[cs] Skrytá Historie Lidstva Volvox Globator
[en] Coherent Flow Structures at Earth's Surface Wiley-Blackwell
[en] High-Resolution CT of the Lung Wolters Kluwer Health
[en] Trade Like a Casino Wiley
[en] Back Pain in the Young Child and Adolescent, A Case-Based Guide Springer International Publishing
[en] Origami Studio
[en] Essentials of Total Quality Management Amacom
[en] Shields’ General Thoracic Surgery, 8e, Vol-1-2 Wolters Kluwer Health
[fr] Origami Art Tuttle Publishing
[en] Michael LaFosse's Origami Butterflies Tuttle Publishing
[en] Advanced Origami Tuttle Publishing
[en] Origami Endangered Animals Ebook Tuttle Publishing
[en] Japanese Paper Crafting Tuttle Publishing
[en] Degowin's Diagnostic Examination McGraw-Hill Education / Medical
[en] The Ethics of Plea Bargaining Oxford University Press, USA