[en] Mastering Bread Ten Speed Press
[en] Mastering Pasta Ten Speed Press
[en] Mastering Pasta · the Art and Practice of Handmade Pasta, Gnocchi, and Risotto Ten Speed Press
[en] Rustic Italian Food Ten Speed Press
[en] Mastering Pizza Ten Speed Press
[en] Flour Lab, An At-Home Guide to Baking with Freshly Milled Grains Clarkson Potter Publishers
[nl] 24 : Trojaans Paard
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[it] Istituto Di Bellezza Margaret Thatcher Neri Pozza
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[es] El Secreto De Botticelli Editorial Boveda
[it] La Ladra Della Primavera Nord
[it] [Glass 01] • Glass Magic, La Donna Di Sabbia Harlequin Mondadori
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