qaeda linked to, 50–53, 76; sports linked to, 21, 91; us-versus-them mentality encouraged about, 10, 74–75; WMD as justification for, 53–56
Iron Chef (television show), 155
Irwin, Will, 6
Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL), 42
Islamic terrorism, 114, 119–20, 127, 136–37
Izadi, Foad, 7
Jacoby, William, 11
Japan, 59
Jenkins, Brian, 114
John F. Kennedy International Airport, 126–27
Johnson, Chalmers, 112
Joint Security Commission, 35
Jones, Tommy Lee, 156
Jowett, Garth, 7
Kaste, Michael, 137
Kim, Stephen Jin-Woo, 173
Kimball, Nicholas, 131
Knights of Columbus, 81
Knowledge Networks, 53
Koppes, Clayton, 145
Kosar, Kevin, 168
Krakauer, Jon, 97, 99, 100, 102–3
Kristol, Irving, 39
Krueger, Brent, 67
Kubba, Laith, 70
Ku Klux Klan, 143
Kurds, 45
Lacy, Mark, 161
Laird, Mel, 85
Lassie (television show), 151–52
law: anti-propaganda, 164–68; mediarelated, 175–77; whistleblowing-related, 170–74, 177
LeBeouf, Shia, 157
Legree, Jimmy, 95
Leibowitz, Shamai, 173
Lévi-Strauss, Claude, 83
Lin, Bonny, 46
Lion Rock Productions, 140
Lippmann, Walter, 38
Livingstone, Neil, 44
Lloyd–La Follette Act, 170
Lockerbie bombing, 110
Los Angeles International Airport, 121
Lott, Trent, 74
Luckmann, Thomas, 12
Lynch, Jessica, 102
MacArthur, Douglas, 13
Mallak, Craig, 100
Manning, Chelsea, 173
Man vs. Food (television show), 155
Mauskopf, Roslynn, 126
McCarthy, Brian, 93
McGarry, Bryon, 160
McManaway, Clayton, 71
McNamara, Robert, 150
Mearsheimer, John, 7, 16, 33, 40
media: anti-propaganda recommendations concerning, 174–79; complicity of, in propaganda, 177–79; and embedded reporters, 64–66; government relations with, 37, 63–68, 161, 175–79; law related to, 175–77; manipulated during Iraq War, 63–68; obstacles to anti-propaganda role of, 175; and patriotism, 178–79; public’s knowledge gained from, 68. See also Hollywood; television
Mellor, Chris, 134
Merit Systems Protection Board (MSPB), 170–71
Metro Goldwyn Mayer (MGM), 140, 149, 152, 153
Meyer, Christopher, 49
MGM. See Metro Goldwyn Mayer
Middle East Treaty Organization (METO), 44
militarism: defined, xiv, 17; national security used as rationale for, 17–18, 164; propaganda in service of, xiv, 17–18; special interests associated with, 28; sports linked to, 21, 79–80; threat presented by, 17–18, 183–84
military: history of involvement with sports, 80–82, 85–86, 88–89, 93; Hollywood’s portrayal of, in Transformers films, 157–60; private firms’ alignment with, 81
military-industrial-congressional complex (MICC), 28
Miller, Judy, 64
Minnesota Army National Guard, 79
Miss America Pageant (television show), 155
Missile Defense Agency, 6
Montgomery, David, 93
Morgan, Matt, 141
Morison, Samuel, 173
Morris, Roger, 44
Moss Subcommittee, 35
Motion Picture Association of America (MPAA), 153
Motion Picture Production Office (MPPO), 148–49
Moynihan Commission, 35
MSPB. See Merit Systems Protection Board
MTV’s True Life (television show), 155
Mueller, John, 28, 112, 119, 122, 124–25, 126, 128
Mueller, Robert, 52
Myers, Richard B., 92
My Lai massacre, 150
Myth Busters (television show), 155
Napolitano, Janet, 127–28, 133
National Defense Authorization Act, 36
National Football League (NFL), 79, 87–106
National Hockey League (NHL), 78
National Intelligence Estimate, 51
national interest: appeals to, 4, 9; democracy ideally in service of, 28, 30. See also the public: interests of
nationalism. See patriotism
