[en] Confronting Inequality, How Societies Can Choose Inclusive Growth Columbia University Press
[en] Crude Volatility, The History and the Future of Boom-Bust Oil Prices Columbia University Press
[en] Kosher USA Columbia University Press
[en] Your Best Year Ever Baker Books
[en] The Bootle Boy Scribe Publications
[en] Barefoot to Billionaire The Overlook Press
[en] 080101882x (Mt) Baker Books
[en] Earth at Risk, Natural Capital and the Quest for Sustainability Columbia University Press
[en] You Could Live a Long Time Thomas Allen Publishers
[en] Rotman on Design Rotman-Utp Publishing
[en] Narrative and Numbers, The Value of Stories in Business Columbia University Press
[en] A Brief History of Entrepreneurship, The Pioneers, Profiteers, and Racketeers Who Shaped Our World Columbia Business School Publishing
[en] FDA in the Twenty-First Century Columbia University Press
[en] Ecological Economics for the Anthropocene Columbia University Press
[en] Business for Bohemians The Overlook Press
[pt] Como Vai O Brasil? · A Economia Brasileira No Terceiro Milênio Ímã Editorial
[en] The Platinum Rule Grand Central Publishing
[en] Investment Columbia Business School Publishing