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Imperial Library
By the same author
About the Author
Guide to abbreviations and measures
A note on notes, recommended reading and resources
Part 1: Food for Thought
CHAPTER 1: You think what you eat
CHAPTER 2: The five essential brain booster foods – check yourself out
CHAPTER 3: Complex carbohydrates – the best brain food
CHAPTER 4: Smart fats – the architects of higher intelligence
CHAPTER 5: Phospholipids – your memory’s best friends
CHAPTER 6: Amino acids – the alphabet of mind and mood
CHAPTER 7: Intelligent nutrients – the brain’s master tuners
CHAPTER 8: Your methyl IQ – the ultimate balancing act
Part 2: Protecting Your Brain
CHAPTER 9: The brain agers – oxidants, alcohol and stress
CHAPTER 10: Sugar and stimulants make you stupid
CHAPTER 11: Avoiding brain pollution
CHAPTER 12: Brain allergies
Part 3: Improving your IQ, Memory and Mood
CHAPTER 13: How to boost your intelligence
CHAPTER 14: Enhancing your memory
CHAPTER 15: Beating the blues
CHAPTER 16: Balancing out hormonal mood swings
CHAPTER 17: Unwinding stress and anxiety with natural relaxants
CHAPTER 18: Solving sleeping problems
Part 4: What Is Mental Illness?
CHAPTER 19: Understanding mental illness
CHAPTER 20: Getting the right diagnosis
CHAPTER 21: What’s your problem?
CHAPTER 22: The dangers of drugs and how to get off them
Part 5: Solving Depression, Manic Depression and Schizophrenia
CHAPTER 23: Overcoming depression
CHAPTER 24: Mood swings and manic depression
CHAPTER 25: Demystifying schizophrenia
CHAPTER 26: Schizophrenia can be cured
Part 6: Mental Health in the Young
CHAPTER 27: Learning difficulties, dyslexia and dyspraxia
CHAPTER 28: The attention deficit disaster
CHAPTER 29: Answers for autism
CHAPTER 30: The way up from Down’s syndrome
CHAPTER 31: Diet, crime and delinquency
CHAPTER 32: Beating addictions
CHAPTER 33: Overcoming eating disorders
CHAPTER 34: Fits, convulsions and epilepsy
Part 7: Mental Health in Old Age
CHAPTER 35: Putting the brakes on Parkinson’s disease
CHAPTER 36: Preventing age-related memory decline
CHAPTER 37: Preventing and arresting Alzheimer’s
CHAPTER 38: Smart drugs and hormones
Part 8: Action Plan for Mental Health
CHAPTER 39: Finding help
CHAPTER 40: The brain-friendly diet in a nutshell
CHAPTER 41: Brain-friendly supplements
Last word
References and Resources
Recommended reading
Useful addresses
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