national security: government conduct of, xiv; militarism justified by appeals to, 17–18; political opportunism and, 35–36; propaganda linked to, xiv, 8, 13, 17–20; secrecy and information asymmetries in, 13, 15–16, 20, 33–39, 172–73, 175–76; threat to democracy presented by, 183. See also intelligence community
National Security Agency (NSA), 141
National Security Decision Directives (NSDDs), 46
NBC, 68
NCIS (television show), 155
Nelson, Richard, 7
New Yorker (magazine), 102
New York Times (newspaper), 4, 64, 175–76, 177–78
New York Times Co. v. United States, 175–76
9/11 attacks. See September 11, 2001, attacks
9/11 Commission, 35
noble deception, 16, 39–41, 163–64
normalization, through propaganda: of conflict, 82, 105; of deception, 16, 39, 41; of militarism, 21, 80, 82, 105; of security measures, 107–8
North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO), 44
Norton, Helen, 8
Novak, Robert, 177
Obama, Barack, 42, 127–29, 132, 171, 173
O’Donnell, Victoria, 7
Office of Management and Budget (OMB), 166
Office of the Inspector General of the Intelligence Community, 172
Office of War Information (OWI), 2–3, 144–48
Omnibus Consolidated and Emergency Supplemental Appropriations Act, 47
Operation Mockingbird, 4
Ortiz, Antulio Ramirez, 109
Orwell, George, 18
OWI. See Office of War Information
paid patriotism, 21, 79–80, 87, 94–95
Panama, 59
Pan Am Flight 103, 110
Paramount, 143, 149, 152, 153, 157
pat downs. See body scanners
Patrick, Brian Anse, 14, 174–75
patriotism: Hollywood and, 146, 154; Iraq War and appeals to, 63, 74–75; media’s display of, 178–79; propaganda’s appeal to, 9, 12; rallying effect in appeals to, 12, 13, 38–39; sports associated with, 21, 79, 81–83, 87–95, 105–6; of sports figures, 80–81; whistleblowing and, 172
payola, for radio broadcasting, 165–66
pentaerythritol tetranitrate (PETN), 122, 128, 131
Pentagon. See U.S. Defense Department (DOD)
PETN. See pentaerythritol tetranitrate
Pierce, Charles, 105
Plame, Valerie, 177
political economy, government from perspective of, 18–19, 23–24
political opportunism: absent from ideal government, 24; bureaucracy enabling, 32; checks on, 9; conditions conducive to, 8, 19; in foreign affairs and national security, 24; information asymmetries and, 35–36; and national security, 35–36; special interests enabling, 29; whistleblowing as weapon against, 169
politicians. See government/politicians
Porter, Bruce, 12
Poulsen, Kevin, 172
Powell, Colin, 49, 51, 52, 54, 58, 61, 71–72, 93
Presidential Policy Directive 19 (PPD-19), 171
Preston, Thomas, 1
The Price Is Right (television show), 155
principal-agent problem, 25, 30–31
Program on International Policy Attitudes, 52–53
Progressive (magazine), 177
Project for Excellence in Journalism, 64–65
propaganda: on Afghan War, xiii; and air travel, 115–18; case studies in, 20–22; citizens as hindrance to, 179–84; consequences and significance of, 14–18, 163–64; costs--human and economic--of, 15; criticisms of, 2, 6; defined, xiii–xiv, 6–7; domestic, 4–5; economic model of, 20; effectiveness of, 14, 38, 179–84, 190n51; government oversight of, 166–68, 206n19; history of, 1–6; in Hollywood films, 22, 140–61; information asymmetries enabling, 13, 15–16, 20, 164; on Iraq War, 21, 43, 48–77; justifications of, 16, 39–41; laws targeting, 164–74; media as counter to, 174–75; militarism as beneficiary of, xiv, 17–18; misrepresentation of public’s interest by, xiv, 7, 9, 29, 30, 163; models of, 6; purposes of, xiv, 7, 11–13; recommendations for addressing, 22, 164–84; role of, in democracies, 18–19; sports as tool for, 79–80, 86–106; techniques of, 7, 9–11, 43, 117, 145; threat presented by, xiv, 7, 9, 15–17, 19, 39–41, 163–64, 179–80, 182–83; Tillman’s life and death used for, 95–105; and war on terror, 8
