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Imperial Library
Title Page
Part 1. Person to Person
Chapter 1. Sympathy and Condolences
Expression of sympathy to friend
Expression of sympathy for death of child
Thanks for expression of sympathy
Making contribution in memory of friend
Thanks for support in time of mourning
Sympathy for death of pet
Support for ill former friend
Best wishes on return from hospitalization
Saying goodbye to neighbor who is moving
Announcing death of executive
Notice of death of employee
Condolences to spouse of employee
Sympathy to company on death of executive
Chapter 2. Health Issues
Offering support in time of illness
Thanks for support in time of illness
Asking friend for advice on medical issue
Seeking special wheelchair accommodation
Inviting special-needs family to join a group
Asking assignment of different doctor
Asking medical records be transferred
Asking medical records be transferred for cause
Notification of medical power of attorney or proxy
Offering to help neighbor recovering from hospitalization
Inquiring about health of acquaintance
Helping friend dealing with ill spouse
To friends about acquaintance in grave health
About deteriorating health of acquaintance
Changing address to nursing home
Acknowledging difficulties in personal life
Declining invitation because of mourning
Chapter 3. Final Arrangements
Telling friends of an illness
Telling friends of death in family
Notification of death of young person
Inviting guests to memorial service
Thanking doctor for care
Making prearrangements for funeral
Asking cost of funeral arrangements be reduced
Accepting proposal for funeral arrangement
Asking about safeguards of prepayment plan
Seeking change to prepaid funeral arrangements
Changing name on subscription because of death
Canceling subscription for deceased relative
Asking property owned by siblings be sold
Offering donation of home to society
Part 2. Family Affairs
Chapter 4. Family Matters
Seeking an end to family estrangement
Warning about college grades
Asking for reduced gift giving
Asking family assistance for holidays
Ending family holiday party
Defusing family argument
Alerting family to awkward situation at upcoming party
No gifts because of economy
No children at adult party
Chapter 5. Money and Possessions
Telling family of decision to sell summer house
Asking family involvement in financial decisions
Asking family assistance for elders
Asking family to consider care for parent
Seeking family assistance for parent
Asking end to requests for money from parents
Asking siblings to help parents with landscaping
Asking for family support for tag sale
Family cell phone limits
Ending financial support to family member
Asking relative for money
Declining to offer loan to family member
Response to offer by relative to perform repairs
Divorced parent asking for more money for child
Asking for return of item after death
Disposition of possessions
Partial disposition of possession
Asking to purchase item from estate
Part 3. Friends and Neighbors
Chapter 6. Neighborhood Issues
Introduction to new neighbor
Asking neighbor to cut tree
Declining to split costs of landscaping
Offer to buy shared equipment
Apologizing for family argument at dinner
Asking parents to supervise dog
Complaint about neighbor’s dog
Asking for cleanup after dog
Complaining about teasing of dog
Second letter to parents about teasing dog
Declining request to care for dog
Declining request to house sit
Objecting to loud parties
Withdrawing offer to help move
Asking for return of loaned item
Asking for return or purchase of loaned item
Reporting damage to loaned item
Complaint about condition of returned item
Asking replacement of damaged item
Telling of breakage of loaned item
Apology for damage and offer to pay
Returned item not the right one
Declining to lend vehicle
Asking for more time with loaned item
Declining more time with loaned item
Canceling trip because of financial difficulties
Asking former roommate to remove items from apartment
Chapter 7. Helping Friends
Estrangement from friend
To an estranged friend
Seeking to renew estranged friendship
Thanks for friend’s concern
Thanks for help in caring for family
Thanks for help in time of crisis
Offering help to friend with personal problem
Telling of loss of job
Support for someone who lost job
Couple tell of divorce
Telling of divorce
Supporting a friend going through a divorce
Support to parent of divorcing couple
Dealing with a divorced couple at event
Telling friends about new relationship
To friend marrying after the death of a spouse
Telling friend of hurt feelings
Apology for not helping
Asking end to political dispute among friends
About friend’s elder parent as driver
Apology to group for being in a bad mood
To friend about inappropriate words
Telling of move to be with family
Seeking intervention for friend
Chapter 8. About the Children
Asking for return of child’s possession
Objection to transporting child
