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Imperial Library
Front Cover
Title Page
Copyright Page
Sources of extracts
Foreword by Mary O’Hara
Section I: Inequality and poverty
1 Prime suspect: murder in Britain
2 The dream that turned pear-shaped
3 The soul searching within New Labour
4 Unequal Britain
5 Axing the child poverty measure is wrong
Section II: Injustice and ideology
6 Brutal budget to entrench inequality
7 New Labour and Inequality: Thatcherism Continued?
8 All in the mind? Why social inequalities persist
9 Glass conflict: David Cameron’s claim to understand poverty
10 Clearing the poor away
Section III: Race and identity
11 Ghettos in the sky
12 Worlds apart: how inequality breeds fear and prejudice in Britain
13 How much evidence do you need? Ethnicity, harm and crime
14 UK medical school admissions by ethnicity, socioeconomic status, and sex
15 Race and the repercussions of recession
Section IV: Education and hierarchy
16 What’s it to do with the price of fish?
17 Little progress towards a fairer education system
18 One of Labour’s great successes
19 Do three points make a trend?
20 Educational mobility in England and Germany
21 Cash and the not so classless society
22 Britain must close the great pay divide
23 Raising equality in access to higher education
Section V: Elitism and geneticism
24 The Darwins and the Cecils are only empty vessels
25 The Fabian essay: the myth of inherited inequality
26 The return to elitism in education
27 The super-rich are still soaring away
Section VI: Mobility and employment
28 The trouble with moving upmarket
29 Britain – split and divided by inequality
30 London and the English desert: the grain of truth in a stereotype
31 Are the times changing back?
32 Unemployment and health
Section VII: Bricks and mortar
33 Mortality amongst street sleeping youth in the UK
34 Daylight robbery: there’s no shortage of housing
35 The influence of selective migration patterns
36 The geography of poverty, inequality and wealth in the UK and abroad
37 All connected? Geographies of race, death, wealth, votes and births
Section VIII: Wellbeing and misery
38 Against the organization of misery? The Marmot Review of Health Inequalities
39 Inequality kills
40 The geography of social inequality and health
41 The cartographer’s mad project
42 The fading of the dream: widening inequalities in life expectancy in America
43 The importance of circumstance, section from: anecdote is the singular
Section IX: Advocacy and action
44 Mean machine: how structural inequality makes social inequality seem natural
45 Policing the borders of crime: who decides research?
46 Learning the hard way
47 When the social divide deepens
48 Ending the scandal of complacency
49 Our grandchildren will wonder why we were addicted to social inequality
50 Mind the gap: New Labour’s legacy on child poverty
51 Remapping the world’s population: visualizing data using cartograms
52 If I were king
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