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Learning Python for Forensics Second Edition
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Now for Something Completely Different
When to use Python
Development life cycle
Getting started
The omnipresent print() function
Standard data types
Strings and Unicode
Integers and floats
Boolean and none
Structured data types
Sets and tuples
Data type conversions
Understanding scripting flow logic
The for loop
The while loop
Python Fundamentals
Advanced data types and functions
datetime objects
Installing third-party libraries
Libraries in this book
Python packages
Classes and object-oriented programming
Try and except
The raise function
Creating our first script – unix_converter.py
User input
Using the raw input method and the system module – user_input.py
Understanding Argparse – argument_parser.py
Forensic scripting best practices
Developing our first forensic script – usb_lookup.py
Understanding the main() function
Interpreting the search_key() function
Running our first forensic script
Parsing Text Files
Setup API
Introducing our script
Our first iteration – setupapi_parser_v1.py
Designing the main() function
Crafting the parse_setupapi() function
Developing the print_output() function
Running the script
Our second iteration – setupapi_parser_v2.py
Improving the main() function
Tuning the parse_setupapi() function
Modifying the print_output() function
Running the script
Our final iteration – setupapi_parser.py
Extending the main() function
Adding to the parse_setup_api() function
Creating the parse_device_info() function
Forming the prep_usb_lookup() function
Constructing the get_device_names() function
Enhancing the print_output() function
Running the script
Working with Serialized Data Structures
Serialized data structures
A simple Bitcoin web API
Our first iteration – bitcoin_address_lookup.v1.py
Exploring the main() function
Understanding the get_address() function
Working with the print_transactions() function
The print_header() helper function
The get_inputs() helper function
Running the script
Our second iteration – bitcoin_address_lookup.v2.py
Modifying the main() function
Improving the get_address() function
Elaborating on the print_transactions() function
Running the script
Mastering our final iteration – bitcoin_address_lookup.py
Enhancing the parse_transactions() function
Developing the csv_writer() function
Running the script
Databases in Python
An overview of databases
Using SQLite3
Using SQL
Designing our script
Manually manipulating databases with Python – file_lister.py
Building the main() function
Initializing the database with the init_db() function
Checking for custodians with the get_or_add_custodian() function
Retrieving custodians with the get_custodian() function
Understanding the ingest_directory() function
Exploring the os.stat() method
Developing the format_timestamp() helper function
Configuring the write_output() function
Designing the write_csv() function
Composing the write_html() function
Running the script
Automating databases further – file_lister_peewee.py
Peewee setup
Jinja2 setup
Updating the main() function
Adjusting the init_db() function
Modifying the get_or_add_custodian() function
Improving the ingest_directory() function
A closer look at the format_timestamp() function
Converting the write_output() function
Simplifying the write_csv() function
Condensing the write_html() function
Running our new and improved script
Extracting Artifacts from Binary Files
Understanding the ROT-13 substitution cipher – rot13.py
Evaluating code with timeit
Working with the yarp library
Introducing the struct module
Creating spreadsheets with the xlsxwriter module
Adding data to a spreadsheet
Building a table
Creating charts with Python
The UserAssist framework
Developing our UserAssist logic processor – userassist_parser.py
Evaluating the main() function
Defining the create_dictionary() function
Extracting data with the parse_values() function
Processing strings with the get_name() function
Writing Excel spreadsheets – xlsx_writer.py
Controlling output with the excel_writer() function
Summarizing data with the dashboard_writer() function
Writing artifacts in the userassist_writer() function
Defining the file_time() function
Processing integers with the sort_by_count() function
Processing datetime objects with the sort_by_date() function
Writing generic spreadsheets – csv_writer.py
Understanding the csv_writer() function
Running the UserAssist framework
Fuzzy Hashing
Background on hashing
Hashing files in Python
Hashing large files – hashing_example.py
Creating fuzzy hashes
Context Triggered Piecewise Hashing (CTPH)
Implementing fuzzy_hasher.py
Starting with the main() function
Creating our fuzzy hashes
Generating our rolling hash
Preparing signature generation
Providing the output
Running fuzzy_hasher.py
Using ssdeep in Python – ssdeep_python.py
Revisiting the main() function
Redesigning our output() function
Running ssdeep_python.py
Additional challenges
The Media Age
Creating frameworks in Python
Introduction to EXIF metadata
Introducing the Pillow module
Introduction to ID3 metadata
Introducing the Mutagen module
Introduction to Office metadata
Introducing the lxml module
The Metadata_Parser framework overview
Our main framework controller – metadata_parser.py
Controlling our framework with the main() function
Parsing EXIF metadata – exif_parser.py
Understanding the exif_parser() function
Developing the get_tags() function
Adding the dms_to_decimal() function
Parsing ID3 metdata – id3_parser.py
Understanding the id3_parser() function
Revisiting the get_tags() function
Parsing Office metadata – office_parser.py
Evaluating the office_parser() function
The get_tags() function for the last time
Moving on to our writers
Writing spreadsheets – csv_writer.py
Plotting GPS data with Google Earth – kml_writer.py
Supporting our framework with processors
Creating framework-wide utility functions – utility.py
Framework summary
Additional challenges
Uncovering Time
About timestamps
What's an epoch?
