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An Overview of Groundwater Resources in Nile Delta Aquifer
Land and Groundwater Resources in the Egypt’s Nile Valley, Delta, and Its Fringes
Use of Groundwater in Nile Alluvial Soils and Their Fringes
Groundwater and Agriculture in the Nile Delta
Sedimentological Characteristics of the Quaternary Groundwater Aquifer, Northwestern Nile Delta, Egypt
Hydrogeophysical Characteristics of the Central Nile Delta Aquifer
Resistivity Characterization of Aquifer in Coastal Semiarid Areas: An Approach for Hydrogeological Evaluation
Hydrogeophysical Investigations at El-Nubariya-Wadi El-Natrun Area, West Nile Delta, Egypt
Salinization and Origin of the Coastal Shallow Groundwater Aquifer, Northwestern Nile Delta, Egypt
Soil Aquifer Treatment System Design Equation for Organic Micropollutant Removal
Investigation of Saltwater Intrusion in Coastal Aquifers
Control of Saltwater Intrusion in Coastal Aquifers
Use of One-Dimensional Subsurface Temperature Profiles to Characterize the Groundwater Flow System in the Northwestern Part of the Nile Delta, Egypt
Use of Geoelectrical Resistivity to Delineate the Seawater Intrusion in the Northwestern Part of the Nile Delta, Egypt
Integrated Subsurface Thermal Regime and Hydrogeochemical Data to Delineate the Groundwater Flow System and Seawater Intrusion in the Middle Nile Delta, Egypt
Integrated Groundwater Modeling for Simulation of Saltwater Intrusion in the Nile Delta Aquifer, Egypt
Groundwater Modelling and Assessment Under Uncertain Hydrological Conditions for Egyptian Sahara
Groundwater Potential in the New Valley South West of the Nile Delta in Egypt
Hydrogeochemistry and Quality Assessment of Groundwater Under Some Central Nile Delta Villages, Egypt
Assessment of the Groundwater Quality for Drinking and Irrigation Purposes in the Central Nile Delta Region, Egypt
Groundwater Management for Sustainable Development East of the Nile Delta Aquifer
Groundwater Management for Sustainable Development Plans for the Western Nile Delta
Update, Conclusions, and Recommendations for Groundwater in the Nile Delta
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