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Foreword (Olga Soffer)
1. Current Issues in Levantine Upper Palaeolithic Research – (Anna Belfer-Cohen and A. Nigel Goring-Morris)
Environment and Resources
2. Climatic Conditions in the Eastern Mediterranean During the Last Glacial (60–10 ky bp) and Their Relations to the Upper Palaeolithic in the Levant: Oxygen and Carbon Isotope Systematics of Cave Deposits – (Miryam Bar-Matthews and Avner Ayalon)
3. Some Observations on Middle and Upper Palaeolithic Ashy Cave and Rockshelter Deposits in the Near East – (Paul Goldberg)
4. The Levantine Upper Palaeolithic Faunal Record – (Rivka Rabinovich)
The Middle to Upper Palaeolithic Transition
5. Generating the Middle to Upper Palaeolithic Transition: A Chaîne Opératoire Approach – (Michael Chazan)
6. A Quest for Antecedents: A Comparison of the Terminal Middle Palaeolithic and Early Upper Palaeolithic of the Levant – (Gilbert B. Tostevin)
7. The Middle/Upper Palaeolithic Transition in Northern and Southern Israel: A Technological Comparison – (Josette Sarel and Avraham Ronen)
8. The Tor Sadaf Lithic Assemblages: A Technological Study of the Early Upper Palaeolithic in the Wadi al-Hasa – (Jake R. Fox)
The Early Upper Palaeolithic
9. Variability and Change in the Early Upper Palaeolithic of the Levant – (James L. Phillips and Iman N. Saca)
10. The Early Upper Palaeolithic at Üçağızlı Cave (Hatay, Turkey): Some Preliminary Results – (Steven L. Kuhn, Mary C. Stiner, Kristopher W. Kerry and Erksin Güleç)
11. Technology, Economy and Mobility at the Beginning of the Levantine Upper Palaeolithic – (Katherine Monigal)
12. Spatial Patterning in the Upper Palaeolithic: A Perspective from the Abu Noshra Sites – (Mark S. Becker)
13. The Upper Palaeolithic of Jordan: New Data from the Wadi al-Hasa – (Nancy R. Coinman)
14. Tor Fawaz (J403): An Upper Palaeolithic Occupation in the Jebel Qalkha Area, Southwest Jordan – (Kristopher W. Kerry and Donald O. Henry)
Flake-Based Industries
15. Twisted Debitage and the Levantine Aurignacian Problem – (Christopher A. Bergman)
16. An Examination of Upper Palaeolithic Flake Technologies in the Marginal Zone of the Levant – (John K. Williams)
The Later Upper Palaeolithic and the Transition to the Epipalaeolithic
17. Cultural Variability in the Late Upper Palaeolithic of the Levant – (Daniel Kaufman)
18. The Ohalo II Flint Assemblage and the Beginning of the Epipalaeolithic in the Jordan Valley216 – (Dani Nadel)
19. The Conundrum of the Levantine Late Upper Palaeolithic and Early Epipalaeolithic: Perspectives from the Wadi al-Hasa, Jordan – (Deborah I. Olszewski)
20. The Levantine Upper Palaeolithic: A Commentary on Contributions to the Philadelphia Symposium – (Lorraine Copeland)
21. Reflections on Levantine Upper Palaeolithic Studies: Past and Present – (Anthony E. Marks)
22. Reflections on the Selected Issues of the Upper Palaeolithic – (Ofer Bar-Yosef)
23. Final Remarks and Epilogue – (Anna Belfer-Cohen and A. Nigel Goring-Morris)
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