Found 72 books

[en] Voices of Negritude in Modernist Print Columbia University Press

Noland, Carrie

[es] Los Antiguos Mexicanos a Través De Sus Crónicas Y Cantares FCE (Colección Popular, 88)

León-Portilla, Miguel

[es] Obra Entera. Poesía Y Prosa (1958-1995) Fondo de Cultura Economica

Cadenas, Rafael

[en] P.G. Wodehouse in his Own Words The Overlook Press

Day, Barry & Ring, Tony

[en] The Eighth Life Scribe US

Haratischvili, Nino & Martin, Ruth & Collins, Charlotte

[en] It's Not You, It's Me The Overlook Press

Williams, Jerry

[en] How to Swallow a Pig ECW Press

Priest, Robert

[en] Escape Velocity The Overlook Press

Portis, Charles

[en] The Kojiki Columbia University Press

[en] The Killing Spirit The Overlook Press

[en] Scotland The Overlook Press

Goring, Rosemary

[en] A Long Time Coming Scribe

Joosten, Melanie

[en] The Complete Short Stories of Natalia Ginzburg University of Toronto Press

Ginzburg, Natalia

[en] The Great Books Reader Bethany House Publishers

Reynolds, John Mark

[en] Legends of the Samurai The Overlook Press