Telling neighbor of child’s reckless driving
Concern about child’s allergies at party
Asking parents to control children
Second request about children trespassing
About inappropriate Internet use
About child’s excessive visits
Asking parents to pay for damages by child
Asking neighbor to supervise children at pool
Complaint to mother about actions of babysitter
About request to take care of friend’s children
Chapter 9. Social Engagements
Apology for missing party
Apology for missing anniversary
Apology for missing social event
Apology for serving allergenic food
Declining dinner invitation because of dispute
Asking for change in dinner club policy
Withdrawing from weekly dinner group
Opting out of anniversary gift
Unable to attend reunion because of costs
Unable to attend reunion because of illness
Response to request about visit
Informing friends about unavailability of summer cottage
Asking friend to make other arrangements for visit
Declining request for long-term visitor
Declining request for friend’s child to stay
Asking visitors to not bring pets
Limiting number of dinner guests
Apologizing for overbearing guest
Asking for vegetarian meal at reception
Part 4. Personal Business
Chapter 10. Money, Contracts, and Credit Cards
Canceling an insurance policy
Asking renegotiation of loan terms
Asking payment plan for utilities
Asking hospital to set payment plan
Asking payment assistance from hospital
Asking special short-term contract
Canceling membership because of expense
Canceling service and asking for refund of prepay
Asking for reduction in cost of caretaking services
Asking for reduced services from landscaper
Asking new bid from caterer
Asking cable company to review bill
Asking reduction in size of project
Declining downsized project
Postponing plans for renovation project
Asking payment for consultation services
Declining request for free consulting
Setting rate for making repair
Justifying bill sent to friend
Declining to extend loan
Declining to invest in company
Credit card return protection guarantee
Credit card extended warranty
Credit card purchase protection
Credit card auto rental loss and damage coverage
Credit card baggage insurance
Credit card event ticket protection
Complaining about substitution of product
Asking for refund because of reduced price
Chapter 11. Disputes and Complaints
Insufficient funds from friend
Response about insufficient funds
Informing relative of default notice
Asking repayment of loan
Asking detailed descriptions in bill
Asking caretaker for itemized bills
Disputing legal bill
Objecting to service overcharge
Asking removal of late fee from credit card bill
Objecting to bill for photo proofs
Asking refund for class cancellation
Asking for scholarship payment
Complaint about tutor
Complaint about discrepancy in hourly wages paid
Asking removal of name from mailing list
Seeking removal from marketing list
Chapter 12. About the Service We Received
Asking credit for service not used
Asking for reduction in restaurant bill
Complaint about restaurant service
Complaining about being rushed at restaurant
Complaining about quality of linen rental
Questioning landscaping bill
Complaint about lawn mowing service
Dismissing lawn mowing service
Objecting to rude service person
Second refusal to pay landscaping bill
Faulty repair
Threatening legal action for shoddy repair
Referring action to a lawyer
Asking refund from repair shop for improper work
Complaint about failed auto repair
Asking for accounting of home care services
Dismissing domestic caregiver
Asking details of childcare needs
Complaint about trash pickup
Problem with quality of home repair
Questioning automatic charges on Internet bill
Seeking credit for cable outage
Asking removal of missed appointment fee
Restaurant special event room not available
Chapter 13. About the Product
Complaint about flat soda
Complaint to manufacturer about work by authorized dealer
Objecting to price rise on florist bill
Returning product under unconditional satisfaction policy
Complaining about restocking fee
Complaint about substitution of ingredient
Returning photograph to be reframed
Complaint about deceptive product packaging
Complaint about quality of food product
Asking reimbursement for repairs under warranty
Complaint about handling charge for gift card
Chapter 14. Dealing with a Store
Asking store for discount
Asking store for quantity discount
Asking store to stock brand
Asking store to restock product
Complaining to supermarket for lack of sufficient help
Returning product because of price
Notice of availability of store credit for return
Refusing store credit and demanding full refund
Item not returnable to store
Refusing return of item
Reducing hours at business
Chapter 15. Traveling About
Complaint about travel arrangements
Asking travel agency to reduce price
Asking refund from travel agency
Complaint to travel agency about unexpected fee
Complaint about missing hotel reservation
