15 Anna Batchelor, Driving Bolivia’s Salt Flats, 2012.

17 Mike Osborne, Floating Island, 2012 (Bonneville, Utah).

18 Chris Taylor, Impossibility of straight lines, 2003, Bonneville Salt Flats, Utah. Photo: Bill Gilbert.

21 Michelangelo Buonarroti, Sonnet V (to Giovanni da Pistoia) with a caricature of the artist standing, painting a figure on the ceiling over his head, c. 1510. Pen and ink, 11 x 7" “To Giovanni da Pistoia When the Author Was Painting the Vault of the Sistine Chapel,” 1509. Casa Buonarroti, Florence, Italy. Photo: Studio Fotografico Quattrone, Florence.

41 Louis Horst, “Paul Taylor and Dance Company Review,” Dance Observer 24.9 (November 1957), 139.

62 Herbert Ponting, Grotto in an iceberg, Antarctica, 1911. Licensed with permission of the Scott Polar Research Institute, University of Cambridge.

67 Martin Hartley, Route Finder, Adventure Ecology Trans-Arctic Expedition, 2004.

67 Martin Hartley, Navigator, Adventure Ecology Trans-Arctic Expedition, 2004.

83 Herbert Ponting, The Ramparts of Mount Erebus, Antarctica, 1911. Licensed with permission of the Scott Polar Research Institute, University of Cambridge.

97 Lisette Model, Louis Armstrong, c. 1956. National Portrait Gallery, Smithsonian Museum. © Lisette Model Foundation Inc. (1983).

99 Description of a Slave Ship. (London: James Phillips, 1787). © The British Library Board. All Rights Reserved. 1881.d.8 (46).

100 NASA / William Anders, Earthrise, 1968.

109 Joel Sternfeld, Looking South on an Afternoon in June, 2000. Digital C-print; 391/2 x 50 in. (100.33 x 127 cm). Courtesy of the artist and Luhring Augustine, New York.

124 Franklin Leonard, The Black List (detail), 2005.

133 Solomon Asch experiment, Scientific American, 1955. Reproduced with permission. Copyright © 1955 Scientific American, Inc. All rights reserved.

142 Graphene under the microscope. © Condensed Matter Physics Group, University of Manchester.

144 Frog levitated in the stable region. In M. V. Berry and A. K. Geim, “Of flying frogs and levitrons,” European Journal of Physics 18 (June 1997), 312. © IOP Publishing Ltd and European Physical Society. Reproduced by permission of IOP Publishing. All rights reserved.

145 Levitating Frog. © High Field Magnet Laboratory, Radboud University Nijmegen.

177 Samuel F. B. Morse, First Telegraph Instrument, 1837. Division of Work and Industry, National Museum of American History, Smithsonian Institution.

178 Samuel F. B. Morse, Gallery of the Louvre, 1831-33. Oil on canvas, 733/4 x 108 in. Daniel J. Terra Collection, 1992.51. Terra Foundation for American Art, Chicago / Art Resource, NY.

188 John Baldessari, Solving Each Problem As It Arises, 1966–68. Acrylic on canvas 172.1 x 143.5 cm (673/4 x 561/2 in.). Yale University Art Gallery. Janet and Simeon Braguin Fund, 2001.3.1

191 Samuel F. B. Morse, The House of Representatives, 1822-1823. Oil on canvas. 86 7/8 x 130 5/8 in. Corcoran Gallery of Art, Washington D.C. Museum purchase, Gallery Fund.