[en] Nothing to This Prequel Moriona Press
[en] Blood Princess Totally Entwined Group Ltd
[en] The Jewel Collar Christine Karol Roberts, via Smashwords
[en] Magical Maturity hpfanficarchive.com
[en] Demigoddess 101 Finch Books (The Totally Entwined Group)
[en] The Scorpion's Heart Finch Books (The Totally Entwined Group)
[en] [The Pathfinders 01] • Abomination Finch Books
[en] First Last Chance Boroughs Publishing Group
[en] Born to Parse, How Children Select Their Languages MIT Press
[it] Sbadatamente Ho Fatto L'Amore Bompiani
[de] The Holy Grail of Investing FinanzBuch Verlag
[de] Kapitalschutz first FinanzBuch Verlag
[de] Das Passive Money-Prinzip Goldmann Verlag
[de] Die TradingFormel - Für ein dauerhaft erfolgreiches Trading! Independently published
[de] Das komplette Börsengrundwissen Sparing Investment Academy GmbH