[en] [Eric Vale 01] • Eric Vale Epic Fail Scholastic Australia
[it] È Soltanto Un Cane Rizzoli
[en] Just a Dog Scholastic
[en] [Ishmael Leseur 02] • Ishmael and the Return of the Dungongs Scholastic
[en] [Ishmael Leseur 03] • Ishmael and the Hoops of Steel Omnibus Books
[en] [Ishmael Leseur 01] • Don't Call Me Ishmael Scholastic
[en] The Pain, My Mother, Sir Tiffy, Cyber Boy & Me Omnibus Books
[en] Running Man Harper Teen
[de] Mein Hund Mister Matti Hanser, Carl Verlag GmbH & Co. KG
[de] Ismael und der Auftritt der Seekühe Hoercompany
[en] High Frontiers Columbia University Press
[en] [Triskaidekaphilia 02] • Ravenous Pen and Kink Publishing
[cs] [The Dilvish Stories 01] • Prokletý Dilvish Laser
[en] Taking the EU to Court, Annulment Proceedings and Multilevel Judicial Conflict Palgrave Macmillan
[de] Diabolos Luzifer Verlag
[de] Wenn der Tod kommt, ist Sense Edition Michael Fischer
[de] Das Fenster zur Welt Septime Verlag
[de] Der Buchdrucker der Medici Haymon Verlag
[en] Death by Pad Thai Clarkson Potter