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About part I
Understanding your reactions to traumatic life events
Is this book for you?
What is a compassionate-mind approach?
The impact of traumatic events
How do you cope with trauma?
Do you have PTSD?
Other ways trauma can affect you
Dissociating, daydreaming, and disconnecting
Understanding your responses to traumatic events: Your brain, your motives, and your emotions
“Old brain” desires vs. “new brain” dilemmas
Understanding your emotions
Your emotional regulation systems
Understanding your trauma memories: Flashbacks, nightmares, and intrusive thoughts
The difference between everyday memories and trauma memories
Flashbacks are normal
Trauma memories as warning signals
Why do flashbacks happen?
Trauma, the frontal cortex, and compassion
What do flashbacks feel like?
Past memories that haunt you
What triggers flashbacks?
What keeps a sense of constant danger going?
Memory banks
Understanding shame and self-criticism in relation to traumatic events
Shame and social threat
Understanding your shame
How do you try to protect yourself from your fear of other people?
Trauma and your self-identity
Shame and your traumatic experiences
How you avoid your shame
Self-criticism and shame
Dealing with shame-filled trauma memories
Understanding your need for compassion in your life
The compassionate mind
Threat-focused mind, traumatized mind, and compassionate mind
The power of emotional memories
What happens if you didn’t feel cared for?
What can happen when parents or caregivers don’t make you feel safe?
“But nothing bad happened to me in my childhood!”
Was emotional nurturing on your family curriculum?
About part II
Preparing your mind for compassion: Attributes of compassion
The compassionate mind
Important qualities of compassion
Bringing aspects and attributes together: a model of compassionate mind training
“Hang on a minute, this stuff is not for me”
Compassion myths
Experiment with self-compassion
Preparing your mind for compassion: The beginnings of skills development
Compassion training
Mindfulness and mindful attention
Activating your contentment and soothing system
Developing your skills to access compassionate feelings
Using compassionate imagery
Understanding compassionate imagery
A small (but important) note about smell
Soothing rhythm breathing
Developing your “safe place”
Developing your compassionate mind through imagery
Compassion flowing out from you to others
Compassion flowing into you
Creating perfect nurturing imagery
Start your day the compassionate way
Memory prompts
About part III
Using compassion to understand your life story
Making a compassionate commitment
Managing flashbacks
“I’m really struggling to sleep”
Nightmare imagery rescripting
What’s next?
Engaging our compassionate minds
Understanding your life story with compassion
Getting to know your inner bully
The compassionate way to make sense of your traumatic events
What was the outcome for Amanda?
Using your compassionate mind to resolve your shame-filled flashbacks
What’s the way forward?
Engaging your compassionate mind
Developing compassionate self-talk to replace self-criticism
Compassionate reframes and working with your flashbacks
Using perfect nurturing imagery to revisit shame-filled flashbacks
A compassionate note on disgust
Using compassionate letter writing to bring compassion to your trauma story
Compassionate letter writing
Steps to compassionate letter writing
Looking after yourself
Eleven steps to developing a compassionate letter
Moving on in your life with compassion
Ten key insights to a compassionate approach to trauma
What changes have you noticed in yourself?
What exercises have you found the most helpful?
The new version of you
A compassionate commitment to yourself
A compassionate first-aid box
Looking forward
Useful resources
Support groups
Chapter 1: Understanding your reactions to traumatic life events
Chapter 2: Understanding your responses to traumatic events: your brain, your motives, and your emotions
Chapter 3: Understanding your trauma memories: flashbacks, nightmares, and intrusive thoughts
Chapter 4: Understanding shame and self-criticism in relation to traumatic events
Chapter 5: Understanding your need for compassion in your life
Chapter 6: Preparing your minds for compassion: attributes of compassion
Chapter 7: Preparing your mind for compassion: the beginnings of skills development
Chapter 8: Developing your skills to access compassionate feelings
Chapter 9: Using compassion to understand your life story
Chapter 10: Using your compassionate mind to resolve your shame-filled flashbacks
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