Using a GUI
Basics of TkInter objects
Implementing the TkInter GUI
Using frame objects
Using classes in TkInter
Developing the date decoder GUI – date_decoder.py
The DateDecoder class setup and __init__() method
Executing the run() method
Implementing the build_input_frame() method
Creating the build_output_frame() method
Building the convert() method
Defining the convert_unix_seconds() method
Conversion using the convert_win_filetime_64() method
Converting with the convert_chrome_time() method
Designing the output method
Running the script
Additional challenges
Rapidly Triaging Systems
Understanding the value of system information
Querying OS-agnostic process information with psutil
Using WMI
What does the pywin32 module do?
Rapidly triaging systems – pysysinfo.py
Understanding the get_process_info() function
Learning about the get_pid_details() function
Extracting process connection properties with the read_proc_connections() function
Obtaining more process information with the read_proc_files() function
Extracting Windows system information with the wmi_info() function
Writing our results with the csv_writer() function
Executing pysysinfo.py
Parsing Outlook PST Containers
The PST file format
An introduction to libpff
How to install libpff and pypff
Exploring PSTs – pst_indexer.py
An overview
Developing the main() function
Evaluating the make_path() helper function
Iteration with the folder_traverse() function
Identifying messages with the check_for_msgs() function
Processing messages in the process_msg() function
Summarizing data in the folder_report() function
Understanding the word_stats() function
Creating the word_report() function
Building the sender_report() function
Refining the heat map with the date_report() function
Writing the html_report() function
The HTML template
Running the script
Additional challenges
Recovering Transient Database Records
SQLite WAL files
WAL format and technical specifications
The WAL header
The WAL frame
The WAL cell and varints
Manipulating large objects in Python
Regular expressions in Python
TQDM – a simpler progress bar
Parsing WAL files – wal_crawler.py
Understanding the main() function
Developing the frame_parser() function
Processing cells with the cell_parser() function
Writing the dict_helper() function
The Python debugger – pdb
Processing varints with the single_varint() function
Processing varints with the multi_varint() function
Converting serial types with the type_helper() function
Writing output with the csv_writer() function
Using regular expression in the regular_search() function
Executing wal_crawler.py
Coming Full Circle
Building a framework to last
Data standardization
Forensic frameworks
Exploring the framework – framework.py
Exploring the Framework object
Understanding the Framework __init__() constructor
Creating the Framework run() method
Iterating through files with the Framework _list_files() method
Developing the Framework _run_plugins() method
Exploring the Plugin object
Understanding the Plugin __init__() constructor
Working with the Plugin run() method
Handling output with the Plugin write() method
Exploring the Writer object
Understanding the Writer __init__() constructor
Understanding the Writer run() method
Our Final CSV writer – csv_writer.py
The writer – xlsx_writer.py
Changes made to plugins
Executing the framework
Additional challenges
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