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Imperial Library
Rebuilding Trust, Domestic Renewal and U.S. Foreign Policy
1: Global supply chains and U.S. national security
Existing supply chain strategic vulnerability
Policy options
2: The future of Persian Gulf security
The role of U.S. policy
The Gulf today: regional dynamics
The U.S. role in the Gulf: retrospect and prospect
3: Brexit: taking stock and looking ahead
‘A United States of Europe’
Europe at the center of British politics
The results and their aftermath
4: The coldest war: toward a return to Great Power competition in the Arctic?
More than one ‘Arctic’
A rapidly transforming region attracts new interests
What are U.S. interests in the Arctic?
U.S. foreign policy in the Arctic
5: China and Africa
Forum on China-Africa Cooperation
Current issues defining the China-Africa relationship
Future issues in the China-Africa relationship
U.S. policy recommendations
6: The two Koreas
South Korea’s Candlelight Movement President
Covid-19 and the Korean response
The revival and decline of inter-Korean summitry
The future of North Korea
New challenges for the U.S.-South Korea alliance under unorthodox political leadership
7: The World Health Organization’s response to Covid-19
How Did We Get Here? WHO, SARS, and the IHR
What has WHO done well and what could it have done differently? The Covid-19 response
Where do we go from here? WHO reform
8: The end of Globalization?
Globalization over the centuries
The economic situation at the end of the war
Skepticism about trade and globalization
About the balloting process…
2021 National Opinion Ballot
Topic 1. Global Supply Chains and National Security
Topic 2. Persian Gulf Security
Topic 3. Brexit and the EU
Topic 4. Struggles over the Melting Arctic
Topic 5. China in Africa
Topic 6. The two Koreas
Topic 7. Role of the WHO
Topic 8. The end of Globalization?
Global Discussion Questions
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