Complaining about condition of hotel room
Objecting to noisy room at hotel
Seeking price adjustment on hotel rate
Asking refund for hotel overcharge
Asking airline to pay for unexpected hotel charge
Complaint about cleanliness of airplane
Chapter 16. Landlords and Real Estate
Asking return of security deposit
Asking reduction in apartment rent
Asking landlord to trade services for rent
Asking landlord for early snow removal
Asking landlord to complete repairs
Complaint to landlord about safety
Follow-up complaint to landlord
Notifying renter of nonrenewal of lease
Landlord not renewing lease
Landlord threatening to terminate lease
To landlord about barking dog
Landlord threatening eviction
Response to landlord warning about trash
Landlord claims damage by renters
Informing landlord of death of tenant
Asking to break lease because of illness
Notifying renter of transfer of ownership
Offering to sell home to tenant
Informing family of decision to sell home
Advising work required before real estate closing
Part 5. Community Organizations
Chapter 17. Membership Matters and Events
Inviting new members for civic organization
Accepting invitation to join club
Accepting nomination to executive board
Asking suggestions for projects
Declining offer of chairmanship
Resignation from community group for political position
Resigning from community board
Resigning as club president because of family obligations
Apology for missing meeting
Resigning as association officer because of illness
Withdrawing from committee because of workload
Resigning from volunteer position
Canceling engagement of speaker
Declining invitation to speak at event
Accepting invitation to speak in opposition
Calling on committee members to show more dedication
Objecting to political actions by organization
Complaining about ticket price
Requesting newspaper coverage of show
Complaining about factual errors in newspaper coverage
Chapter 18. Fundraising, Donations, and Volunteers
Fundraising letter
Seeking volunteers for fundraising phone bank
Open letter seeking sponsors
Announcing scholarship bequest
Seeking additional contribution to community organization
Making memorial donation of books
Accepting donation with thanks
Declining donation because of terms
Clarifying items loaned not donated
Returning donated items
Response about ownership of items on display
Objecting to fundraising plans
Complaining about listing of donor amounts
Complaining about aggressive fundraising
Objecting to professional fundraiser
Declining request for contribution
Declining request for contribution for cause
Declining to offer donation because of disagreement
Withdrawing corporate support
Withdrawing funding for cause
Complaining about use of donation
Asking proper allocation for endowment
Seeking sponsors for hockey team
Seeking coaches for hockey team
Seeking to arrange car pool for hockey team
Offering to volunteer at library
Complaining about scheduling for volunteers
Chapter 19. School Days
Withdrawing child from preschool for cause
Sick children in daycare
Complaint about supervision on class trip
Seeking votes in election for PTA president
Resigning presidency of parent teachers association
Complaint about teacher
Follow-up about complaint about teacher
Complaint about disruption by other student
Asking teacher to separate friends
Asking teacher to separate squabbling friends
Asking attention to healthy diet at school
Declining to coach team
Asking school to scale back holiday trip
Objecting to spending student funds on speaker
Asking recognition of students with single parent
Divorced parent asks to be on mailing list
Complaint to principal about continued teasing
Complaining of change to advanced placement course
Complaining of poor judgment in holding event
Asking for change in bus stop
Objecting to the initiation of user fees
Supporting user fee for sports in schools
Objecting to increase in student fee
Complaint about course fees
Requesting more college aid
Chapter 20. Church Business
Asking help for fire victims
Thanking members of church for support
Changing churches
Church not meeting fundraising goal
Opposing new construction plan
Objecting to political content of sermon
Objecting to use of church hall for political rally
Part 6. Politics and Government
Chapter 21. Political Intrigue
Remaining neutral in election
Declining involvement in campaign
Declining to support candidate
Conceding election
Declaring opposition to school expansion
Calling on politician to step aside
Calling on politician to resign
Calling for investigation of politician
Objecting to public facilities used for political purpose
Objecting to involvement of school employees in ballot issue
Asking political mail to stop
Complaint about corporate sponsorship of political organization
Chapter 22. Government Affairs
Unable to accept gift because of conflict of interest
Complaint about cleanliness of community pool
Protesting closure of town facilities
Ending community service
Protesting closure of town facility
