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Title Page
Introduction to the Fourth Edition
Roundtable: Grantsmanship and the Economy
Part I: Prerequisites
Lesson 1: Who Am I? (and What in the World Do I Want to Do?)
Lesson 2: Wait a Second—What Is a Grant . . . and Where Do I Get One?
Lesson 3: Making (Dollars and) Sense of Grant-Application Packages: What Grantmakers Want
Lesson 4: Getting Ready to Write a Grant Proposal
•If You’re a Not-for-Profit Organization . . .
•If You’re a Government Agency or School District . . .
•If You’re an Individual Grant Seeker . . .
Lesson 5: Intangibles: Things They Never Tell You (About Proposal Writing)
Funders Roundtable I
Part II: It’s Finally Time to Write the Proposal
Lesson 6: Writing (Proposals) with Style: 12 Basic Rules
Lesson 7: Identifying and Documenting the Need: What Problem Will a Grant Fix?
Lesson 8: Goals and Objectives: What Do You Hope to Achieve if You Get the Money?
Lesson 9: Developing and Presenting a Winning Program
Lesson 10: Finding Partners and Building Coalitions (The MOUs That Roared)
Lesson 11: The Evaluation Plan: How Can You Be Sure if Your Program Worked?
Lesson 12: The Budget: How Much Will It Cost . . . and Is the Cost Reasonable?
Lesson 13: Sustainability: How Will You Continue the Program When the Grant Funds Run Out?(and You’d Better Not Say, “I Won’t!”)
Lesson 14: Capacity: Proving That You Can Get the Job Done
Lesson 15: Front and Back: The Cover Page or Cover Letter, the Abstract, the Table of Contents, and the Appendix
Funders Roundtable II
Part III: And After the Proposal . . .
Lesson 16: The Site Visit—Playing Host
Lesson 17: So Now You Know—What Next?
Funders Roundtable III
Appendix 1: 50 Tips for Improving Your Chances of Winning a Grant
Appendix 2: Proposal Checklist
Appendix 3: Glossary
Appendix 4: Sample Grant Forms
•Washington (D.C.) Area Common Grant Application Form
•Federal Cover Page, Form ED 424
•Sample Cover Letter
•Sample Letter of Inquiry (LOI)
•Sample Abstract
Appendix 5: Representative List of Community Foundations
Appendix 6: Websites
Appendix 7: Answers to Pop Quizzes
About the Authors
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