[en] Jean Harley Was Here University of Queensland Press
[en] Cooking Class Global Feast! Storey Publishing, LLC
[en] Christmas Crochet for Hearth, Home & Tree Storey Publishing, LLC
[en] The Attacking Ocean Bloomsbury Publishing Plc
[en] The Blood of Seven Dark Doorways Press, LLC
[en] The Attacking Ocean · the Past, Present, and Future of Rising Sea Levels Bloomsbury Publishing Plc
[en] Winner! Winner! Chicken Dinner Storey Publishing, LLC
[en] The Incubus
[en] Ani Trime’s Little Book of Affirmations Storey Publishing, LLC
[en] Ressentiment Marquette University Press
[en] Dress and Ideology · Fashioning Identity from Antiquity to the Present Bloomsbury Academic
[es] Los vikingos en la historia Fondo de Cultura Económica
[en] Fermented Vegetables Storey Publishing, LLC
[en] [Timeless Hearts 05] • Timeless Storm Sandra E. Sinclair
[en] No Horse Wanted Melange Books, LLC
[es] La Edad Media, I. Bárbaros, cristianos y musulmanes Fondo de Cultura Económica
[es] Historia de la cultura cristiana Fondo de Cultura Económica
[es] El camino a Eleusis. Una solución al enigma de los misterios Fondo de Cultura Económica
[en] Resentment London Books