[en] The Moonlight Blade Entangled Publishing, LLC
[it] [Vampire for Hire 01] • Moon Dance Lulu.com
[en] [Moon 03] • Blood Moon Entangled: Select Otherworld
[fr] Correspondance - 1920-1931 Grasset
[fr] Correspondance, 1932-1942 Grasset
[fr] [Epub commercial 371] • Mon Amour Bleu Grasset
[fr] Nietzsche Au Paraguay Flammarion
[en] Words That Matter · A Little Book of Life Lessons HarperCollins e-books
[en] [Everleigh Sisters 01] • Beast of Beswick Entangled: Amara
[fr] Lettres 1922 · 1934 Chrissounet - TAZ
[en] The Viking's Captive Entangled angled Publishing, LLC (Amara)
[fr] Correspondance 1938-1955 Le Dilettante
[en] Practical Prosperity Magick Llewellyn Publications
[fr] Zorah Sur La Terrasse · Matisse À Tanger ÉDITIONS DU SEUIL
[fr] Fraternité Secrète Grasset
[en] The good life rules · 8 keys to being your best at work and at play McGraw-Hill Companies, The
[en] [Gutenberg 56305] • The Moon · considered as a planet, a world, and a satellite. Cambridge University Press