the public: agency of, 16–17, 23–24, 40; Hollywood portrayals of, 145–47; interests of, xiv, 7, 9, 17, 19, 23–24; manipulation of, through propaganda, xiv, 11–12, 16–19, 40–41, 169; news sources for, 68; opinions on Iraq War, 42–43, 53, 56–57, 60–62, 73, 75–76; propaganda’s effectiveness dependent on, 14, 179–84, 190n51; viewed as obstacles by political elite, 183
al-Qaeda, 48–53, 76, 110, 124, 131
al-Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula, 127
Quiet Skies program, 130
RAND Corporation, 57
Reagan, Nancy, 90
Reid, Richard (“Shoe Bomber”), 121–23, 131
Reiter, Bill, 89
Revere, Paul, 1
Rice, Condoleezza, 48–49, 51, 54–55, 61, 64, 93
Rolling Thunder (film), 149
Roman Catholic Church, 6
Roosevelt, Franklin D., 2, 34, 144
Roots, Roger, 114
Rumsfeld, Donald, 47, 49, 51, 61, 70, 75, 96, 98, 99, 102, 103
Russo, Anthony, 173
Rwandan genocide, 15
Saunders, William, 98
Sawyer, Thomas, 135
Say Yes to the Dress (television show), 155
Scheuer, Michael, 52
Schneier, Bruce, 122
Schumpeter, Joseph, 182
Schwarzkopf, Norman, 86
Scott, Shaun, 88
Secker, Tom, 142
security, trade-offs involving, 138–39
Seitz Task Force, 35
September 11, 2001, attacks, 36, 48, 50, 53, 76, 89–91, 110–11, 112–13
Seven Days in May (film), 149
The 700 Club (television show), 155
Shapiro, Michael, 83
Sharp, Gene, 181
Simmons, Mandy, 135
Six Days War, 44
60 Minutes II (television show), 102
Smith-Mundt Act, 3–5, 82, 165, 167
Smith-Mundt Modernization Act, 168
Snoop Dogg’s Father Hood (television show), 155
Sony, 152
Sopko, John, xiii
Soule, Greg, 131
Soviet Union: and Afghanistan, 83; and Iraq, 44; political uses of sports against, 83–84
Spain, 59
Special Inspector General for Afghanistan Reconstruction (SIGAR), xiii
Specter, Arlen, 126
sports: case study in, 21, 78–106; as common language of Americans, 82–83, 85; DOD partnerships with, 21, 79, 87, 92–95; history of military’s links to, 80–82, 85–86; metaphors used in political language, 84–86, 88, 91–92; militarism linked to, 21, 79–80; patriotism promoted via, 21, 79, 81–83, 87–95, 105–6; popularity of, 87–88; as propaganda tool, 79–80, 86–106; and us-versus-them mentality, 83, 91–92, 95; visibility of military in, 78
Stars and Stripes (newspaper), 80–81
“Star-Spangled Banner,” 81, 94
Sterling, Jeffrey, 173
Stillwell Commission, 35
Stone, Oliver, 150
Stossel, Scott, 91
Strub, Phil, 141, 152, 154–56, 159–61
Suid, Lawrence, 148–49, 152, 205n50
Sural, Jeff, 118
Syrian Civil War, 42
talking points, about Iraq War, 58, 63–64, 67
Tamm, Thomas, 171
television, DOD influence on, 150–51, 155
Tenet, George, 52
terrorism: air travel risks from, 113–14; instances of, 119–38; Islamic, 114, 119–20, 127, 136–37; lone-wolf, 137–38; perpetrators of, 114; risk of death from, 112–14. See also war on terror
Terry, Wallace, 150
Theron, Charlize, 156
threat inflation: for air travel, 21, 107–8, 115–19, 122–39; defined, 19; domestic political explanation for, 19; in Hollywood films, 147; for Iraq War, 61; propaganda’s role in, 20; TSA and, 115–18. See also fear
Tillman, Kevin, 96–97, 99–100, 103–4
Time (magazine), 4
Touchstone Pictures, 152
trade-offs, security-related, 138–39
Transportation Security Administration (TSA), 21, 107–8, 111, 114–19, 122–39. See also airline security
Truman, Harry, 34
Trump, Donald, 75–76, 104, 105
