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from THE SAME SEA IN US ALL (1985)
Sails come sailing out
Our shadows are very long
Only to go along
You, you moon
White clover asks nothing
Who has who has ever
O distant sun
If you want to go
Every dying man
They are standing up to their knees in blood and mud
Everything is inside out, everything is different
Sleep covers us too much for one, too little for two
Non-being pervades everything and being is full of peace
No one can put me back together again
And when the sea retreats from here
Night comes and extinguishes the numbers
Once more spring pulls young leaves from buds
Light / reminds us
Oven / alone
What woke us
Night and earth
To be / Icarus
You / light-footed moss
Near / nearest
The same / sea
Big black hedgehog
A flying fish
Ant trail
Summer’s / last evening
So light / after all
Heart / of rain
Ashes / of one world
Painting / a boat
The late well-master
With a broken wing
Everything melts
A tit / upside down
Ink not yet / dried
Wiping away / dust
Swarms of daws
All in one
The white vase
Little by little / our dirty river
Little by little / a poem fades
An understanding
I am both / spider and fly
Dana paramita
There is nothing / between us
To wake / in the dead of night
The East-West border is always wandering
The washing never gets done
We started home, my son and I
My little daughter
To write more
On the other side of the window
There is no Good
Four-and-a-half tons of Silesian coal
Once while carrying coal ash
People were coming from the market
Sometimes I see so clearly the openness of things
It gets cold in the evening
A piebald cat
The early autumn, a faded aquarelle
The crop is reaped
Poetry is verdant
Silence of night
We always live our childhood again
Dialectics is a dialogue
Destruktivität is das Ergebnis ungelebten Lebens
Elder trees that thrushes have sown
Once I got a postcard from the Fiji Islands
Potatoes are dug, ash trees yellow
from THROUGH THE FOREST (1991/1996)
There is so little that remains
To eat a pie and to have it
Lines do not perhaps exist
As the night begins, a forked birch captures
I begin to wash my son’s shirt
Think back to the vanished day
Once, at a meeting, I was asked
Death does not come from outside
The wind does not blow
You step into the morning
The ticking of the clock fills the room
A flock of jackdaws on the outskirts of the town
I do not write, do not make poetry
I never weary of looking at leafless trees
The most disconsolate of landscapes
Silence. Dust
The Forest Floor
Dust. I Myself
To fight for the rights and freedoms of the body
This autumn’s great big yellow chrysanthemum
Birch tops like brushes
The beginning of the year is like a white sheet of paper
Politics and politicians are gradually becoming streamlined
I ended up in literature
I came from the town
Autumn comes closer
I come up from the cellar
A bird in the air
In the room, a moth flies from east to west
In the ventilation grating lives a tit
The snow’s melting
Through the cellar ceiling
White paper and time
For many years, always in March
It’s easy to say what’s become of the snow
I was coming from Tähtvere
Once again I think about what I’ve read
I don’t feel at home in this synthetic world
Spring has indeed come
The morning began with sunshine
I could say: I got out of the bus
Running for milk I saw wood sorrel in bloom
I write a poem every day
We walked the road to Kvissental
My aunt knew them well
The sky’s overcast
Silence is always here and everywhere
The other life begins in the evening
I don’t want to write courtly poetry any more
Only at dusk do eyes really begin to see
A last cloud moves across the sky
The rain stops
There are so many insects this summer
There are as many worlds as grains of sand
It makes little sense to talk about the subconscious
There is no God
The world doesn’t consist of matter or spirit
Late summer: a faded old watercolour
The full moon south-east above Piigaste forest
I told the students about the beginning of Greek culture
From stalks and curls of pine-bark
from SUMMERS AND SPRINGS (1995/2004)
In the morning I was presented to President Mitterand
The radio’s talking about the Tiananmen bloodbath
The sea doesn’t want to make waves
God has left us
The possibility of rain
A fit body doesn’t exist
The age-old dream of mankind
One day you will do everything for the last time
Evening’s coming
It’s raining again
The centre of the world is here
My poems often aren’t poems
Less and less space for flying
More and more empty words
I saw something white far away
The weather changed overnight
My eyesight’s weakening
The world is a single event
I opened the Russian-Chinese dictionary
I’ve thought that I thought about death
I don’t have a land or a sky of my own
The Soul Returning
I remember it well
Fatherland / homeland
I feel sorry for you white paper
A lullaby that never ends
After many bitterly cold days
God is smile
Something stirring
Karl Barth, Paul Tillich, Karl Rahner
Coming home
Om svabhavasuddhah sarva dharmah
Wild geese flying overhead
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