[en] Cuffing and Loving C.M. Kars
[en] Searching for Romeo
[en] The Chaos Protocols Llewellyn Publications
[en] Now and Again Jennifer Ellision
[en] Millennials Guide to Management & Leadership Winding Pathway Books
[en] Maximum Experience Misty Dais
[en] [The Revelation of Brian A. Pearlmitter 01] • The Appearing Amazon Digital Services
[en] Taking Sexy Back New Harbinger Publications
[en] [Black Ridge Wolf Pack 02] • Ceva's Chance Boroughs Publishing Group
[de] Die Professorin dp DIGITAL PUBLISHERS
[es] Soy Zlatan Ibrahimovic Roca Editorial de Libros
[es] Yo Soy Zlatan Ibrahimovic Roca Editorial de Libros
[en] [Dr Pimms, Intermillennial Sleuth 01] • Olmec Obituary Allen Unwin
[en] A Parting Shot Beyond the Page Publishing
[en] The King of the Loop Calypso Books, LLC