TSA. See Transportation Security Administration
Tutsi people, 15
Twentieth Century Fox, 149, 152
20,000 Leagues under the Sea (film), 149
“Underwear Bomber,” 127–31, 131
United Airlines flight 93, 111, 114
United Nations, and Iraq, 46, 52, 57–59
United Nations Security Council, 54, 58, 59
United Nations Special Commission (UNSCOM), 54
United States Information Agency, 4, 5
USA Patriot Act, 36
U.S. Army Criminal Investigation Division (CID), 100–101
U.S. Congress: and airline security, 110; anti-propaganda laws of, 165–68; information withheld from, xiii, 32, 37; and Iraq War, 57–58; and militarism, 28; and Olympic boycott, 83; vote-seeking behavior of, 29–30. See also government/politicians
U.S. Department of Defense (DOD): anti-propaganda laws not applicable to, 167–68; Committee on Classified Information, 35; Hollywood’s relationship with, 22, 141–43, 148–50, 152–53, 155–61, 185–87, 205n50; information asymmetries exploited by, 32, 37; information withheld from Congress by, 32; and Iraq War, 49, 67; propaganda activities of, 4–5, 67, 160–61; public relations expenditures of, 9–10, 21, 79, 87, 95; sports partnerships of, 21, 79, 87, 92–95; television industry’s relationship with, 150–51, 155
U.S. Department of Energy, 55
U.S. Department of Homeland Security (DHS), 107, 115, 117, 118, 123, 128, 130, 131, 138
U.S. Department of Justice (DOJ), 166, 168, 177
U.S. Department of State, 45, 56, 168
U.S. Department of the Treasury, 3
U.S. Department of Transportation, 115
U.S. House of Representatives Committee on Government Reform, 50, 55, 60–61
U.S. Information and Educational Exchange Act. See Smith-Mundt Act
U.S. Olympic Committee (USOC), 84
U.S. Senate Committee on Armed Services, 32
U.S. Senate Select Committee on Intelligence, 71, 74
us-versus-them mentality: Bush administration’s use of, 10, 74–75; in Hollywood films, 146–47; as propaganda technique, 10; sports and, 83, 91–92, 95
U.S. Veterans Affairs Department, 5
Uthlaut, David, 98
Utley, Jon Basil, 15
Valdez, James, 100
Valenti, Jack, 153
Vane, Richard, 151
Viacom, 153
Vines, John, 97
voters: information possessed by, 26; power over politicians, 24, 26–27; rational ignorance of, 26
Wainstein, Kenneth, 126
Wakefield, Wanda Ellen, 82
Ward, Mel, 101
WarGames (film), 149
War Hunt (film), 149
Warner Brothers, 149, 151, 152
war on terror: airline security linked to, 108, 116–18, 124; Bush and, 10, 62, 97, 115; cost of, 8; Hollywood and, 153–57; Iraq linked to, 50–53, 62–63; propaganda’s role in, 8; special interests associated with, 28–29; sports linked to, 21, 89–90, 93–94; us-versus-them ideology in, 10. See also terrorism
Washington Post (newspaper), xiii, 4, 176
watchdog groups, 169
weapons of mass destruction (WMDs), 53–56, 60, 76
Weeks, John, 143
Wellman, William, 143
Wheel of Fortune (television show), 155
WHIG. See White House Iraq Group
Whistleblower Protection Act, 171
whistleblowing: direct-to-public practice of, 171, 177; incentives for, 171–74; laws related to, 170–74, 177; value of, 169–70
White, Tom, 96
White House Iraq Group (WHIG), 63
Whitlock, Craig, 32
Whitney, Briana, 95
Why We Fight (documentaries), 3
Wilson, Joseph, 55
Wilson, Julie, 123
Windtalkers (film), 140–42, 155
Wings (film), 143
WMDs. See weapons of mass destruction
Wonder Woman (television show), 151
Woo, John, 141
World War I, 2, 6, 9, 37, 80, 143
World War II, 2–3, 34, 81, 144–45, 178
Wright Commission, 35
Writer’s War Board, 3
Yemen, 176
YMCA, 81
Zabel, Bryce, 154
Zaerr, Zachary, 121