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Title Page
Preface to the Second English Edition
A Note on the Use of Latin Terminology
Editor Acknowledgments
Consulting Editor Acknowledgments
Acknowledgments from the First English Edition
1 Embryology of the Head & Neck
Germ Layers & the Developing Embryo
Development of the Encephalon & Medulla Spinalis
Development & Derivatives of the Arcus Pharyngei
Development & Derivatives of the Sacci Pharyngei, Membranae Pharyngeae, & Sulci Pharyngei
Development of the Lingua & Glandula Thyroidea
Development of the Face
Development of the Palatum
2 Ossa Cranii
Development of the Ossa Cranii
Skull: Lateral View
Skull: Anterior View
Skull: Posterior View
Skull Base: Exterior
Skull Base: Interior
Os Sphenoidale
Os Temporale
Os Occipitale & Os Ethmoidale
Os Zygomaticum & Os Nasale
Maxilla & Palatum Durum
Mandibula & Os Hyoideum
Mandibula: Age-related Changes & Mandibular Fractures
Neurovascular Pathways through the Skull Base
Muscles of the Head: Origins & Insertions
3 Vasculature & Lymphatics of the Head & Neck
Arteries of the Head & Neck: Overview & Arteria Subclavia
Arteriae Carotides Externa & Interna: Overview
Arteria Carotis Externa: Anterior & Medial Branches
Arteria Carotis Externa: Posterior Branches
Arteria Carotis Externa: Terminal Branches (I)
Arteria Carotis Externa: Terminal Branches (II) & Anastomoses
Arteria Carotis Interna
Veins of the Head & Neck: Overview
Superficial Veins of the Head
Deep Veins of the Head
Lymphatics of the Head & Neck (I)
Lymphatics of the Head & Neck (II)
4 Neuroanatomy & Innervation of the Head & Neck
Organization of the Nervous System
Medulla Spinalis: Overview
Medulla Spinalis: Circuitry & Nervi Spinales
Organization of the Encephalon & Cerebellum
Telencephalon (I): Overview, Nuclei Basales, & Neocortex
Telencephalon (II): Allocortex & Limbic System
Diencephalon: Overview & Development
Diencephalon: Thalamus & Hypothalamus
Truncus Encephali: Organization & External Structure
Mesencephalon & Pons: Transverse Sections
Medulla Oblongata: Transverse Sections
Liquor Cerebrospinalis (CSF) Spatia & Ventriculi
Arteries of the Encephalon
Veins of the Encephalon: Venae Superficiales & Profundae
Blood Vessels of the Encephalon: Cerebrovascular Disease
Sensory Pathways (Excluding the Head)
Sensory Pathways: Pain Pathways in the Head & the Central Analgesic System
Motor Pathways
Autonomic Nervous System (I): Overview
Autonomic Nervous System (II): Connections
Nervi Craniales: Overview
Nuclei Nervorum Cranialium
CN I & II: Nervi Olfactorius & Opticus
CN III, IV, & VI: Nervi Oculomotorius, Trochlearis, & Abducens
CN V: Nervus Trigeminus, Nuclei, & Divisions
CN V1: Nervus Trigeminus, Nervus Ophthalmicus Division
CN V2: Nervus Trigeminus, Nervus Maxillaris Division
CN V3: Nervus Trigeminus, Nervus Mandibularis Division
CN VII: Nervus Facialis, Nuclei & Internal Branches
CN VII: Nervus Facialis, External Branches & Ganglia
CN VIII: Nervus Vestibulocochlearis
CN IX: Nervus Glossopharyngeus
CN X: Nervus Vagus
CN XI & XII: Nervi Accessorius & Hypoglosssus
Regions of the Head
5 Face & Scalp
Musculi Faciei
Musculi Faciei: Calvaria, Ear, & Eye
Musculi Faciei: Mouth
Neurovascular Topography of the Anterior Face & Scalp: Superficial Layer
Neurovascular Topography of the Lateral Head: Superficial Layer
Neurovascular Topography of the Lateral Head: Intermediate & Deep Layers
6 Fossae Temporalis, Infratemporalis, & Pterygopalatina
Fossae Temporalis & Infratemporalis: Contents
Fossa Infratemporalis: Contents
Musculi Masticatorii: Overview
Musculi Masticatorii: Deep Muscles
Articulatio Temporomandibularis (TMJ)
Articulatio Temporomandibularis (TMJ): Biomechanics
Fossa Pterygopalatina: Overview
Topography of the Fossa Pterygopalatina
7 Nose & Cavitas Nasi
Nose: Nasal Skeleton
Overview of the Cavitas Nasi & Sinus Paranasales
Cavitas Nasi
Mucosa of the Cavitas Nasi
Nose & Sinus Paranasales: Histology & Clinical Anatomy
Olfactory System (Smell)
8 Cavitas Oris & Pharynx
Cavitas Oris: Overview
Vasculature of the Cavitas Oris
Innervation of the Cavitas Oris
Teeth in situ & Terminology
Structure of the Teeth & Periodontium
Maxillary Dentes Permanentes
Mandibular Dentes Permanentes
Dentes Decidui
Radiographs of Teeth
Tunica Mucosa Linguae
Musculi Linguae
Neurovasculature of the Tongue
Gustatory Pathway
Floor of the Cavitas Oris
Glandulae Salivariae
Palata Durum & Molle
