[en] Ephesians, Colossians, Philemon Baker Publishing Group, Baker Books
[en] [New International Biblical Commentary 01] • 1 & 2 Peter, Jude Baker Publishing Group, Baker Books
[en] [New International Biblical Commentary 01] • 1 & 2 Thessalonians Baker Publishing Group, Baker Books
[en] Fortress Commentary on the Bible Fortress Press, Fortress Press
[en] Acts · A Logion Press Commentary Gospel Publishing House
[en] [New International Biblical Commentary 01] • Acts Baker Publishing Group, Baker Books
[en] [New International Biblical Commentary 01] • Revelation Baker Publishing Group, Baker Books
[en] [New International Biblical Commentary 01] • Mark Baker Publishing Group, Baker Books
[en] [New International Biblical Commentary 01] • Hebrews Baker Publishing Group, Baker Books
[en] [New International Biblical Commentary 01] • Luke Baker Publishing Group, Baker Books
[en] [New International Biblical Commentary 01] • Romans Baker Publishing Group, Baker Books
[en] [New International Biblical Commentary 01] • 1 & 2 Timothy, Titus Baker Publishing Group, Baker Books
[en] [New International Biblical Commentary 01] • Philippians Baker Books
[en] [New International Biblical Commentary 01] • 2 Corinthians Baker Publishing Group, Baker Books
[en] [New International Biblical Commentary 01] • 1 Corinthians Baker Publishing Group, Baker Books
[en] [Christian Origins and the Question of God 01] • New Testament People God V1 Fortress Press, SPCK Publishing
[en] Galatians · Verse by Verse Lexham Press, Lexham Press