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Imperial Library
About the Book
About the Author and Artist
Chapter 1: We Are the Arcturians
The Arcturian Transmissions
The Arcturian Earth Mission
The Arcturian System
The Arcturian Culture
The Arcturian Energy Libraries
Form and Appearance
Arcturian Consciousness
The Arcturians
The Arcturian Energy
Chapter 2: A Greater Reality
The Time-Space Universe
The Milky Way Galaxy
The Photon Belt
The Seeding of Life in the Galaxy
Other Arcturian ET Relationships
Space Travel
Chapter 3: The Solar System
Frequency Shifting
Uranus and Neptune
The Shoemaker-Levy Comet
The Hale-Bopp Comet
The Earth
A Shift in Planetary Consciousness
The Inner Earth
The Spin of the Earth
The Seeding of Life on the Earth
Chapter 4: The Earth in Peril
Arcturian Interaction with the Earth
Computer Technology
Nuclear Radiation
Holes in the Ozone Layer
The HAARP Project
The Effect of Magnetic Shifts
Computer Prophecy Models
Chapter 5: The Human Condition
Directing Your Genetic Codes
The Orion Influence
Arcturian Resolution of the Orion Energy
Love — The Energy of the Heart
Purity of the Human Race
Emotional and Mental Integration
Negative Implants
Human Mental Capacities
The Concept of Free Will
Chapter 6: The Human Subconscious
Telepathy and the Subconscious Mind
Unlocking Codes through the Subconscious
Cleansing the Subconscious
Chapter 7: Connecting with the Arcturians
Anchoring the Arcturian Energy
Spiritual Truth
Spiritual Energy
A New Awareness
Your Multidimensional Selves
Energy Alignments
Opening the Crown Chakra
Chapter 8: The Need for Healing
Healing on the Arcturian Ships
Personal Clearings
Tachyon Energy
Sound and Color
Tachyon Healing Sessions
Building an Energy Cocoon
The Energy Cocoon
Bringing Back Galactic Images
Chapter 9: Opening Your Consciousness
The Mission of Walk-ins
Spiritual Cohabitation
The Merging Process
Negative Cohabitation
Chapter 10: Dimensions and Corridors
The Fourth Dimension
The Fifth Dimension
Fifth-Dimensional Light
Naturally Occurring Corridors
Corridors in Space
Entering a Corridor
Inside a Corridor
Keeping the Corridors Open
A Meeting in the Corridor
Chapter 11: The Arcturian Stargate
Guardians of the Stargate
Functionality of the Stargate
The Healing and Purification Process
Entry into the Stargate
Choosing Your Next Existence
Soul Processing
The Arcturian Temple
The Stargate
Chapter 12: The Crystal Temple of Tomar
The Crystal Temple
A Strand of Light
Looking into the Crystal
Entering into the Crystal
Experiencing Your Lightbody
Gurhan of the Andromeda Council
Returning to the Earth
A Message from Kuthumi
The Crystal Temple
Chapter 13: Planetary Ascension
Stabilizing the Earth
Preparing for the Ascension
First the Fourth, then the Fifth
Mission of the Lightworkers
Building a Bridge to the Fifth Dimension
Discharges through the Corridors
Galactic and Gaia Spiritual Energy
Creator Energy and the Planetary Shift
Oneness with the Creator Energy
Chapter 14: Human Ascension
Transition to the Fifth Dimension
An Energy Boost Is Needed
The Power of Group Soul Energy
Reactivating Your Galactic Consciousness
Using the Stargate Energy
Increasing Your Light Quotient
Chapter 15: Forty Groups of Forty
The Power of Group Energy
The Number Forty
The Group of Forty Concept
Forty Groups of Forty
Maintaining Fifth-Dimensional Corridors
Group of Forty Leadership and Focus
The Arcturians Will Appear
The Flow of Prospective Ascended Masters
Chapter 16: The Sacred Triangle
Side One: The Extraterrestrials
Side Two: The White Brotherhood/Sisterhood
Side Three: The Native Americans
Joining the Sides of the Triangle
The San Francisco Peaks
The Arcturian Crystal Temple
Mount Shasta
Activating the Ascension Codes
Sananda Speaks
The Sacred Triangle
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