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Title Page
Table of Contents
ABR study guide topics
Chapter 1: Production of net magnetization
1.1 Magnetic fields
1.2 Nuclear spin
1.3 Nuclear magnetic moments
1.4 Larmor precession
1.5 Net magnetization
1.6 Susceptibility and magnetic materials
Chapter 2: Concepts of magnetic resonance
2.1 Radiofrequency excitation
2.2 Radiofrequency signal detection
2.3 Chemical shift
Chapter 3: Relaxation
3.1 T1 relaxation and saturation
3.2 T2 relaxation, T2* relaxation, and spin echoes
Chapter 4: Principles of magnetic resonance imaging – 1
4.1 Gradient fields
4.2 Slice selection
4.3 Readout or frequency encoding
4.4 Phase encoding
4.5 Sequence looping
Chapter 5: Principles of magnetic resonance imaging – 2
5.1 Frequency selective excitation
5.2 Composite pulses
5.3 Raw data and image data matrices
5.4 Signal-to-noise ratio and tradeoffs
5.5 Raw data and k-space
5.6 Reduced k-space techniques
5.7 Reordered k-space filling techniques
5.8 Other k-space filling techniques
5.9 Phased-array coils
5.10 Parallel acquisition methods
Chapter 6: Pulse sequences
6.1 Spin echo sequences
6.2 Gradient echo sequences
6.3 Echo planar imaging sequences
6.4 Magnetization-prepared sequences
Chapter 7: Measurement parameters and image contrast
7.1 Intrinsic parameters
7.2 Extrinsic parameters
7.3 Parameter tradeoffs
Chapter 8: Signal suppression techniques
8.1 Spatial presaturation
8.2 Magnetization transfer suppression
8.3 Frequency-selective saturation
8.4 Nonsaturation methods
Chapter 9: Artifacts
9.1 Motion artifacts
9.2 Sequence/Protocol-related artifacts
9.3 External artifacts
Chapter 10: Motion artifact reduction techniques
10.1 Acquisition parameter modification
10.2 Triggering/Gating
10.3 Flow compensation
10.4 Radial-based motion compensation
Chapter 11: Magnetic resonance angiography
11.1 Time-of-flight MRA
11.2 Phase contrast MRA
11.3 Maximum intensity projection
Chapter 12: Advanced imaging applications
12.1 Diffusion
12.2 Perfusion
12.3 Functional brain imaging
12.4 Ultra-high field imaging
12.5 Noble gas imaging
Chapter 13: Magnetic resonance spectroscopy
13.1 Additional concepts
13.2 Localization techniques
13.3 Spectral analysis and postprocessing
13.4 Ultra-high field spectroscopy
Chapter 14: Instrumentation
14.1 Computer systems
14.2 Magnet system
14.3 Gradient system
14.4 Radiofrequency system
14.5 Data acquisition system
14.6 Summary of system components
Chapter 15: Contrast agents
15.1 Intravenous agents
15.2 Oral agents
Chapter 16: Safety
16.1 Base magnetic field
16.2 Cryogens
16.3 Gradients
16.4 RF power deposition
16.5 Contrast media
Chapter 17: Clinical applications
17.1 General principles of clinical MR imaging
17.2 Examination design considerations
17.3 Protocol considerations for anatomical regions
17.4 Recommendations for specific sequences and clinical situations
References and suggested readings
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