[en] Dead Worrier Prowess Publishing
[en] Socially Engaged Art History and Beyond, Alternative Approaches to the Theory and Practice of Art History Springer International Publishing
[pt] Inclusão & Biopolítica Autêntica Editora
[en] Political Ideologies Routledge
[en] Torture and Democracy Princeton University Press
[en] The Paris Diet
[en] Effective Python Penetration Testing Packt Publishing
[de] Geheime Sex Tabus
[en] [Never Trust a Gemini 02] • Blame My Virgo Moon Walker Books
[en] The Big Book of World Mythology Penguin Books Ltd
[en] THINGS I WISH I'D KNOWN AT 13 Author's Tranquility Press
[hu] Az ellopott futár Magvető Könyvkiadó
[hu] A tizennégy karátos autó Magvető Könyvkiadó
[und] Pokol A Hegyek Kozott
[hu] Csontbrigád Candlekeep
[und] Pipacs A Fenegyerek