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EVENTS which happened in the Year 1000 of the HIJRAH.
The Grand Vezír Ferhád Páshá deposed, and the Vezírship conferred on Síávush Páshá.
The Militia of Tabríz.
The Muftí Effendí, Bostánzádeh, deposed, and Zekeríá Effendí appointed in his stead.
Disturbance on the confines of Bosnia and Hungary.—Movements of the Infidels.
News from the East.
Concerning learned Men.
EVENTS of the year 1001, H.
The Spáhís create a disturbance in the Diván.
The Grand Vezír, Síávúsh Páshá, deposed.
A rupture between the Ottomans and the Austrians.
The Grand Vezír, Sinán Páshá, determines on carrying the war into Hungary.
The Enemy advances to Belgrade.
Felk falls into the hands of the Enemy.
The Faithless are chastised.
The base and ignoble Infidels besiege Khutván.
The Siege of Osterghún.
The Request of the Prime Minister—the Succour of the Magnificent Emperor.
Yanuk besieged.
The Moslem Warriors begin an assault.
EVENTS of the Year 1003 H.
The conquest of Yanuk.
Komran laid siege to.
Concerning the bad management of the Commander-in-chief; his error and failure in some other matters.
The Waivoda of Moldavia rebels.
Concerning the insurrection occasioned by Michael, Waivoda of Valachia.
Death of Sultán Murád III.
The late Emperor’s age.—The time of his reign.—Some of his virtues and good deeds described.
Vezírs contemporary with Sultán Murád Khán.
Learned Men contemporary with Sultán Murád Khán.
Reverend Doctors contemporary with Murád Khán.
Facts relative to the new Emperor Sultán Mohammed Khán III.
The Premiership conferred on Ferhád Páshá.
Insurrection of the Valachians and Moldavians.
Ferhád Páshá makes preparations for war.
The Spáhís raise a tumult.
Ferhád Páshá prepares to set out for Valachia.
Continuation of Ferhád’s affairs.
Ferhád arrives on the Banks of the Danube.
Ferhád is deposed.—Sinán Páshá raised to the Premiership.
A Reflection.
Sinán Páshá’s Operations in Valachia.
A Council held.—A Fortress built.
Concerning the Enemy’s Operations on the Frontiers.
The Moslem Army advances to Osterghún, and are defeated.
The Apostate Michael gains a victory.
The fortress of Yerkok taken.
Osterghún delivered up to the enemy.
Vishégrade is taken by the enemy.
The Grand Vezír deposed.—Lála Mohammed Páshá made Grand Vezír.
Sinán Páshá is made Grand Vezír a fifth Time.
Sinán Páshá’s counsel to the Emperor.
Sinán Páshá’s death.—Ibrahím Páshá is made Grand Vezír.
Strife and contention between Sa’d-ud-dín Effendí and the Muftí.
The Emperor of the Moslems prepares to set out for the scene of war.
A Council held.
Agria besieged.
The Moslems are threatened by another immense host of Infidels.
Ja’fer Páshá sent with a body of Troops to surprise the Enemy.
The Orthodox Army advances to attack the Enemy.
The Battle of the first Day.
The Battle of the second Day.—The Defeat of the Enemy.
The Premiership conferred on Jaghaleh Zádeh Sinán Páshá.
The Fugitives punished.
The conquering Moslems return to Agria.
The Emperor returns to Constantinople.
Jaghaleh, the grand vezír, deposed.—Ibrahím is re-appointed.
Concerning Fateh Gheráí.
New appearances of hostilities.
EVENTS of the Year 1006 H.
A Council held.—The army marches on Wáj.
The Grand Vezír, Ibrahím Páshá, deposed.—Khádum Hasan Páshá succeeds to the premiership.
Jeráh Mohammed Páshá raised to the premiership.
The enemy gains advantage at Yanuk by stratagem.
The Moslems determine on attacking Warad.
State of affairs in Bassra.
EVENTS of the Year 1007, H.
Account of the late expedition continued from last year.
Warad besieged.
Concerning the fall of Besperim, Polata, Tata, and the siege of Buda.
Khádem Háfiz Ahmed Páshá routed at Nicopolis by the odious Michael.
The grand Vezírship conferred a third time on Ibrahím Páshá.
Satúrjí Mohammed Páshá murdered. Etmekjí Zádeh imprisoned.
Strange conduct of the new Grand Vezír Ibrahím Páshá.
Some other events of this year.
EVENTS of the Year 1008. H.
Account of Ibrahím Páshá’s further operations.
The French soldiers stationed at Papa join the Osmánlís.
Laudable qualities of Ibrahím Páshá.
Concerning Abulhelím.
The state of Yemen. (Arabia-felix.)
Ibrahím Páshá’s movements against Kaniza.
EVENTS of the Year 1009, H.
Kaniza taken.