Complaining about cutbacks to library hours
Objecting to closure of local motor vehicle registry
Unhappy about end to swimming lessons
Complaining about bus route
Objecting to new recycling fees
Complaining of unlicensed dogs
Asking oversight of handicapped parking spots
Objecting to partisanship at town observance
Objecting to actions of elected official
Part 7. Business
Chapter 23. Dear Boss
Resignation without explanation
Simple resignation for advancement
Leaving job for higher-paid position
Resignation to return to school
Resignation because of spouse’s transfer
Resigning job because of illness
Resigning job because of family responsibilities
Notification of retirement
Courtesy letter to employer about retirement
Requesting change to part-time employment
Declining internship
Request for information about vacation time
Chapter 24. Employee to Employee
Seeking alternative to layoff
Establishing guidelines for holiday gifts
Declining invitation to retirement party for cause
Laying out the rules of the coffee club
Objecting to delay in work schedule
Withdrawing offer to take friend’s work shift
Chapter 25. Money Matters
Asking payment of invoice
Second letter asking for payment
Third request for payment
Placing overdue account with attorney
Denying discount because terms not met
Questioning invoice from supplier
Questioning invoice from service supplier
Telling provider to submit bids for service
Rejection of bid for services
Notifying company why they did not get business
Asking change to contract before services delivered
Dismissing service company for budget
Asking renegotiation of fee for services
Ending agreement with provider because of economy
Sadness at closing of longtime business
Chapter 26. Customer Service
Announcing delay in shipping
Offering discount program to customers
Adding customer loyalty card
Ending discount program
Canceling free craft classes
Landscaping business raising prices
Reducing offerings at store
Adding charge for delivery
Adding fee for service
Discontinuing delivery
Apology for unavailability of product
Chapter 27. Hiring and References
Apology for missing interview
Apology from interviewer for missing interview
Asking for more information from applicant
Asking about discrepancy on job application
Explaining gap in resume
Follow-up after job interview
Suggesting additional training for job applicant
Unable to offer job
To former colleague about hiring relative
Making counterproposal to job offer
Declining to offer job
Declining to rehire associate
Unable to offer a job to friend’s family member
Declining to call about job for friend
Declining to respond to reference check
Asking for reference
Declining to allow use of name as a reference
Asking end to use of name as a reference
Chapter 28. Employee Affairs
Policy on accepting gifts
Informing employees of policy regarding gratuities
Notice of dress code
Reminder to department heads about summer dress code
Policy on bereavement leave
Policy on holiday schedule
Policy on religious observances
Policy on display of political material
Policy on office relationships
Objecting to party on company time
Directive from executive to change party time
Advisory to employees about flu outbreak
Notification of smoking ban
Total ban on tobacco use by employees
Advisory on updates to alcohol and drug possession policy
Policy on cell phone usage in workplace
Ban on personal music players
Asking clarification of liability coverage
Response to question about liability
Ending company support for holiday party
Change in policy regarding snacks for night staff
Asking timely delivery of meeting minutes
Suggesting tighter agenda for staff meetings
Chapter 29. Workday Matters
Questioning item on expense report
Denying expense on travel reimbursement form
Asking resubmission of travel expense form
Disapproving attendance at conference
Declining request for time off
Denying vacation time request
Violation of sick day policy
Declining to grant paid day off
Memo about excessive lateness
Notification about absence from training sessions
Reprimand for refusing overtime
Failure to meet deadlines
Reassigning employee
Reducing hours from full time to part time
Requesting return of company equipment
Discrepancy on hourly rate
Chapter 30. Firings, Layoffs, and Cutbacks
Annual letter to employees in difficult year
Addressing rumor of layoffs
Announcing closing of office
Asking supervisors to curtail overtime
Cutting salaries across the board
Notification of layoff
Advising of company-wide layoffs
Notice of salary freeze
Reducing work week for employee
Canceling bonuses
Notifying employee of elimination of job
Notice of termination
Asking for resignation
Adding fee for childcare benefit
Discontinuing vision care benefit
Announcing increase in health insurance cost
Suspending tuition reimbursement program
Announcing closure of business
Seeking alternative to letter of resignation
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