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Imperial Library
Title Page
Bibliographical Note
Copyright Page
Table of Contents
1. Magic with Rings
1. The Ring Magically Knotted to a String
2. The Magically Released Rings
3. Instantaneous Ring Release
4. The Ring on the String
5. The Flying Ring
6. The Ring and Pencil Trick
7. The Mysto Ring Flight
8. Rubbing a Ring onto a Pencil
9. Instantaneous Flight
2. Impromptu Coin Tricks
1. The Multiplying Penny
2. The Flying Coins
3. Rubbing a Coin into Invisibility
4. The Traveling Coins
5. The Coin in the Glass
6. The “Tapping Pencil” Coin Trick
7. Multiplying Pennies
8. The Coins in the Hat
9. The Coin in the Sleeve
3. Coin Tricks Requiring Simple Apparatus
1. The Handkerchief Coin Vanish
2. The Paper Cone and Coin
3. Fingertip Coin Magic
4. The Mysto Coin Vanish
4. Mathematical Magic
1. Lightning Addition
2. The Canceled Number
3. The Telepathic Total
4. Birthday Magic
5. Important Dates
6. Counting to One Hundred
7. Telling a Number Thought of
8. All Alike
9. The Number in the Envelope
10. The Telephone Book Test
5. Magic with Handkerchiefs
1. Handkerchief from Nowhere
2. Vanishing a Handkerchief
3. The Color-Changing Handkerchief
4. The Handkerchief Dye Tube
5. Flying Handkerchiefs
6. Twentieth-Century Silks
7. The Penetrating Silk
8. The Vanishing Knots
6. More Magic with Handkerchiefs
1. The Knot from Nowhere
2. The Knot That Won’t Stay Tied
3. The Dissolving Knots
7. Magic with String
1. Ring on a String
2. The String in the Buttonhole
3. Threading the Needle
4. Instantaneous Knot Vanish
5. Thumb-and-Finger Cord Release
6. The Thumb Tie
8. Magic with Ropes
1. The Magic Knots
2. Handkerchiefs and Ropes
3. Cutting a Person in Two with Ropes
4. The Knotted Loop
5. Two Instantaneous Knots
6. The Stretching Rope
9. Mind-Reading Magic
1. Dictionary or Book Mind Reading
2. The Chosen Number
4. Book Mind Reading
5. Dollar-Bill Mind Reading
6. Diabolo Dictionary Trick
10. Magic with Dice
1. Dice Divination
2. Magnetic Dice
3. Naming Unseen Die Spots
4. The Dice in the Glass
5. Dice Mathemagic
11. Thimble Magic
1. The Disappearing Thimble
2. The Flying Thimble
3. The Color-Changing Thimble
4. Thimble Production from a Paper Cone
5. The Multiplying Thimble
6. From Red to Blue
7. Thimble and Handkerchief
8. Thimble and Paper-Cone Finale
12. Dinner-Table Magic
1. The Wandering Bread Pellets
2. Pellets from Hand to Hand
3. The Midas Dinner Roll
4. The Impromptu Drinking Cup
5. The Mysterious Fruit Seed
6. The Drinking-glass Vanish
7. Drinking-glass Levitation
13. Stunts to Fool Your Friends
1. Odd or Even Serial Numbers
2. Reverse Shift
3. All Together
4. Coin Shifting
5. Penny Jumping
6. Some Knot
7. Pennies and Pencils
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