Hájí Ibrahím Páshá defeated by Kara Yazijí (Scrivano).
The odious Michael’s troops defeated.
EVENTS of the Year 1010, H.
The grand vezír, Ibrahím Páshá’s death.—Yemishjí Hasan Páshá succeeds him in the premiership.
Concerning Tarnákjí Hasan Páshá’s going to Kaniza.
The enemy return to lay siege to Kaniza.
The grand vezír and commander-in-chief, Yemishjí Hasan Páshá, marches against the enemy.
Kaniza is besieged.
Arrival of the Archduke Mathias.
Some further account of the affairs relative to Kaniza.—The arrival of the Commander-in-chief at Sigetwar.
State of matters in the East.—Concerning Scrivano.
Some other events of this year.—Karah Yázijí dies in the mountains of Jánbeg.
Concerning the rebel Delí Hasan, the brother of Karah Yázijí.—Hasan Páshá, the commander-in-chief, falls a martyr.
EVENTS of the Year 1011, H.
Hasan Páshá recovers Alba Julia.
The Commander-in-chief conducts an expedition into Transylvania.
Pest taken.—Buda is besieged.
Ghází Gheráí Khán arrives with a Tátár army.
EVENTS of the Year 1012, H.
Advantage gained by the rebel Delí Hasan.—Mahmúd Páshá is appointed in the room of Khosrú Páshá.
Several changes take place.
Concerning Ghaznafer Aghá and Osmán Aghá, ághá of the palace.
Yemishjí Hasan Páshá returns to Constantinople.
Mahmúd Páshá reports these proceedings to the Emperor, who refuses to sanction the deed of the Muftí.
Poiráz Osmán and other rebels executed.
Other affairs of this period.
Concerning the operations of the new Commander-in-chief Mohammed Páshá.
The grand vezír Yemishjí Hasan Páshá is deposed.—Dies by a violent death.
Kásim Páshá is made Governor of Constantinople.
The commencement of a rupture with Persia.
The Sháh of Persia marches upon Tabríz.
The capture of Nakhcheván.
Death of Sultán Mohammed Khán, son of Murád Khán.
Of learned men.
Concerning Grand Vezírs, and other great men.
Concerning the ulemá, or higher order of ecclesiastics.
Of the Mesháiekh, or priests.
The arrival of the fleet.—Concerning the grand vezír, Yávuz Alí Páshá.
Alí Páshá, grand vezír, is appointed Commander-in-chief over the troops employed against Hungary, and Jeghala Zádeh is appointed to the command in the East.
A variety of changes in the ecclesiastical and military establishments.
Some further account of Delí Hasan (brother of Scrivano).
Continuation of the account of the war carried on against the heretics.—The Sháh reduces Reván.
The Sháh conquers Shirwán.
Kars is besieged.—Other acts of hostility by the red-heads.
EVENTS of the Year 1013, H.
The grand vezír, Alí Páshá, sets put for Belgrade.
Lálá Mohammed Páshá succeeds Alí Páshá in all his offices.
The infidels abandon Pest.
The fortress of Wáj conquered.
Osterghún is laid siege to.
Concerning Botchkai.
A battle fought between the Germans and the Hungarians.
Concerning the defeat of Kásim Páshá.
Sárukjí Mustafa Páshá is made deputy of Constantinople.—Other promotions take place.
Sárukjí Mustafa Páshá is murdered.—Súfí Sinán succeeds him.
The emperor goes to hunt.—Sultán Osmán Khán is born.
The grand vezír, Lálá Mohammed Páshá, returns to Constantinople.
Continuation of the affairs in the East.
EVENTS of the Year 1014, II.
Osterghún set fire to.
The city and fortress taken.
Progress of Botchkai.
Botchkai pays a visit to the commanding General.
Peace is proposed by the Archduke Mathias.
Concerning Jeghala Zádeh’s operations on the confines of Persia.
A battle between Serkosh Ibrahím Páshá and the Croatians.
Mohammed Páshá, the son of Sinán Páshá, killed.
The emperor, whilst at Adrianople, hears further intelligence as to the state of the rebellion in Anatolia.
An overture made to Túyel.
The grand vezír, Mohammed Páshá, is recalled to Constantinople.
A commotion among the Janissaries and Spáhís.
The commander-in-chief arrives at Constantinople.
Delí Hasan killed at Temisvar.
Concerning the grand vezír, Lálá Mohammed Páshá.—His death.—Dervísh Páshá raised to the vezírship.
EVENTS of the Year 1015, H.
Dervísh Páshá is murdered.—Murád Páshá is made grand vezír.
The cause of his death more particularly related.
Peace concluded with Austria.
Concerning Nesúh Páshá.
Death of Botchkai.
Other events of the current year.
EVENTS of the Year 1016, H.
The grand vezír, Murád Páshá, returns to court.
