Found 18 books

[en] 1914 Sheba Blake Publishing

[en] Queen Victoria Sheba Blake Publishing

Strachey, Lytton

[en] Urbanization and Slums National Academies Press

Ogawa, V. Ayano,National Academies of Sciences, Engineering & ., Medicine

[en] Diet for a Changing Climate, Food for Thought Twenty-First Century Books (Tm)

Mihaly, Christy & Heavenrich, Sue

[en] The Yin and Yang of Climate Crisis North Atlantic Books

Kelly, Brendan

[en] Limits of the Numerical: The Abuses and Uses of Quantification University of Chicago Press

Christopher Newfield & Anna Alexandrova & Stephen John

[en] Hog and Soul Food From Africa to America Columbia University Press

Opie, Frederick Douglass

[en] Working Hard, Working Poor Oxford University Press, USA

Fields, Gary S.

[en] Hope's Edge · The Next Diet for a Small Planet TarcherPerigee

Lappé, Frances Moore & Lappé, Anna

[en] Growth MIT Press

[en] Governance in the New Global Disorder, Politics for a Post-Sovereign Society Columbia University Press

Innerarity, Daniel & Sassen, Saskia & Kingery, Sandra