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Imperial Library
A new day has come
I- I believe I can fly
11h30- L’avion se pose entier à Londres.
12h45 - Toujours aucun message des assistantes
13h30 - Toujours pas de message
Adeline arrives in London
Back to Marianne
Victorine arrives in London
Marianne goes home
Sightseeing Tour
Jules arrives in London
18h30 Maître Gordon entre en scène
Never never land…
Rencontre d’un autre type
Soir de solitude
It’s a new dawn, it’s a new day, it’s a new life…
13h-Lunch time
15h dernière ligne droite (ou presque)
Love on the beat…
Money money money must be funny…
We all live in a yellow submarine…
She works hard for the money
Les hommes préfèrent les sottes
Maître Gordon sur un arbre perché
Meet up group
Unhappy friends are living in a happy world…
Emmenez-moi au bout de la terre
Le début de la fin
Il faut qu’on parle et toi t’écoutes
There’s no place like home
Bénies soient les vacances de la Toussaint
Le début de la fin
A New Beginning
Journées portes ouvertes
We are family
Suicide is painless
I’m not in love
Teachers! Leave those kids alone…
No dark sarcasm in the classroom…
J’ai touché le fond de la piscine…
13h30-Food is the answer
14h30-Shop Shop Shop
20h30-Meet Adeline
I’ve been waiting for a girl like you to come into my life…
Je ne veux pas travailler…
« I believe in miracles… »
A Brand New Life
Lonely Planet
Garde Chiourmes Forever
Je hais les lundis
Gingle bells, gingle bells…
Christmas time the best time of the year
Let it snow, let it snow, let it snow…
I’ll be home for Xmas
Back to Londonistan
Hey teachers leave those kids alone…
Déjeuner sur l’herbe
Lucky I’m in love with my best friend…
Beyoncéwitch Project
So many people so much loneliness
Tragedy Shakespearienne
Happy birthday to you, Happy birthday to you…
Down Camden town
Time to go to school
St Valentine’s Day.
My funny Valentine
La tête en Skye
Retour au bercail
When I was prince charming and you were Cinderella beautiful
What if God was one of us…
The show must go on
Ready, steady, go !
Meet up group session
I’ve been waiting for a man like you to come into my life
You and I must make a pact, we must pray salvation back, where is love I’ll be there…
C‘est notre dernier mot.
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