Pharynx: Divisions & Contents
Muscles of the Pharynx (I)
Muscles of the Pharynx (II)
Muscles of the Pharynx (III) & Innervation
Neurovascular Topography of the Pharynx
Potential Tissue Spaces in the Head & Spread of Dental Infections
9 Orbita & Eye
Bones of the Orbita
Communications of the Orbita
Extraocular Muscles
Innervation of the Extraocular Muscles (CN III, IV, & VI)
Neurovasculature of the Orbita
Topography of the Orbita (I)
Topography of the Orbita (II)
Apparatus Lacrimalis
Bulbus Oculi
Eye: Blood Supply
Eye: Lens & Cornea
Eye: Iris & Ocular Chambers
Eye: Retina
Visual System (I): Overview & Geniculate Part
Visual System (II): Lesions & Nongeniculate Part
Visual System (III): Reflexes
Visual System (IV): Coordination of Eye Movement
10 Ear
Overview & Auris Externa (I)
Auris Externa (II): Auricula
Auris Media (I): Cavitas Tympani & Tuba Auditiva
Auris Media (II): Ossicula Auditoria & Cavitas Tympani
Auris Interna (I): Overview & Innervation (CN VIII)
Arteries & Veins of the Auris Media & Interna
Auris Interna (II): Auditory Apparatus
Auditory Pathway
Auris Interna (III): Vestibular Apparatus
Vestibular Pathway
11 Bones, Ligaments, & Muscles of the Neck
Columna Vertebralis & Vertebrae
Cervical Spine
Joints of the Cervical Spine
Ligaments of the Columna Vertebralis
Ligaments of the Cervical Spine
Ligaments of the Craniovertebral Joints
Muscles of the Neck: Overview
Muscles of the Neck & Back (I)
Muscles of the Neck & Back (II)
Muscles of the Posterior Neck
Musculi Dorsi Proprii (I): Musculi Erector Spinae & Interspinales
Musculi Dorsi Proprii (II)
Musculi Dorsi Proprii (III): Short Nuchal & Craniovertebral Joint Muscles
Prevertebral & Scalene Muscles
Musculi Suprahyoidei & Infrahyoidei
12 Neurovascular Topography of the Neck
Arteries & Veins of the Neck
Plexus Cervicalis
Cervical Regions (Trigona)
Cervical Fasciae
Anterior Neck
Root of the Neck
Lateral Neck
Deep Lateral Neck
Posterior Neck
Spatium Peripharyngeum (I)
Spatium Peripharyngeum (II)
13 Larynx & Glandula Thyoridea
Musculi Laryngis
Larynx: Neurovasculature
Larynx: Topography
Endotracheal Intubation
Glandulae Thyroidea & Parathyroideae
Sectional Anatomy
14 Sectional Anatomy of the Head & Neck
Coronal Sections of the Head (I): Anterior
Coronal Sections of the Head (II): Posterior
Coronal MRIs of the Head
Coronal MRIs of the Neck (I): Anterior
Coronal MRIs of the Neck (II)
Coronal MRIs of the Neck (III): Posterior
Transverse Sections of the Head (I): Cranial
Transverse Sections of the Head (II)
Transverse Sections of the Head (III): Caudal
Transverse Sections of the Neck (I): Cranial
Transverse Sections of the Neck (II): Caudal
Transverse MRIs of the Head
Transverse MRIs of the Cavitas Oris
Transverse MRIs of the Neck
Sagittal Sections of the Head (I): Medial
Sagittal Sections of the Head (II): Lateral
Sagittal MRIs of the Head
Sagittal MRIs of the Neck
Rest of Body Anatomy
15 Rest of Body Anatomy
Upper Limb
Clavicula & Scapula
Humerus & Articulatio Glenohumeralis
Bones of Forearm, Wrist, & Hand
Muscles of the Shoulder (I)
Muscles of the Shoulder (II) & Arm
Muscles of the Forearm
Muscles of the Wrist & Hand
Arteries & Veins of the Upper Limb
Plexus Brachialis
Skeleton Thoracis
Muscles & Neurovascular Topography of the Thoracic Wall
Female Breast
Neurovasculature of the Diaphragma
Divisions of the Cavitas Thoracis & Lymphatics
Thoracic Vasculature
Nerves of the Cavitas Thoracis
Mediastinum: Overview
Mediastinum: Structures
Heart: Surfaces & Chambers
Heart: Valves, Arteries, & Veins
Heart: Conduction & Innervation
Pre- & Postnatal Circulation
Lungs in situ
Pulmonary Arteries & Veins
Surface Anatomy & Muscles of the Abdominal Wall
Arteries of the Abdominal Wall & Abdomen
Divisions of the Cavitas Abdominis & Pelvis
Cavitas Peritonealis & Mesenteria (I)
Gaster & Bursa Omentalis
Mesenteria (II) & Intestinum
Hepar, Vesica Biliaris, & Biliary Tract
Aorta Abdominialis & Truncus Coeliacus
Arteriae Mesentericae Superior & Inferior
Veins of the Abdomen
Vena Cava Inferior & Venae Mesentericae Inferiores
Autonomic Plexuses & Sectional Anatomy of the Abdomen
Cingulum Pelvicum & Ligaments of the Pelvis
Contents of the Pelvis
Arteries & Veins of the Pelvis
Appendix A Anatomy of Local Anesthesia for Dentistry
Appendix B Factual Questions & Answer Explanations
Appendix C Clinical Questions & Answer Explanations
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