Murád Páshá gains a victory over the rebels.
Ebn Kalander goes to Ancora.
Murád Páshá winters at Aleppo.—Troops are sent to Baghdád.
Jánbulát Oghlí seeks refuge in Constantinople.—Kalander commits new depredations.
Jánbulát Oghlí meets with a happy reverse of fortune.
Some more particulars belonging to this year.
An ambassador arrives from Poland.—A former treaty is renewed.
EVENTS of the Year 1017, H.
The commander-in-chief, Murád Páshá, pursues Kalander Oghlí.
His Excellency Murád Páshá hastens after the brother of Túyel Mahmúd.
The commander-in-chief, Murád Páshá, is recalled to court.
Concerning Mohammed Páshá in Egypt.
A great earthquake.
EVENTS of the Year 1018, H.
The grand vezír and commander-in-chief, Murád Páshá, is again sent to the East.
Yúsuf Páshá arrives at Scutari.
Mesli Chávush and Yúsuf Páshá are murdered.
Treachery in some of the grand vezír’s domestics discovered.
The arrival of Yúsuf Páshá’s and Mesli Chávush’s wealth.—A display of ill will and malevolence.
Concerning the naval operations of the lord high admiral, Khalíl Páshá.—Karah Jehennem taken.
Ancient treaty with France renewed.
EVENTS of the Year 1019, H.
The grand vezír and commander-in-chief, Murád Páshá, goes to Tabríz.
Other events of this year.
The death of Murád Páshá, grand vezír and commander-in-chief.—Nesúh Páshá succeeds to the premiership.
EVENTS of the Year 1020, H.
Naval affairs.
EVENTS of the Year 1021, H.
Naval affairs continued.
Nesúh Páshá arrives in Constantinople along with the Persian ambassadors.
Sultán Ahmed Khán takes a journey to Adrianople.
EVENTS of the Year 1022, H.
The emperor, Sultán Ahmed Khán, goes to Gallipoli.
The emperor leaves Gallipoli for the imperial city.
Mohammed Gheráí arrives at Rudosjuk.
A messenger from Holland arrives in Constantinople.
A mosque is built in the garden of Stavros.
Sultán Ahmed Khán resolves on a second journey to Adrianople.
Nesúh Páshá’s enmity to the lord high treasurer, Etmekjí Zádeh. Ahmed Páshá.
Begzádeh, a celebrated spáhí, assassinated.
Other events and circumstances of this year.
The treaty of peace with Persia adverted to.
EVENTS of the Year 1023, H.
The Moslem Emperor returns to Constantinople.
The admiral, Khalíl Páshá, goes to sea.
Punishment inflicted on the infidels of Maneíah.
Mímí Páshá falls a martyr.
The cossacks become troublesome.
Some fortresses built on the Ouzi (Borysthenes).
Concerning Maán Oghlí.
The grand vezír, Nesúh Páshá, murdered.—The seals are conferred on Mohammed Páshá.
Chief reasons for accomplishing the death of Nesúh Páshá.
Concerning Betlan Gabor.
The treaty of Transylvania.
Another treaty.
The grand vezír and commander-in-chief marches against Persia.
A messenger arrives from the sháh.
The peace with Austria renewed.—New articles added.
Death of the reverend Muftí.—His brother, Isaád Effendí, succeeds him.
EVENTS of the Year 1024, H.
The grand vezír and commander-in-chief march to Reván
The grand vezír and commanding-general, Mohammed Páshá, is deposed.—Khalíl Páshá is advanced to the premiership.
The Persian ambassador is imprisoned.
Iskander Páshá marches against the Cossacks.
The grand vezír and commander-in-chief goes to Diárbeker, where he winters.—Ján Beg Gheráí, the khán of Crimea, joins the royal camp.
A division is sent to protect Gúrjistán (Georgia) from the grasp of the heretics.
Iskander Páshá concludes a peace with the Cossacks.
Concerning the naval affairs of this year.
Death of Sultán Ahmed Khán.—Sultán Mustafa Khán is inaugurated.
Character of Sultán Ahmed Khán.
Concerning Sultán Ahmed Khán’s sons.
Vezírs who were contemporary with Sultán Ahmed Khán.
Some of the events which took place during the reign of Mustafa Khán.
Sultán Mustafa Khán is deposed.
Sultán Osmán Khán inaugurated.
Concerning Mohammed Gheráí.
Ján Beg, khán of the Tátárs, defeated.
The arrival of the king of Poland’s ambassador.
An ambassador arrives from Fez.
A phenomenon.
Death of Etmekjí Zádeh Ahmed Páshá.
On the state of the coin.
The seals of the premiership are again conferred on Mohammed Páshá, the emperor’s son-in-law.
The arrival of a Persian ambassador.
A remarkable phenomenon.
Betlan Gabor.
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